Tokyo Video Game Tycoon

Chapter 980 Winning the Prize


"Oh, why are you so unlucky! Why didn't you win the ticket again!"

In the small villa of Kazumi, Yinchan and Aiko, Kazumi stared at the computer screen and complained constantly.

Yin Jiang ate takoyaki and said, "Don't expect to win tickets, you guy. Didn't Mr. Zhuyou say it all? We can go directly on the first day, because we are also well-known. Game producer."

Kazumi was a little upset.

She was angry with herself, feeling that her luck was really not good enough.

Of course she knew she didn't have to worry about tickets.

It's just that she likes the exciting feeling of drawing cards.

It's just that the fact that hundreds of thousands of people grab a ticket is not much different from winning the lottery.

Hemei's idea is actually very simple. She thinks that if she wins a ticket, she can give free gifts to players who like her game at first. She doesn't have any utilitarian intentions, she just wants to thank her for supporting herself back then those players.

It's just... really bad luck.

"Aiko, give me a pump too, you should be lucky." Kazumi pushed the laptop in Aiko's direction.

Aiko is currently curled up on the sofa, holding a notepad and recording something.

It is her inspiration notebook, and she will record it when she has any inspiration. If she develops a game in the future, she can use it immediately.

And now she is looking at her inspiration notebook and thinking about whether she has any inspiration that she can use for the next game.

Hearing Kazumi's words, Aiko said calmly: "There is no such thing as luck in this world, and I never do this kind of lottery. It's meaningless."

"Aizi, you are still talking about atheism, but I want to tell you that there must be gods in this world. You see, our teacher Zhuyou is definitely a god who came to our world to give this The world brings the best games."

Yinjiang nodded at the side and said: "I still recognize this. Teacher Zhuyou's game development talent is really amazing. Many people in the industry have conducted many tests. In this world, except for Teacher Zhuyou, only There is no other person who can produce such a high-quality game while still ensuring such a good quality, so the only reason that can be explained is that Mr. Zhuyou is a god."

"Look, look, Yinjiang thinks so too."

Aiko shook her head: "No, it's because you don't understand how terrifying a real genius is. Only when you get to that level can you understand how big the gap is between people."

In terms of talent for game development, Aiko has always felt that she is very lacking.

There is only one reason why she can persist in the field of game creation, and that is that it brings her the most sense of accomplishment here.

Other industries have either developed for many years, their class has long been solidified, or they are not suitable for Aiko.

Video games are an emerging industry, and it just fits Aiko's taste, so even though she is not good at creativity, she still insists on developing in this industry and gaining a firm foothold.

But don't look at Aiko's creative talent, it seems that it is not strong, but her learning ability and comprehension ability can already be called a rare genius.

She can barely enter the ranks of the genius field.

Only by entering this rank can she truly understand that there is a difference between heaven and earth among geniuses.

Some people are born with the ability to create many novel things.

Someone can create gears in ancient times, someone can create paper and gunpowder.

In modern times, someone can create a light bulb, someone can create electricity and use it as energy.

Others can create movies, and wonderful images are presented to everyone in the world.

In Aiko's mind, Zhuyou Xing is such an existence.

A super genius who started the industry and allowed the industry to grow rapidly in his hands.

Just like the people who create movies and all kinds of novel technologies.

Those are top-level existences that are difficult for billions of people to easily give birth to.

Compared with the god that Kazumi believes in, Aiko is more rational, and she believes in talent even more.

"Oh, just use your hands. Anyway, your luck was very good before. I don't think I can win the ticket, but you can!"

"Not interested in."

Aiko continued staring at her notepad, pondering inspiration.

Hemei had an idea at this time, and said: "By the way, haven't you been struggling with what kind of art form to use for the next game? Actually, I have an inspiration right now. Would you like me to help you?" Do you a favor?"

According to the agreement of the three, the three will lead the development of the game every time.

Now it's Aiko's turn to develop the game.

She has determined that the game developed this time will be a new Galaxy City type game.

Aiko is very interested in this type of game and has experience in making it. Coupled with her talent for learning, she feels that she can definitely make an excellent Galaxy City game no less than Dead Cells. .

It's just that she got stuck on the art design.

This kind of matter could have been directly handed over to Kazumi to solve.

Because she is more creatively gifted.

It's just that Aiko is in the lead this time. If Aiko doesn't ask, Kazumi and Yinchan will not take the initiative to give opinions. This is also an agreement between the three.

But now Aiko has fallen into a very entangled state.

"Then tell me."

Finally, Aiko gave up on conceiving art and worldview by herself.

This kind of thing is really not the direction I am good at.

"Hey, it's actually very simple. I've thought about a similar setting before. Let's use Norse mythology as the background this time, and how about creating a Galaxy City-type Norse mythology battle story?"

"Norse mythology..."

Aiko fell into deep thought, and then her eyes gradually brightened.

That's right, why didn't I think of this before?

"Actually, this is not the idea I thought of at the beginning. This actually has something to do with Mr. Zhuyou."


Aiko recovered from the surprise, and looked at Kazumi suspiciously.

Kazumi said embarrassedly: "When creating Dead Cells, Mr. Takeyou mentioned by the way that the background of this type of game, Galaxy City, fits very well with the myths and stories in human history. It seems that these myths and legends are inherently Created for the creation of Galaxy City or roguelike games, any interception of a mythical story can become the core of this type of game.”

Constantly dying, and then constantly becoming stronger, attacking enemies one by one step by step, fits well with various or thrilling or touching stories in fairy tales.

Is it Master Takeyou's idea again...

Sure enough, the gap between people is quite large.

Aiko suddenly felt a little lost.

"This idea is really good, so according to the agreement, bring the notebook, and I will help you draw a lottery."

Hemei immediately handed over the laptop happily, and said: "You just click to participate in the lucky draw, get a lucky draw qualification, and then you can get the result. If you don't win the lottery, you can also get more by sharing. Lottery qualification, so you can..."

Ding ding ding! Congratulations, you have won a ticket for the first day of Star Paradise!

Before Kazumi could finish talking, Aiko had already clicked the button for the lottery draw, and a pop-up window for winning the first prize appeared in the next scene.

Kazumi looked at Aiko like a monster, but Aiko continued to look indifferent, not surprised.

So you still don't believe in metaphysics?

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