Tom Cat breaks through the dimensional wall

Chapter 159: Flooding the Shadow Army

"Swish, swish, swish--!"

The shadows under Lasu and the other two suddenly extended outward.

Black shadows shot outward with Lasu and the other two as the center, and finally spread to every corner of the hotel room, and even the walls and ceiling were covered with black shadows.

Under the suspicious eyes of Jackie Chan and others, the soldiers of the Black Shadow Corps leaned out from inside.

The soldiers on the walls and ceiling were even perpendicular to the ground. This unscientific scene made Jackie Chan and the others dumbfounded.

Although I had heard about the demons from my father before, I had some general understanding of the other side of this world.

But most of them were only half-believing and half-doubting.

After all, I hadn't seen it with my own eyes.

Until now, the appearance of the Black Shadow Corps, even the most stubborn Jackie Chan was speechless.

He was one of those people who believed that seeing is believing.

At this time, Jackie Chan really saw this unscientific incident, and he finally began to take the matter of the eight demons to heart.

"Uncle Long!"

Looking at the group of soldiers from the Black Shadow Corps around her, Xiaoyu was not afraid, and her face was a little red with excitement.

At this time, she called Jackie Chan just to express her feelings.

But she soon called again: "Uncle Long! They are here to steal things!"

After Xiaoyu's loud shouting reminder, Jackie Chan also saw a soldier from the Black Shadow Corps pick up the jade pendant placed aside, sink his body, and was about to return to the shadow.

Behind him, two soldiers from the Black Shadow Corps appeared, restrained Jackie Chan's body, and wanted to take Jackie Chan into the shadow with him.

Jackie Chan felt that the touch under his feet was like a swamp, and he also realized that something was wrong!

He quickly broke free from the Black Shadow Soldier who was holding his arm behind him, threw one of them in front of him, and Jackie Chan stepped on its body to get out of the shadow under his feet!

As soon as he got out, Jackie Chan flew over and took the tiger jade pendant back from the Black Shadow Soldier.

As soon as the jade pendant was obtained, all the Black Shadow Soldiers in the room immediately cast their eyes on Jackie Chan.

Being watched by so many scarlet eyes, Jackie Chan was a little nervous.

He took two steps back, and did not forget to pick up the bronze sword and the ancient painting with his feet.

Other things did not matter, these were antiques, and they must not be lost.

But being watched by so many eyes, Jackie Chan did not have much confidence that he could keep these antiques.

At this moment, Tang Mu blew a loud whistle at Jackie Chan, smiled and pointed at himself, indicating that he could help keep them.

Jackie Chan hesitated a little, and the shadow soldiers in the room had already rushed towards Jackie Chan!

Seeing this, Jackie Chan could only choose to trust Tang Mu, and threw the jade pendant, the ancient sword and the ancient painting to Tang Mu on the other side of the room!

As soon as the three items were thrown out, Jackie Chan was knocked to the ground by the shadow soldiers rushing from all directions!

Because Jackie Chan was also one of the targets ordered by the Holy Lord, the group of soldiers who knocked Jackie Chan down did not leave, and still controlled Jackie Chan tightly.

Another group of black shadow soldiers who were a little slower in action then focused their attention on the jade pendant.

Their eyes followed the three ancient objects until they saw it fall into Tang Mu's hands, and they all started to move, wanting to rush up and snatch the tiger jade pendant!

Seeing this, Tang Mu quickly jumped onto the table and stood up.

He held the ancient sword and ancient painting in his left hand, and held the tiger jade pendant high in the air with his right hand, while he opened his mouth wide below, as if he was going to eat the tiger jade pendant if he didn't agree with it.

Seeing this, the group of black shadow soldiers did hesitate for a moment, and even looked at each other.

But soon, the group of soldiers seemed to have reached a consensus.

It didn't matter if the jade pendant was eaten by the cat, as long as the cat was taken back with it.

