Tom Cat breaks through the dimensional wall

Chapter 166 Are you the Moon Devil?

"Eh? Chang'e, are you talking about me?"

The little snake was just shocked by the appearance of the Moon Demon. After all, it was the first time he had seen such a fantasy thing.

But seeing the demon slowly floating towards him, and looking like he knew him, the little snake couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

"I'm talking about you. Although you look a little different from before, I can feel it."

Zhu Lan gently closed his long palms in front of his chest, and said with a snake-like tongue.

While talking, Zhu Lan had floated to a place ten meters away from Tang Mu and his group. After staring at the little snake for a while, he said expressionlessly: "By the way, you are her reincarnation. The previous life Chang'e is dead. But it doesn't matter. Let's prepare a coffin for you."

"Hey, Uncle Long, how can Xiaoshe be the reincarnation of Chang'e? Isn't she Latino?"

Xiao Yu poked Jackie Chan's waist and asked curiously in a low voice.

Hearing this, without waiting for Jackie Chan to answer, the little snake turned his head and blinked at Xiaoyu, smiling: "My father is an overseas Chinese, I am a second-generation overseas Chinese."

"Wow, so that's how it is."

Xiaoyu nodded in understanding: "No wonder you speak Chinese so well. I thought international thieves were proficient in multiple languages."

The little snake smiled proudly: "Actually, it's almost the same. I know a lot of languages."

As an archaeologist, Jackie Chan immediately understood the general situation after Zhu Lan said the name of the little snake's previous life, combined with the content of the dream that the little snake had told him before.

"The story of Chang'e first appeared in the Shang Dynasty hexagram book "Gui Zang". The complete story of Chang'e flying to the moon was first recorded in the Western Han Dynasty "Huainanzi Lanming Xun"."

"Listening to the content of Xiaoshe's dream before, her previous life should have been in the Shang Dynasty. I guess it was because her deeds of fighting with Zhulan were known and finally spread that the original version of the story of Chang'e came into being."

"After so many years of evolution, it finally became what we know today."

Jackie Chan subconsciously began to impart his knowledge to Xiaoyu, but Xiaoyu was obviously not very interested in it.

Xiaoshe listened with relish.

After all, this was about her previous life, and she had also heard the story of Chang'e flying to the moon.

At this moment, such a historical mythological figure was related to herself, and Xiaoshe felt quite strange.

However, Xiaoshe and Jackie Chan had the same view on the previous life.

The previous life is the previous life, and this life is this life.

They just got some memories of the previous life. In essence, the previous life was more like a familiar stranger to them.

There was not much intersection between them.

Xiaoshe, Xiaoyu and Jackie Chan were chatting enthusiastically, which made Zhulan, who had just resurrected and had not even shaken up his prestige, very embarrassed.

In ancient times, it had never been ignored like this.

Now being treated like this by Jackie Chan and others, Zhulan immediately felt that he was greatly offended!

"You are courting death!"

Zhulan's eyes lit up red, and Yu Shu and Daddy expressed their opinions.

Although Yu Shu was still entangled in the problem of Jackie Chan and Meng Yi at this time.

But Jackie Chan had such a face, it was obviously impossible for Yu Shu to completely let go of the feelings that spanned thousands of years.

Hearing the demon's warning, although she had never seen a demon, she could see how powerful the demon in front of her was. But she subconsciously opened her arms and blocked in front of Jackie Chan.

On the other side, Daddy was also ready. He took out dried lizards and dried pufferfish from his shoulder bag, squinting at the Moon Demon without fear.

Ready to fight with Zhulan at any time!

"Wow, she's so nice to you."

The little snake stared at Zhu Lan in front of him, his body was ready for defense, but he didn't forget to tease Jackie Chan.

"Yu Shu, I'm not Meng Yi, you don't have to be like this."

Jackie Chan pulled Yu Shu behind him with a complicated expression. No matter what, he came here for Zhu Lan, and now he saw Yu Shu, the man of his dreams, with his own eyes. Of course, he didn't want Yu Shu to take risks.

"Enough! I'm tired of your rude attitude!"

Zhu Lan really couldn't stand it anymore.

Just raised his hand towards them, Jackie Chan and others immediately left their feet on the ground, and their bodies floated uncontrollably.

