"All crew members, get ready! It's almost six o'clock, we're going to start filming!"

The pot-bellied director started running around the mansion.

After yelling at the others, he suddenly turned his head to look at Tom and the others, and asked loudly: "Are you all right?"

Hearing this, Tom and Jerry put away their scripts and nodded quickly.

"It's good that there are no problems. Whether you can win an Oscar depends on you."

As the director spoke, he looked at his watch and pointed at the lion on the other side and shouted: "MGM lions, get ready! You're going to start!"

As he spoke, a group of people from the props group came over carrying a red sign with a hollow in the middle.

It was just right for the mighty and domineering lion to put its head in.

On the other side, there was a group of classical symphony orchestras, ready to compose music for the next scene at any time.

"Okay! Three! Two! One! Start shooting!"

As soon as the director finished speaking, Tom saw a screen with a light blue edge appear in front of him.

On the other side of the screen, the audience in the real world are watching Tom and Jerry on TV or computer.

Most of them are children of all colors from all over the world.

Of course, there are also many adults watching TV with their children.

"Roar! Roar! Roar!"

The lion named MGM immediately stretched his neck towards the screen and roared in a low voice after the filming started.

Whenever the lion roared, it meant that the classic childhood animation began to play.

Jerry and Tom hid aside and saw the excited and expectant little audiences outside through the light blue screen. They couldn't help but look at each other.

Tom felt a little strange.

It turned out that Tom's usual job in the data world was like this.

And Jerry seemed to enjoy this job.

He enjoyed the feeling of bringing joy to children.

After the MGM lion roared three times, he immediately clocked out.

He stood up and left the set surrounded by his agent team.

It also has to catch up with the announcements of cartoons such as "The Flintstones", "Tarzan", "Pink Panther", "Casper" and so on.

Although its role is just a few roars in the opening.

But MGM Lion has always believed that it is the soul of these well-known animations.

Of course, in addition to appearing in the opening, it occasionally participates in some episodes.

For example, the episode of "Tom and Jerry" where the lion appeared.

The lion in it was played by it.

MGM Lion has always believed that its acting skills are not bad.

It seems that it is doing well.

But MGM Lion has its own troubles recently.

Originally, whether in the real world or the data world, when it comes to lions, everyone will think of it.

But some time ago, an animated film called "The Lion King" was released.

The lion named Simba in it gave MGM Lion a lot of pressure.

This forced it to change its original state of slacking off at work.

If Tom knew what this lion was thinking, he would probably sigh at the wonders of the world again.

The Lion King is a movie that has been released in the real world for a long time, but it has only been released recently in the data world.

It feels that although the data world is connected to the real world, it uses two different time systems.

The time in the real world is normal.

The time in the data world is very similar to the world of "Detective Conan".

Today is Monday, but tomorrow is Friday.

Today is Valentine's Day, but tomorrow will be Christmas.

The MGM lions who feel the pressure of employment have left.

But the work of others has to continue.

Among them, the symphony orchestra as the behind-the-scenes staff is undoubtedly the busiest.

But after the lion roared three times, they immediately began to play "Vienna Temperament Waltz" and "Emperor Waltz" under the command of the director.

The props group quickly displayed the red cards with the list of staff in front of the blue light screen.

Then someone opened a picture album in front of the screen. The director next to him cleared his throat and narrated in a German accent: "This is a story about a dancing mouse. His name is John. He lives in Vienna, in the home of Johann Strauss."

The picture album was turned over again, and the picture album was pushed forward, passing through the screen, revealing the mansion behind.

On the second floor of the mansion, a man in a blue suit was playing "Viennese Temperament Waltz" in front of a piano.

This man is the main pianist of the crew orchestra, and the role he plays is Johann Strauss Jr., who is known as the king of waltz.

A world-famous composer.

It is estimated that many people are not familiar with the name alone, but it will be clear when his classic masterpiece "The Blue Danube" is mentioned.

In fact, the director of the "Tom and Jerry" crew wanted to invite Strauss himself to the crew at the beginning.

It's a pity that he couldn't be invited.

Compared to the animation crew, he seemed to want to play with Chopin, Beethoven and others.

There was no other way, so the director had to settle for the second best and let the crew's orchestra play Johann Strauss.

Anyway, it would be fine as long as the head was not filmed.

Tom hid aside and watched, and now he knew why many people in Tom and Jerry did not show their faces or heads.

It turned out that they were all cameos by the crew...

The director's narration continued: "Every day when this famous musician played the piano, little Johann could not help dancing to the music."

The little John mentioned here refers to Jerry.

In this episode, the character played by Jerry has the same name as the owner of this mansion.

Listening to the director's narration, Jerry, who has read the script well, quickly realized that it was his turn, so he immediately ran into the semicircular mouse hole at the foot of the wall.

With his eyes closed, he looked like he was enjoying the music very much.

Accompanied by the beautiful piano music, he began to dance gracefully.

It is no exaggeration to say that his professional dancing skills are world-class.

Seeing this, Tom took two deep breaths, glanced at the audience who were watching intently outside the screen, and began to prepare for his next appearance.

"Every day the cat will watch it dance and wait for the opportunity."

In the director's narration, Tom popped out his head at the other corner and looked at Jerry, trying to imitate Tom's expression before catching the mouse.

Its paws and head were pressed against the smooth floor, but its butt and tail were raised high.

A pair of restless hind legs also danced with the music.

As the music continued, Jerry's dance gradually became better.

The director continued to read the narration: "It catches mice every day!"

As soon as the voice fell, the band of the crew immediately started a rapid soundtrack.

Tom also followed the script and rushed towards the dancing Jerry!

Jerry also turned around and ran, rushing directly into the mouse hole not far away.

Tom, who was chasing Jerry frantically from behind, was too fast and couldn't stop, so he hit the wall where the mouse hole was!

There was a loud "bang!"!

Tom, with a buzzing head, suddenly understood why Tom wanted to run away from home.

This job is indeed not something that ordinary cats can do.

The director's narration next to him continued to sound teasingly: "It's a pity that it always fails."

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