Seeing that he couldn't scare the soldiers of the black shadow army, Tang Mu was also very straightforward, and the fingers holding the jade pendant loosened.

The tiger jade pendant immediately fell into its mouth, slid all the way down to its stomach, and slid to the tip of its tail again without stopping for a moment.

It can be clearly seen that the tip of Tom's tail has now become the shape of a tiger jade pendant.

As we all know, Tom's stomach is directly connected to his tail.

Not only did he eat the tiger jade pendant, Tom even ate the bronze sword and the ancient painting.

Patting his stomach, Tom didn't care about the group of black shadow soldiers blocking him. He laughed and slipped on his feet. He ran more than ten steps on the table, started with a slingshot, and rushed into the bathroom next to him!

He didn't forget to close the bathroom door with a "bang"!

Not to mention Jackie Chan and his friends, even the soldiers of the Black Shadow Corps were confused by Tom.

They had never seen such a scene.

They had no idea what Tom was doing.

They looked at each other. After all, they were all ruthless machines that executed tasks. They didn't have many thoughts in their minds. It was more important to complete the orders of the Holy Lord.

Now that the jade pendant had been eaten by the cat, they could only take the cat back with them.

It didn't matter whether it was a dead cat or a living cat.

This group of cold-tempered black shadow soldiers held shuriken darts in their hands, looking alert.

One of the leading black shadow soldiers walked in front, came to the door of the bathroom, stretched out his hand to the door handle, and planned to let his companions shoot darts together when the door opened.

Being pressed under a group of black shadow soldiers, Jackie Chan was a little worried when he saw this scene. He struggled hard and shouted loudly to the bathroom: "Tom, you run away with the things first!"

On the other side, the shadow soldier had already put his hand on the doorknob.

However, just as he was about to turn the doorknob, he heard a sound of running water from inside.

The bathroom door in front of him began to bulge outward, like a balloon filled with water.

The shadow soldier was a little surprised and took two steps back unconsciously. Looking at the door in front of him that was getting bigger and bigger, he suddenly had a bad premonition.

The shadow soldier just had a bad premonition.

Jackie Chan, who had a certain understanding of Tang Mu's ability, almost popped his eyes out.

"Xiao Yu! Climb on the crocodile's back!"

As Jackie Chan said this, he took a deep breath and held his breath in advance.

The little snake, who had a strong sense of self-preservation, moved quickly.

Anyway, there was no shadow soldier to bother her.

Seeing the actions of Jackie Chan and Xiao Yu, she jumped out of the window without thinking, and climbed up skillfully with the help of the drainpipe next to her. After a while, she climbed to the roof of the hotel.

At the same time, a violent explosion suddenly came from the room where Jackie Chan and his friends were below!

The bathroom door grew bigger and bigger, and finally burst open at a critical point!

Like opening a floodgate, a large amount of tap water rushed through the bathroom door and rolled out like a flood!

The group of black shadow soldiers blocking the bathroom door were the first to be hit. They only had time to open their eyes, and then they were swept up by the violent water flow and rushed to the window without any resistance!

Like the black shadow soldiers, Lasu and the other two were also swept up by the water flow. They screamed and left their feet on the ground, rushing towards the window together!

Fortunately, Jackie Chan and Xiaoyu were prepared in advance.

Jackie Chan held his breath in advance, and the group of black shadow soldiers who were pressing on him were washed away by the flood, and then they regained their freedom.

Xiaoyu hugged the back of the Ganges crocodile, and was not affected much in the water.

The Ganges crocodile even lifted Xiaoyu above the water.

However, the water pouring out of the bathroom was too big and too much.

It was just like a river dam opening the gates to release water, the water was turbulent and endless!

After the group of black shadow soldiers were washed out of the window on the third floor of the hotel by the flood, Jackie Chan and Xiaoyu could not resist and were finally washed out of the window.

In just a few seconds of water release, the street below seemed to have become a new river.