This kind of suspension is different from the suspension of the Tianxing Gem. Under the control of Zhu Lan, they can't even move their bodies.

"It's time to send you to hell! After so much time, you humans are still so stupid."

Zhu Lan said as he raised his claws slightly, and Jackie Chan and others immediately felt a pressure on their bodies, as if they were about to be crushed by this force on the spot.

Seeing that this group of mortals were indeed as he expected, without any ability to resist, Zhu Lan couldn't help but sneer.

At this moment, the cat in the crowd that was completely ignored by Zhu Lan suddenly swam comfortably in the air.

Freestyle, breaststroke, butterfly stroke and various postures were changed.

It seemed that it was completely unaffected by Zhu Lan's control of gravity.

Under Tang Mu's swimming, Zhu Lan's gravity magic was disrupted, and Jackie Chan and others felt lighter, and most of the pressure on their bodies was immediately relieved, and they felt much more comfortable.

After a few seconds, they even fell back to the platform.

It seemed that Zhu Lan's spell had never been cast before.

"What! How is this possible!"

Zhu Lan had never encountered such a situation before, and he was stunned for a while.

Tom Mu was still wandering in mid-air, with his hands behind his head, his left foot bent, his right foot crossed over his left leg, and he looked at Curse Lan with disdain and provocation.

Looking at that little expression, it seems like he is talking.

Are you the one who is the cursed blue?

I thought it was so awesome.

Curse Lan Xiang comes from the view that he is relatively well-educated and can always remain calm and unhurried when dealing with situations and people.

But facing this cat at this moment, Cura Lan suddenly couldn't calm down.

I don't know if it's because my cultivation level is not up to par, or if this cat is just a little too taunting.

Compared to the little snake, Tom Mu was even more annoying to Curse Blue at this time.

The long tongue in his mouth twisted like waves in the air. Curse Lan narrowed his eyes and stared at Tang Mu. Suddenly he waved his hand again, and a purple-black shock wave hit Tang Mu!

Tang Mu, who was originally suspended in mid-air and quite comfortable, saw the gravitational wave coming towards him, and was so frightened that his eyes popped out like springs!

He quickly grabbed his tail and lifted himself up with his tail and butt even higher, and then he was able to escape the gravitational wave attack.

The gravitational wave passed by Tang Mu and rushed towards the mountain wall behind. There was only a loud "boom"!

The whole mountain shook!

A large amount of gravel and soil were flying on the mountain wall that was hit by the gravitational waves!

Some flew far away under the huge impact.

Some flew in the direction of the imperial mausoleum and were captured by the gravitational pull of the Sky Star Gem. The rapidly flying rocks also became slower and floated gently inside the mausoleum.

Curse Blue is indeed the Eight Great Demons.

Just a random attack can be so powerful.

The rock wall that was hit was even penetrated by a single blow, and sunlight was shining in from the outside.

Turning around and seeing this scene, Tang Mu seemed to be frightened and let out a long breath.

He took out his handkerchief and wiped his forehead and cheeks.

Wringing his hands, a lot of sweat was squeezed out of the handkerchief.

"Dad, how should I use this token? Should I just smash it?"

Jackie Chan holds the lotus necklace in his hand. At this moment, he has closed the lotus necklace and turned it into a lotus bud.

This token of the immortal god is different from the image in the snake's dream, which means that the lotus bud has been destroyed.

The lotus necklace in Jackie Chan's hands at this moment is the product of reorganization.

Therefore, Jackie Chan is still a little confused.

Now that he has seen the power of the devil with his own eyes, Jackie Chan can no longer let it go.

The scope of harm must be controlled to the smallest area.

It was really scary to hear the legends about demons from my dad.

If one of them is not done well, the disaster that Curse Blue can bring is truly a natural disaster.

The reason why dad asked them to come here quickly is because he didn't want the demon to regain its full strength and go out to cause harm to one party.

You have to nip the danger in the bud while it has just been resurrected and is still relatively weak.

"That's right, just find the right opportunity and just hit it with the token of the immortal god. The immortal god is the nemesis of the devil, especially since it has just been resurrected."

As the father spoke, he had already raised the dried lizards and dried pufferfish in his hands, and began to mutter a spell: "Ghosts and ghosts, leave quickly! Monsters and ghosts, leave quickly!"

