"Tokyo's No. 1 Love" has finally come to an end. When I wrote the three words "finale", Shushu felt a little melancholy.

First of all, thank you readers for your love, support, and subscription. Thank you very much (Shushu bows to you!!)

Secondly, Shushu wants to say sorry to everyone. I feel ashamed of your love and support. I have actually seen your criticisms of disappointing me (Shushu kowtows to you)

The story of this book in the early stage is very exciting. I believe that all readers who like this book feel the same way.

Unfortunately, the Kyudo Tournament is the watershed of this book.

Shushu's level is limited, and his experience is insufficient. He was unable to maintain his level. I am very sorry. I hope to learn from this lesson and strive to write better in the next one.

Anyway, this book ends here.

In fact, if this kind of subject matter really wants to be written in a nested way, it can be written even with millions or tens of millions of words, but it is meaningless to write it like that.

All good things must come to an end. The story of this book ends here. Shushu has really tried his best. He has been writing about the emotional lines and filling in the plot in the later period.

The themes of the next book are all about Tokyo. There is no good idea for other types of books at present, so I will not consider them for the time being.

When will the new book be published? It is expected to be in the late July and early August, and it will definitely not be too far away.

For the specific time, wait for the new book notification after the book is published.

Finally, Shushu thanks all the readers for their support again!

Although this book has not been able to achieve a high standard from beginning to end, the level is high and low, and there are many problems.

But people will continue to get better, Shushu is like this, and so are you. I hope that the next book will be better, and I also hope to see all the readers again in the next book! !

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