Tom Cat breaks through the dimensional wall

Chapter 139 What exactly are cat people?

Little Sun is actually stupid!

This discovery shocked Tang Mu greatly!

Actually, it is a bit too much to say that he is stupid.

For a cat, Little Sun's IQ is actually normal.

But for a cat, its performance is really stupid.

Although it has been a while since I went to Meow City to hang out, Tang Mu still clearly remembers that the behavior of the cats there is no different from that of ordinary people.

If it were not for the bodies of cats, there would be no problem in treating them as humans.

There is no doubt that they are highly intelligent life forms like humans.

Tang Mu had dealt with Little Sun in Meow City before, and he knew that Little Sun was like a lazy and wise old man, and it would never be possible for him to behave like this.

Looking at the big orange cat in front of him who was shaking left and right because of a dogtail grass he was playing with, Tang Mu's face wrinkled and looked very confused.

Still in the backyard of the community with a pavilion, Tang Mu squatted on a big rock, holding a dogtail grass in his paws and shaking it left and right.

The little sun, who was originally lying lazily on the grass, was also attracted by the dogtail grass and stood up. The brown cat pupils shrank, staring at the dogtail grass in front of him, and shaking his head left and right following Tang Mu's movements.

Gradually, he began to stretch out his claws, trying to catch the dogtail grass shaking in the air.

When the little sun scooped it, Tang Mu lifted the dogtail grass, so that the little sun subconsciously raised his front legs and stood up slightly following Tang Mu's movements.

From beginning to end, the little sun's eyes were fixed on the dogtail grass in Tang Mu's hand, and he didn't move away for a moment.

This ordinary cat look really gave Tang Mu a headache.

It began to think whether this little sun was really stupid or pretended to be like this.

In the pavilion not far away, Grandma Lan and her group of old ladies also saw the interaction between Tang Mu and the little sun, and they gathered together and laughed.

I think this scene is very interesting.

Some grandmas took out their mobile phones and took pictures of it.

"Haha, look! Xinsu, Tom is teasing your little Sun. Hey! This is the first time I see a cat teasing a cat."

A grandma patted Grandma Lan beside her and laughed so hard that she couldn't close her mouth.

Because of the previous incident, the residents in the community have a good impression of Tang Mu.

Once others have a great impression of you, you can easily make people happy no matter what you do.

Grandma Lan didn't feel angry when she saw Tang Mu teasing her cat at this time, but she was quite happy to see it.

Squatting on the big rock, Tang Mu teased Little Sun a little, but he still couldn't easily rule out the possibility that Little Sun was playing dumb, so he decided to go a step further and see how long this old orange cat could play dumb.

Tang Mu still remembered that when he was in Meow City, Little Sun had warned him not to reveal his identity as a cat outside Meow City.

So Tang Mu suspected that there might be too many people here, and Little Sun couldn't reveal his identity, so he was playing dumb with him.

Considering this, Tang Mu jumped off the rock, grabbed Little Sun's neck skin, and dragged Little Sun away.

When Grandma Lan and the others saw it, they just smiled and didn't stop them.

They believed that the two cats were just playing around, and with Tang Mu's intelligence and spirit, they wouldn't hurt Little Sun.

This old orange cat was really lazy.

He struggled at first, but when he found that he couldn't get away, he just gave up.

With Tang Mu holding his neck, his head slightly raised, but his body was lying on the ground like a puddle of mud, and he was completely dragged by Tang Mu.

He just opened his mouth and let out a weak meow from time to time, which was regarded as his last stubbornness.

Tang Mu dragged Little Sun along the way, trying to find an empty corner to have a good chat with Little Sun.

Naturally, many people saluted Tang Mu and the others along the way.

Tang Mu didn't care.

Tie Zhu and the others also saw Tang Mu.

When they saw Tang Mu holding Little Sun's neck and dragging Little Sun away, Tie Zhu, Er Lang and the coal boss also followed.

Oh, by the way, there was also that mean grey parrot.

As a new pet in the community, it successfully mixed into Tangmu and his friends' small circle because of their friendship in catching thieves.

