Carrying backpacks, Xiaoyu and Jackie Chan came out of Cairo Airport.

In such a short time, they crossed the Eurasian continent. Even though they had stepped on the smooth floor of Cairo International Airport, their minds were still a little confused.

Whenever they thought that Tom's performance was just like that, Tom always refreshed their horizons.

Looking at Tom, who was excited and holding a camera in his hand, taking pictures after landing, Jackie Chan shook his head and forced himself to come back to his senses.

In his heart, he secretly convinced himself not to be surprised by anything this cat did in the future, otherwise his heart would not be able to bear it.

Looking at Tom taking pictures non-stop, Jackie Chan couldn't help but think of the novel written by Tom.

Before, he was still wondering where those photos of him came from.

Now looking at Tom like this, he had the answer in his heart.

After taking pictures of the airport, Tom took two more pictures of Jackie Chan and others.

There are even palm trees in Cairo Airport in Egypt, which can be used as the background of Jackie Chan and his friends. The photos taken are quite nice.

As soon as this palm tree appears in the photo, the flavor of Egypt comes immediately.

There is no need to take too many photos in the airport.

After taking a few photos, Tang Mu returned to Jackie Chan and walked out of the airport with them.

Tang Mu lowered his head and checked the photos he had just taken in the camera while walking.

Xiaoyu was in Egypt for the first time and seemed very excited.

Jumping and skipping beside Jackie Chan, Xiaoyu suddenly looked at Jackie Chan and asked: "Uncle Long, we are all in Egypt. Where are we going next? Aren't you invited to participate in some archaeological activities? Where is the address there?"

Jackie Chan seemed a little distressed when he heard Xiaoyu ask this question.

Scratching his head, Jackie Chan replied to Xiaoyu: "The people from the British Museum did not specify where the archaeological site is. They just said that we would meet at the Four Seasons Hotel in Cairo. We arrived a few days early and the agreed time is a week later."

"Why is that? Do they not trust you? We could have gone there first."

Xiaoyu still didn't quite understand.

Although Jackie Chan also wanted to go there first, as a person who truly loves archaeology, his archaeological heart was already stirring after arriving in Egypt.

However, it was precisely because he was a serious archaeologist that he knew very well why the British Museum did this.

In the final analysis, it was really like what Xiaoyu said. They did not trust Jackie Chan 100%.

Not only Jackie Chan, but also some other invited scholars.

After all, this is a newly discovered archaeological site. If it is leaked, there will always be some people with ulterior motives who will take action in advance, and it is very likely that the precious archaeological site will be destroyed in the end.

That group of people only want money, regardless of the historical and cultural value, and they will take it and run.

Even some large items that are difficult to carry will be violently cut.

These are real examples, and the people of the British Museum cannot help but be careful.

Jackie Chan told Xiaoyu about the reasons in this regard, and Xiaoyu nodded in understanding.

"Where are we going now?"

The two people and the cat have slowly walked out of the airport with the tourists. As soon as they left the airport gate, a wave of heat hit them, and instantly made Jackie Chan and his friends feel the enthusiasm of Egypt.

What caught my eye was a piece of Egypt with a long-lasting ancient charm, like the dust of history.

The area around Cairo International Airport is very empty. Looking around, there are only a small number of various vehicles parked there.

Because of the high temperature of the sun, people and objects a little further away are a little distorted.

Occasionally, some green is like a person who has been dry for a long time, suddenly touching a clear spring, making people's brains slightly refreshed.

Just now on the plane, the flight attendant said that the outside temperature was 37 degrees, but Tom and his friends felt that it was probably at least around 40 degrees.

The group had only been out of the airport for a few seconds when they were forced by the heat wave to go back to the airport.

Wiping the sweat off his head, Jackie Chan looked around, pulled the backpack on his shoulder, and then said, "Let's go to the airport bus station first, take a bus directly to the center of Cairo, and go to the Four Seasons Hotel to book a room first."

