Tom Cat breaks through the dimensional wall

Chapter 189 The toad has a fan in its mouth

"Ouch! Ouch!"

Zhong Su's pressure on Xiao Feng was a beating!

The huge baseball bat hit Sao Feng on the head with a "bang bang bang!"

Sao Feng's head was knocked out of shape and his head was "buzzing".

Tom remembered that he had seen news when he was in the main world. The British did not recognize Hello Kitty as a cat.

They think Hello Kitty is a little British girl.

Because she can walk on two legs, she can talk, and she has a pet cat of her own.

She lives in London with her parents and has a twin sister who will always be in third grade.

She just has cat ears and whiskers.

These remarks obviously have some shocking views.

Tom thinks Hello Kitty is Hello Kitty.

Drawing cats and insisting on describing people is simply nonsense!

What China and the Soviet Union are doing now clearly proves Tom Mu's view.

Zhongsu wanted to find a cat.

Sao Feng puts on a Hello Kitty mask, and Zhong Su thinks it is a cat.

What does this mean?

Hello Kitty is Hello Kitty.


A few sticks down.

The Hello Kitty mask on Sao Feng's big face finally broke.

A baseball bat roared down with tremendous force!

Finally, he stopped in front of Sao Feng's loveless face.

At that moment, the stick was only 0.01 centimeters away from Xiao Feng's face.

Just move forward a little bit and you can smash Xiao Feng's face into pieces.

But at this time, China and the Soviet Union seemed to have regained some sense.

Xiao Feng was pinned down by Zhong Su and stared blankly at Zhong Su. A huge tear slipped from the corner of his eye and fell on the ground beside him.


As if frightened, the stick in Zhongsu's hand fell to the ground.

Looking at Xiaofeng who was beaten all over his body, Zhongsu quickly picked him up. He asked anxiously: "Xiao Feng, Xiao Feng! What happened to you?! Who beat you like this?! Who is so cruel!"

Xiao Feng was so angry that he almost spit out blood.

He raised his trembling paws and pointed tremblingly at Zhongsu.

But Zhongsu raised his hand and held it, with a sincere expression on his face: "Speak, you speak, I listen."

"Click, click, click"

These two great demons are still talking to each other here.

There was a crisp chewing sound next to him.

They both turned their heads and saw Tang Mu eating a very red and crisp watermelon nearby, with his right hand behind his back.

"It's you, the damn cat!"

Sao Feng still looked helpless.

When Zhongsu saw Tang Mu, he became furious again.

Its power was taken away, and its own brother was beaten like this.

This culprit actually had the nerve to stand by and eat!

This made Sino-Soviet even more angry.

It stretched out its claws to claw at Tom Mu.

Seeing this, Tang Mu stopped chewing the watermelon in his mouth and spit out watermelon seeds at them like a pea shooter!

There was a "crackling" sound!

Countless watermelon seeds spit out from Tang Mu's mouth, hitting Zhong Su and Sao Feng in the face like a violent storm!

This wave of watermelon seed attacks caused the two big demons to involuntarily close their eyes and shrink back, trying to avoid this round of attack.

But countless watermelon seeds were still slapped on their big faces.

These watermelon seeds do not cause any physical harm, but they cause a critical blow to the psychological harm!

Needless to say, China and the Soviet Union.

Even Sao Feng felt that he had been greatly insulted.

The purple toad's face turned a little red.

"We'll fight you!"

Sao Feng roared angrily, opened his eyes, and immediately wanted to fight to the death with Tang Mu.

The result is not waiting for it to explode.

The right hand that Tom Mu had been hiding behind his back stretched out.

Jump up and hit the two demons' heads with "Bang Bang"!

The two demons were beaten so badly that their heads were deformed.

There is a lot of depression inside, and the whole head becomes a "U" shape.


Zhongsu yelled, jumped up and rushed towards Tom Mu, trying to catch this annoying cat.

When Tang Mu saw this, he quickly threw away the watermelon rind and wooden stick in his hands, turned around and ran away.

