Tom Cat breaks through the dimensional wall

Chapter 205 Tom took away the drunken wife 1

"My lords, thank you very much for defeating the monsters and protecting our town."

When Doraemon and the others were walking back to the town, an old man who looked very much like the mayor walked over on crutches, surrounded by a group of people.

"I'm very sorry. It was our fault that we failed to prepare weapons for you all in time. Fortunately, we did not let the matter develop to an irreversible point."

The old man's white eyebrows were so thick that they even covered part of his eyes. If you didn't look carefully, you would have thought he was squinting.

Hearing what the old man said, Doraemon, who knew the truth, was a little speechless. He complained secretly behind his back: "If it weren't for the props, the group would really be destroyed."

"To express our gratitude, we would like to hold a party for you. What do you think?"

The old man continued to speak.

"Having a party? That would be great!"

"Wow! There's something delicious!"

"Okay! Okay! Hahahaha! You can sing!"

The last sentence was said by Fat Hu, and everyone who was looking forward to the party suddenly fell silent.

With Fat Tiger's character, it is really possible to sing at the party.

I have been tortured by Fat Tiger's singing many times, and everyone knows how terrifying that sound is.

Without Fat Tiger noticing, Nobita, Shizuka and Xiaofu looked at each other for a while and exchanged glances with each other.

No words are needed at this time, the three friends all know what the other is thinking.

During the party, Fat Tiger must be stopped from singing.

The best way is to divert his attention with other things.

In this way, surrounded by the mayor and a group of townspeople, Tom Mu and his party began to walk towards the initial town.

They were first placed in a tavern.

Taverns and hotels alike.

It's just that the first floor is usually used to receive drinkers and diners, while the second floor and above are empty rooms for accommodation.

There is no need to pay for the first day's accommodation. This should be a benefit and is given by the mayor and others.

But every day’s accommodation after that will cost money.

Doraemon is the person who knows the world best, so he went over to ask about it. It cost 30 gold coins to stay in the hotel in the initial town for one night.

They had just defeated more than a hundred monsters and earned a total of 122 gold coins.

Fortunately, the settings are the same as those of ordinary RPG games.

Housing does not need to open a room for each character in the team. As long as they are in the same team, they can be assigned a room for 30 gold coins.

It seems quite cheap?

Not at all.

Doraemon briefly asked about the rent costs in other places after leaving the initial town, and instantly felt a lot of pressure.

After arriving at the assigned room on the second floor of the tavern, Doraemon called everyone together for a small meeting and talked about making money and spending money.

"In this world, gold coins play a huge role. They need to be used in many places. For example, housing. After a character reaches level five, he or she has passed the novice stage."

"After the novice period, the level will not be automatically improved, but experience points will begin to be accumulated. Only after resting in the tavern for one night, the accumulated experience points will be settled, and the level will continue to be improved."

"Because this game has a setting, some high-level taverns or hotels have a bonus to the accumulated experience settlement, up to three times. But again, staying in that kind of tavern for one night costs a lot of money."

"In other words, if you want to increase your level quickly, you can accumulate as much experience as possible, and then spend money to triple the experience settlement at once."

"In addition, if we want to increase our strength, the purchase of weapons and equipment is equally important. We also need to purchase a large amount of supplies for use in battle."

When Doraemon said this, he said with some distress: "That's all I know. I haven't played this game. I just read some rough descriptions."

Fortunately, everyone here loves to play and has played some games.

It's just a matter of time. After all, the gaming industry has just started. Although they also play video games, they don't play that many.

I am quite familiar with the RPG game Tom Mu.

Even though the main world has already arrived in 2022, in an era where 3A masterpieces are frequently released, he still often pulls out various pixel-style RPG games to miss them, and is familiar with the various settings in them.

It would be quite fun if this different world followed the settings of classic RPG games in many aspects.

"Okay! Wait until tomorrow! Let's work hard to upgrade together! Work hard to make money!"

Fat Tiger is very energetic.

After hearing what Doraemon said, he immediately clenched his fists and stood up!

"But, I heard Doraemon say, money is hard to make."

Nobita was a little defensive on the side.

"What are you talking about! As long as you work hard! There is nothing you can't do!"

Fat Tiger hit Nobita on the head, expressing his dissatisfaction.


Nobita covered his head and apologized aggrievedly.

"Dong dong dong"

At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

Shizuka, who was closest to the door, stood up and walked over to open the door.

The person outside the door seemed to be a tavern employee.

Seeing Jingxiang open the door, he took a look inside and said with a smile: "My lords, the party prepared for you has been prepared. Can I take you there now?"

"Of course no problem."

Doraemon also stood up.

A group of people followed him outside, while Tom deliberately lagged behind.

It wanted to test the ratio of reality to games in this world.

At present, the NPCs they came into contact with were like real people, so they should be real people.

This is a real parallel world after all.

