Tom Cat breaks through the dimensional wall

Chapter 197 Go to the hospital, Su Su may regain her sight!

"Woof! Woof woof!"

Snowflakes fell slowly.

The first snow of the year looks pretty heavy.

Snow in December is relatively rare for their city.

Tie Zhu and the others, who were still playing around, stopped playing at this time.

They all looked up to the sky.

A group of small animals are also very interested in the natural phenomenon of snow.

Especially the iron pillars.

It is inherently an extremely excitable character.

As a southern dog that rarely sees snow, it is never too happy to encounter a snowy day.

Tom Mu also looked up at the sky.

Look at this, this winter may be much colder than previous years.

But if this kind of heavy snow keeps falling, maybe they will have a chance to build snowmen and have snowball fights this year!


Thinking of this, Tang Mu also became a little happy.

It remembers that when it was a child, it liked to play in the snow.

I am very happy every time it snows.

At that time, its parents will also build a snowman with it.

It’s just that there is rarely heavy snow in the south.

The snowmen they built were also smaller.

There is no comparison with the snow and ice sculptures in the north.

The ones in the north can all be called sculptures.

"Tom! Tom! It's snowing! Come back first!"

Tom Mu is still here expressing his feelings.

Over in Building B 202, the window was open. Guan Suisui leaned out of the window and was waving towards this side, wanting to let Tang Mu go back first.

The snow stuck to my body and soon turned into water.

Guan Suisui was also afraid that Tang Mu would catch a cold.

Not only Tom Mu, but also other small animals in the community were temporarily sent home.

When he is released later, he will probably have to wear waterproof and cold-proof clothes.

The gray chicken has no clothes to wear, so I'm afraid it will be in trouble.

But based on what Tom Mu knew about that cheap parrot, there was a high probability that it would try its best to escape on its own.

For this active and fun-loving guy, keeping him at home and not letting him go out to play is simply more uncomfortable than killing him.

As before, Tom Mu did not swipe the access card.

Just as Guan Suisui opened the window, it jumped directly to the second floor.

After Tang Mu came in, Guan Suisui closed the door.

"Suisui! Suisui! There's good news!"

As soon as Tang Mu returned home, he heard Guan's mother calling Guan Suisui's name.

Tang Mu was also curious as to what good news made Guan Ma so excited.

Before Guan Suisui, Tang Mu took the lead to leave Guan Suisui's room and poke his head to take a look.

Guan Ma was holding a mobile phone in her hand.

Obviously, Guan Ma was on the phone just now.

"What's wrong?"

Guan Suisui also left the room out of curiosity and asked curiously. Before Guan Ma could reply, she had a lot of ideas and said with some surprise: "Is it possible that I am actually a rich second generation and you have been hiding it from me before? Are you planning to tell me the truth now?"

"What good things are you thinking about!"

Hearing this, Guan Ma rolled her eyes at Guan Suisui speechlessly.

She had had this kind of daydream as a child.

But it's a pity that not so many good things in the world will happen to her.

Looking at her daughter, Guan Ma was interrupted by her, and her previous excitement calmed down a lot, and she said, "That's right, the doctor at the hospital who often sees you just called me."

"I heard from them that there seems to be some new technological breakthrough recently. I don't know the details. I just said that your eyes can most likely be treated."

At this point, although she wanted to calm down, Guan Ma couldn't help but become excited again.

My daughter’s eyesight has been getting worse and worse since she was in middle school.

It has now been three years since I became severely visually impaired.

As parents, they worry about this almost every day.

The days when Guan Suisui just lost his sight could be the most painful time for their entire family.

Guan's father and Guan's mother took Guan Suisui to almost all major hospitals in the country. Not only did the family's savings be spent, but they also owed a lot of foreign debt.

Guan Suisui's personality is more cheerful.

Instead, as the person involved, she came to comfort her parents.

It was during those days that the conflicts between my parents intensified, and they would quarrel from time to time.

It got a little better after that.

Habit is really a terrible thing.

Even such a tragedy becomes normal once you get used to it.

The following days passed like this.

Life is back on track.

Guan's father and Guan's mother continued their work.

Because they still need to pay off the debt they owe.

Guan Suisui has also been working hard to adapt to the life of the visually impaired.

Things seem to be going in a good direction.

Even if there is no more running of major hospitals across the country like before.

But Guan's father and mother still had a glimmer of hope for Guan Suisui's eyes, so every once in a while, they would ask Guan Suisui to go to the hospital for a check-up.

This hope is slim, and everyone knows it.

But some things still have to be done.

I had given up hope before, but the phone call from the hospital just now really made Guan Ma experience the joy of going directly to heaven!

Guan Suisui was also very happy when she heard the news.

But I'm not happy enough to be excited yet.

If possible, she would of course want to see the light again.

In this way, she could see Tom Mu again.

Besides, if the eye disease can really be cured, maybe the visually impaired friends I know can also see the light again.

This makes Guan Susu happier.

She has always been the kind of person who is happy for others' happiness.

"I have to call your dad. This guy ran out after breakfast. He is really unreliable."

Guan's mother said, and hurriedly called Guan's father.

