Tom Cat breaks through the dimensional wall

Chapter 227 Stewing Yourself in an Iron Pot


The huge sound directly roared the female ghost out of Annie's body.

Tom Mu and Xiao Ming were able to see ghosts without any external assistance.

Suddenly, he saw a female ghost in blue rushing out of Annie's body, and finally disappeared in an instant.

"That's her! It was her who I saw when I was at Datou's house!"

Seeing the appearance of the female ghost, Xiao Ming immediately screamed!

"How was it? Where is she now?"

Fa Mao looked around warily and asked.

"I don't know. She seemed to have left, or maybe she was hiding. Anyway, I didn't see her."

Xiao Ming looked a little nervous and was looking around.

As a person who has had yin and yang eyes since childhood, his performance is really unjustifiable.

I have seen so many ghosts since I was a child. Logically speaking, there are only two possibilities.

Either he is like Li Ang, he is completely accustomed to the existence of all kinds of scary things, and his courage has become so great that nothing can scare him at all.

Either because he is too timid and has been frightened by ghosts since he was a child. In the end, his tense nerves were completely broken and he couldn't stand the long-term mental pressure and went completely crazy.

On the contrary, Xiao Ming's performance is more like a person who is quite courageous and has just obtained the yin and yang eyes, so he is still a little afraid of ghosts.

After all, in the original movie "The Corpse in the Mountain Village", this man also dared to face the female ghost alone.

Perhaps because of the Yin-Yang balance setting, he didn't see so many ghosts when he was a child.

"Master, what should we do now?"

Fa Mao looked at Li Ang again.

Li Ang was paying attention to Lily in his hand at this time.

The lilies were still turning slowly, as if they were communicating with Li Ang.

Li Ang nodded silently: "Okay, I understand."

After communicating with Lily, Li Ang looked at Fa Mao and the others again and said: "The female ghost has left. Her body is not here. Even if she gets rid of it, there is no point. You should send your friends to the hospital first. "

When Li Ang mentioned Annie, Xiao Ming realized that his girlfriend had just been hurt and hurried forward to check the situation.

At this time, Anne has returned to her original state.

The previous state of twisting his arms and tying himself into a tight knot has also disappeared.

She was lying quietly on the sofa and fell asleep.

Looks very weak.

"We have to get Annie to the hospital first."

Xiao Ming said and picked up Annie.

Naturally, everyone had no other objections to this.

They came here just to see how Anne was doing.

After all, she is the last person left playing the psychic game.

Now it seems that their move was not wrong.

The four people playing the psychic game were all targeted by the female ghost.

Fortunately, Annie was fine and at least her life was saved.

After this small test of their skills, Xiao Ming and Fa Mao also dispelled their doubts about Li Ang and the others.

At present, it seems that Li Ang and the others are quite reliable.

Although the method of exorcising ghosts is a little different from what they imagined.

The ambulance came soon.

They also followed the car to the hospital.

It wasn't until Annie was pushed into the operating room that Xiao Ming took a long breath and slowly sat on the seat in the corridor.

"Fortunately she's fine."

Xiao Ming poked his face tiredly.

The successive deaths of his friends in the past few days have really tortured his spirit.

"The four people who participated in the psychic game all encountered ghosts. This is definitely not a coincidence. It seems that in all likelihood, it was the psychic game that attracted female ghosts. I guess the problem should be with the corpse oil. Maybe we can solve it here investigation.”

Fa Mao looked at Li Ang and expressed his thoughts.

Li Ang touched his chin, always feeling that this matter was not that simple.

Tang Mu jumped on Li Ang's back, climbed onto his shoulders, and meowed into Li Ang's ears.

Li Ang nodded when he heard this, looked at Fa Mao and said, "Tom said that he wanted to go to the place where Annie and the others played the psychic game and have a look. Maybe he could find some clues."

"No problem, you are a professional, we listen to you."

Although he didn't know how Li Ang communicated with a cat, Fa Mao wisely chose to follow Li Ang's footsteps.

It is better for professionals to do things, and for laymen not to judge.

If you don't trust people, don't call a professional in the first place.

If you find it, you have to trust others and don't make trouble by yourself.

"You guys, go ahead. I still have to take care of Annie here. At least I have to wait until her mother comes."

Xiao Ming is not going to accompany Li Ang and the others.