"If you have time, go shopping in Cairo first, and then we'll go to see the pyramids and the Sphinx tomorrow. The day after tomorrow, I want to go to the Cairo Museum."

"Anyway, it will take some time for the people from the British Museum to come, so we can take advantage of this time to travel."

Hearing Jackie Chan say this, Xiaoyu was very happy.

It felt like an interesting journey.

But the weather was too hot, and Xiaoyu really couldn't get excited.


Xiaoyu cheered weakly, then looked at Tom for help, asking: "Tom, it's so hot here, do you have any solution?"

Tom was also very hot at this time, the whole cat was weakly bent over, sweating all over, with his mouth open and tongue sticking out, as if he was a dead dog in the heat.

Hearing Xiaoyu's words, Tom waved his hands listlessly, then grabbed his tail and squeezed the water out like a towel.

Accompanied by the sound of "splashing" water, a lot of sweat was squeezed out of Tom's tail, and immediately gathered in a pool at his feet.

After squeezing out all the sweat in his body, Tom looked much more energetic.

Tang Mu felt that Xiaoyu's request was acceptable.

Jackie Chan has been through many battles, so maybe he can endure it.

Tom can tolerate it, but it's not necessary.

Because it obviously has a way to solve the problem, but it doesn't solve it. That doesn't mean it is strong-willed, it means being mean.

Suffering is always suffering, and the truly powerful ones are those who can survive it.

This is exactly what Tom Mu wants to do now.

After thinking about it, Tang Mu reached out and grabbed a rope hanging from the sky and pulled hard!

There was a "crash", and like a stage curtain, the originally bright sky was instantly covered by the falling black curtain.

In just a moment, the sky was filled with stars and the moon was bright.

At night, the temperature in Egypt drops significantly.

Although it is still in the twenties, it is much better than when the sun is shining in the sky.


"Oh My God!"

"Oh God! What happened!"

It suddenly turned dark, causing panic among the passengers who had just come out of the airport!

There was a lot of commotion immediately.

It seemed that some people had noticed Tang Mu and were looking at him.

Xiaoyu was still looking up at the moon, marveling at it.

Jackie Chan noticed the movement over there and quickly bent down to pick up Xiaoyu and Tang Mu.

Hold one in each hand and run away!

After running a certain distance, turning a corner, and avoiding the sight of the tourists, Jackie Chan breathed heavily and put Tang Mu and the others back on the ground.

Looking up at the night sky above his head, Jackie Chan felt his head hurt again.

Squatting down and looking directly at Tom, Jackie Chan went crazy: "This won't work. The temperature has dropped, but the movement is too great. And we will stay in Egypt for a long time in the future, so we can't keep it dark all the time. This will harm the world." Big mess!”

"Wow! Cool!"

Next to her, Xiaoyu put her hands in her pockets. After listening to Jackie Chan's words, she suddenly screamed with excitement.

"No! Jade! That's not cool at all!"

Jackie Chan turned to look at Xiaoyu again.

"Okay, it's whatever you say."

Xiaoyu shrugged indifferently.

Tang Mu also followed Xiaoyu's example and shrugged.

What Jackie Chan said makes sense. We really can't let it stay so dark today. Over time, things will go wrong.

In this case, let's change the method.

Tom Mu pulled the rope hanging from the sky.

It was like pulling a light switch.

The sky that was dark just now suddenly brightened up!

The scorching temperature comes back to the world along with the light.

There was another burst of exclamations from the airport gate.

This bright and dark weather is really confusing.

After today's incident, I'm afraid many people will start to doubt life when they go back.

Fortunately, many foreigners are theists, so what happened today should not make them crazy.

The possibility of making them believe in gods and gods more is quite high.

On Tang Mu's side, after the sky became bright again, he thought of another way.

It whistled toward the clouds in the sky.