Later, Tangmu went to find out that the name of this grey parrot is Grey Chicken. It can only be said that Ma Hai, who named it, is really talented.

Grey Chicken is homophonic to Grey Plane, which is homophonic to Airplane.

It also includes the characteristics of the grey parrot and the free-range chicken. Tangmu feels that this name is very talented and has personality.

The most important thing is that this name actually has a bit of a mean feeling, which is very appropriate to the personality of this grey parrot.

Grey Chicken stopped on Tiezhu's head to comb its hair, with a proud look, and seemed very satisfied with the treatment of having a mount.

Originally, it wanted Erlang to be its mount, but unfortunately, Erlang, who has a bad temper, would not spoil it.

Every time Grey Chicken provoked it, it would be beaten up by it.

Every time this happens, the gray chicken will flap its wings in fear and shout: "Kill the bird! Kill the bird!"

After shouting, when Erlang stops attacking it, the bird will be shameless again and provoke Erlang.

As for Tiezhu, although a little silly, he usually ignores the gray chicken and doesn't care about the idea of ​​the gray chicken using it as a mount.

On the contrary, it gets excited because someone is playing with it.

But sometimes, when the fun goes too far, Tiezhu gets too excited and plays crazy, and the gray chicken is the one who suffers.

In fact, the easiest to bully among this group of friends is the coal boss.

The coal boss's Siamese cat is a bit shy and timid.

But with familiar friends around, it is easy to bully the tiger.

The gray chicken can bully it, so that the coal boss will be its mount obediently.

But this gray parrot is a mean bird.

It is not interested in the coal boss who is the easiest to provoke.

It just likes to provoke those who can punish it.

It screams miserably when it is punished, but it will be proud again in a few minutes.

Tang Mu sometimes doubts whether this bird is a masochist.

Speaking of which, after seeing Tang Mu dragging Xiao Yangyang away, Tiezhu didn't know which nerve it touched.

It suddenly became excited!

It even raised its front legs slightly and jumped, almost dropping the gray chicken on its head.

The gray chicken quickly clasped its claws, spread its wings and waved them quickly a few times, so that it could maintain its balance and not fall directly from it.

However, Tiezhu had obviously forgotten the existence of the gray chicken.

"Woof woof" barked twice.

It jumped around Tang Mu in a circle, then ran to Tang Mu and barked at him again.

The road ahead was blocked, and Tang Mu stopped and looked at Tiezhu helplessly.

Tiezhu didn't know what he was excited about, and his big tail was shaking very hard, like a small fan.

After looking at Tang Mu for a while, and then looking at the orange cat Xiao Yangyang who was being held by Tang Mu, Tiezhu suddenly showed a wise look, and the whole dog stood up straight as if standing at attention, without looking sideways!

After that, Tiezhu suddenly fell to the ground sideways, lying straight on the ground with his back to Tang Mu.

The gray chicken obviously didn't understand the stupid dog's brain circuit.

Originally staying on Tiezhu's head well, I don't know what this stupid dog suddenly got into, and fell to the ground without saying a word!

It fell straight down like a corpse, leaving the gray chicken no time to react.

It was originally very leisurely, but it was almost crushed by this stupid dog.

This made the gray chicken a little angry, and it quickly flapped its wings and flew away from the top of Tiezhu.

Seeing that Tiezhu had already laid down, it fell on Tiezhu's head again as if to vent, and pecked Tiezhu's ears with its beak.

Tiezhu shook his ears, but ignored it completely.

It was blocking Tang Mu with one mind.

Tang Mu, who was blocked, was also a little speechless. It had something important to do here, and this matter had a higher priority than optimizing the mind-eye system of Guan Suisui's company.

At this time, Tang Mu was full of doubts waiting for Xiao Yang's answer, but he had no time to pay attention to the idiot in front of him.

Bypassing the iron pillar that blocked the way, Tang Mu continued to move forward with Xiao Yang in his mouth.

When Tiezhu saw Tang Mu bypassing him, he suddenly seemed a little unhappy.

Hurry up and get up!

The movement was too big, and the gray chicken that was perched on its head and pecking at it flew away in fright.

Tiezhu ignored the gray chicken.