After all, it was his girlfriend in the operating room.

"Okay, then you stay here and keep an eye on Annie, while Master and I go to Big Head's house."

Hairao nodded.

Several people turned around and were about to leave when Fa Mao saw a man and a woman running towards here in a hurry.

This made Fa Mao couldn't help but stop.

The two people who came were Xiao Qiao and Jack.

Both men worked as reporters at news newspapers.

Xiao Qiao is Xiao Ming's sister.

Jack is Xiao Qiao's fiancé.

But Fa Mao has a secret crush on Xiao Qiao, and his relationship with Xiao Qiao is still very good.

These three people belong to a love triangle relationship.

After learning that Annie was admitted to the hospital, Xiao Qiao immediately ran over with Jack.

"How's it going? Is Annie okay?"

Xiao Qiao asked worriedly.

She couldn't help but worry.

Although only Annie and the other four people participated in the psychic game, Annie is the only one left alive now.

But her brother Xiaoming was also there after all.

Even if he didn't participate in the psychic game, Xiaoqiao, as a sister, was afraid that Xiaoming would get into trouble.

Xiaoqiao, like Jack, didn't believe that there were ghosts in this world.

But as three of the four people who participated in the psychic game died, her belief began to waver.

How could such a coincidence happen in the world.

It just so happened that the four people who played psychic games all died?

Even if she didn't believe in the existence of ghosts, she had to believe it now.

But her fiancé Jack was obviously still stubborn.

Just a dozen minutes ago, she and Jack were still working in the newspaper office.

She saw Jack running out of the toilet with a panicked look on his face, obviously seeing something not so good.

At that time, Xiaoqiao was already suspicious.

She suspected that Jack had also seen some dirty things.

But Jack didn't want to say it.

On the way to the hospital after receiving Xiaoming's call, Xiaoqiao kept asking Jack what he saw in the toilet, so panicked.

After a long questioning, Jack finally told what he saw.

He saw an old man in the toilet.

The old man flashed past him.

At first, he thought he was hallucinating.

So he didn't care and forced himself to go to the toilet.

As a result, he saw a large group of women's hair in the toilet.

In the blink of an eye, the hair disappeared.

This Jack is also very brave.

He has seen unusual things twice in a row, and finally dared to sit on the toilet.

Before he took off his pants, a hand stretched out from the toilet, almost scaring Jack to death.

After hurriedly escaping from the toilet.

The old man who flashed behind him before appeared again.

Like a robot, he washed his face in front of the sink stiffly and repeatedly, and turned back to smile at him.

It was at this time that Jack finally couldn't stand the shock and hurriedly fled the toilet, and ran into Xiao Qiao outside.

Jack's encounter with ghosts this time must be a very important information.

This time, in addition to wanting to see Annie, Xiao Qiao also wanted to tell Fa Mao and the others about her findings.

Xiao Qiao also knew that Fa Mao had been investigating these things these days.

Before, he didn't believe in the existence of ghosts.

Now he believes it a little, so he naturally tells them everything.

Seeing that Fa Mao and the others were about to leave.

Xiao Qiao told Fa Mao and the others about Jack's experience of encountering a ghost.

Hearing this, Fa Mao immediately looked at Li Ang on the side.

Li Ang also fell into deep thought.

Before, they all thought that the blue-clothed female ghost was attracted by the psychic game.

After all, the four people who encountered ghosts at present are all participants in the psychic game.

They have something in common.

But Jack's incident made their speculations flawed.

After all, Jack did not participate in the psychic game.

He was not even at the scene at that time.

Logically, Jack should not have encountered a ghost.

But Jack also said that the ghost he saw was an old man.

It is different from the ghosts seen by other victims.

It is also possible that Jack saw other ghosts, different from the blue-clothed female ghost who hurt Annie and the others.

But this matter cannot be confirmed.

Because the ghost that Annie and the others actually saw was not the female ghost in blue.

Before they got into trouble, Annie and the others said it in person.

They saw a female ghost in red.

In other words, even if the ghost that harmed people was the same.

But the strange events seen by each person were different.

There is no doubt that as more and more people were involved in this incident, the incident became more complicated.

"What should we do now?"

Fa Mao looked at Li Ang.

"According to the original plan, go to Datou's house first. After all, it was the first place where the ghost appeared, and we will definitely find some clues."

Li Ang glanced at Jack again.