He saw a pair of big cartoon eyes open in the thick cloud and looked towards him.

Tom raised his paw and bowed to it, then pretended to be dying of heat and wanted to ask it for help.

Seeing that Tang Mu was asking for help, the thick clouds did not hesitate, closed their eyes again, and began to move slowly in the sky. A dark cloud suddenly blocked the heads of Tang Mu and the others, blocking all the sunlight.

As a result, without direct sunlight, Tang Mu and the others suddenly felt that their body temperature had dropped a lot.

Although it's still hot, it's become bearable.

Although Tom also has the ability to bring Egypt into the Ice Age, it is completely unnecessary and it really affects the lives of normal local people.

After initially solving the heat problem, Jackie Chan took Tang Mu and the others to the airport bus station first.

The group bought the tickets and got on the bus. After waiting on the bus for another half an hour, the bus finally set off and headed towards its destination.

Fortunately, the air-conditioning was turned on on this bus, otherwise, in this kind of weather, everyone would have lost their dignity after being simmered in the bus for half an hour.

The bus driver seemed to be in a good mood. Although the weather was very hot, there was always a cloud blocking him from the sun. This made the driver feel like he was blessed by the gods.

The bus was driving on the yellow asphalt road, bumping from time to time.

Gradually, as the bus began to enter the city.

Obvious Egyptian-style buildings also began to appear around it.

"Uncle Long, what's going on with those houses? Why don't they have roofs?"

Xiaoyu has just arrived and is not very familiar with Egypt's various humanities and customs.

Hearing Xiaoyu's question, Jackie Chan also looked out of the car window.

The bus is still moving forward slowly.

The scenery on both sides of the bus also recedes as the vehicle moves forward.

On both sides of the road, rows of two or three-story buildings without roofs are indeed eye-catching.

At first glance, it looks like rows of unfinished buildings.

It's just that there are obviously many people still living in these unfinished buildings.

"More than half of the buildings in Cairo are in an unfinished state, but unlike other countries, although their houses have not been topped out or completed, they are not unfinished buildings."

Jackie Chan lives up to his reputation as a scholar, and he can answer Xiaoyu's casual questions.

"There are many reasons why Egyptians don't cap their houses, and many factors have contributed to the current situation."

"First of all, there is the issue of the wedding house. After getting married, Egyptian parents will build another floor for their children on the basis of the original house as their wedding house, and then they can continue to build on it if necessary."

"The second is the issue of taxation. There is a law in Cairo that as long as the house is unfinished, there is no need to pay taxes. So in order to save money, many people will choose to let the house be unfinished and never complete it."

"In general, it is still the people at the bottom who have to choose this way of survival in order to make a living. The Cairo government has thought about controlling it. But it has also been protested by many people, and finally it can only be left unresolved."

At this point, Jackie Chan looked at Xiaoyu's big mouth again, with a look of disbelief.

As Xiaoyu's uncle, Jackie Chan certainly will not miss this good opportunity to educate her.

Then he said to Xiaoyu: "It's good to let you go out with me this time, see more of the outside world, and let you know the real living environment of many people in this world."

"Don't look at those unfinished buildings that look shabby, but at least they can have their own houses, and most of them have jobs to make a living."

"But in Egypt, there are still some marginalized people who can't even afford to live in such unfinished houses."

"Due to the rapid population growth, many people who come to Cairo to seek a livelihood need to find a place to live. They set their sights on the Karafah Cemetery, known as the City of the Dead, and live with the dead."

"Originally, there would be several rooms next to the mausoleum for relatives to mourn. Those marginalized people moved in and used it as their daily residence, and some even used coffins as tables."

"This may be hard to believe for the Chinese who value the dead, but it is true."

Listening to Uncle Long's narration, Xiaoyu nodded and looked out the window, not knowing what she was thinking.

In fact, it is not just Egypt.

Many countries have similar slums.

Even the prosperous Hong Kong is the same.