As Dad chanted the incantation, the dried lizards and pufferfish in his hands began to glow green.

And followed the father's finger.

After the lizard stems and puffer fish stems were aimed at the cursed blue, they immediately emitted two green light waves!

The cursed blue over there was originally about to attack Tang Mu, but was suddenly hit by his father. He was caught off guard and was hit directly. He screamed and fell down for more than ten meters.

Finally, his whole body was covered in smoke and he stopped falling. He turned his head and looked angrily in the direction of his father.

"Air magic! Damn mage!"

Curse Lan was provoked one after another, and now he seemed really angry.

"Aaron, get ready."

Dad narrowed his eyes, showing no fear of the demon's threat.

"Okay, Dad."

Jackie Chan clenched the lotus necklace in his hand, preparing to find an opportunity to hit it hard.

But Curse Blue would not give them this chance.

At this time, Curse Lan was really angry.

Four arms, two long and two short, were raised, and the magic blue wizard's robe automatically moved without wind. As it exerted its power, the whole mountain began to shake violently!

A large number of gravels of various sizes fell from the top of the head. Curse Lan planned to directly destroy the mountain and cause the entire mountain to completely collapse inward.

Bury Jackie Chan and the others alive here!

After burying Jackie Chan and the others, Curlan will prepare to go to the moon, change the moon's celestial phenomena, trigger the world's tides, and announce the return of his king to mankind all over the world!

Curlan has always believed that no one in this world is his opponent.

The power of the eight demons already represents the pinnacle of combat power in this world.

The only ones that can compete with the eight demons are the Eight Immortals and the immortal tokens they left behind that transcend time and cannot be destroyed.

The Eight Immortals are no longer in this world.

The only thing that Curse Blue needs to be afraid of is the Token of the Immortal God.

But it has already suffered losses in this regard, so it will definitely pay more attention to it.

The Token of the Immortal God is very useful in restraining their demons, but after all, the token is just a dead object. Whether it can be used well depends on the user.

Also see if there are any suitable opportunities.

Of course, Curse Lan will not give Jackie Chan and the others this opportunity.

The lotus necklace in Jackie Chan's hand is different from the lotus bud from 2,800 years ago in appearance.

But the disgusting smell, Zhu Lan knows what it is without getting close.

For safety reasons, Zhu Lan certainly won't get close to Jackie Chan, and will collapse the mountain and bury everyone alive here.

Zhu Lan thought so, and he was sure that he would succeed.

It's just that the poor big devil encountered Tang Mu, a completely unreasonable existence.

Zhu Lan just showed his power, and saw that the cat was holding a roll of transparent tape in his hand and running wildly on the surrounding rock walls and cave ceilings!

Accompanied by the "sizzling" sound of the tape being torn, the cave, which had been cracked with a lot of cracks, was actually glued together by Tang Mu's transparent tape.

It was just an ordinary tape, but it could withstand the weight of tens of millions of tons on the top of the mountain!

The cave tomb, which was originally in danger, was actually restored to peace at this moment.

This scene was a big blow to Zhu Lan.

Even though it was a demon who didn't follow science, it had the urge to swear when facing Tang Mu!

This damn cat didn't just follow science!

This is fucking ridiculous! It didn't even follow metaphysics!

Zhu Lan even began to doubt his life.

Was he still dreaming?

In fact, he hadn't been resurrected at all, otherwise, how could the real world be so outrageous!

Tang Mu didn't know that poor Zhu Lan had already had an escapist mentality.

After taping the crumbling cave.

Tang Mu accelerated and ran fast in the air. In an instant, he came to Zhu Lan's side, grabbed its tongue, and pulled it to the semicircular platform where Jackie Chan and the others were standing.

Seeing Tang Mu pulling the big demon over.

Jackie Chan and the others were also shocked, and they stepped back a few steps, leaving a large space for Tang Mu and Zhu Lan.

If there was no Tang Mu, with Jackie Chan's personality, he would definitely go up directly with the lotus necklace in his hand.

No matter how strong you are, you have to give Zhulan a flying kick!

Then you and I enjoy fighting back and forth for three hundred rounds.

