Tokyo's most affectionate

Chapter 98 The cornerstone of entrepreneurship

8:30 the next morning.

"Ding Di."

A car stopped in front of the apartment building, and Kurosawa Mitsuru walked out and honked.

"Hurry up and get in the car."

Igarashi Runa sat in the driver's seat, the window was rolled down, and she shook her head.

"Good morning."

Seeing her eager look, Kurosawa Mitsuru smiled and greeted her, and got in the car.

"Miss Ninomiya."

As he opened the car door, Kurosawa Mitsuru saw that there was already someone in the back seat, and he was a little surprised.

"Call me teacher."

Ninomiya Chizuru sat there with her arms folded, wearing a pair of frameless glasses, looking very cool.

She looked much better with glasses than in school.

As for her clothes, she wore a beige windbreaker, a white shirt, and a black tight skirt, which looked very delicate and elite.

"Hurry up and get in the car, or you'll be scolded if you stop for too long." At this moment, Igarashi Runa urged.

"Okay." Kurosawa Mitsuru nodded and got in the car immediately.

"Where are we going?" Kurosawa Hikaru asked as he got into the car.

"To my house, didn't you say we'd discuss specific matters today?" Igarashi Runa turned around and looked very energetic.

"You're wearing something casual today."

As the car started, Ninomiya Chizuru glanced at Kurosawa Hikaru next to her and said.

"Do you prefer this style?"

Kurosawa Hikaru looked at his own clothes and asked.

This is his daily outfit, a short-sleeved white shirt and a pair of trousers.

Because he was woken up by Miss Runa's call, he didn't have time to study his outfit, so he just combed his hair and came out.

"You look more serious and more gentle this way."

Seeing that he could even talk about liking, Ninomiya Chizuru rolled her eyes at him.

In her opinion, Kurosawa should be this type, looking gentle and sunny and handsome.

Like the previous time at the amusement park, the frivolous look was really not okay.

"Miss Ninomiya, too. She looks prettier with glasses. Is this my exclusive style?"

Realizing that she liked this style, Kurosawa Hikaru smiled.

"I didn't dress up for you. I just don't have to go to class on weekends, and it's tiring to wear contact lenses for too long, so I wear this pair of glasses."

Looked at by his smiling eyes, Ninomiya Chizuru waved her hand, pushed her blue hair behind her, and said calmly.

On the way, they also went to a convenience store and bought a few oden for breakfast.

At 9 o'clock, they arrived at their destination, which was Igarashi Runa's home.

"You're welcome. You've been here before."

Igarashi Runa greeted them with the key to open the door.

Kurosawa Hikaru and Ninomiya Chizuru entered the house together and took off their shoes at the entrance.

They didn't have the chance before, but this time they came to the living room, or the living room.

This house is well maintained, neat and orderly, and there doesn't seem to be any mess. The decoration is also very good.

Igarashi Runa walked into the living room and took off her coat. She was wearing a black tank top and short shorts today. Her slender arms and long white legs made her look very sexy and eye-catching.

Although she had short silver hair, it might be because she didn't dress so arrogantly. Her silver-gray bangs were parted, and her face looked gentle and beautiful, like a virtuous woman.

"What do you want to drink? There are barley tea, cola, and water."

"Barley tea."

"Barley tea."

With the response, Igarashi Runa stepped on a pair of slippers and walked into the kitchen.

The back was very eye-catching, which made Kurosawa Hikaru look at her twice.

I have to say that Miss Runa is very beautiful and knows how to dress. She is really a very charming woman.

Should we say that birds of a feather flock together? Teacher Ninomiya is so beautiful, and so is her best friend.

"Runa is so beautiful, right?"

At this moment, Ninomiya Chizuru found that his eyes were almost glued to her, and said with a little jealousy.

According to common sense, men prefer girls to wear revealing clothes, and it seems that Kurosawa is no exception.

"Yes, I'm thinking about something."

Kurosawa Hikaru came back to his senses and found that she was staring at him. He realized that he had been discovered staring at him, but he was not embarrassed and responded.


Ninomiya Chizuru didn't expect him to nod. She was a little unhappy, but she didn't show it.

"She is so beautiful, why doesn't she become an artist?" Kurosawa Hikaru used the question to explain why he stared at her.

"Because I only get excited for a short time when learning anything, and being an artist can't just rely on my face."

Just then, Igarashi Runa came back with a tray.

The house is not very big, and if you don't deliberately lower your voice, you can basically hear it.

"Because she is a perfectionist, if she wants to do something, she must do it well, and if she can't do it well, she won't do it, and she thinks she has no talent."

Ninomiya Chizuru realized the problem he was thinking about, and said what she knew.

"Eh... Miss Ninomiya looks more like a perfectionist." Kurosawa Hikaru was a little surprised.

Judging from her appearance, temperament, clothing, and behavior, Ms. Runa seems to be more straightforward and lively, while Mr. Ninomiya is more rational.

"You haven't seen her working yet. She always wears glasses when she works."

"Qianzuru is not a perfectionist. If you have a chance, make a surprise trip to her house... and don't say anything."

Igarashi Runa originally wanted to get to the bottom of it, but before she could finish her words, she was stopped by a sharp look.

"Teacher Ninomiya's home, isn't it special?"

Kurosawa Hikaru was a little curious and concerned.

According to this statement, could it be said that Teacher Ninomiya looks glamorous on the surface, like an elite female, but is actually very sloppy and casual at home?

"It is nothing special."

Ninomiya Chihe shook her head slightly and did not answer.

"Is Ms. Runa myopic?"

Seeing that she didn't want to say anything, Kurosawa didn't ask further, but asked curiously.

"I'm not short-sighted. It's just that wearing glasses makes people feel weaker and makes them feel more close."

Igarashi Runa poured iced barley tea into all the cups and placed them in front of them.

"There is also this saying."

Kurosawa Hikaru was thoughtful, wondering whether this was right or wrong.

"You still have to look at your eyes and tone... let's not talk about this for now. The purpose of coming to my house today is clear to everyone. How about we finish talking about the business first and then talk about other things?"

Igarashi Runa placed the oden bought from the convenience store in front of everyone one by one.

Her movements are very skillful, she seems to be accustomed to doing these things, and she seems to take good care of others.


Kurosawa Hikaru noticed this and nodded.

"Today's detailed discussion, the most critical thing is the company's equity. When it comes to interests, it is very important, and there can be no mistakes in this."

Having settled the matter, Igarashi Runa sat down on the sofa and started talking about business.

"Yeah." Kurosawa Hikaru nodded, agreeing with this.

From ancient times to the present, anything involving interests must be handled with caution. Otherwise, the relationship may break down, even with relatives.

To put it bluntly, equity is the cornerstone of partnership and must be considered carefully.

2 updates are given, this can make 2 chase 3, it is really annoying.

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