Tom Cat breaks through the dimensional wall

Chapter 211 As long as you carry a ladder, you can go anywhere!

They took four huge rolls of toilet paper from the hot spring hotel.

They also inserted a wooden horse head on the front of the toilet paper, and a vehicle that can be used to move in the underground city was made.

This thing is not slow.

There really was no monster to stop them along the way.

Let alone monsters blocking them, they didn't even see a monster.

Occasionally, they saw a monster from a distance, but the other party ran away as soon as they saw them.

It seemed as if they were the terrifying big devil.

In this way, the road was smooth.

It didn't take long for them to reach the underground city area near the Water City.

It must be said that the underground city covers a wide area.

Its scenery is not static.

The scenery of the underground city is different in different areas.

Because Tang Mu and his team were always on the road, they didn't explore the underground city carefully.

So there is still a large area that they don't know much about.

But from what they saw along the way, there were already a series of scenes such as underground forests, underground passages, and underground dilapidated prosperous cities.

What is in front of Tom and his friends now looks like an underground temple.

But this kind of temple can also be called an underwater temple.

"Wow, it's so beautiful."

Shizuka stood at the entrance of the temple and looked up.

After coming out of a deep corridor, what appeared in front of them was an underwater building similar to Atlantis.

Above their heads was a blue ocean.

The sparkling sea water flowed gently above, and the light refracted through the ocean fell on Tom and his friends, one by one.

Here, it seems that there is some mysterious power blocking the sea water above.

The sea water cannot fall down, so activities in this strange underground city area will not be affected in any way.

"Look, there are sharks."

Nobita looked like he was visiting an underwater paradise. He pointed to the top of his head, where a huge shark with a white belly was swimming slowly.

A group of people continued to walk towards the temple while admiring the strange and gorgeous underwater scenery around them.

Here, some human figures can already be seen.

Those people should all be adventurers.

There are adventurers who act alone, but most of them form their own teams.

Seeing Tang Mu and his friends coming, some adventurers also cast their eyes on them.

Among them, a red-haired man asked in a familiar manner: "You came from other dungeon areas, right? Did you encounter any monsters on the way?"

Nobita shook his head and said, "No, I didn't see any monsters."

"Hey! This is really strange. Could it be that the monsters also have a holiday and don't work during this period?"

The red-haired adventurer grabbed his hair in great distress.

These people make a living by killing monsters.

Because they have been living on the edge of a knife, they usually spend the money they earn immediately.

They will not go out until they are almost out of money.

Most of those who can appear here now are people who don't have much savings.

If the monsters don't appear, they can't make money by killing monsters. In order not to starve to death, they have to find some other jobs to make money.

However, most people may not let go of that attitude.

There are monsters only when there is a demon king.

A large group of people shouted to defeat the monsters.

But if the demon king is really defeated, these monsters will disappear.

I don’t know what the adventurers who rely on monsters for their livelihood will feel at that time.

For their own jobs, will they take the initiative to help the demon king?

It’s quite interesting to think about it.

But in Tang Mu’s opinion, the demon king should be beaten.

After all, most people who work as adventurers are a minority.

And basically they have special skills.

It’s not difficult to find a job to make a living.

But for ordinary people, the existence of monsters and demon kings is unnecessary.

The harm they cause to ordinary people is really too great.

“Nobita, Tom, we can go up this way.”

Doraemon first found the stairs to leave the dungeon, and immediately jumped there and shouted to Tang Mu and the others.

Everyone heard it and immediately ran over there.

Because there are no monsters in the dungeon.

Like Tom and his friends, many adventurers also started to walk up the stairs.

This staircase is wide enough for ten people to walk side by side.

It is spirally ascending.

After walking up for hundreds of meters, everyone finally reached the ground.

On the stairs, it seemed to be connected to the outer perimeter of a temple.

However, Tom and his friends did not look carefully, but just took a rough look and walked out.

The door of the temple was open, and the sun was shining outside. The dazzling sunlight seemed to form a wall of light at the door.

When walking out of the door.

Because they came from a relatively dim light source to a dazzling light source area, everyone subconsciously raised their hands to block the sunlight and squinted their eyes.

After their eyes adjusted to the light a little, Tom and his friends put down their hands and finally saw the scene outside clearly.


After seeing the scene outside clearly, Tom and his friends couldn't help but widen their eyes and exclaimed.

The scenery here is really too magnificent and beautiful, unimaginable.

In the real world, it is absolutely impossible to see such a scene.

They had heard of the Water City before, but in their imagination, the so-called Water City should be a coastal city, or a city similar to Venice.

It must be said that they did guess a little, but not completely.

This place is indeed on the coast, because the entire city is directly surrounded by the ocean.

As for whether it is a city of a thousand bridges like Venice, you have to enter the city to know.

