Tom Cat breaks through the dimensional wall

Chapter 231 Ghost Memory Projector

Seeing that Chu Renmei was about to pounce again, Li Ang quickly raised the Gatling water gun in his hand.

This water gun is also electric.

It can quickly eject the milk from the water tank on his back, which is quite powerful.

Chu Renmei, who was rushing forward, was instantly beaten into a sieve, and soon her soul was gone.


Seeing this, Fa Mao screamed with excitement!

Li Ang turned his head and looked at Lily, the lily on the ground next to him.

When he saw the lilies turning, he immediately shouted: "No! That's an illusion!"


There was a sudden sound from the edge of the woods more than ten meters away.

Li Ang and the others turned around and immediately saw a large net rising from the ground, trapping Chu Renmei in mid-air.

Entering his own bones, Chu Ren, who has already taken form, is extremely beautiful and powerful, but he cannot break free of this barbed wire for a while.

"Well done Tom!"

Li Ang ran over excitedly.

Although I don’t know when Tom Mu did it.

But this is definitely Tom Mu's handiwork.

I just didn't expect Chu Renmei to be so cunning.

Just now he looked like he was going to fight to the death, but in the end he just cast an illusion, turned around and ran away.

Running to the net trap, Li Ang raised his Gatling water gun and was about to shoot.

Suddenly, he discovered that the body of Chu Renmei, who was still struggling fiercely, suddenly stopped moving.

It was like turning into a real corpse.

"No! She's running away again!"

Li Ang shouted, instantly guessing Chu Renmei's thoughts.

This is the golden cicada coming out of its shell.

Tang Mu turned his head and saw Chu Renmei's soul heading down the mountain at an extremely fast speed.

She escaped into the pool of water pumped out by the water pump and went downwards.

With the addition of Chu Renmei's soul body.

The pool of water moved faster.

After a while, the effort flowed to the foot of the mountain.

That's how you deal with this kind of sentient ghost.

They use their brains.

Even wild beasts know how to run away if they can't beat them, let alone Chu Renmei.

It doesn't even have to be an outright duel.

Just from that meeting in the morning, Chu Renmei knew that Tang Mu was not easy to deal with.

What's more, when Tang Mu showed off his mighty Tianlong in Huangshan Village, Chu Renmei was also watching from a distance.

She was the one who killed the villagers in Huangshan Village, and it was she who restricted those villagers there.

Chu Renmei also knew exactly what happened there.

The Peace Bracelet has been suppressed for hundreds of years.

Her resentment actually didn't go away at all.

On the contrary, more and more people gather together.

It's just that he couldn't break through the confinement he had set for himself, so he could spend the past hundred years peacefully.

But not long ago, a group of people came over and dug out her bones. They were originally going to be sent to other places for reburial.

But on the way, the staff of the land resumption team was taken away by someone unknown.

A man with an unpleasant smell appears and searches for the bones dug out of the mass grave.

Finally found myself.

After that, he took off his safety bracelet and threw it into the pond together with the corpse.

The resentment that had been suppressed for hundreds of years completely exploded.

Chu Renmei was born again and killed innocent people.

At first she could maintain some sanity.

Although she is committing murderous crimes, in fact, considering her strength, the killings these days are relatively restrained.

But as time went by, while her resentment became stronger and stronger, her strength became stronger and stronger.

Along with this, her reason became increasingly blurred.

Just like it was a hundred years ago.

Sixty-six people were killed in three days of madness.

Generally speaking, the lower the ghost's strength, the better it can maintain its sanity during life.

This kind of ghost is very common in the underworld.

As long as you wait for your Yin life to pass, you can be reincarnated.

As for those powerful ghosts, evil ghosts, and resentful ghosts who are powerful and can harm people.

Generally disturbed by negative emotions such as resentment, he can only maintain a small part of his thinking ability, like a wild beast.

It is also because of this that those evil spirits are so vicious.

Of course, these are just general conditions.

There are also a very small number of ghosts who can maintain super strength and at the same time have extremely clear minds.

But those ghosts have reached this level and have already touched the side of ghosts and gods.

It's like a ghost in the underworld.

The famous Sadako, Kayako, and the Chu Renmei that Tang Mu met now have not reached that level yet.

Chu Renmei's performance in the original work is divided into two extremes.

The strength a hundred years ago is completely out of proportion to the strength a hundred years from now.

Logically speaking, hundreds of years of grievances have accumulated.

The modern Chu Renmei should be stronger than a hundred years ago.

Unless she deliberately didn't want to go on a killing spree and was just having fun.

But that doesn’t make sense.