But because it is a parallel world, everything is possible.

Maybe their thinking logic is different from that of people in other worlds.

This needs to be tested.

Anyway, I am a cat, so it is not strange to do anything.

Thinking of this, Tom whistled and began to rummage through the boxes in the room.

It would open any container that could be opened to see what it could take.

It was like playing an RPG game. Every time you go to a new map, you have to press the interaction button for any target.

I am afraid that if you just miss some garbage, you will feel that you have lost.

As far as Tom knows, there are quite a few players who have this habit.

The final result is that the character level is not high, but there is already a backpack of garbage to deal with.

And often they are reluctant to deal with the garbage.

If the game has a backpack capacity, they will even try their best to increase the backpack capacity so that they can carry more garbage.

They will sell some of it only when they have no other choice.

The first thing that Tommu wants to test is the most common setting in RPG.

Anything that "I" can pick up and take away in this game, or put in the backpack, is "mine".

Even if you break into a stranger's house, rummage through the boxes in front of them, or even smash a vase, as long as you can take it away, you can take it away.

The original owner will just stand aside and watch without any expression.

If it is just an ordinary game, this is actually nothing.

Because these things are deliberately designed by the game maker, waiting for players to explore and take them.

But if it is placed in a world that is more realistic, the style of painting is quite strange.

Tommu has searched the room where Nobita lives, and there is nothing.

Tommu went out directly, opened the doors one by one, and searched other guest rooms.

Finally, he arrived at the last room, where two travelers were resting.

Seeing the door being pushed open, they all turned their heads over.

Tang Mu smiled and raised his paw to greet them, then he began to rummage through the boxes and cabinets as if no one was around.

Wardrobe, no.

Cabinet, no.

Bedside table, no.

Hey, there's an empty vase here.

Tang Mu leaned over to look into the vase and found it was empty.

But Tang Mu still picked it up and held it high above his head.

The two passengers next to him stared at Tang Mu's every move with wide eyes.


With the sound of the vase breaking.

Tang Mu threw the vase in his hand heavily on the ground and smashed it into pieces.

In the fragments of the vase, Tang Mu found a shiny gold coin.

After picking it up, the game system prompted that it had picked up 3 gold coins.


There really was something, Tang Mu's idea came true, which made its tail curl up with joy.

At the same time, Nobita and others who were heading to the central square of the town also received a prompt from the game system.

Because they were a team, the gold coins were shared.

Tom picked up the gold coin, and Nobita and the others could see it.

"What's the matter with this gold coin?"

Nobita scratched his head, not quite understanding it.

Shizuka was very smart. She looked around and found no trace of Tom, so she said: "It should be Tom who picked it up. Only it is not here."

Everyone thought this was the most likely possibility.

"But where did it pick up the money?"

Suneo asked another question.

Everyone shook their heads.

The view turned back to the tavern room.

After Tom got the first gold coin, his DNA immediately moved.

Ignoring the gazes of the two travelers, he searched them, but found nothing in the end.

He could only pout and leave.

After Tom left, the two travelers looked at each other and ran to the vase that Tom had broken.

They had lived here for a few days, so why didn't they find that there were gold coins hidden in it?

One of the travelers even put flowers in it before, but he threw it away later.

The illustrated traveler thought about it, stood on tiptoe and took down a vase from the top of the cabinet.


It fell to the ground cleanly!

The two leaned over to look.

There were only two piles of vase fragments on the ground, nothing else.

The two looked at each other and could see the confusion in each other's eyes.

The traveler wanted to find another vase to break.

At this time, they saw a strong aunt at the door of the room with her arms folded across her chest, looking at them with a dark face.


The two travelers saw the aunt and recognized her as the proprietress of the tavern, and they were a little embarrassed.

After all, they broke someone's vase in front of her.

"Two vases, two gold coins, give me the money."

The strong aunt stretched out her hand.

"One of the vases was not broken by us, but by a cat."

The two travelers walked up to the aunt a little embarrassedly, but still spoke their thoughts and mentioned Tom.

"Do you think I will believe your lies? No one has dared to cause trouble in our Oak Tavern for a long time. Do you want to experience the consequences?"

The aunt said, raising her sandbag-sized fist and clenching it in front of the two of them.

The two were about to cry.

"Really, what we said is true."

Before the two passengers finished speaking, they heard another "bang" sound from the corridor behind the aunt!

It was the sound of a larger vase being smashed.

A second later, a cat came over with a one-meter-high vase held high, and stood behind the aunt.

The two passengers saw this and quickly pointed behind the aunt and said, "Look! Look! That's it!"

Hearing this, the aunt turned her head and saw Tom holding the vase high.

Tom didn't know why the three NPCs were looking at him, but as a good cat, he also showed them a friendly smile.

Then, with a "bang" sound!

It dropped the vase in its hand heavily to the ground!

