Tom Cat breaks through the dimensional wall

Chapter 164 Yu Shu and Little Snake


Inside the waterfall cave, Jackie Chan took a breath of cold air when he saw the water flow outside being suddenly cut off.

Originally, the cave was still very dark, but now hundreds of tons of water were rolled up by Tom, and the sunlight outside shone in without any hindrance, making the cave brighter instantly.


When he saw this bizarre scene, Jackie Chan immediately knew who was coming.

Originally, he saw the flying house antique shop when he was on the plane, and at that time he was still comforting himself that it might be an illusion.

Now seeing this scene again, he knew that it was definitely not an illusion.

Since Tom came here, Xiaoyu must have come here too.


Not only Xiaoyu, but even the entire antique shop has moved here!

In other words, Dad is most likely here too!

Jackie Chan took off his equipment, ran to the entrance of the cave a few steps and looked down, and sure enough, he saw Xiaoyu and his group by the riverside of the waterfall.

He even saw a small snake.

This was a bit beyond Jackie Chan's expectations. He thought the little snake had left in anger before.

One hundred meters diagonally opposite the pool, Walon and Tru behind the big rock were also shocked.

Although Lasu and the others had been emphasizing to Walon how powerful and magical Tom was after they came back, Walon had heard it, but it was hard to imagine the scene without seeing it with his own eyes.

Seeing such an abnormal scene at this moment, Walon felt that he was almost stupid!

Especially in his memory, Tom was still the cat he brought from the UK and raised from childhood.

The cat, which was originally ordinary, did such a thing in front of him at this moment, and the shock was even more obvious.

"Master, master, what should we do now?"

Tru pushed Walon from the side, but Walon was like a fool, standing there like a piece of wood.

It was not until Tru increased his strength and shook Walon's head so that he felt a little dizzy that Walon came back to his senses.

With both hands firmly supported on the rock in front of him, Valon stretched his neck forward, narrowed his eyes, and said, "Tom is my cat, Jackie Chan can't take him away! I must take him back if I have a chance."

"I know, Master."

Tru nodded vigorously and wrote down Valon's order.

Originally, Tom was dispensable to Valon.

It would be best if he could take him back, after all, he bought the lucky cat himself.

It doesn't matter if he can't take him back, because his current career is more important than the cat.

You can't waste too much manpower on other places.

But now it's different.

The ability shown by Tom really makes Valon a little coveted.

It's true that he likes money very much, but he also knows that if he has absolute power, it will be much easier to make money.

Fortunately, Valon still remembers why he came here now.

After staring at Tom for a while, he reluctantly withdrew his gaze and turned his attention to the big hole in the mountain.

"Let's wait here for a while. I heard that there are deadly traps in the ancient tombs. Let's wait for them to go in and explore the way first, and then we will follow them."

Walon and his team have hundreds of soldiers from the Shadow Corps. They have the advantage, so they are not particularly anxious.

The big guys are all about catching cicadas with a mantis.

"The magic energy is getting more and more active. We have to go up quickly."

The old man walked to Tang Mu's side, looked up at the cave entrance, and then looked at the magic energy detector in his hand that was spinning rapidly, and said worriedly.

"But how can we go up? There are no stairs here."

Xiaoyu looked at the cliff in front of her and spread her hands helplessly.

"There seems to be a rope in the antique shop, I can climb up. But this sport is too dangerous, I don't recommend you to go up with me. For safety reasons, you should stay here."

Xiaoshe put her hands on her hips and looked at the mountain cliff in front of her that had been cut off from water. She felt that she should be able to go up with her skills, and there would be no big problem.

"No, no, we finally got here, how can we let you go up alone."

Xiaoyu didn't want to miss such an interesting adventure. When she heard Xiaoshe's proposal, she was the first to refuse.

Then, Xiaoyu looked at Tom by the cliff and asked tentatively: "Tom, do you have any ideas?"

When Tom saw Xiaoyu asking him a question, he immediately raised a thumb and raised his tail proudly.

His body language showed that there was no problem.

Seeing Tom's performance, Xiaoyu and the others immediately became expectant.

It would be great if Tom really had a way.

Tom raised his head proudly and walked slowly to the pool a few steps away.

He closed his eyes like a professional waiter, bent down with a pious attitude and reached out to grab the edge of the pool.

This pool was formed after the Lishan Waterfall fell. It was an irregular circle with a diameter of 20 meters and a depth of 3 meters.

The end of the pool gradually shrank and became thinner, and finally turned into a stream winding down.

If you look down from the air, it is roughly in the shape of a "P".

Since they are going up the mountain to enter the cave, they must move the pool of water first, otherwise they will have to take a long detour to go up the mountain from other places.

Anyway, it's just moving the pool of water, which is not a difficult task for Tang Mu, and Tang Mu certainly doesn't want to take a long detour.

Under the gaze of everyone, Tang Mu held the edge of the pool of water, and rolled up the three-meter-deep pool of water like rolling up a carpet, revealing the flat ground below.

Yes, the ground was even flat, without any bumps or unevenness.

The crabs, fish and other aquatic creatures in the pond were not affected at all after the water was rolled up, and they could still move freely in it.

