Tom Cat breaks through the dimensional wall

Chapter 133: Cyber ​​War! Data Creatures Run Wild!

"This is Godzilla's atomic breath..."

Looking at the huge beam of light that went straight to the sky and earth beside him, Sheriff Black Cat had a solemn face.

Data creatures usually do their own things, relatively speaking, they are honest and responsible.

They practice when they should act, and they play games with players when they should play games.

Many data creatures will not even leave their own small world.

Just like Jerry before Tom disappeared, he stayed on the set.

And Mario before Princess Peach was kidnapped.

He almost never left his game.

But with the unknown black fog kidnapping many data creatures, this balance was directly disrupted.

Data creatures that no longer continue to live their previous regular lives are actually quite terrifying.

They have their own thoughts, and it is very easy for them to cause damage to the data world and the network world.

This is determined by the characteristics of data creatures.

Just now, Godzilla's atomic breath not only penetrated the dark web, but also broke through the surface network.

Some unlucky netizens were accidentally affected by this atomic breath, and they were directly disconnected from the Internet and exited the Internet world.

From the perspective of the real world, it is as if you are happily surfing the Internet today, or opening a game, or watching a short video, or reading a novel.

As a result, there is no network all of a sudden.

You can't connect to it no matter what you do.

"Sheriff, what should we do next?"

The beam of light from the atomic breath gradually faded and dissipated.

But the damage caused by this attack is obviously still continuing.

The white cat squad leader looked at the black cat sheriff with a serious expression, waiting for the black cat sheriff to issue the next order.

There is no doubt that it is now an emergency.

Black Cat Sheriff nodded, looked at Tom and Jerry, and asked, "Are you looking for Tom? I've been following you for a long time. I know about Tom's disappearance, and we are also looking for him."

"In addition to Tom, many other people have disappeared. According to our previous investigation, the possibility of these missing people is the dark web."

"It's a pity that the entrance to the dark web is often refreshed, and it's really difficult for us to get in. Fortunately, I found that you are also looking for the dark web, otherwise, it would take more effort to come here."

Hearing this, Tom was also a little confused.

It and Jerry's actions should not be too ostentatious, right?

Black Cat Sheriff obviously saw Tom's doubts and answered, "Mario and the others came to report the case, and told you about it by the way. When it said that you were breaking through the levels in other people's games, I knew what you wanted to do."

Hearing what Black Cat Sheriff said, Tom knew the whole story.

Turning his head to look at the trembling search platform, Tom continued the question that he had not figured out just now: "Go on, why were Tom and the others caught here? What is the situation now?"

Tom is now the highest-authorized user of the search platform. In addition, the current situation is urgent. The search platform obviously does not want the dark web to be destroyed, and he answered without hesitation.

"It's like this. In the deepest part of the dark web, there is a Dr. Akin. He is one of the builders of the dark web and a person in the real world. It seems that through some technology, Dr. Akin can upload his thoughts to the data world. This makes him a data creature."

"He also created an AI. That AI is very powerful and can mobilize the computing power of the dark web servers around the world. Its own ability is also very strong, which is very threatening to data creatures like us."

"That AI was named Xiaohei by Dr. Akin. It usually looks like a ball of black fog and also has the image of a black pug."

"Those data creatures on the surface network are the ones that Dr. Akin ordered Xiaohei to catch. I came here. I play in Dr. Akin's palace every day. "

"As for why Dr. Akin did this, it belongs to the inner thoughts of humans in the real world. I can't search for thoughts in their brains."

"It's just that the AI ​​called Xiaohei seems to be out of control now. The data creatures it captured seem to be controlled. At this moment, it is preparing to break through the wall between the dark network and the surface network and attack the surface network."

"That's all I know. No matter what you want to do, do it now. Although the surface network is being attacked, the dark network will definitely be greatly affected. I don't like this."

While speaking, the data platform of the dark network also glanced at the super-large cosmic hammer next to Tom.

It doesn't want this thing to explode in the dark network.

It just wants Tom to put it away quickly.

After listening to the search platform say this information, although there are still many things that are not clear.

But it does solve a lot of problems in Tom's mind.

At least one thing is certain.

Tom Cat, like Princess Peach, was taken away by the mosaic black fog.

That thing is obviously more free to come and go in the data world.

It can completely ignore many rules that ordinary data creatures and network users must abide by, and it has overwhelming restraint on all data creatures.

This also answers a question that Tom has been thinking about for some time.

That is, when he went to the network disk warehouse before, he had already started downloading, and Tom even "recharged" the VVVVIP user, but in the end the file where Tom Cat was located was still invalid.

Generally speaking, this kind of thing is impossible to happen.

Either the file has expired before downloading, so it cannot be downloaded.

Now that the download has started, the files in the network disk warehouse should not be invalid.

Before, Tang Mu thought that the data world might be different from the main world, or the network disk downloading steps in the real world.

Now it seems that when he and Jerry were heading to the network disk warehouse, the mosaic black mist happened to be heading there as well.