However, it ran a distance of more than ten meters and suddenly stopped again, turning back to look at Zhongsu in a leisurely manner.

Zhongsu obviously didn't realize what Tang Mu meant. It just continued to chase Tang Mu.

As a result, before he could even take two steps, he stepped on the watermelon rind dropped by Tom Mu. His whole body skidded, he lost his center of gravity in an instant, and fell heavily backwards!


The stone floor outside Hamna Tower shook!

"Huh? Doesn't it hurt?"

Zhongsu originally thought he would be hurt by the fall, but unexpectedly it didn't hurt at all.

"Uh... Zhongsu... I... I'm about to die... Get off me quickly..."

Zhongsu was still confused when he heard Xiao Feng's feeble voice behind him.

Hearing this voice, Zhongsu was stunned for a moment and quickly stood up.

Looking back, Xiao Feng behind it was almost crushed into a piece of paper.

No wonder it didn't hurt when it fell. It turned out to be a support behind it.

Zhongsu hurriedly tried to help Xiaofeng, but was interrupted by Xiaofeng raising his claws.

Xiaofeng, who was lying on the ground like a toad cake, took a deep breath. A large amount of air poured into his body, and his originally dry and flat body swelled up again.

Although their bodies have recovered, it can be seen that both Xiaofeng and Zhongsu are very exhausted.

The two sides looked at each other, and finally showed helplessness and fear in their eyes.

They had just been resurrected and had not yet implemented their ambition to rule the world, but they were beaten up by a cat that came out of nowhere!

It really made them feel the cruelty of the world.

Compared with the eight immortals who killed them first, Zhongsu and Xiaofeng felt that this cat was even more terrifying.

When fighting with the eight immortals, they could at least exert their full strength.

But facing this cat, not only could they not exert their full strength, but even the rhythm of the entire battlefield was led by the opponent.

This feeling is very uncomfortable.

In fact, if they knew their performance in the animation "Jackie Chan Adventures", they would know that the current situation is nothing.

Anyway, except for Ximu, the demon of heaven, most of the demons were sent back to hell without much drama after they appeared.

After Zhongsu and Xiaofeng looked at each other, they looked at Tang Mu with fear.

Now even Zhongsu has the intention to retreat.

This kind of enemy is too difficult to deal with.

They have no power to fight.

No wonder the Holy Lord turned around and ran without saying a word. Now it seems that he must know how powerful this cat is.

Zhongsu took a few steps back.

Xiaofeng took a breath again, and he was ready to use a strong gust of wind to blow himself up.

Forget about not being able to beat the cat, but he can always run away, right?

Tang Mu saw the little movements of the two demons and immediately raised his eyebrows.

Probably guessed what they were thinking.

This is his main task.

How could he let them run away like this.

Tang Mu blew a loud whistle at them, attracting their attention.

Seeing the two demons squinting at him.

Tang Mu suddenly took out a black potion bottle with a skull painted on it and poured it into his mouth.

Then he covered his neck and screamed "Ah"!

His tongue was sticking out long, and his body was straight and fell backwards hard!

Its eyes even turned into a pair of crosses.

Such a blunt pretending to be dead made everyone present stunned.

Zhongsu and Xiaofeng were stunned at first, and then angry.

We regard you as a strong enemy, but why do you regard us as idiots? !

Who can't see that you are pretending to be dead.

Do you think you can keep us here like this?

Zhongsu and the others thought they saw through Tang Mu's little thoughts.

But they didn't know that Tang Mu, who pretended to be dead, was just a clone.

The floor where the clone fell had been dug out of a tunnel, and the tunnel led directly to the feet of the two big demons.

There were only two "puffs".

The attention was still on the Tang Mu clone who pretended to be dead. The ground under the feet of the two demons was empty, and they fell down directly, leaving only a big head stuck outside.

Tang Mu dug another tunnel from the other side, looked at the two big heads of Zhongsu and Xiaofeng, and grinned immediately.

He walked directly into Xiaofeng's big mouth of the toad, and heard a "ping ping bang bang" sound inside, and Tang Mu came out with a big electric fan.