Tom stopped only when he rolled the water to the river.

The pond, which was originally 20 meters in diameter, had been moved away, leaving only the flat land below.

Although they had been mentally prepared for Tom's magic.

But seeing that Tom actually rolled up the water, Jackie Chan, Xiaoyu and Valon were still shocked.

Even a sturdy man like Tru almost couldn't help kneeling down to Tom after facing such a thing.

Valon was the same.

After seeing Tom's series of operations, he originally had a little unknown fear of the so-called Moon Demon.

Now, he felt that no matter how strong the demon was, it was probably just like that, and he was afraid that he couldn't even beat a cat.

It was also fortunate that Tom was in the world of Jackie Chan Adventures.

For a cat like Tom, if he went to the world of Cthulhu Mythos, he would probably be no different from the Outer Gods and the Old Ones.

If he showed some extraordinaryness in front of ordinary people, they would be scared to death.

"Cool! Tom, you are so amazing!"

After being shocked, Xiaoyu jumped up excitedly!

Three steps turned into two steps, and ran towards the rolled up pool of water.

At this time, the pool of water really looked no different from a carpet, except that it looked bigger and more vivid.

Reaching out her hand, Xiaoyu dipped her hand into the spring water.

When she took it out again, the skin below her forearm was completely wet by the pool of water.

This shows that these pools of water are indeed still real water sources, and they are not directly fixed because they are rolled up.

Xiaoyu reached out again and even fished out a live little crab from it.

After rolling up the pool of water, Tang Mu's movements did not stop. Now he only had a foothold, and the stairs on the mountain were not yet ready.

After opening his eyes again, Tang Mu nodded with satisfaction, and then turned to the direction of the mountain cliff.

Looking at the cave in front of him, which was 20 to 30 meters above the ground, Tang Mu thought for a while, and soon he came up with a solution in his smart little head.

Raising a pair of cute white cat paws, Tang Mu exhaled a big breath towards his paws, then showed a naughty smile, stretched out his evil paws, and began to tickle the mountain cliff in front of him.

Tang Mu's paws were very flexible, and his eight fingers seemed to have their own life. The action of tickling the mountain in front of him was very fast.

While tickling the mountain, Tang Mu's mouth was also very soulful: "Kuji kuji kuji~~~~"

At first, the mountain did not react, but soon, it began to be a little bit unbearable.

Under Tang Mu's tickling attack, the whole mountain began to tremble slightly.

A large number of rocks and soil rolled down.

Countless startled birds flapped their wings and flew up from the forest.

Various small animals thought there was an earthquake and began to leave their nests and run down the mountain.

The noise was already quite loud.

But Tang Mu could see that the mountain in front of him was still trying to hold back its laughter and had not completely let it go.

Having not achieved his goal, Tang Mu naturally did not stop his actions and continued to tickle the mountain, even with a larger amplitude and faster speed.

This time, the mountain finally couldn't help it anymore and started to laugh "haha"!

The laughter from the mountain was extremely majestic and low, and the laughter was so loud that it could be heard hundreds of kilometers away.

Even the citizens of Chang'an Chengli could faintly hear the laughter here, and they were all horrified.

This thunderous laughter was really scary.

Other cities at such a distance could hear such laughter, and Xiaoyu and others at the foot of the mountain could hear it more clearly.

The sound was too loud, and in order to protect their hearing, everyone could only cover their ears and open their mouths.

As the mountain laughed, the mountain shook more strongly.

At this time, it was no longer ordinary rock fragments rolling down, and even the mountain was cracked, and an earthquake occurred around it.

The same was true for the cliffs facing Tang Mu, but the style was different. In the laughter of the mountain, it gradually laughed out its "abdominal muscles".

A straight staircase was laughed out directly.

Seeing that the goal was achieved, Tang Mu was immediately satisfied and stopped tickling it.

Without Tang Mu tickling, the mountain gradually stopped laughing.

Everything around returned to calm, as if nothing had happened.

The ground stopped shaking, and Xiaoyu and others finally stood up.

Looking at the twenty-meter-long staircase in front of them that was laughed out, they didn't know what to say.

Tang Mu clapped his hands very proudly, and then called Xiaoyu and the others to follow him. Now they could climb the mountain directly into the cave.

As Tang Mu took the lead in climbing the stairs, Xiaoyu and the others did not stop and began to climb.

Not long after, without much effort, the group had arrived in the cave.

Jackie Chan had been waiting here for a long time.

Seeing Tang Mu coming up, this knowledgeable archaeologist was a little confused for a moment.

The main reason is that I have never seen anything like this.

If the three views were not already very stable, facing someone like Tang Mu, Zhenzhen's world view would collapse.

After Tang Mu came up, Xiaoyu and Xiaoshe followed closely behind.

After seeing Xiaoyu, Jackie Chan suddenly felt helpless: "Xiaoyu, didn't I tell you to stay at home and not wander around?"

Xiaoyu chuckled, stood at the entrance of the cave, pointed at her father's antique house by the river, and said: "Uncle Long, you said that you can't be too far away from home at most. We shouldn't be too far away like this, right?"