If that were the case, Chu Renmei wouldn't run away.

Chu Renmei's ghost dissolved in the pond all the way to the foot of the mountain and flowed directly into the sewer.

The aura on her body kept changing.

He had just become fierce, and the resentment in his body seemed to have been drained away, and quickly calmed down.

This made Chu Renmei forcefully maintain her sanity, but her strength seemed to be locked and she could only maintain her current level.

"Damn it! Who on earth touched my body!"

Chu Renmei can guarantee that the man who threw her body into the pond must have done something good.

But the problem was that she was so confused at the time that she had no idea who the man was.

This made Chu Renmei feel very irritable.

If not, she would have gone to settle the score with that man long ago.

She just hates it.

While he was still alive, he was betrayed by her husband Bu Wantian and beaten to death.

Even after death, he was plotted against and bullied by a mentally ill person and a cat.

This made Chu Renmei's resentment grow heavier and heavier.

But it was like there was a floodgate in her body.

Every time the resentment reaches a critical point, it will flow out of the body, giving her no chance to grow.

Aware of her current state again, Chu Renmei's eyes turned cold.

The rotten flesh on his face began to squirm, becoming more terrifying and terrifying.

No matter what, I was finally out of sight of that cat.

She couldn't figure out the cat and felt very dangerous.

Before it grows up, it is best not to have contact with it.

All she wants now is to continue killing people and spreading her own terror.

Find that damn man by the way.

It's just a pity that the bones could not be taken away.

The bones of ghosts during their lifetime can play a very important role in the hands of some mages.

Very restrained with ghosts.

But there was nothing she could do. In the situation at that time, she could only do this.

Chu Renmei entered the city and slowly floated on the edge of the city.

Xiangjiang emphasizes folk customs.

Various temples, monasteries, and Buddhist niches are filled with incense and belief, and gods are watching over them, so evil spirits dare not approach.

Chu Renmei also didn't dare to get close.

So she specially found a relatively remote place to hide.

His own bones have emerged from the pool.

If you want to harm others next, you have to personally blend your resentment into the water to influence others' minds.

Suddenly, she saw a cat passing by on the street.

This shocked Chu Renmei.

I thought it was Tang Mu who was chasing me.

Later I discovered that it was an ordinary cat, not even as big as Tom.

"Are you looking for me?"

Chu Renmei floated backwards.

Suddenly he heard someone talking behind him and turned around quickly, and immediately saw Tom Mu's cat face.


Chu Renmei was startled by the sudden appearance of Tang Mu!

Blood and tears flowed from both eyes.

The current Chu Renmei is no match for Tang Mu.

I didn't expect this cat to be so elusive, so I turned around and tried to run away!

But as soon as he turned around, he was wrapped in a roll of plastic wrap!

"Still trying to run!"

Li Ang stood behind Chu Renmei, and together with Tang Mu, blocked her one after another.

Seeing that Li Ang was wrapping Chu Renmei in plastic wrap, Tang Mu also came to help.

One person and one cat wrapped Chu Renmei in plastic wrap like a mummy.

Chu Renmei struggled desperately to no avail.

Just looking at her bloody face was really scary.

Tom Mu couldn't stand it.

This should also be regarded as visual fear.

This should be considered the first time it has caught a ghost.

It feels quite amazing.

But I only had two meetings with Chu Renmei.

This Chu Renmei kept running, and it didn't even feel like it was frightened.

"Okay! Finally caught her!"

Li Ang let out a long breath and finally used plastic wrap to roll Chu Renmei into a ball.

According to his past habits.

Just throw this beautiful ghost into the toilet and flush it down to the underworld.

But now that I have cooperated with Tom Mu, I still follow Tom Mu’s method.

Go back in time and solve the problem from the source.

This not only dealt with Chu Renmei, but also resurrected the innocent people who were killed by Chu Renmei.

He saw Tang Mu walking towards him swaggeringly.

Li Ang shook the plastic wrap ball in his hand and said, "Would you like to see her memory first?"


Tang Mu nodded, shook his ears, and lay directly on Li Ang's shoulder.

Li Ang held the plastic wrap ball in his hand and walked out of the alley with Tang Mu on his back.

At this time, Fa Mao, who was helping to hold Lily and carry the suitcase, also chased after her.

Looking at Li Ang and the others, they gasped out of breath.

It took a while to calm down.

"You guys are running too fast, so wait for me. I almost died of exhaustion on the road."

Hairao's head was covered with sweat and his body was a little embarrassed.

It seemed that they had fallen down a lot in order to catch up with Li Ang and the others along the way.

"How's it going? Did you catch that female ghost?"

