Tom Cat breaks through the dimensional wall

Chapter 135 Forever Friends, the Only Cat and Mouse

Seeing that Tom was about to eat Jerry in one bite.

Tom hurried forward, stretched out his hand, snatched Jerry, and turned sideways to protect Jerry behind him.

Looking at the cat in front of him who looked exactly like him, Tom frowned and seemed a little angry. He also stretched out his hand and snatched Jerry from Tom's hand very hard, and stared at Tom angrily.

Although they are both Tom cats, Tom doesn't spoil Tom.

He stretched out his hand again and snatched Jerry back.

Jerry got it less than two seconds before Tom snatched it back.

The next moment Tom snatched Jerry back again.

Just like that, in the fight between the two cats, Jerry was snatched back and forth by the two cats.

Jerry, who was held by two paws, was a little frightened at first.

Then his expression began to become calm.

He shrugged helplessly and spread his hands, and sighed for a long time.

He put his hands on Tom and Tom's cat paws, pushed hard, and climbed out of the clenched cat paws.

He walked forward along Tom's arm with great momentum, passed Tom's shoulder, ignored Newton's gaze, and walked vertically down Tom's back at a 90-degree angle to the ground.

Looking at the stupid cat in front of him, who was facing away from him and staring at Tom.

Jerry moved his feet a little, then jumped up and kicked Tom's raised cat butt directly!


It seemed that he was hurt by Jerry's kick.

Tom immediately covered his butt and screamed, and the whole cat catapulted and flew dozens of meters high in an instant!

Tom and Jerry looked up and saw that Tom's upward momentum gradually stopped and began to fall down according to gravity.

There was even a shriek of a bomb landing.


With a loud bang, Tom fell to the ground with his legs spread out, and directly smashed a big hole in the ground!

Seeing this, Tom and Jerry ran to the edge of the cave again and looked down.

Just in time, they saw Tom climbing up with a frown on his face.

Seeing that Tom was about to climb up again, Tom thought of his guess that the black fog controlled the data creatures, stretched out his hand and caught Jerry in his hand again, and ran back more than ten meters away.

He pinched Jerry's tail with two fingers and lifted him up high. Tom tilted his head and opened his mouth wide under Jerry, as if he wanted to eat Jerry alive on the spot.

Although Tom was ready, his eyes were still glancing in the direction of Tom, waiting for Tom to climb up.

The super AI named Xiao Hei was obviously very powerful, and its restraint on data creatures was extremely obvious. Even data creatures of the level of Godzilla and Superman could be controlled by it.

But Tom estimated that this AI might have a big loophole in the underlying logic, and with the help of that loophole, Xiao Hei's control over those data creatures could be easily lifted.

If Tom guessed correctly, that thing should be called friendship!

Batman was obviously being controlled before.

He had a herniated disc caused by himself, but he still had no reaction.

But as soon as Superman appeared and saw that his friend was also controlled, Wayne, who was originally the strongest in the DC universe, instantly returned to normal.

Then, Bruce Wayne used his bat claw gun to climb the wall.

Halfway up, he was trying to show off by doing a backflip, and ended up falling off the building due to a back injury.

After discovering that Batman was in danger, Superman also returned to normal, and successfully rushed to the scene and successfully rescued his good friend Batman.

Tom was very suspicious. With Batman's intelligence, he probably figured out the matter the moment he regained consciousness, and deliberately put himself in danger to trigger the bug in Superman and let Superman get rid of the control of the black man.

Obviously, Batman succeeded.

At the same time, Tom, who witnessed all this, was also inspired.

As for why Freddy didn't return to normal?

That's simple.

Because he has no friends!

Freddy: "Are you polite?"

In any case, Tom has now begun to experiment with his guess.

It wanted to see if Tom would return to normal when Jerry was in danger.

It would be best if it succeeded, and the main quest would be completed directly.

Next, as long as this crisis is resolved and the data world is restored to normal, the side quest will be completed.

It doesn't matter if it fails, it's just a guess anyway. It won't have any impact on Tom.

Glancing at the direction of the cave entrance, Tom saw that he had already crawled out of the cave, and quickly pinched Jerry's tail and lifted it a little higher, with his mouth wide open, as if he couldn't wait to eat Jerry!

Seeing this, Tom, who was originally full of anger, the black mist in his eyes instantly dissipated, and he was so scared that his head was floating up!

Seeing that Tom had loosened his fingers pinching Jerry's tail, and seeing that Jerry was about to fall into the mouth of another cat, Tom "whoosh" and disappeared on the spot!

After leaving a wisp of smoke like exhaust gas, the whole cat instantly rushed to Tom, and stretched out his hands in panic to catch Jerry who was falling freely.


Tang Mu's mouth closed, biting Tom's outstretched hands.


This bite obviously hurt Tom so much that he shook his hands hurriedly, trying to throw Tang Mu off.

Tang Mu bit Tom's hands and was carried in the air by him for a few times. He waited until the other party stopped shaking and his feet landed again before he let go of his mouth.