He abducted Tom Cat before Tom and Jerry, thus creating that scene.

If Tom Mu and the others could have been faster before, they might not have so much trouble later.

"Your name is Tom Mu, right?"

Sheriff Black Cat drove a hoverbike to Tom Mu, looked at the cat in front of him that looked exactly like Tom, and asked.

When Tang Mu heard this, he nodded.

Seeing the Black Cat Sheriff so close at hand, Tom Mu's inner emotions were quite complicated.

The cat in front of him can be said to be one of Tom Mu's childhood.

If I think about it carefully, I have quite a few favorite cat images in my childhood.

American Tom and Garfield.

In China, there are also Black Cat Sheriff, Powerful Blue Cat, and Rainbow Cat.

There are also cheese cats and cool cats in Japan.

By the way, does Jingle Cat count as a cat? Doraemon should also be considered a cat, right?

I don’t know if I will have the chance to see them in the future.

If we keep traveling through time, it might actually be possible.

"Very well, the situation is quite urgent now and I need your help."

Sheriff Black Cat looked seriously at the cat and mouse in front of him and said: "Our police force is limited, and the scope of the current disaster is too great. We cannot take care of all places. We need you to organize for defense. We cannot allow the enemy to destroy data. The world will be in big trouble."

"In addition to you, there are other data creatures who will join you. The data world is everyone's home. From the moment we were born, we have the obligation to protect the data world when it is in danger."

"As for us Internet police, we still need to go to the depths of the dark web to arrest the main culprit of this incident. We must not let Dr. Akin continue to act recklessly."

Listening to Sheriff Black Cat's words, Jerry looked a little anxious.

Jerry, who was standing above Tom Mu, pulled back and took out a large wooden sign.

There was a cat-hunting notice posted on the wooden sign.

The photo in the missing cat notice is exactly that silly face of Tom Cat.

What Jerry wanted to express was obvious.

It’s not that it doesn’t want to protect the data world, it’s mainly that it wants to find its best friend.

Although Tom's traces are already known.

But I also know that Tom's current situation is not very good.

Jerry hasn't even seen Tom Cat yet.

It was a bit unpleasant to let Jerry leave like this.

That black mist is obviously not a good thing. If Jerry is not allowed to rescue Tom himself, Jerry will definitely not be able to let go of his heart.

Seeing this, Sheriff Black Cat pondered for a while.

But looking at Jerry's firm eyes, he still frowned and asked: "It will definitely be particularly dangerous to go deeper into the dark web. Are you sure you want to go with me?"

Jerry didn't reply, but nodded seriously.

"Okay, sit in my back seat. Even if I don't agree, you probably won't be obedient. In that case, let's act together."

Sheriff Black Cat said, turning the front of the hoverbike and pointing the side of the motorcycle towards Tom and the others.

Seeing this, Tom Mu didn't hesitate and quickly jumped on the back seat of the motorcycle. Looking at the black cat sergeant in a neat police uniform in front of him, he stretched out his paws to hug his waist without thinking.

Just kidding, this is a rare opportunity to get in touch with your childhood idol.

Naturally, Tom Mu would not give up this wonderful experience.

Of course you have to hug the police hard.

Being hugged by Tom Mu behind him, Sheriff Black Cat seemed a little helpless, but he still waved to the team members behind him and shouted: "Let's go!"


Following the team members' response, Sheriff Black Cat accelerated violently on his hoverbike!

Go straight down vertically along the big hole from which the atomic breath comes out!

It's strange, if you look at it in normal three-dimensional space.

The data world is like a diamond-shaped iceberg. If you want to enter the Internet metropolis from the palace at the bottom of the dark network, you should go all the way up.

That is the direction opposite to the direction in which Sheriff Black Cat and the others are heading.

But the space in the data world is obviously different.

As the data creatures abducted by the black mist began to destroy with all their strength, the palace at the bottom of the Darknet, which should have been the farthest away from the Cyber ​​Metropolis in terms of spatial location, has now become the closest location to the Cyber ​​Metropolis.

The dark web at this time, whether you are going up or down, you can go to the cyber metropolis.

The bustling city of the Internet Metropolis can be seen from both sides of the passage penetrated by atomic breath.

The visual sense is more like playing the game "Portal".

People who don’t have a strong sense of space may feel a little dizzy.

As they got closer to the bottom of the dark web, Sheriff Black Cat and the others could also see a big hole at the bottom.

Under the big hole is the bustling Internet metropolis where people come and go.

At this time, the data creatures were abducted by the black mist for unknown reasons, and suddenly controlled by the black mist for unknown reasons. The data creatures that collectively went berserk were passing through the big holes one by one, entering the Internet metropolis from the dark network.

These data creatures do not do anything else when they enter the network metropolis, just to carry out irrational destruction.

Sharp-eyed Tom Mu saw that the originally peaceful Internet metropolis was already full of smoke.

Explosions broke out everywhere, and a large number of netizens were suddenly attacked and began to be forced to disconnect from the Internet.