Following the direction of Xiaoyu's finger and looking at the antique store again, Jackie Chan felt even more helpless.

It's all a word game.

But this kind of word game is really hard for most people to play.

"Oh! You young people, don't you know how to give dad a hand?"

Jackie Chan couldn't help but remain silent in this helpless mood for too long. His father's shout on the stairs outside the cave suddenly brought Jackie Chan back to his senses.

Jackie Chan and Little Snake reached out at the same time, each grabbed one of their father's hands and pulled him up from the steps below.

Looking at the father in front of him, Jackie Chan couldn't help but complain: "Dad, why didn't you take a good look at Xiaoyu and Tom? It's really too dangerous here. Children shouldn't take risks."


Dad hit Jackie Chan hard on the forehead and said angrily: "Dad, I woke up at an altitude of nine thousand meters. How do you ask me to keep an eye on Xiaoyu? Don't forget, Xiaoyu is your cousin who has been entrusted to you to take care of her. My niece, you have to take responsibility."

"Dad, I'm an old man and I really don't have that much energy. Do you want to exhaust me to death?"

After being taught a lesson by his father, Jackie Chan really had no choice but to rub his head and admit his mistake.

"One more thing, dad is here to help, you have to thank dad."

Dad put his hands behind his back and raised a finger to explain the situation to Jackie Chan.

"Thank you, Dad."

Jackie Chan felt aggrieved.

"Very good, let's go in now. I can feel the evil atmosphere becoming more and more obvious."

As the father said, he took the lead and walked forward with big strides.

Seeing this, Jackie Chan quickly ran to the front.

After all, entering the cave is the corridor to the tomb.

Jackie Chan was also afraid that there would be some traps, and it would be bad if his father accidentally stepped on them.

In fact, there are indeed traps in this corridor.

There are arrow traps that can be fired towards the corridor from both ends of the wall.

Looking at the densely packed hundreds of holes on the walls at both ends, you can tell that once someone accidentally enters this corridor and triggers the trap, they will be shot into a hornet's nest by arrows.

However, because Tom Mu had just tickled the mountain, the mountain shook violently for a long time.

So at this moment, these traps have long been destroyed and have lost any ability to threaten the safety of visitors.

Even so, for safety reasons, Jackie Chan carefully checked any traps in the corridor that might be triggered.

Not only for your own safety, but mainly for the sake of other people in the team.

Fortunately, there were no near misses along the way.

After walking for a few minutes, they finally left the corridor and came to a semicircular platform.

On both sides of the platform are cliffs extending outward for an unknown distance.

In front of the platform is a huge, bottomless, pitch-black abyss.

This kind of pitch-black abyss, just standing on the edge of the platform and looking down will make you feel the fear that penetrates into your soul, and even a feeling of weakness in your feet.

If you stare at the abyss for a longer time, you may even have an illusion.

There is an illusion that there is a huge monster hidden under the abyss, and that giant monster may suddenly crawl out at any time and swallow them whole.

Fortunately, this is just an illusion similar to deep sea phobia.

"This is a dead end, are you sure you're not looking for the wrong thing?"

Jackie Chan stood on the edge of the platform and looked at the endless abyss ahead. The little snake also came over, looked into the abyss, and asked.

"I'm not completely sure, but it's most likely that this is the ancient tomb of Qin Shihuang. But how come there's nothing here."

Jackie Chan scratched his head in distress, looking at the empty space around him, not knowing what to do.

He took out a magnesium rod from his backpack, opened the tail cap and threw it directly into the abyss below.

The burning magnesium rod emitted orange light and illuminated the rock wall at Jackie Chan's feet. Then, the weight dropped all the way for dozens of seconds, until the magnesium rod burned clean and did not fall to the ground.

This shows how deep this abyss is.

This is truly bottomless.

If it falls accidentally, there is absolutely no possibility of survival.

Jackie Chan watched the orange light from the burning magnesium rod getting smaller and smaller until it was completely invisible, and he couldn't help but sigh.

There was really no way out now. Jackie Chan withdrew his gaze, took out a strong flashlight from his backpack and began to shine on the surrounding rock walls, hoping to find some clues.

He firmly believed that this must be the tomb of Qin Shihuang.

In this case, there must be a way to get to the tomb.

Fortunately, hard work paid off. With the bright flashlight shining on him, Jackie Chan also discovered the anomalies in the rock walls on both sides.

The rock walls on both sides are obviously inlaid with countless sky-star gems.

So many star gems embedded in it can completely force this difference into a gravity-free zone.

That is to say, they don't have to worry about falling into the cliff.

Instead, they have to worry that if they can't hold on to something to stabilize their bodies, they may be suspended in the air for the rest of their lives until they die.

Just as Jackie Chan was about to tell everyone about his discovery.

Xiaoyu exclaimed.

Everyone looked around and saw a dignified and beautiful woman in white clothes, like a fairy, crossing the abyss and flying towards them.

As soon as the woman landed, she hugged Jackie Chan and shouted excitedly: "Meng Yi!"

Seeing this, the little snake on the side couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

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