At this time, there was a circle of bright red teeth marks on Tom's hands.

It looked very painful, but it had no intention of letting go of the little mouse in its hand.

It was obviously still on guard against Tom, the strange cat, who was planning to take advantage of Jerry.


Jerry's muffled cry came from between his hands.

Tom slightly loosened his claws, his eyebrows drooped slightly, looking a little aggrieved, and holding little Jerry with some worry, and brought it in front of him to observe carefully.

Seeing that Jerry was fine, Tom was obviously relieved.

Jerry was also very happy to see Tom back to normal, hugging Tom's big face and kissing him hard.

Then, Jerry seemed to remember something.

He reached behind his back and took out a very, very small diamond ring that required a magnifying glass to see the diamond and handed it to Tom.

Looking at the diamond ring in front of him, Tom was a little absent-minded.

This diamond ring was bought with great difficulty by Tom after spending all his savings, and the purpose was to confess his love to a favorite female cat.

But Jerry obviously didn't like the tea-smelling green tea cat, so after finding out that his good brother was hopelessly in love, he immediately started his pranks.

Jerry constantly disrupted Tom's work, ruined Tom's date with the green tea cat, and prevented the licking cat from investing his savings into that bottomless pit.

Finally, he even disrupted Tom's courtship and knocked away the small diamond ring that Tom bought with his life savings.

In the end, Tom naturally couldn't be with the white cat.

But obviously Tom also began to get angry with Jerry.

It wasn't just this time that he ruined his courtship, it was just a fuse.

Tom also remembered that in addition to this time, Jerry would play pranks on him for no reason many times, causing him to suffer unprovoked disasters.

Even more than once, because of Jerry's first provocation, it was driven out of the house by more than one owner.

Although Tom is a domestic cat, compared with other stray cats, he is both happy and unfortunate.

As a house cat, Tom doesn't have to worry about food and clothing, but he is often scolded and beaten by his owner.

All of this is almost caused by Jerry.

Similarly, Tom is also lonely.

It can be seen that other cats basically live in groups.

Jerry also has his relatives and friends.

Most of the time, Tom is alone, and he can only look at the lives of other cats from afar, secretly, enviously and longingly.

He may have had a few days with other cats.

But only Tom himself knows that those were all friends he begged for by lowering his status and dignity.

Tom wants friends to make himself less lonely.

For this reason, he can even be a little humble, and invite stray cats outside to his home for a party without hesitation, even if he is beaten by his owner afterwards.

Although he doesn't want to admit it, Tom is also very clear that those stray cats recognize him as a friend on the surface, but in fact they just want to come to his house to play.

In the end, Tom has to bear the mess on his own.

All of this, like a mountain of added weight, weighed on Tom's tense nerves.

Finally, after Jerry threw away his diamond ring and ruined his courtship, he broke out completely!

Tom didn't even seek revenge on anyone for his outburst.

He just got himself drunk, and then in the middle of the night when no one was around, he picked up his small package with a small wooden stick and chose to run away from home.

He didn't even care about losing his freedom.

He locked himself in the online storage warehouse and thought about the rest of his life.

In Tom's memory, he finally saw a group of mosaic black fog, and then his memory became very vague.

He only remembered that he went to a luxurious palace and met a man there.

Although the palace was very lively, it seemed that there were many people around him.

But perhaps because he felt the breath of his kind, Tom felt that he was also very lonely.

Suddenly, Tom shuddered, shook his head quickly, and looked at Jerry in front of him again.

Jerry obviously realized his mistake.

He took out a baseball bat from somewhere, raised his hands, and handed it to Tom.

The diamond ring was still on the baseball bat.

The meaning was quite clear.

Jerry found the diamond that he lost, which meant that he knew he was wrong.

The bat in his hand meant that he was willing to accept punishment, as long as Tom calmed down.

Jerry, who raised his hands, lowered his head and closed his eyes, suddenly felt the cat's paw holding him down.

Then, Jerry was on the ground.

Tom put it on the ground.

Then, Jerry's hands felt lighter.

This was Tom Jerry taking away the baseball bat and diamond ring in his hands.

This made Jerry, who closed his eyes, tremble nervously.

Although he was mentally prepared to accept the punishment to save his friend, Jerry was still instinctively afraid when he thought that he would be beaten later.

It was actually nothing when he was beaten.

Jerry had been beaten before.

But when you know you will be hit, you can't hide, and you don't know when the stick will fall, the feeling in your heart is the most nervous.

Tom grabbed Jerry's baseball bat and raised it high.


The baseball bat fell heavily and hit something.

Jerry's body shook again.

He subconsciously thought that Tom hit him with the bat.

But the knocking sounds that followed made Jerry realize that Tom was indeed knocking on something, but he didn't hit it.

Jerry raised his head slightly and quietly opened one eye to look at Tom.

He immediately saw Tom knocking on the small diamond ring.

After more than ten seconds, it seemed that the knocking was finished. Tom raised the diamond ring and looked at it in the sun, looking very satisfied.

