Tom Cat breaks through the dimensional wall

Chapter 105: Recognize the cat as your brother

Tuantuan was suspected to be abducted by human traffickers, and was safely sent back two hours later.

This was undoubtedly a surprise to the whole community.

What was even more surprising was that Tuantuan, who no one had found, was actually carried back by a cat in the community!

And this cat, together with its friends, caught two thieves in the community yesterday.

Having made two great contributions to the community in a short period of time, Tang Mu's popularity and status in the community instantly rose sharply!

It is not an exaggeration to say that he is the guardian of the community and the favorite of the community.

With the return of Xiong Ya's father Xiong Jin, the mood of this single mother also returned to calm.

The two asked Tuantuan about what happened during this period.

Tuantuan is very smart.

Although she was a little scared when recalling that incident, she felt safe with Tang Mu around, and she still told everything she knew in the language of a child.

Through Tuantuan's words, everyone understood that they were not wrong.

Tuantuan was indeed abducted by human traffickers.

But for some reason, the human trafficker who was guarding her disappeared later.

Then Tang Mu found Tuan Tuan and took her back.

Tang Mu squatted aside and listened quietly, letting them guess the whole story.

Anyway, it was just an ordinary, cute and harmless cat.

I will not admit anything you say.

"It seems that this cat should have received professional search training, just like those search and rescue dogs. I heard that cats' sense of smell is not worse than that of dogs. It's just that because of their low obedience, they are not trained as military cats or police cats."

After listening to his granddaughter's story, Xiong Jin looked at Tang Mu carefully, his eyes full of satisfaction and gratitude.

If it weren't for this cat rescuing Tuan Tuan in time, he didn't know what would happen in the future.

Xiong Jin knew it.

The group of human traffickers were very cautious and cunning. In order to prevent themselves from being caught, they acted very quickly.

"Anyway, it's good that Tuan Tuan is back."

Xiong Ya held Tuan Tuan in one hand, as if she never wanted to let go of her lost daughter again. The other one touched Tang Mu's head and said, "Thank you very much, but we have to take Tuantuan to the hospital for a physical examination now. We will come to thank you tomorrow."

Tang Mu nodded.

It doesn't matter whether he thanks or not.

But it's always good to have more friends.

Even if she doesn't need them, Guan Suisui needs them.

As a visually impaired person, her life is always inconvenient, and it's good to have more people to help.

Xiong Ya and Xiong Jin quickly took Tuantuan away.

Although Tuantuan didn't seem to be hurt on the surface, for parents, they must go to the hospital for a checkup to feel more at ease.

After Tuantuan's family left, Tang Mu also hurriedly left the guard room.

The residents of the community were really too enthusiastic.

Tang Mu was afraid that if he ran too late, his smooth and beautiful fur would be rubbed bald by them.

Seeing Tang Mu running out, the friends waiting outside also ran happily with Tang Mu.

Tiezhu even took a can of cat food that residents had given to Tangmu.

He ran to the corner of the community and stopped. Tiezhu put down the can of cat food and nudged Tangmu to open it for him.

Tangmu stretched out a sharp claw, scratched a circle along the top of the can, and then gently lifted it, and the entire lid was blown away by Tangmu.

This can was quite heavy.

Tiezhu took out a few iron plates from somewhere, and Tangmu also shared them with them.

It was a reward for them to help catch the thief yesterday.

Now Tangmu was thinking that he hoped that the noise he made today would not disturb his daily life.

Whether he was a human or a cat.

Tangmu actually didn't have such great desires and ambitions, he just wanted to live happily and happily every day.

If possible, he hoped that the people around him could be as happy as him.

This can be seen from the fact that he didn't like fighting.

Sometimes Tangmu thought.

Fortunately, it was himself who got this power.

If other people have a power that is almost omnipotent and stronger than gods, will they not be able to control their desires and mess up the world?

Having been Tom Cat for so long, Tom is very clear about Tom Cat's power.

As long as it wants, it can even immediately configure a potion that can instantly blow up the earth or even make civilization regress to the Stone Age.

To make an inappropriate analogy, it is like the nuclear weapons launch button of the whole world is in the hands of an ordinary person.

This button will undoubtedly cause great pressure on the holder.

Fortunately, Tom's mentality has always been good.

In essence, it is just an ordinary person who likes to cool off under the tree, watch the moon in the pavilion, and blow the wind at the seaside.

Isn't it a kind of happiness to live a lazy and happy life?

Soon, time came to the next day.

As Xiong Ya said yesterday, today she and her father really brought Xiao Tuantuan to thank them.

This family not only brought gifts, but also brought follow-up information about the human traffickers yesterday.

There are five people in that group of human traffickers who are roaming around and committing crimes.

Except for the three people that Tang Mu met, the rest of them were caught by the police from the next city today.

The other children they took away were also successfully rescued, so everyone was happy.

The driver and the man who raced with Tang Mu on the road, as well as the woman who was punished in hell and thrown into the human world, were also arrested yesterday.

But these three people are completely useless.

Their minds are in a mess, as if they are in fear all the time.

Fortunately, they are more sober in fear.

After the police's questioning, they still have some reactions.

It was also from their mouths that the intelligence was obtained that the police in the next city cooperated with the police to enforce the law the next day and caught the other two fish that escaped the net.

As for how to punish those traffickers in the future, Tang Mu doesn't need to worry about it.

Mr. Xiong Jin seems to have had an idea a long time ago.

I heard that he hired a team of lawyers and planned to punish those traffickers as much as possible.

"Okay, let's not talk about those guys who spoiled the fun."

Xiong Jin put away his serious expression, smiled at Tang Mu and Guan Suisui, and said amiably: "We came here today to thank you."

"I know that Tom saved our Tuantuan, and no matter how much we thank him, it is not too much. But we still want to express our gratitude. Otherwise, it is really a bit uneasy."

Xiong Jin said, touching Tuantuan's little head beside him, and said: "Come on, Tuantuan, call Brother Tang."

"Brother Tang!"

Little Tuantuan called Tang Mu in a baby voice!

Tang Mu and Guan Suisui were stunned!


Good guy!

Recognize a cat as a brother!

Is this family's brain circuit so strange!

Tang Mu looked at the little girl in front of him, who looked like a little brother who wanted to worship the big brother of the gang, and his jaw dropped to the ground in shock!

Seeing the cat's jaw drop to the ground, Tuantuan was not afraid, but laughed and clapped.

"Haha! Brother Tang is so awesome!"

Thanks to the book friend [Book Friend 20170720003314263] for the 100 Qidian coins reward

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