Listening to Guan's father and mother calling, Tang Mu, who listened to the whole process, felt a little complicated.

Now it seems that the main line reward given by the system brothers should have been received.

It should only be a matter of time for Guan Susu to restore her eyesight and see the light again.

This is of course a great thing.

It is also what Tang Mu wants to see.

Otherwise, he would not have proposed this reward to the system brothers.

However, after Guan Susu recovered, it would be much more difficult for her to hide her identity.

Before, Guan Susu had a visual impairment, and it didn't matter how she wandered around, because Guan Susu couldn't see anyway.

I have to be a little more careful in the future.

"Mom! When I get better, I have a lot of things to do! I want to go to Russia to play with guns and drive tanks!"

Guan Suisui sat on the sofa with her mother, and she had already begun to let her imagination run wild without any limit.

Tang Mu looked up at Guan Suisui's appearance, and suddenly felt that it didn't seem to be a big problem.

Although Guan Suisui can't see now, she knows her cat settings. A professionally trained cat can do something.

The biggest problem is how to solve her human identity.

After all, I still have to contact Guan Suisui occasionally.

Thinking about it carefully, Tang Mu shook his head.

Forget it, I don't want to think about it anymore.

Let's take it one step at a time. Now as long as Guan Suisui can cure her eyes, it's a good thing.

Guan's father ran back not long after.

After hearing the good news, he was also very happy.

"Great! Today is a good day indeed! I was wondering why I was so lucky today! I just cast the hook and caught a big fish, hahaha!"

Dad Guan laughed happily, and while laughing, he lifted the plastic bucket in his hand and pointed to the big fish in it to Mom Guan.

"Just right, we can roast this fish at noon."

Dad Guan was happy and proud.

However, it seems easy to get carried away when you are proud.

Mom Guan narrowed her eyes when she heard what Dad Guan said.

She took the bucket and looked at it. There was indeed a big fish in it.

It's just that the label on it has not been cut off, which is obviously bought from the nearby vegetable market.

Mom Guan is no longer surprised by this.

It is said that fishermen never catch empty-handed.

Dad Guan's fishing skills are okay, and he is not the kind of person who misses every time he casts.

But sometimes he has bad luck.

For his own face, Dad Guan will go to the nearby vegetable market and pick a fresh big fish.

Generally speaking, Dad Guan will cut off the small label on the fish.

I probably received a call from Guan's mom today, and I was so happy that I forgot about it.

If it were normal, Guan's mom would definitely hold on to it and say a few bad things about Guan's dad.

But today is a happy day, Guan's mom is in a good mood, so she let Guan's dad off.

Guan's dad didn't know that he had exposed his flaws, and he was still bragging about his fishing skills in front of Guan Su Su.

He even described to Guan Su Su in a vivid way how other fishermen envied and hated him.

As he was talking, Dad Guan squatted down in front of Tang Mu and smiled at him, "You will be lucky in the future. I found a good fishing spot. If I catch fish later, I will bring it home for you to eat."

"Let me tell you, when I was fishing today, I met a lot of stray cats."

"I felt sorry for them, so I gave them some of the small fish I caught. There are more and more stray cats. Fortunately, my fishing skills are good. With my superb skills, I still fed those stray cats."

"When I wanted to leave, those stray cats wouldn't let me go. You are so lucky."

Dad Guan boasted crazily, and Tang Mu couldn't help rolling his eyes when he heard it.

Dad Guan doesn't like to brag normally.

Only when it comes to travel or fishing, he will easily brag non-stop.

Generally speaking, every time Dad Guan starts, he will be ruthlessly suppressed by Mom Guan.

That is, today Mom Guan is in a good mood and ignores him, which makes Dad Guan brag to his heart's content.

Guan Sui Sui is also a good supporting role.

When Guan's father was urging her to do something awesome, she could still respond to him, which made Guan's father feel very accomplished.

At the end, Guan's father suddenly sighed: "It's great. Sui Sui's eyes can be cured, and life will definitely get better and better in the future."

As he spoke, Guan's father's eyes became a little wet.

He quickly blinked his eyes and squeezed out the tears.

Perhaps it was because he was too happy that he had so many words.

It's also a way to express emotions.

Today, everyone spent the whole day in joy and expectation.

Waiting for tomorrow to come.

On the contrary, Guan Sui Sui, as the person involved, behaved a little calmer.

The next morning, Tang Mu was awakened by a scream and the sunlight coming in from the window.

He got out of Guan Sui Sui's quilt in a daze.

He squinted his eyes and looked towards the window.

Tang Mu saw Guan Ma standing there, looking out the window.

From the looks of it, it should be Guan Ma who opened the curtains.

Jumping off the bed, Tang Mu jumped onto the windowsill again.

Following Guan Ma, he looked at the scenery outside the window.

Suddenly, a piece of white rushed into Tang Mu's eyes without any hindrance.

Although it had already started snowing yesterday.

But the feeling was not so strong at that time.

On the contrary, when he got up in the morning and looked at the snow-covered white outside, the psychological and visual impact was even greater.

It was a shocking feeling that the world had changed after a good night's sleep.