Seeing Jerry secretly looking at him, Tom narrowed his eyes and smiled.

He threw away the baseball bat casually, pinched the small diamond ring that was adjusted to the size by it with two fingers and put it on Jerry's head.

He also twisted it left and right to make the diamond ring more stable.

Jerry was stunned by this, obviously he didn't expect things to develop like this.

Tom took out a mirror and stood it on the ground, letting Jerry see what he looked like now.

Jerry looked at the mirror.

It was the somewhat confused self in it.

On its little head was a headband transformed from a diamond ring.

On the hard diamond ring, there was also an English word "friend".

Staring blankly at himself in the mirror, Jerry raised his hand and touched the diamond ring on his head in disbelief.

Putting away the mirror, Tom picked up Jerry again.

Like Jerry before, he kissed Jerry's face several times, and then held Jerry in his arms and shook him like a baby.

Tom could probably guess that Jerry had spent a lot of effort to find him.

It was just like he accidentally drowned once before.

It was Jerry who pulled him ashore when he was dying.

At this time, Tom finally knew that he was not lonely.

He always had Jerry, his best friend.

This friend might be naughty, like to steal cheese and drink his milk, and not so perfect.

But this friend is real. As long as Jerry shows that sly but sincere smile, Tom's world is colorful.

Because they are the only cat and mouse in this world.

They are happy enemies, and the most important existence in each other's hearts.

At this time, Jerry finally came back to his senses, understood Tom's intentions, and laughed happily, and also opened his arms enthusiastically to hug his friend.

Not far away, Tom stood there watching, with a happy smile on his face.

He was happy that the good friends could get back together.

Similarly, Tom was very envious.

[Main task completed: Solve Tom's troubles! ]

[Reward: Free access to this world, electronic ghost body. ]

With the prompt of the system pop-up window, Tom came back to his senses.

Very good, the main task has been completed.

Next, it's time to complete the side task.

The side task is to prevent people in the real world from discovering that Tom is missing before Tom returns.

Because of his existence, other data lives abducted by Xiao Hei have become mosaics, but Tom has not.

So until now, people in the real world have not discovered that Tom has disappeared.

This is considered to be half of the side task.

But the first half of the side task is also very important.

[Before Tom returns]

The important thing is the word "return".

If you want to return, you must at least ensure that the data world exists and can operate normally.

If the data world is messed up, you can't return even if you want to.

Therefore, solving the root cause of this chaos is what Tom should do at this time.

Look up at the sky of the Internet Metropolis.

The big hole blasted by Godzilla has become much smaller under the system repair.

I don't know what the current situation is with Black Cat Sheriff.

After all, Dr. Akin has a super AI Xiao Hei, and its restraint on data creatures is too great.

Tom is not very reassured about this.

Anyway, this incident must be resolved, so let's go up and take a look.

The gate of Infinite City appeared next to Tom.

Through the eye left by Tom in the Dark Web Palace, Tom traveled through Infinite City and came to the Dark Web Palace again.

At this time, this palace has also become messy.

The originally prosperous palace is full of collapsed holes. It is a bit exaggerated to say that it is a ruin, but it is very vivid to say that it is an unfinished building.

Obviously, there are many data creatures who have regained self-awareness like Superman. Although the battle in the cyber metropolis below is still going on.

But many people have even started to counterattack.

After all, they were just caught off guard before.

There are only dozens of data creatures controlled by Xiao Hei.

Compared with the natives of the data world, there are still too few.

Even if most of the natives do not live in the cyber metropolis, but live in their own small worlds.

Just like Jerry lives in the crew and Mario lives in the game.

But even so, there are many data creatures in the cyber metropolis alone.

When they react, the advantage of the battlefield is still on their side.

Therefore, when Tom and the others were below.

A group of data creatures had already moved the battlefield here in advance.

They thought the same as Tom,

Catch the thief first.

However, the battlefield in the dark web palace and the cyber metropolis below is still a little different.

Data creatures can still fight each other.

But against Xiao Hei, the super AI, these data creatures have no way at all.

Just like Mario and the great devil Bowser before, they were frozen in place as soon as they met, completely unable to move.

Tang Mu even saw the game characters in "Romance of the Three Kingdoms".

Zhuge Liang and Sun Shangxiang also saw Tang Mu.

Although they had chased Tang Mu in their game, they knew who the real enemy was at this time, so Zhuge Liang immediately warned: "Don't get close, that black fog is very evil!"

Tang Mu grinned at Zhuge Liang to express his gratitude.

But he did not stop.

It is different from other data creatures.

It has a physical entity, not just data.

No matter how strong an AI is, it cannot affect it.

So, in the shocked eyes of a group of data creatures whose bodies were fixed, Tang Mu was not affected at all and strode towards the half-collapsed palace in front!

As soon as he ran into the palace, Tang Mu saw the air cushion motorcycle that fell beside him and a group of cat cyber policemen who fell to the ground.

Inside, the black cat sheriff was confronting a black pug and its owner, Dr. Ajin!

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