Tokyo Video Game Tycoon

924 Answer the phone first


"Artificial intelligence?" Tsukino Aya looked at the very rare Zhu Youxing who had lost his usual calm mentality, and felt quite surprised.

"AI... It seems that there are some related industries recently. I heard... It seems to be developing in automated manufacturing and autonomous driving, as well as artificial intelligence voice."

Tsukino Aya was talking while recalling.

The other people present also looked at Yue Yecai at this time.

"Zhuyou, do you want to apply artificial intelligence technology to video games? This is really never thought of."

Zhu Youxing nodded firmly and said, "That's right, it's artificial intelligence AI, bringing this into video games."

Ayue Tsukino said that her voice became quieter, then she frowned and began to think seriously.


She doesn't dabble too much.

Because her current main business is already in the field of video game development, what the Stanford Corps she led in the past has always been program development related to video games.

Artificial intelligence AI is a new industry that has just emerged in this world in the past two years.

Among them, autonomous driving has already taken some prototypes, and some emerging auto companies are working hard to promote this thing, but it is still difficult to apply autonomous driving in practice.

Oh, by the way, Aya Tsukino suddenly remembered that a digital laboratory at her alma mater, Stanford University, had invited her. The purpose of the invitation was to show Aya Tsukino how to use artificial intelligence AI in StarCraft to fight against the world's top StarCraft players. Contest.

However, the winner of the final competition is the human side. It is a 14-year-old genius interstellar boy from South Korea. If it is not because of the age limit that prevents him from officially participating in international competitions, this boy may immediately become the number one interstellar star in the world. Brawler.

It has to be said that Korean Bangzi seems to really love the game of StarCraft, which also leads to the occasional birth of a top StarCraft genius player in their country.

Of course, the support of this country is also indispensable to make a country so popular with a game.

And...the invisible behind-the-scenes driving force of Youxing Electronic Entertainment has been secretly supporting the operation of StarCraft.

For this reason, the right to host many major StarCraft events is even directly handed over to the South Korean side for operation and management, and Youxing Electronic Entertainment only charges a game authorization fee.

While being a shopkeeper, you can also ask a country to help promote a company's video game products. I am afraid that no company in this world can do it except Youxing Electronic Entertainment.

But this is a bit far away, let's talk about artificial intelligence.

Although the talented 14-year-old boy won the final victory, Aya Tsukino was deeply impressed that even the talented boy had spent a lot of effort in fighting against this artificial intelligence. Still a little dazed, almost thinking that he was going to fail.

And this happened more than a year ago, and Aya Tsukino suddenly remembered that the person in charge of the laboratory was not discouraged in the face of failure, but was very excited.

They promised Aya Tsukino at the time that when their next-generation AI intelligence was launched, they could completely dominate the game of StarCraft and crush all StarCraft players.

At that time, the person in charge also said that the next generation of AI would take about two years to iterate.

This iteration is actually not a technical matter, because technically, the AI ​​intelligence of the team has been quite perfect, and what they have left is only minor repairs.

The reason why it is said that it takes two years to iterate is to continuously train the artificial intelligence AI they cultivated during these two years, and finally cultivate a monster.

Tsukino Aya thought she had almost forgotten about it, but Zhu Youxing suddenly brought up the AI ​​artificial intelligence, which made her recall it instantly.

"But, where do we start first?" Tsukino Aya was also a little bit at a loss. She didn't quite know how to start this artificial intelligence AI. Why don't you go to the experimental team at her alma mater?

While Aya Tsukino was thinking, Takeyusei immediately said, "Does Stanford or Boston University have any AI-related research projects? We can invest in these teams in the form of commercial investment. I know that you may not understand video games very well now." How to use AI to learn, but I just need someone to help me make a related demo DEMO, I think you should be able to understand.”

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

They were all video game practitioners in the past, and artificial intelligence is still a bit far away for them.

Maybe this new discipline will eventually intersect with video games in the future, but right now, they are still thinking about the direction of game development in a relatively rigid way.

Zhu Youxing looked at Yue Ye Cai: "Cai, can you contact such an experimental team? I think the top universities in the United States should have relevant experimental teams."

Tsukino Aya came back to her senses, and then said: "Of course, I happen to know a team that is researching artificial intelligence, and this can be regarded as a team I came into contact with accidentally."

"Great! Contact them ASAP."


Aya Tsukino still doesn't quite understand how to bring artificial intelligence AI into the world of video games.

But since it was Zhu Youxing's request, Tsukino Aya had no reason to refuse.

He is the top speaker of the company, and at the same time, his husband.


In an independent building outside Silicon Valley in the United States, dozens of young people are discussing something intensely.

Seems to be related to artificial intelligence AI learning or something.

Some of them think that learning seems to have reached the limit of computing, and it is time to publish the results.

And some people think that it is not yet time and need to wait.

"Our funds are already a little insufficient. The financial support from Stanford has allowed us to persist until now, not to allow us to develop a product that can simply use artificial intelligence to beat professional StarCraft players."

"But now our interstellar AI 2.0 is not perfect, it still has some small flaws, and it is easy to be exploited."

"Then we can continue to let artificial intelligence learn while announcing it, at least give our school an explanation, otherwise, we may run out of food."

In this team, there are rational people and people who like to imagine, but their purpose is the same.

It's just that because of the money problem, they are caught in a tangle, and they are divided into two factions for a while. Should they announce the results in an imperfect posture, or insist on waiting for their results to reach the perfect posture in their minds before publishing them? .

"Professor, you make the decision, we all listen to you."

Dozens of young people looked at a middle-aged man who was about fifty years old.

And this middle-aged man was stunned for a while in the face of these eyes staring at him, it was really difficult for him to make a choice.


beep beep

beep beep

As if grasping at straws, the professor hurriedly said, "I'll answer the phone first!"

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