The snow had stopped now, but it snowed heavily in the second half of last night. Now the snow in the community outside was as deep as people's ankles.

For a small southern city like Liuyang City, such heavy snow is relatively rare.


"It's snowing! It's snowing!"

"Don't run around!"

Some children in the same community have already started running wildly outside. The sudden heavy snow made them very excited.

Some adults have also come out.

Tang Mu saw that they were holding shovels and other snow removal tools.

If nothing else, at least the roads in the community should be cleared to facilitate the residents in the community to enter and exit.

This matter seemed to be organized by Grandma Lan.

Little Sun, wearing the clothes prepared by Grandma Lan, also lazily followed Grandma Lan.

After someone took the lead, some people who were free would also go up to help spontaneously.

"They are all busy, and we should help too, but unfortunately we have to go to the hospital later."

Mother Guan said, still a little embarrassed.

After saying this, she patted Tang Mu's head beside her, turned around and called Guan Suisui, who was sleeping late, to get up.

Dad Guan had already woken up and was preparing breakfast in the kitchen.

The three members of the Guan family can cook.

It's just that after Guan Suisui's eyesight problems, for safety reasons, she has rarely cooked.

Guan Suisui is lucky, and there are family members to take care of her.

She told Tang Mu that she also knew a blind mother.

Because of the poor family conditions, not only is there no one to take care of her, but she also has to take care of her son. In addition to work, she has to do laundry, cooking and housework.

She has to do it. If she doesn't do it, no one else will do it.

In comparison, Guan Susu really feels that she is lucky.

You think your life is difficult, but there are more people in the world who are living a harder life and are still working hard.

Guan Susu always feels that suffering is suffering.

Simple suffering is not worth praising.

Those who are worth praising are always those who use strong willpower to endure suffering.

If possible, of course, I hope everyone can live a good life.

Because of this, Guan Susu has been working hard to make the Sky Eye system and want to help as many people as possible.

Tang Mu has long known that Guan Susu is an idealist.

And she is the kind of idealist who will take action.

If you really look into it, Tang Mu is actually the same.

But Tang Mu prefers to call himself a more rational idealist.

While hoping that the world will be better, he also knows how dark this world is.

Fortunately, it is no longer an ordinary person as before.

Even without Tom Cat's power, the world can be subtly changed with the help of the system's power, which is not bad.

After breakfast.

Guan Suisui put the clothes she specially prepared on Tang Mu.

This clothes is cold-proof and waterproof, and it is quite comfortable to wear.

But the style of this clothes looks a bit weird.

Tang Mu even ran to the mirror to take a look.

Good guy, isn't this Doraemon?

Tang Mu also took out the pocket on his abdomen.

This is really a pocket that can be used.

Seeing Tang Mu's appearance, Guan's father smiled and said: "I watched short videos before and saw that other people's dogs would help buy things. I wonder if Tom can do it."

"Cats shouldn't be able to do it? Dogs help buy things more often, but I've never seen cats."

Guan's mother was already dressed, but she just said a sentence casually, and didn't intend to continue on this topic.

After that, he said, "Okay, let's go."

The family went downstairs, and after going out, they smiled and greeted other people in the community outside, and walked out of the community.

When passing by the guard booth, Tiezhu, who was also dressed, ran out and chased Tang Mu out together.

It was only after Uncle Qin called it several times that it reluctantly came back.

It seems that Tiezhu also wants to go out and play with Tang Mu.

They took a taxi outside the community and headed to the Municipal People's Hospital.

It is now seven o'clock in the morning.

This time is quite early.

But for a place like a hospital, time is almost meaningless.

Many people have almost regarded the hospital as their home, and they are anxiously looking forward to their relatives and friends getting better soon.

Tang Mu really doesn't like a place like a hospital.

There are too many joys and sorrows, separations and deaths, which is really depressing.

Because of Guan Susui, the Guan family is very familiar with the procedures of the hospital.

When he arrived at the ophthalmology department on the third floor, Tang Mu discovered that there were actually quite a few people there.

"Doctor Yan is in there."

Dad Guan pointed inside, where Dr. Yan Tao, who had called them yesterday, was seeing other patients.

The patient's eyes were also blind before, but the problem was not as difficult as that of most blind people.

Dr. Yan Tao is one of the only two people in the country who can perform this kind of vision restoration surgery as a top ophthalmologist in China and even in the world.

This happened before Tang Mu's main line system reward was issued, which shows how good his medical skills are.

Dr. Yan is only 36 years old this year, and his future is bright.

Having such an expert is also a blessing for other patients.

"The recovery is good. Come and see me again next month. There have been new breakthroughs in technology recently."

Dr. Yan looked at the man in front of him and smiled very happily.

I don't know why the technology has suddenly made a breakthrough recently. In the future, not only him, but also a large number of doctors will be able to perform vision restoration surgery.

This will undoubtedly allow more patients to regain their eyesight. Nothing is more worthy of happiness than this.

Dr. Yan still had a smile on his face, but the man in front of him lowered his head and said nothing.

The next second, he suddenly jumped up!

He took out a kitchen knife from the shoulder bag he was carrying and chopped directly at Doctor Yan in front of him!

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