Relying on the help of Dad, Xiaoyu's cleverness, and Jackie Chan's own force to achieve the final victory.

But it's different with Tang Mu here.

Jackie Chan and his friends have fully witnessed the unusualness of this cat and are not worried about it at all. On the contrary, they are even more worried about the Moon Demon Zhulan.

After all, if they fight with Jackie Chan and his friends, even if they fail, there is nothing to say, at most they are inferior in skills.

Those with a heroic personality may feel a sense of refreshing pleasure.

But if the enemy is replaced by Tang Mu...

The picture is really unbearable to watch.

Those with a bad mentality may feel humiliated and explode on the spot.

It must be said that after this period of time, Jackie Chan and his friends have indeed gained a deeper understanding of Tang Mu.

As for the consequences of Zhulan falling into Tang Mu's hands, they have guessed it almost.

Zhulan was a little confused at first when he was pulled to the platform by Tom.

But as his feet landed on the ground, he quickly reacted and immediately fell into a state of humiliation and anger.

He just raised his hand to teach Tom a lesson, but Tom raised his paw and pressed it down.

Before Zhulan could react at all, Tom pushed out a crib from somewhere, and then picked up Zhulan, who was completely out of shape, and stuffed him into the crib.

This crib can swing left and right like a cradle.

At the top of the crib, there is a shiny, jingling ornament hanging to attract the attention of the baby.

Originally, this crib should have been a very warm thing.

But when it is paired with Zhulan, who is two meters tall, it is really a bit eye-catching.

As we all know, cribs are for babies to sleep in.

Even the largest crib is really too small for Zhulan.

Therefore, although Zhulan was forced into the crib by Tang Mu, his legs were still hanging outside the wooden guardrail of the crib, and his heels even touched the ground.

Zhulan was stuffed into the crib too quickly.

It was so fast that Zhulan didn't even react, and it was already lying down steadily.

After it reacted, its originally gray-green long horse face suddenly turned red with anger.

It was really angry!

"Damn it!"

Zhulan wanted to curse, but Tang Mu came to the front of the crib, stepped on the footrest of the crib with his feet, and let the crib shake slowly, while raising a finger and shaking it, making a "tsk tsk tsk" sound.

That little look was very much like a kindergarten teacher, telling the children not to be naughty and blaming them.

But the more Tang Mu did this, the more embarrassed Zhulan was.

It wanted to curse, but Tang Mu turned his back and quickly took out a bottle, a thermos, and a can of milk powder.

With extremely skilled techniques, he prepared the milk powder for Zhulan in just one second.

He even had time to put the hot bottle in cold water to cool it down slightly.

After the milk temperature reached the right level, Tang Mu sucked the milk twice to make sure it was not too hot and would burn the baby Zhulan.


Tang Mu smacked his lips and felt that the milk tasted good, so he couldn't help but drink two more sips.

When there was only one-third of milk left in the bottle, he reluctantly stuffed the nipple into Zhulan's mouth.

Blocked its mouthful of fragrance.

Arranging a baby bed and a bottle for Zhulan was not enough.

Tang Mu ran away from the bed, but in a moment, he ran back with a pair of things.

It was a set of baby clothes, even a larger size for Zhulan's special needs.

Under the fiery eyes of Zhulan, Tang Mu changed it into a baby jumpsuit, diapers, and a baby hat with big lace.

Zhulan was naturally quite resistant to these things.

But it had no power to resist.

From the moment it was touched by Tang Mu, it could only be manipulated by Tang Mu at will like a puppet.

After the anger, Zhulan's mind was more afraid!

Tang Mu's actions were not over yet.

Looking at Zhulan wearing baby clothes, a baby hat on his head, a bottle in his mouth, and half of his body lying in the baby bed.

Tang Mu began to rock the crib gently, closed his eyes slightly, and sang a lullaby in a gentle bass voice: "Sleep, sleep, my dear baby, mother's hands are gently rocking you~~~~"

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Currently I owe you 32,000 yuan. I haven't gotten enough sleep recently and my physical condition is not very good.

I will start adding more words as soon as I adjust my condition.

I remember the extra chapters I owe you so clearly, so I will definitely not default on them.

From the beginning of the book to now, I have never stopped updating for a day, which proves that Niu Niu's character is still guaranteed!

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