Tokyo Video Game Tycoon

Chapter 893 This is different from the imaginary catching rape!


"Old... Wife..."

The man stared dumbfounded at the women who rushed in.

"Say, where are those two women?"

"We're going to give those two women a good beating!"

"Woman? What woman?"

The man was a little flustered at first.

No matter how I say it, I'm lying, even though it's just for playing games.

But when they asked about the two women, he was stunned.

"It's the two women named Alice and Tifa! Come out!"


"Well, sister, and you, I suddenly realized that this might be a misunderstanding..."

"Brother, don't talk! Now we want to catch the rape!"

The whole room is not particularly large, there is only a resting bedroom and living room and a bathroom.

The wife's two girlfriends immediately spontaneously rushed to the closet and the bathroom.

"Here?!...Huh? Not here?"

"Are...or not?"

The two searched for a long time, but did not find any so-called women.

On the TV screen, Alice was leaving the church with a somewhat confused Claude.


At this moment, the man seemed to finally understand something.

My wife didn't know where she heard her calling Alice or Tifa, maybe she was talking in her sleep or something.

After all, I have been obsessed with this game for an unknown amount of time, and I can't help it when I see this game being released.

I miss this game so much in my heart, so it should not be uncommon to say the name of the character in this game in my dream.

He really didn't expect his wife to install a bugging device in his car.

"Wife It's a misunderstanding, really a misunderstanding."

"That's right, my sister's friend, I'm afraid this is really a misunderstanding."

At this time the rugby player also came out and began to explain.

At the same time, he stared intently at the TV screen.

I have already played the plot of entering the church, and I have seen Alice. It seems that I am still playing a bit too slowly.

But having said that, I didn't expect that some people would like Final Fantasy games. It seems that the husband of this sister friend will be a good person.

"Tifa, and Alice, these are two characters in the game. I just want to play this game and see the two characters in this game."

The wife's two girlfriends: ? ? ?


game? !

The wife had already shed painful tears from anger and grief.

Just now, seeing her husband still very confused and scared, she already thought that her husband had cheated.

But when she heard her husband's explanation, she was also a little stunned, and the tears stopped flowing.

"That's right, it's a game. The two female characters in this game are called Tifa and Alice." Rugby players are now also taking the initiative to side with men.

Because he felt that this man would be a partner with the same hobbies as himself.

And such a partner is definitely to support.

When he saw the screen of that game he already understood everything.

What a real reality this is.

I have to compromise in life and work, and I have to work hard every day.

As a rugby player, I have to do high-intensity training every day, just to be able to stand out in the rugby fight.

And when he's down, the only thing that relieves him is video games.

At any rate, he can play games to his heart's content when he's busy, because he doesn't have a girlfriend, nor is he married. Apart from the pressure of training, he has no pressure from marriage.

But this man is different.

He has too much life pressure.

All of a sudden, the rugby players didn't want to find a girlfriend even more. How can games be interesting for women.

With a woman, you still need to coax and take care of her feelings, but with video games, I only need to do what I want to do.

"Honey, do you still remember the story I told you when we met when we were young?"

"At the beginning, it was because I played the game Final Fantasy 7 when I was young and saw two perfect women, Tifa and Alice, that I longed in my heart to meet the same perfect woman in reality as in the game. Women become girlfriends, and you are my dream girlfriend, the woman I dream of marrying back home."

At this moment, the wife has completely stopped crying, and there is a trace of emotion in her eyes.

She seemed to really recall the scene when she first fell in love with her husband.

At that time, my husband did say what games he had played.

But she didn't understand at that time, she was just devoting herself to love with all her heart.

The two sides can be regarded as going in both directions.

"Although, after we got married, there will be a lot of pressure to make our relationship indifferent, but I still love you in my heart, and you are Tifa and Alice in my reality."

Damn, you guys are amazing! I was a little moved by the few words I said!

Also as a man, the rugby player still knows this man better.

There must be sincerity in what he said just now, but more are all routines.

But girls like to hear this kind of talk.

"Woooo, my husband, I didn't expect this to happen. I'm really sorry. I shouldn't have doubted you!"

The wife threw herself into the man's arms excitedly, looking like a little bird cuddling with grief.

The man finally breathed a sigh of relief at this moment.

Fortunately, fortunately, my reaction speed is fast enough.

If the reaction was a little slower, he felt that he should have disappeared.

He looked at his wife's two girlfriends each holding a baseball bat. If there was a real fight, he might not be able to win any favors.

And there was a rather burly guy beside him.

However, this burly guy was talking for himself after seeing him playing games just now. It seems that the other party is also a person who likes to play games. I really didn't expect to meet someone with the same hobby here. It seems to be about the same age as myself.

It seems that we can communicate more in the future, this person deserves to be a good friend.

As for the wife's two girlfriends, they can only stand dumbfounded now.

This... What kind of development is this?

Obviously, they are more or less eager to catch melons.

Perhaps it was the fire of gossip that made them want to take a good look at the next development.

I just didn't expect it.

I really didn't expect it.

How could he be fed a mouthful of dog food after catching and grabbing?

This is not the same as imagining rape!

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