Looking at the electric fan in Tang Mu's hand, Xiaofeng closed his eyes silently.

Like Zhongsu, it could not feel its own strength.

Tang Mu felt that it was almost time to end the battle.

He brought a large pile of fireworks and firecrackers and piled them next to the two big demons.

Then he pulled out a long fuse, hid himself far away, and squatted at the end of the fuse.

He took out a match and scratched it on his butt.

The match was lit.

Tang Mu inserted his right hand finger into his ear, and carefully leaned out to light the fuse on the ground.


The fuse on the ground was lit, and a spark suddenly appeared, and it quickly rushed towards the direction of the two demons!

Seeing this, Tang Mu quickly threw away the match and covered his ears with both hands.

Xiaoyu on Jackie Chan's side, like Tang Mu, also covered her ears with her hands, but her big eyes were still looking at Zhongsu and the others without blinking.

Seeing the ignited fuse rushing towards them sometimes fast and sometimes slow.

Zhongsu and Xiaofeng both had a very ominous premonition in their hearts.

According to common sense, these simple fireworks and firecrackers can't even break their skin.

But Tangmu, this cat, is really too bizarre.

It's obviously a simple thing, but in its hands it can always exert unimaginable power.

At this time, the two demons already had a very strong sense of crisis in their hearts.

The body was also struggling hard.

But no matter how they struggled, they couldn't break free from the shackles of the earth.

Seeing the ignited fuse getting closer and closer to them, Zhongsu and Xiaofeng could only stare wide-eyed and blow and spit wildly at the moving fire.

Trying to extinguish it halfway.

But it was useless.

The burning and jumping sparks finally plunged into the pile of fireworks and firecrackers without hesitation.



"Bang, bang, bang!"

A large number of firecrackers began to explode, and bunches of fireworks rose into the sky, exploding into very gorgeous fireworks.

In order to make these fireworks look more beautiful, Tang Mu was very considerate and turned off the lights in the sky.

The original bright day suddenly turned into night.

The fireworks at night are much more beautiful.

Tom climbed up the sandy slope where Jackie Chan and the others were, took out a picnic mat and put it on the ground, inviting a group of people to sit on the ground.

Taking out drinks and food from the backs of camels, a group of people sat in the desert and looked up at the fireworks display above Hamna Tower.

Walon, who had already run a considerable distance, noticed that it was suddenly dark, and couldn't help but raise his head and take a look.

He turned back to look in the direction of Hamna Tower and found that fireworks were being set off over there.

"Leave quickly, the demonic energy of Zhong Su and Xiao Feng has disappeared."

The Holy Lord's voice sounded from the bottom of Valon's heart.

Valon clearly heard the urgency and fear in it.

That cat had already wiped out three great demons in succession. For the Holy Lord, who was also a demon, this fear had become an indelible cloud.

Walon and his party quickened their pace to escape.

The fireworks show at Hamna Tower did not last long and ended in just a few minutes.

"The demonic energy of Zhongsu and Sao Feng has disappeared. Now there are only five demons left in the world."

Dad held the magic energy detector in his hand, detected the surrounding magic energy, and said so.

"In this way, the remaining demons should be resurrected faster and the demonic energy will be more active. Jackie Chan, you have to put your work aside for a while."

"I will transform the Tiger Talisman Jade Pendant when I go back this time. Next, we have to find the remaining demonic energy and try to get rid of it before they are resurrected."

"Although Tom can deal with those demons, the location of these demons is uncertain now, and the resurrection time has been accelerated. He is afraid that something will go wrong."

Jackie Chan listened to his father's words and nodded seriously: "I understand, dad."

Tom turned on the light again.

Let the sky become daytime again.

At this moment, Immorton, who had been pretending to be dead before going offline, suddenly turned into wild sand and flew up, fleeing far to the north!

He was running away with all his strength now, and running away because of his own life was almost squeezing all his strength.

Immorton, who was beaten by a group of mummies and lay on the ground pretending to be dead, had watched the whole battle, and he didn't know how powerful Tom Mu was.