Now they are in a position, and they haven't even entered the city yet.

In front of Tom and the others, there is a waterway that is several kilometers long.

It is like an elevated bridge, straight forward, connected to the entrance of the Water City in the distance.

However, this elevated bridge is not a road, but slowly flowing seawater.

If you want to go to the Water City, you must take a boat.

"We are going to the Water City."

Doraemon stepped forward with his short legs and talked to a guy who looked like a businessman.

Soon he spent some gold coins and rented a small boat from him.

There was a boatman on the boat.

After Tang Mu and his companions boarded the boat, the boatman shouted, and the boat began to move straight forward along the several-kilometer-long waterway.

The sea breeze blew in the face, blowing the hair of everyone on the boat gently.

Tang Mu lay on the side of the boat and looked down the waterway, and he couldn't help but open his mouth wide.

A dozen meters below the waterway was an endless blue sea.

Tang Mu even saw some sea fish he had never seen before jumping out of the sea, bringing up a piece of shining water droplets.

There were even seabirds flying next to the boat.

It made Tang Mu feel free.

When we got close to the Water City, the shock of nature began to fade away.

Instead, it was replaced by the shock brought by the wonders of human architecture.

At the gate of the Water City, there stood a huge stone statue of an angel hundreds of meters long on each side.

One of them looked in the direction of the Water City, and the other looked in the direction outside the Water City.

All those who wanted to go to or leave the Water City had to pass by them.

Fortunately, Tom and his friends didn't have gigantic fear.

Otherwise, when they saw these two stone statues of angels hundreds of meters high, their hearts would be really overwhelmed.

After passing the stone statues, the speed of the boat began to slow down significantly.

They were about to enter the Water City.

Passing by a building similar to the Arc de Triomphe again.

The boat had entered the Water City along the waterway.

This strange city was built entirely in the center of the ocean.

I had been guessing what the interior of the Water City looked like before.

Now I know.

It is indeed very similar to Venice.

There are almost no roads inside, and all the roads are made of sea water.

Countless bridges of different sizes cross the waterway, connecting pieces of land.

There are even many tall adjacent buildings, and high-altitude bridges are built in the air.

This city gave Tom a very good first impression.

The city is very clean and tidy.

There are flowers and sunshine everywhere.

The civilians living here also look very happy.

A positive atmosphere can quickly infect travelers who come to the Water City for the first time.

At least Tom and the others are in a good mood now.

"Okay, I'll take you here. If you want to go somewhere, find those fishtail boats, they will take you to your destination."

The boatman stopped the boat at a small pier and turned to Tom and the others and said so.

The fishtail boat he was referring to is very common in the Water City.

It should be a kind of public transportation.

"Okay, thank you uncle."

Everyone got off the boat and stood on the pier and waved to the boatman.

The boatman also waved and turned the boat back.

He has to send a large number of guests in and out every day, this is his job.

"Tom, where are we going next?"

Doraemon turned his head and looked at Tom on the side.

It was Tom who proposed to come to the Water City. Now that the Water City has arrived, Tom will naturally continue to lead the team.

Tomb patted his chest, indicating that everything is on his shoulders.

In the dream of the mayor of the initial town, it has asked all the information it wants to know.

The real sword of the brave is in the basement of the former queen's mansion in Water City.

Yes, the queen of the former king of this continent is from Water City, the eldest daughter of a duke.

The place where she originally lived has now been renamed the former queen's mansion.

After finding a fishtail boat and telling the location clearly, the fishtail boat began to paddle gently and headed towards the destination.

Everyone was enjoying the scenery of Water City along the way.

If there were no business to do, Nobita and Shizuka would have wanted to have a good time in this city.

"Everyone, guests, we've arrived."

The fishtail boat stopped at the shore.

Tang Mu took out the gold coins and paid the money, and everyone jumped off the boat together.

In front of them was a building that covered a large area and looked very majestic.

However, this was obviously a heavily guarded private territory, and not everyone could enter.

Nobita also saw the armored knight standing outside the front door of the Queen's Palace, and asked in some difficulty: "How should we get in? Will there be a conflict?"

"There are quite a few guards here, how about we wait and see, and try to sneak in at night?"

Doraemon also looked at the guards over there, thinking of a way to solve the problem.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk"

When Tom saw them like this, he immediately puffed up his chest proudly and made a sound of "tsk, tsk, tsk."

"Did little Tom think of a way to get in?"

When Shizuka saw Tom's look, she knew that he must have a way.

Tom grinned and gave a thumbs up, guaranteeing that there would be no problem.

He would definitely be able to get in easily and would not be stopped by anyone.

A few minutes later, a strange group of people carrying ladders appeared at the gate of the former Queen's Mansion.

Holding long spears, the guards who had originally looked idle immediately perked up.

