Tokyo Video Game Tycoon

Chapter 954: A New Downturn


In the 2015 Yuxing Carnival, a total of seven or eight games that Yuxing Electronic Entertainment's first party is developing were announced.

Among them, the longest period is the chapter of GTA Liberty City, which has not announced the release time of the game at all.

And some other games may not be particularly large-scale, but they are all guaranteed to be released before this year and the middle of next year.

With the development and growth of video game players, the scale of the Game Star Carnival has also expanded time and time again, and now even the two venues can no longer meet the sightseeing needs of these players.

Zhuyouxing has already begun to think about moving the carnival there after its first phase of Youxing Paradise is completed in 2016.

A sports hall similar to a football field is also built there.

But it will be an arena belonging to video games, and the construction design will completely follow the style of video games, which will be completely different from traditional sports venues. Zhuyouxing is looking forward to the moment when this building is actually completed.

In this year's Youxing Carnival, the game that received the most attention was the Pokémon series.

The launch of this game at the frequency of New Year's goods does not affect the enthusiasm of players.

This thing has not yet developed to the level of the world's top IP, but the sales of various peripherals and games are still making a lot of money.

Some of the top entertainment giants in the United States are very greedy when they look at the Pokémon series, which has led them to start planning to launch a series of products similar to Pokémon to see if they can catch the heat or something.

Then Carnival's second concern is the GTA series.

Of course, Zhuyouxing will release a preview of Cyberpunk 2077 as usual this year.

But this broadcast still does not have any text prompts as before, it just shows a future cyberpunk style city and a few CG gun battle scenes.

The person who gave the speech after the CG ended would only say that this is an official Unreal Engine 5.0 technical demonstration, showing everyone a very realistic sci-fi city under Unreal Engine 5.0.

But having said that, players have already begun to have an interest in such a sci-fi city under neon lights.

Some players also started discussing this podcast on the forum.

If such a cyberpunk world game really appeared, would you be interested?

That will definitely be true!

This game is so cool!

It fits perfectly with my vision of the future!

Some players have even started to urge Youxing Electronic Entertainment to quickly make this demonstration into a game.

Even if the quality is poor, they still want to wander around in such a big cyberpunk world.

However, Youxing Electronic Entertainment remained silent on this and did not make any reply.

The broadcasts arranged in recent years can only be regarded as a question, and nothing will be really announced. This is also to avoid giving players premature expectations, and wait until there are some real results.

After all, this is the most perfect game that Zhu Youxing wants to make most, and he hopes that players in this world can also feel the unique charm of this game from the very beginning.

Let the players in this world have no regrets from their previous lives.

As for the team that is currently developing 2077, they are extremely excited to see the content of those forums.

Their desire to express is quite strong, but the rules in Youxing Electronic Entertainment Company will not allow them to disclose this kind of secret, and no one wants to cause trouble.

It's just that it's a bit suffocating.

Then, they turned this panic-stricken motivation into the motivation to make games, and began to crazily accelerate the development of Cyberpunk 2077.

The 2015 Yuxing Carnival came to an end, and Yuxing Electronic Entertainment and the game industry also returned to peace.

Players are also waiting with anticipation for the release of several excellent games this year.

Around the middle of the year, Zhu Youxing received a copy of the company's latest sales report.

"President, the growth of video game players seems to have reached a bottleneck. In recent times, the global sales of game consoles have averaged less than one million per month."

According to Zhuyouxing's data, the combined sales of Youxing Electronic Entertainment's latest GS home game console and handheld are barely close to one million.

This is something that has not happened in the past.

Over the past two decades, Youxing Electronic Entertainment has been making great strides all the way, and has always been at a high level in terms of game console and game sales.

As for game sales, they have also been lower than expected in recent times.

It’s not that the quality of the games is bad. The quality of video games developed by Youxing Electronic Entertainment has never been bad. They are all in the range of four stars. Occasionally, top games are released, and there will be four-and-a-half or five-star reviews. and good sales.

However, since 2015, game sales have remained sluggish overall.

"What about the sales of other game consoles and games?" Zhu Youxing raised his head and asked.

"We have investigated the official financial report information of several other companies, and their situation is similar, and they are not in a good state."

Zhu Youxing leaned back on the back of the chair, and said lightly: "It seems that the overall environment is developing in a bad direction."

"President, I think it may be possible to temporarily slow down the investment of some funds and save more reserve funds, because..." Natsume Yasulong hesitated to speak.

"Because of what?"

"Because, the overall economic environment is not good now, and it's not that our game industry is not good. Recently, the overall global economic development seems to be stagnating."


Zhu Youxing was stunned for a moment, and then he came to his senses.

Is something wrong with the global economy and it affects all industries?

That's a variable you can't control.

After listening to Natsume Yasulong's words, Zhu Yuxing calmed down a lot.

Economic downturn, this kind of thing is actually not uncommon from the perspective of human development.

Just the economic crisis he experienced in the original world had several times.

This means that the overall economic resilience of this world is much stronger than that of his world.

The last time there was an economic downturn in the world was when the Internet bubble was burst.

At that time, Japanese Internet companies headed by YOO started, and the seemingly hopeless bubbles they blew up were all burst, and a large amount of capital chose to abandon these directions without any future, which led to the Internet crisis in the world. .

And then, it also affects the overall economic environment in this world.

This kind of thing is not something that Zhu Youxing can control. Even the country can't handle this stuff.

The real way to solve this kind of problem is either another technological explosion, or to carry it over.

Then in this environment, the number of people who are willing to spend on leisure and entertainment will decrease a lot, which is also a matter of course.'s not without a solution.

Zhu Youxing's eyes kept rolling.

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