At this time, Jack was still a little frightened, hugging himself tightly with his arms, and his face was a little pale.

"Go back and check the connection between Datou's victims and Jack, maybe we can find common ground."

Li Ang's words were well-reasoned, and Fa Mao nodded in agreement.

After saying that, Li Ang turned his head and looked at Jack, saying, "I think you look very hot."

Jack looked at Li Ang in confusion, as if he was looking at a lunatic: "I'm very cold, how can I be hot?"

Fa Mao and Xiao Qiao around him also looked at Li Ang and Jack, not knowing what Jack was doing.

Tang Mu guessed Li Ang's thoughts instantly, jumped off Li Ang's back, and quietly slipped behind Jack.

"Are you really not hot? I see you are sweating."

Li Ang looked concerned and puzzled.


Jack was even more confused when he heard that.

Raising his hand to wipe his forehead, he found that he actually felt very hot.

Not only that, he even felt a little hot.

Jack didn't notice anything unusual at all.

Fa Mao and the others standing by saw it clearly, their mouths opened wide, and their eyes almost popped out.

Tang Mu brought out a big pot from somewhere and threw Jack into the pot to cook.

The firewood under the pot was burning "crackling".

The blazing flames rose up, licking the dark bottom of the pot.

It would be strange if such a big fire was used to burn Jack without getting hot.

"How do you feel now?"

Li Ang approached the pot and asked curiously.

"Although it's a little hot, I feel much better. I was really a little cold just now, and I felt a little different from myself."

Jack was so hot that he took off his shirt and coat.

His skin was red all over, and he did look much better than before.

"Well, that's not bad."

Li Ang nodded and said, "Then we'll go first."

Li Ang left with Fa Mao and the others, and Tang Mu no longer cared about Jack and left with them.

Seeing that they all left, Xiao Qiao and Xiao Ming came over with a hard word, looking at Jack stewing in the iron pot, opened their mouths, and didn't know what to say.

Jack really didn't notice anything.

He just felt his body getting hotter and hotter.

But his spirits were getting better and better.

"Hey! Over there! What are you doing in the hospital!"

At this time, a doctor finally passed by the corridor. When he saw Jack stewing in the iron pot, he immediately scolded him.

He thought he had met the family of an extreme patient again, and wanted to threaten them by self-harm.

It was just that this method was the first time he had seen it, and it was eye-opening.


Jack was still a little confused.

This time he finally came to his senses.

Looking down, he found himself soaking in an iron pot.

At this moment, he finally felt the unbearable heat and jumped out of the pot!

"Oh oh oh! It's so hot! It's so hot! It's scalding me to death!"

Jack's skin was red all over, and he rolled on the floor.

On the other side, after leaving the hospital, Fa Mao couldn't help but look at Tang Mu and asked what had just happened: "Master Cat, what were you doing just now?"

Tang Mu didn't want to talk, so he patted Li Ang's thigh next to him and asked him to answer.

Li Ang said: "I see that Jack is surrounded by yin energy, and he must be possessed by a ghost. If he is left alone, he may suddenly explode at any time and hurt others and himself."

"So let Tom help, help him dispel the yin energy on his body before we leave."

"I see."

Fa Mao nodded suddenly.

He almost thought that Tang Mu had some special hobbies.

"Is that Datou's home far away?"

Li Ang followed Fa Mao to the parking lot.

"It's a little far. It's closer to Huangshan Village, but it won't take us too long to drive."

Fa Mao said as he took out the car keys.

The group sat in Fa Mao's car and headed all the way to Datou's home.

They arrived at their destination about an hour later.

Datou's home doesn't look small.

In a place like Hong Kong where every inch of land is worth a lot of money, even a location in the suburbs would cost a lot of money.

And I heard that he earned it by himself.

He could have become a promising young man, why would he be idle and play those psychic games.

Tang Mu curled his lips.

Although this is the scene of a murder.

But there are no police investigating here.

It's just a simple blockade.

After Li Ang and his friends entered the room, they began to search carefully for clues.

Fa Mao searched more carefully.

He even looked at some bottles, jars and drawers.

Li Ang held Lily in his arms, wanting to see if there were any ghosts in the house.

Tang Mu had seen the movie after all.

Knowing the cause and effect of "The Old Corpse in the Mountain Village", I directly found a water outage notice posted on the wall.

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