This time, there was finally something.

It was no longer a gold coin, but a bottle of very classic little red medicine.

It was still in a glass bottle, which could restore health.

Tom picked it up happily.

No matter what it was, as long as there was something to gain, it was all for nothing anyway.

"Look, look!"

The two passengers looked at Tom's action and hurriedly called the aunt. Now the evidence was conclusive.

It fell in front of you.

The aunt did see it with her own eyes, but it seemed as if she saw nothing.

Ignoring Tom who was whistling away, she turned her head and looked at the two passengers, and stretched out her hand: "One gold coin!"

Well, no matter what, now just pay a gold coin.

Although I don't know why the cat doesn't have to pay, the two passengers don't want to care now.

Tom had already searched the second floor of the tavern.

There weren't many things, not every room had them.

There were only a dozen gold coins in total, and a few small props.

But it was not bad.

While walking downstairs, Tom was still thinking about the problem.

The game system of this game world comes with a system backpack.

Like gold coins, all items picked up by Tom can be put into it.

Because of the game settings, the freedom of various RPG games is also different.

Tom was wondering, what is the freedom of this world.

Or should the rules of this world not affect me?

Tom thought, and had already walked to the first floor of the tavern.

A cat happened to pass by.

This is the cat raised in the tavern.

Maybe because it is also a cat, it turned its head and looked at me.

It was this glance that the cat in the tavern immediately saw Tom's claws stretched out to me.

[Tom put away the cat in the tavern*1]

In the central square of the town, Nobita and his five members all saw this system prompt.


Nobita didn't hold the juice he had just picked up firmly, and it fell directly onto the long table.

Everyone looked at each other, wondering what Tom was doing in the tavern.

It had been showing that new gold coins and props had been obtained before.

Now, even the cats in the tavern are put away.

Doraemon raised his round hand and swiped downwards, opening the game backpack, and found that one of the grids was actually a cat.

It tried to take it out, but failed.

The next second.

[Tom put away the wooden box*1]

[Tom put away the wine barrel*1]

[Tom put away the bar*1]

[Tom put away the waitress*1]

[Tom put away the drunken wife*1]

[Tom put away the oak bar*1]

The more things were put away, the more exaggerated they were.

Doraemon was shocked and widened his eyes.

Can this game still be played like this?

It shouldn't be possible, right?

It was a little confused.

"Wow! It's Tom after all!"

Shizuka has always liked Tom, especially after eating the dinner made by Tom, she has a good impression of this cat who is very good at cooking.

Before, I was still worried about making money, but now I don't have to worry about it.

Over at the Oak Tavern.

The scene here can even be called unique.

Because Tom had a wild imagination, he tried to put the tavern away, and it really was put away by it.

It was just not a complete tavern, just a shell of the tavern.

It can be roughly understood that Tom took away the walls and roof of the tavern in this small town.

Now, only the floor with wooden floors, the program inside, and the second and third floors connected by stairs and suspended in the air are left.

All the people in it seemed that they did not find anything unusual, and they were still talking and drinking normally.

Now Tom can be sure.

In the game world, when there are players, it is impossible to think with normal logic.

Now with the addition of Tom Cat, who is even more unconventional, it is even more illogical.

In other words, he is a huge bug.


Tom couldn't help laughing out loud.

This is so fun.

The experiment is over, and Tom doesn't really want this tavern.

He threw out all the messy things that he had just put in his backpack, and let everything return to the original state.

If anyone dares to provoke me in the future, I will destroy his house.

Now that the experiment has been roughly completed, Tom is ready to attend the party.

At the door of the tavern, there is a servant of the mayor waiting there.

As a member of the brave team, Tom is treated the same as Nobita and his friends.

Nobita and his friends have already gone to the square first, and this person stayed to wait for Tom.

Seeing Tom come out, he can respectfully lead the way and take Tom to the town center square.

After Tom arrived at the square, he was immediately led to the long table where Nobita and his friends sat.

The square was decorated with lights and looked very lively.

The long table was surrounded by a circle, and there was a huge bonfire in the circle.

Many people were dancing around the bonfire.

The dishes on the table looked very rich.

There was enough wine and food.

Although it was a party specially held to thank the brave team.

But the people at the party did not surround Nobita and his friends.

Only occasionally a few people came to toast and say a few words casually.

Most of the time, everyone was just enjoying the food and wine.

This kind of party made Nobita and the others feel more comfortable.

After all, they were still elementary school students.

If it was an adult social party, they would be nervous.

Seeing Tang Mu coming, Nobita and the others, who were just shocked by a series of prompts, quickly surrounded Tang Mu.

The five people kept asking questions.

At this time, the white-browed mayor came over with a smile: "My lords, your initial weapons are ready."

Then, he looked at Nobita and said: "And Mr. Brave, your exclusive weapon is in the Sealing Stone, you need to pull it out yourself."

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