Fa Mao returned Lily and the tool box to Li Ang and asked.

"Of course I've caught it."

Li Ang shook the cling film ball in his hand in front of Fa Mao: "I'm already trapped in here. I just need to deal with the follow-up. Don't worry, it'll be fine."

With that said, Li Ang stretched out his hand towards Fa Mao and said, "Give me five hundred yuan."

Fa Mao was stunned for a moment, then took out 500 yuan and handed it to Li Ang: "Is the cost of catching ghosts only 500 yuan? Is it so cheap?"

"Five hundred yuan is the cost of taking a taxi home for me. Catching ghosts is not free. Just remember it first and I'll come back to you later if I need it."

Hearing what Li Ang said, Fa Mao suddenly felt helpless.

This kind of unclearness is the most difficult to deal with.

However, although the contact time was not long, Fa Mao probably had some understanding of Li Ang.

This person shouldn't be the kind of person who can speak like a lion.

"Let's go, let's go home early. If you stay up late too often, you will become one of those underworld's bad performers."

Li Ang waved his hand, took a taxi directly on the roadside and left.

Return to Chongguang Mental Hospital.

Tang Mu first imported the video of today's ghost catching into the computer.

Edit it and post it online.

Their firm needs to build a reputation.

Only in this way can people come to them to catch ghosts.

No one cares about being an unknown person.

If they have to go door-to-door to sell, it would be too low-class.

Tang Mu is tinkering with the computer.

Li Ang is tinkering with his projector in the small room.

According to Li Ang's logic, ghosts also have electromagnetic waves, and their memories can also be projected using projectors.

For this reason, he specially modified a projector just to do this.

Let's not worry about whether his theory is scientific or not.

Anyway, as long as Li Ang himself thinks the logic makes sense, it's fine.

As long as Li Ang thinks it's feasible, the inexplicable power in him will make it feasible.

It's also a good thing that mental patients have broad thinking.

Otherwise, this kind of power that I think about is really hard for ordinary people to play with.

You know, it's easy to deceive others, but it's too difficult to deceive yourself.

"Tom! Come and watch a movie!"

Li Ang prepared the projection and shouted to Tang Mu.


Tang Mu also shouted back.

He came over wagging his tail.

There was only a row of sofas in the small projection room.

Li Ang even prepared popcorn and Coke.

It was really just like watching a movie.

"Zizzi" the plastic wrap ball wrapped around Chu Renmei's ghost slowly turned.

The projector finally projected a picture on the screen in front of it.

That was Chu Renmei's memory.

It was even a third-person memory, no different from an ordinary movie.

At the beginning of the picture, Chu Renmei was singing.

At this time, Chu Renmei had not turned into a ghost yet, and she looked pretty.

Just like what the little ghost girl in Huangshan Village said.

Chu Renmei married Bu Wantian, a teacher in Huangshan Village, and became the source of the greatest tragedy in her life.

The development of the story was no different from what the little ghost girl said.

It's just that this memory projection is more detailed.

Tang Mu patted Li Ang with his paw.

Li Ang immediately understood what Tang Mu meant.

Show something they don't know.

Li Ang stood up and went to operate the projector.

Soon the progress began to be delayed.

It was the modern times a hundred years later.

When he saw that a strange man threw Chu Renmei's body into the pond, Li Ang immediately pressed the pause button.

Looking at this man, Li Ang and Tang Mu fell into deep thought.

"Damn! That fat guy didn't lie! They really didn't throw the body randomly. Chu Renmei's body was thrown randomly by someone else."

Li Ang scratched his head and put on a mask of pain.

Tang Mu's tail, which was originally swinging easily, stopped swinging. He looked at the man who threw the body on the screen and thought about something.

Chu Renmei's body was deliberately thrown by someone else.

This point was not shown in the movie.

It feels more like an unscrupulous real estate developer throwing the body at will.

But think about it carefully, how many bones are there in a mass grave.

You can't throw them all into that small pond.

There are only Chu Renmei's bones in that pond.

It would be even more impossible to throw a body here and a body there.

For businessmen, it is more convenient to dig a big pit directly than to waste time and effort.

In other words, Chu Renmei suddenly came out to cause trouble after a hundred years, and someone did it on purpose!

This man looked familiar to Tang Mu.

He seemed to be a character in a horror movie.

I was worried about not having a commission to make the firm famous, but this man came to me.

It was a good opportunity to have a good talk with him.

Tang Mu turned his head and looked at Li Ang.

Li Ang nodded and said, "We have to investigate him carefully."

The man and the cat obviously thought of the same thing.

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