He chased after Tangmu and soon went in front of him. He lay down in front of him again with his back to him.

He seemed to be afraid that Tangmu would run away again. After lying down, he even turned his head and looked back to observe Tangmu's movements.

Tangmu understood now.

Tiezhu looked at himself carrying Xiao Yang in his mouth, and he probably thought it was quite fun, thinking that he was playing with Xiao Yang.

He looked like he also wanted Tangmu to carry him.

So that he could experience what it felt like to be dragged by the back of the neck.

Although Tiezhu's thoughts were speechless.

But this is a Husky after all, and no matter what he did, it is understandable.

Today Tangmu had something important to do, so he had no time to play with Tiezhu. He could only raise his paw and pat Tiezhu's head gently to comfort him.

I don't know if the comfort worked.

Tiezhu's wildly shaking tail gradually lost its strength, and the whole dog looked a little listless.

But it didn't stop Tang Mu from biting his neck.

Seeing it like this, Tang Mu didn't know what to say.

I can only say that I don't have time today, and I'll play with my friends later.

Going around Tiezhu, Tang Mu moved forward again.

As friends, Tiezhu and Erlang and other small animals continued to follow. The emotions of small animals were relatively pure, and they didn't have too many other ideas.

Finally, not long after, Tang Mu dragged Xiao Yang to the corner of the backyard of the community.

There were not many people here.

If Xiao Yang really wanted to pretend to be stupid in front of humans and not reveal his identity as a cat, he wouldn't have to continue pretending at this time.

Released the mouth holding Xiao Yang.

Tang Mu "Puh" twice and spit some saliva to the side.

Although it didn't have any mysophobia, it was still uncomfortable to hold the cat's neck, and the taste of the cat's hair in its mouth was still not very comfortable.

He stretched out his paw and waved it in front of Little Sun. The orange cat Little Sun looked at Tang Mu, stood up again, shook his fur vigorously, and turned around to leave.

Tang Mu quickly moved it back with his paw.


Little Sun called to Tang Mu, seeming a little dissatisfied.

It wanted to go back to Grandma Lan to take a nap.

Seeing Little Sun acting like a normal cat, Tang Mu was confused again.

What's going on? Why is he pretending to be a normal cat?

Tang Mu looked at the old orange cat in front of him, looked up and saw that there was no one around, then he said: "Mr. Yang, what's going on? You don't need to say too much, just say something."

Tie Zhu's group of friends were staying on the side, and they were originally a little bored. They didn't expect that Tang Mu, a cat with thick eyebrows and big eyes, suddenly spoke human words. They were all shocked!

They all looked at Tang Mu with unbelievable eyes.

It looked like the first time Tang Mu came back from the world of "Demon Slayer" and Xiao Taiyang was shocked to hear Tang Mu talking to it.

Fortunately, there were only small animals present.

With limited IQ, they didn't think too much about the problem.

The old orange cat Xiao Taiyang also looked at Tang Mu in a daze, and still behaved like an ordinary kitten.

Seeing this, Tang Mu was also a little helpless.

There are two possibilities in this situation now.

First; Xiao Taiyang is still pretending to be stupid, and he still refuses to reveal his identity even if there is no one around.

Second, Little Sun is not playing dumb. Now he is indeed an ordinary cat, but that is outside Meow City. If he returns to Meow City, he will become a Meow Star again.

Both possibilities are just Tang Mu's guesses.

But he feels that the second guess is more likely.

Having said that, the first possibility cannot be abandoned casually.

Tang Mu still intends to force Little Sun.

No matter how much a wise creature can endure, it certainly cannot endure forever.

Tang Mu still remembers that although Little Sun was named Little Sun by Grandma Lan, he is not a little kitten.

In Meow City, Little Sun was called Yang Lao by Tang Mu.

This means that Little Sun thinks he is not young.

In this case, Tang Mu plans to stimulate him with some operations that the elderly may not like.

Tang Mu thought about it and felt that for a male cat, the biggest threat should be Ga Dandan, right?

Especially for a cat of his age, if he is still being beaten by Ga Dandan at this age, he will probably be laughed at by other cats in Meow City if he tells others.