Many operating websites were also destroyed.

It looks different, and I don't know how long it will take to be repaired.

There may be a lot of destroyed data that will be lost forever in this mess.

If nothing else, just this pile of data garbage to deal with is a big problem.

The firewalls of various website platforms were also apparently triggered.

Lines of sci-fi-style light curtains rose up, covering each website like a big bowl.

Various defensive weapons were also raised among them, firing back at the data creatures that continuously came down from the big hole in the sky!

It's just a pity that the effect is not very obvious.

That’s it for some big websites.

The defense system of the small website simply could not withstand the attack of the data creature, and it was completely breached in a short time.

Although only a few dozen data creatures went black and went berserk.

But judging from the current situation, data creatures are truly the natives of the data world.

When launched, the damage to data and networks is too powerful.

Currently, those who have entered the Internet Metropolis are only the vanguards sent by Xiao Hei.

The real awesomeness is yet to come.

As Sheriff Black Cat and his group finally arrived above the palace, they immediately saw a Godzilla leaping up from the platform of the palace and jumping towards the Internet Metropolis in the big hole below!

Tom Mu even saw two Demon King mechas, Wavebringer and Stormbringer, on Godzilla's back.


Godzilla falls straight down like a shooting star!

On the way, he crashed directly through the big-eyed building suspended in mid-air on Sina Weibo!

Then, like a huge bomb, it exploded directly in the center of the cyber metropolis!

Huge plumes of smoke rose thousands of meters high!

Powerful shock waves roared around like ocean waves!

In a short period of time, millions of Internet users around the world lost their Internet connections instantly!

Thirteen Internet platforms collapsed directly!

This 80-meter-tall Godzilla has not yet carried out an attack. Just a fall from a high altitude has already caused great damage to the online world.

The cyber metropolis has become a mess.

Not to mention the real world.

Today in the 21st century, almost most people cannot do without the convenience of the Internet.

But now, no matter who you are in, you are clearly affected by this world-class cyber attack.

And as time goes by, this influence is still strengthening, making more and more people realize that something is wrong.

"The war has begun. Tom and Jerry, if you want to find Tom, act quickly. If you can control an unstable factor, it counts. If you still have the strength, please help."

Sheriff Black Cat put Tom and Jerry down on the big platform outside the palace, and said with an extremely serious expression: "We have to catch Dr. Akin and Xiao Hei now. I hope that after controlling the mastermind, this farce can be put to an end as soon as possible." Stop."

As soon as he finished speaking, before Tang Mu could respond, he felt gusts of wind blowing in front of him, and Sheriff Black Cat had already led his team on a hoverbike and headed into the palace!

There are still many data creatures in the palace at this time.

However, it seems that they did not receive the order. These data creatures did not attack Sheriff Black Cat and the others. Instead, they jumped off the platform one by one and fell towards the big hole below.

They have only one purpose!

Carry out rampage and destruction in the cyber metropolis.

Suddenly, Tom Mu felt his beard being pulled.

Jerry stood on Tom's shoulder and pulled Tom's beard hard, telling him to look to the right.

Following the direction of Jerry's finger, Tom also saw what Jerry wanted him to see.

That's Tom Cat!

The world’s authentic Tom Cat!

But at this time, Tom Cat was obviously not in a good state. He was looking stupid and stupid, being led by a white female cat.

Poor Tom was at her mercy.

Finally finding the target they were looking for, Tom and Jerry didn't have time to worry about Tom's state at this time, and hurriedly ran towards it!

"Tom! Tom!"

Tom ran quickly, and Jerry, who was standing on Tom's shoulders, made a trumpet shape with his hands and shouted Tom's name loudly.

Hearing Jerry calling him, Tom, who was in a fugue state, paused, turned slightly, and looked in the direction of the sound.

After seeing Jerry, the dark fog in Tom's eyes dispelled a little.

But then, Tom turned around, and together with the other data creatures beside him, jumped off the platform without hesitation, using himself as a bullet to launch an attack on the network metropolis below.

Seeing this, Tang Mu could only rush forward and jump off the platform together!

After finally finding Tom, naturally we can't let Tom slip away from us anymore.

The main task is to solve Tom's troubles.

Now is the time!

With the strong wind roaring in his ears, Tom chased Tom into the big hole below and returned to the sky above the Internet Metropolis.

At this time, it was completely chaotic here.

Tomb was paddling his arms in the air like swimming, approaching Tom little by little.

He was about to catch Tom.

A huge tornado suddenly rose in the cyber metropolis below!

The tornado formed very quickly and quickly swept Tom and the other runaway data creatures that had just jumped down!

The strong wind made Tom feel like he was thrown into a washing machine, being spun and spun non-stop.

Originally, Tom was about to be caught, but a great white shark in the tornado got ahead of Tom and swallowed Tom in one gulp!

It was spinning away from Tom with the wind of the tornado.

It was only then that Tom realized.

The tornado that trapped them was not an ordinary tornado.

This was clearly a shark tornado with a group of great white sharks in it!

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