They had to stand here every day, which was too boring.

Only a little accident could make their guard time less unbearable.

"Where are they from? Should we stop them?"

"They should be here to fix something, right? Didn't you see them carrying a ladder?"

"Really? Should we stop them?"

"In theory, no matter who they are, anyone who enters the mansion must be stopped and checked to prove their identity."

"But they are carrying a ladder."

"Well... but this is our duty..."

"But the cat in the front has a very upright expression."

"It looks very upright, as if it has something urgent to do. We shouldn't waste their time, right?"

"Yes, we shouldn't stop them then."

While the two guards were talking, Tom and his two cats had arrived at the gate of the mansion carrying a ladder.

Tom, who was in the front, had an upright look on his face, but also a little anxious.

He held his head high and was not at all stage frightened.

Nobita, Shizuka, and Doraemon behind him were experiencing this kind of battle for the first time. They were sweating and their calves were shaking.

The main reason was that this method was completely different from what they had imagined before.

Carrying a ladder, you can enter the heavily guarded former queen's mansion?

This is a bit too exaggerated.

But Tang Mu has prepared everything, so they can only take the risk together.

Seeing the gate getting closer and closer, Nobita and his friends are getting more and more nervous, their hearts are pounding.


At this moment, a sound of armor colliding sounded.

Doraemon and Nobita were so scared that they were directly blown up.

They thought that the guards were going to attack.

Fortunately, they at least stood at attention, and then moved to the sides, leaving the position of the gate vacant.

The guards inside were even pulling the door for them.

Under the gaze of the guards, Tang Mu and his friends entered the former queen's mansion without any obstacles.

This ease made Nobita and his friends feel incredible.

After really entering, Nobita even felt a little weak in his legs.

"Come in, come in, and you are actually allowed in? Why is this?"

Nobita felt a little confused.

Doraemon shook his head, not really understanding.

He could do all this when he had props.

But Tom just picked up a ladder on the side of the road, why could he do this?

Could it be that a large number of props from the 22nd century are gathered in his body?

Doraemon also had a lot of ideas in his mind.

Shizuka smiled happily: "Little Tom is so awesome."

Tom raised his chin proudly, it's no big deal.

As long as you act as if it's natural enough, you can go to any place you want to go for free with a ladder in your hand and pretend to be a staff member.

Before Tom turned into a cat, he used this trick to enter a movie theater for free.

Not to mention now.

The guards are not only outside the gate, there are also many patrolling guards in the mansion.

However, neither the guards nor the servants in the mansion showed any special expression after seeing Tom and his friends.

It was unimpeded.

The Sword of the Brave is in the basement.

There is also a secret room there.

The mayor of the original town knows so much, and Tom feels that his identity is probably not simple.

But now is not the time to explore these.

Following the memory, Tom and his friends came to the garden of the mansion.

In the middle of the garden, there is a luxurious angel fountain.

At the bottom of the fountain, there is a little angel in each of the five directions.

Tom walked over and turned them all in one direction. Behind them, there was a "booming" sound.

The ground even shook slightly.

Turning around, you can see that the flower bed that was originally in good condition has been moved away, revealing a dark passage below.

"Wow! It turns out that there is a secret passage here. I didn't know it after being a guard for two and a half years. It really deserves to be the one holding the ladder."

There happened to be another guard patrolling nearby.

After seeing this secret passage, he sighed.

Tom saw the guard with a middle-parted hair and waved to him.

The guard also waved friendly.

There was no other reaction to a group of strangers opening a secret passage in the mansion.

Nobita and the others were already somewhat used to it, so they just grinned.

A group of people carried the ladder and walked straight towards the secret passage.

Following the secret passage down, they came to a very empty underground space.

There were only two things that could be seen here.

A huge portrait of the queen facing the door.

And a sword stuck in the ground in front of the portrait.

The sword looks exactly like the Sword of Invitation.

But according to the mayor, this thing is the real Sword of the Brave.

"Let's go get the sword!"

Doraemon was a little happy to see the Sword of the Brave.

Its props are gone, and now as long as the team can become better, everyone will be safer.

This is why Doraemon is happy.

Upon hearing this, everyone carried the ladder and trotted directly towards the Sword of the Brave.

At this moment, it seemed that someone had entered.

The portrait of the queen, which originally looked very ordinary, suddenly changed.

A large amount of blood-red mist spread on the painting.

The surrounding air instantly became cold.

Seeing this abnormal situation, everyone who ran towards the Sword of the Brave stopped again, alert to the portrait of the queen in front of them.

"I knew it wouldn't be that simple."

Nobita muttered.

At the same time, a pale and slender hand with sharp nails stretched out from the painting.

The queen in the painting seemed to come alive.

It is trying to break free from the painting and descend into the world outside the painting.

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