Thinking of this, Tang Mu immediately showed a malicious smile to Xiao Yang Yang.

Not only did he tell Xiao Yang Yang his idea, he even took out a scalpel, as if he was ready to perform surgery on Xiao Yang Yang at any time.

If Xiao Yang Yang was not pretending to be stupid, he should have some reaction at this time.

It's just a pity that there is still no response.

What it has shown so far is just the normal reaction of a cat.

This made Tang Mu silently put away the scalpel.

He crossed out the first guess in his mind.

It seems that Xiao Yang Yang outside Meow City is indeed just an ordinary orange cat.

Only when he returns to Meow City will he become a cat.

No wonder when he first met Xiao Yang Yang, the cat was scared when he saw him talking.

Well, since he can't ask anything outside Meow City.

Then go to Meow City to ask.

Thinking so, Tang Mu pulled Xiao Yang Yang to act again.

We trotted all the way to the depths of the underground parking lot, and came to the third load-bearing column in the last row with ease. Tang Mu went in with Little Sun in his mouth!

Tie Zhu and a group of friends followed behind.

Seeing Tang Mu and Little Sun go into the load-bearing column, I was shocked again!

Especially Tie Zhu, that little expression, you can use it as an emoticon package by just taking a photo.

"Woof woof woof!"

Tie Zhu suddenly slapped the ground with his front paws, raised his hips high, and stared at the load-bearing column in front of him as if facing a great enemy.

Perhaps in Erha's eyes, it was not Tang Mu and Little Sun who got into this column, but this column swallowed Tang Mu and Little Sun.

Tie Zhu outside was fighting wits and courage with the load-bearing column as an imaginary enemy.

After entering the Meow City, Tang Mu immediately let go of Little Sun and observed it carefully.

Sure enough, it was just as Tang Mu had guessed before.

As soon as he entered the Meow City, Little Sun, who had been acting like an ordinary cat, immediately changed.

The look in its cat eyes changed significantly.


Old Yang seemed a little confused.

He stood up and looked around, and found that he had actually arrived in Meow City.

"No, it's not time yet, right?"

Old Yang was stunned.

Although it was just an ordinary cat in the outside world.

But because of some characteristics, every time it was time to enter Meow City, its body would automatically come to Meow City.

The first time Tang Mu and Xiao Yang met was in that situation.

Because all cats have a limited stay in Meow City.

Once it exceeds eight hours, they will not be able to leave Meow City.

So in general, cats will pay special attention to the time between Meow City and the outside world.

The working hours of cats are four hours a day, and there are weekends and holidays.

So there is more free time.

Knowing this, Tang Mu dared to pull Xiao Yang directly into Meow City.

Old Yang's working hours have always been relatively late.

So it still has eight hours today, so there is no need to worry about the fact that it will be stranded in Meow City and being pulled in by Tang Mu.

Although he was anxious to ask questions, Tang Mu would not be careless and gamble with other people's freedom.

The reason for doing so was that he had already thought about the consequences.

Soon, when the memory of the outside world was revived, Yang Lao suddenly remembered what Tang Mu did to him in the community.

First, he teased me with dogtail grass, and then he carried me around the community, and even wanted to stab me in the balls. What a cruel heart!

"Hiss - you young man, you are not very moral."

Old Yang stared at Tang Mu, making Tang Mu feel a little embarrassed.

From the reaction of Yang Lao, the orange cat, Tang Mu could guess that the Meow Star people had memories of the outside world.

It's just that when they were in the outside world, they had no memories of Meow Star people and Meow City.

No wonder people in the outside world don't know the existence of Meow Star people.

This cuts off the possibility of Meow City and Meow Star people being exposed from the root.

I guess only this bug can move freely with the memories of both sides.

"Forget it, you kid is so anxious to drag me to Meow City, what do you want to ask me? Since Xinsu likes you very much, I won't bother with you about today's impoliteness."

Yang Lao, the orange cat, said angrily.

Hearing this, Tang Mu put away his thoughts, looked at Mr. Yang in front of him and smiled apologetically, then asked solemnly: "Mr. Yang, what exactly are Meow Star people?"

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