Jackie Chan struggled to hold a flooded electric pole beside the street, and looked at the group of black shadow soldiers who looked very difficult to mess with in shock and were washed away by the flood!

Jackie Chan was really hard to understand.

Where did so much water come from in a small bathroom? It was no different from a flood!

This scene really went beyond Jackie Chan's worldview.

Even if there were demons in the world and the group of black shadow soldiers just now, as a firm materialist, Jackie Chan could still understand and try to accept it.

But Tom was different. This cat didn't follow any reason or logic at all, which easily made Jackie Chan's brain crash.

At the same time, Tang Mu, the instigator of all this, was still in the bathroom.

He used the bathtub as a boat and sat in it and floated gently.

When he felt that it was almost done, he stretched out his claws and gently turned the faucet. After a series of "chi chi" metal friction sounds, the water flow was gradually cut off.

Without the continuous water supply from the faucet, the artificial flood finally stopped slowly.

The drainage from the room window also gradually became smooth.

From the beginning, the water flow, which was like a flood discharge, began to decrease. In a few seconds, it became visibly flowing like a stream.


Several yellow plastic ducks floated on the water and flowed out of the window on the third floor of the hotel.

Several little yellow ducks fell into the river on the road below, and they swayed and rose and fell on the water.

A black shadow fell from the sky, and with a "splash" sound, like a depth charge, the few plastic yellow ducks were smashed into the water.

It turned out that Tang Mu was sitting in the white porcelain bathtub and fell from the third floor window.

At this time, it was just like a small boat, floating on the river.

Looking up, the third floor of this hotel was really like a small waterfall.

Even if the faucet had been turned off, there was still a steady stream of water flowing out of the windows on the third floor.

Looking forward along this river.

The group of black shadow troops who were still in the room and caused some trouble to Jackie Chan before, as well as the Lasu trio, were now gone.

This river that flows on the road and automatically avoids buildings has long been carried away by them.


The sound of water sounded, and Tom used the bathtub as a boat to row to Jackie Chan's side.

Jackie Chan let go of the telephone pole and jumped into the bathtub.

The bathtub shook a little, but it was still floating well, with no signs of sinking.

Rowing the bathtub, Tom came to Xiaoyu again.

Xiaoyu climbed up from the back of the Ganges crocodile and jumped into the bathtub.

"Tom! How did you do it!"

Xiaoyu looked at the river under her feet, feeling extremely excited.

After hearing this, Tom combed his hair in a very showy way, looking quite proud.

Then Tom pointed to the Ganges crocodile next to the bathtub and asked Xiaoyu to look at it.

Seeing this, Xiaoyu stopped bothering with Tom's question and looked at the crocodile that she had been living with day and night for some time.

The gharial hid its body under the water, only revealing a pair of vertical pupils to look at Xiaoyu.

Although neither party communicated.

But Xiaoyu also knew that it was time to separate.

The gharial crocodile shook its tail, and finally turned its head and got into the deep water, swinging its huge body, and swam away along the river.

Watching the olive-green figure in the river gradually disappear, Jackie Chan and Xiaoyu both withdrew their gazes.

Jackie Chan reached out and rubbed Xiaoyu's head: "Okay, it's time for us to go home."

Xiaoyu's depressed mood did not last long, and she quickly regained her energy and laughed happily.


Three days later.

Xiangjiang, a temporary conference room.

William, who returned to Xiangjiang first, was looking excited at this time.

He opened his arms and floated in mid-air.

The excitement on his face could not be suppressed at all.

"I'm floating!"

William shouted excitedly, looked at the coffee cup in his hand, and poured out the coffee inside.

The lumps of brown liquid did not fall with gravity. Instead, they floated slightly in the air and were sucked in by William who stretched his head and opened his mouth.

The small area where William was at this time was not much different from the zero-gravity environment.

If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, no one would believe that such bizarre objects actually existed in the world.

This temporary conference room was full of people at this time.