There is a kind of housing community in Hong Kong, called squatters.

In the 1940s, due to historical reasons, a large number of refugees poured into Hong Kong. At that time, the Hong Kong government was pursuing the principle of free trade and had no public housing plan.

The refugees built squatters on the edge of the city and on the side of the mountain.

Most squatters are built with iron sheets and wood. The squatter area is very crowded and the sanitation is poor, so fire accidents often occur and infectious diseases breed.

The living conditions of the locals are very poor.

As of 2009, there were more than 200,000 squatters in Hong Kong, of which more than 80,000 were inhabited.

Fortunately, with the development of the times, the subsequent situation will get better and better.

See the big picture from the small.

Turning our attention to the inland of China, compared with various countries in the world, China's improvement in the lives of the poor is really not a little bit.

In just two or three decades, the whole of China has gone from poverty to wealth, as if it has changed a world.

Until 2023 in the future, even though there is still some poverty in the vast land of China, the government's poverty alleviation efforts have not stopped.

Many things may not be seen in a short period of time.

But once time is extended, it can be seen that China's development trend is generally positive.

Perhaps this is why so many people are more patriotic the more they go abroad.

People with independent thinking ability can find out how lucky they are to be born in China as long as they go abroad.

Tang Mu likes a passage from Teacher Luo Xiang very much: The poorer a person's knowledge is, the more he has an inexplicable courage and an inexplicable sense of pride.

Because the poorer the knowledge, the more absolute what you believe. Because you have never heard of this opposing view.

Arrogance is the nature of ignorant people and argumentative people.

Jackie Chan and Xiaoyu were chatting, and with the bumpy bus, a car of passengers finally entered the city of Cairo.

The surrounding horns sounded, and the traffic volume also increased significantly.

When the bus arrived, Jackie Chan put on his backpack and asked Tang Mu and the others to get off the bus.

Jackie Chan had been to Cairo before, and he didn't even need to look at the map like other passengers who got off the bus. He took Tang Mu and the others to the Four Seasons Hotel to check in.

You can exchange Egyptian pounds here, so Jackie Chan exchanged some.

Tang Mu also exchanged a lot.

Now he is the richest, and before Jackie Chan makes money, Tang Mu must maintain the bulk of the expenses.

As a shit shoveler, Jackie Chan still has to let the cat take care of him, which is really embarrassing.

However, as the relationship between the two sides becomes closer, they actually don't care too much about these trivial matters.

Jackie Chan booked a twin room, put his luggage away, rested a little in the hotel, and then went out again.

Children are energetic.

After finally coming to Egypt, Xiaoyu couldn't help but want to see the scenery of Egypt.

After staying in the hotel for a while, when they came out, the sky outside was gradually turning into dusk.

It was time for dinner.

"I know there is a restaurant nearby. The ful and tamia there are delicious. Xiaoyu, you should like the roasted pigeon there."

The two people and the cat walked on the streets of Cairo. After Jackie Chan and Xiaoyu finished talking, they looked at Tom who was looking around and said with a smile: "Tom, the food here should also suit your taste."

Tang Mu raised his eyebrows when he heard this. Hearing Jackie Chan say this, he was really looking forward to it.

Egypt is a typical Arab country that believes in Islam, so pork and related foods are almost unavailable, and no animal offal or uncooked food is eaten.

So food like sashimi has no market in Egypt at all.

The local taste is heavy. Chili, curry, pepper, etc. are used in most dishes, and Egyptians like rich, burnt and soft food.

Tang Mu also likes spicy food, so in Egypt, he doesn't have to worry too much about not being able to eat something to his taste and ending up hungry.

It's much better than when he was in India before.

"Hi! Hello!"

At this moment, a very beautiful girl in front suddenly stopped Jackie Chan and the others and said hello.

Hearing the voice, Tang Mu turned his head and raised his eyebrows in surprise when he saw the person coming.

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