It's definitely not going to work out if you continue to lie there.

Rather than doing this, it is better to run away quickly.

As for resurrecting his lover Ansuna, he can only think about it in the long term.

In fact, Tom Mu had already forgotten Immorton.

The ball of sand suddenly took off, attracting Tom Mu's attention.

Seeing this, Tom Mu brought out a very cartoon cannon.

He put the unused pepper jar into the muzzle.

Aiming at a dark cloud in the sky, he directly pulled a rope behind the gun.


The pull rope was pulled out, and the cannon was immediately triggered.

The pepper jar shot out quickly and directly hit the cloud.

After a while, the dark clouds that had been following Tom Mu and the others since they arrived in Egypt began to tremble crazily.

With a loud sneeze.

The heavy rain suddenly fell from the sky.

It rained directly on the sand of Immorton's incarnation.

When the sand touches water, it will no longer fly.

It turned into lumps and began to fall like mud.

Even before it flew out of Hamna Tower, it was rushed down again.

Immorton, who had turned into a clay figure, was still trying to struggle, but Tom Mu, holding a dustpan and a broom in his hands, had already ran over.

Sweep the muddy Immorton into the dustpan.

Carrying the dustpan, Tom trotted all the way to the stone statue of Anubis.

He knocked on the stone statue politely and raised his head to look at the stone statue of Anubis.

Although he didn't say a word, Anubis already knew what Tom meant.

Although it was the god of ancient Egypt, he didn't dare to mess with the cat in front of him.

Silently, he moved the base of the stone statue away, revealing a dark hole below that led to an unknown place.

Tom Mu nodded with satisfaction and poured Immorton into the hole like he was taking out trash.

After doing all this, Tom patted the dust on his hands, happily left the Anubis statue, and skipped towards Jackie Chan.

The demons and undead priests have been dealt with.

What you want to do next depends on how Jackie Chan arranges it.

Sure enough, as an archaeologist.

Hamna Tower was right in front of him, and of course he wanted to go in and do some archeology.

Brother and sister Evelin also supported this decision with both hands.

Evelin, like Jackie Chan, also wanted to see the legendary Hamna Tower.

Jonathan heard that there were many treasures in Hamna Tower, and he was more interested in this.

After all, my father owns an antique shop. If I have the chance, of course I would like to go in and have a look.

And Jackie Chan has not forgotten that the main purpose of their coming here is to find the scarab.

Now it seems that scarabs should exist.

But it should be in Nahamna Tower.

Just in time to get things done together.

It's just that Jackie Chan and the others are different from those robbers in the British Museum.

Hamna Tower is the resting place of the pharaohs of ancient Egypt.

If you want to enter, you must at least get some permission.

Whether it is the owner of Hamna Tower or the Egyptian government.

Just at this moment, a group of Medgarian warriors in black robes came towards them.

They told Jackie Chan and others about their identities.

The warriors of Medgar were the pharaoh's bodyguards.

And they are the descendants of the Pharaoh's guards.

Their duty is to guard Hamunaptra and watch over the immortal priest Imhotep.

Now that Imhotep has been solved by Tom, their burden can be said to have been reduced by more than half.

Now they come here to thank Tom.

Unlike other modern Egyptians.

This group of grave keepers still retain the traditions of the ancient Egyptians. When they see Tom, the cat, they can't hide their worship and admiration.

Tom just made a little movement.

The people of Medgar all bowed down to it.

They really regarded Tom as their god.

After all, they also saw Tom's previous performance.

Even ordinary cats can be revered by ancient Egypt, let alone an abnormal cat like Tom.

With Tom present, Jackie Chan and his friends want to visit Hamunaptra, and the grave keepers naturally have no objection.

Not only did they allow Jackie Chan and his friends to visit, but they even served as tour guides for them.

The people of Medgar may not know about the history of other countries.

But they know a lot about ancient Egypt and Hamunatta.

This is a very valuable experience for Jackie Chan and Evelyn.

After returning, I guess I can write many more papers.

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