These people are all members of William's research laboratory in the United States, and naturally among them is Meng Qi, the investor's representative.

Because William really made a big discovery, the group of people who were still in the United States couldn't sit still. They rushed over by plane as soon as possible and did preliminary research on the Tianxing Gemstone.

"We used various methods to analyze it, from spectroscope to MRI. Unbelievably, its atomic spectrum does not match any material we know on earth."

"This also includes the spectrum used by the Icarus project. This spectrum was the last one transmitted back by the probe before it flew out of the solar system and disintegrated."

"William, this meteorite you brought back really has great research value."

One of the doctors said, and then added: "It's just that one meteorite is still too little. If possible, we hope to find more, which will not only be conducive to the development of experiments, but also be a key boost to external commercial development."

William was floating in the air. Hearing what the American doctor said, he slowly put away his excitement and said, "Jack said that the Sky Star Gemstone was given to Disha by the Qin Dynasty. If there are really other meteorites, there will be no other meteorites." The only possibility is within China.”

"That is not your American territory, nor is it the territory of other countries. Don't say it hasn't been found yet, but if you really find the location of the meteorite, what are you going to do? China will not watch you mine it."

"Hahaha! That's not easy. Isn't that place recruiting investment recently? As long as your good friend finds the location of the meteorite and spends more money, everything will not be difficult."

The doctor raised his head as he spoke, looking very proud.

The topic had reached this point, and William stopped floating and fell back on the chair. He looked at the bearded doctor again and asked curiously: "Will you tell them about the Sky Star Gem?"

"How is that possible! If we tell them, and they are not stupid, they will definitely stop us from mining. It won't matter how much money we give. The value of these meteorites is enough to affect the destiny of the country. Even if we don't want it ourselves, we can't Leave it to them."

When the Yankee doctor said this, he seemed confident and confident, his words were full of arrogance, and he did not feel that there was anything wrong with his actions.

After all, William was still a Chinese. Although he had a high degree of acceptance of Western culture, he still instinctively sensed something was wrong. He frowned and asked, "What if those meteorites are in the tomb of Qin Shihuang?"

"Same, if it's really in Qin Shihuang's mausoleum, that would be even better. We can also make some extra money and sell some things at the auction. William, you will not be short of scientific research funds."

The bearded doctor said serious words in a joking tone, and the people around him also showed tacit smiles on their faces.

If you can quietly evacuate China's treasures, why not do it?

William slowly frowned as he looked at the expressions on everyone's faces in the conference room.

This group of descendants of pirates and colonists seems to be doing what their ancestors did again.

Robbery, deception and deception.

As long as the goal can be achieved, it doesn't matter even if it is a monster in another country's land.

That kind of arrogance is simply engraved in his bones.

Even so, William still didn't say anything.

His institute also needs a lot of financial support from investors so that he can continue his research and take his dream of becoming a great scientist one step further.

Even if he had other thoughts in his mind, William still did not say them out in front of these Americans.

I just called them thieves and robbers in my heart.

"Your archeology friend is very good, so you should continue to follow him and let him find other meteorites. When everything is completed, you will become a great scientist remembered by people all over the world."

When the bearded doctor said this, William couldn't help but start to admire him.

I have to say that the Sky Star Gem really gave William a lot of hope.

Even though he knew that it was not a good idea to cooperate with them, he still couldn't resist the selfishness.

Taking out his phone, William called Jackie Chan.

When he was in Disha, he came back early.

However, it had been three days since the last trip to Disha. William estimated that Jackie Chan should have returned to Hong Kong by now.

Now he called to ask Jackie Chan to find the location of the remaining Tianxing gems.


After the call was connected, William immediately asked: "Jack, have you returned to Hong Kong?"

"Yes, I arrived yesterday. I am now in my father's antique shop, but I am leaving soon and have to go inland again. My father said that the Moon Demon Curse Blue is about to be resurrected."

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