Ajiu endured the discomfort in his body and ran around Huangshan Village to the direction of the pond before night fell.

The pond here had been drained by Tang Mu.

It was just because of the changes in history in the past.

In the current timeline, Chu Renmei was alive and well, but she died of old age and did not turn into a ghost.

Tang Mu naturally had no reason to come to drain the water.

"Strange, the resentment has really disappeared."

Ajiu carefully sensed it and frowned immediately.

Thinking of the so-called Supreme Cat Ancestor, he had a bad premonition.

If the Cat Ancestor really exists and can really travel through time and change history at will.

Could he have traveled to the past and eliminated the female ghost?

In this way, it makes sense why this Huangshan Village suddenly became prosperous.

Ajiu shook his fingers, thought for a while, and shook out a piece of talisman paper folded into a triangle from his sleeve.

The talisman paper fell to the ground and instantly became damp and black.

A soaking wet ghost who had been drowned appeared at Jiu's feet, squatting there and looking up at Jiu.

Water vapor continued to spread from his body, his body was pale, and he kept shaking.

"Go down and see if there are any women's bones."

Jiu raised his chin towards the pool.

The ghost nodded, turned forward, and sank into the pool without a sound.

Not long after, the water surface shook slightly, and the ghost floated out of the water.

He looked at Jiu with pale eyes and shook his head silently.


Seeing this, Jiu completely confirmed his thoughts.

I thought it would be easier to prolong my life.

Now it seems that I can only use the old plan before.

Jiu was full of resentment.

But he didn't dare to curse.

Because the cat ancestor who destroyed his plan was likely a true god.

It would be fine for ordinary people, but for a cultivator like him to insult the true god at will, the consequences would be very serious.

Even now, due to the development of society and technology, there are more and more atheists, which has led to a gap between heaven and hell and the human world.

It is becoming increasingly difficult for gods to influence the human world.

It has even reached the point where the stronger the gods are, the harder it is for them to descend.

Only ghosts and gods who are deeply involved in the human world and some ghost messengers in the underworld can come to the human world in person.

After all, part of the human world is still covered by the underworld.

But even so, practitioners dare to arrange gods at will.

If they are discovered, there is a possibility that they will be punished by gods on the spot.

Since his plan is likely to be destroyed by a god.

Ah Jiu can only admit defeat.

He is still very clear about his own weight.

He can't even beat Ah You who lives in the same housing estate as him, so of course he can't try to retaliate against the gods.

"There's no other way. Let's just carry out the previous plan."

Ajiu took out a new talisman paper, turned it into a triangle, formed a seal with his left hand, and pulled the little ghost in front of him back: "Come!"

The little ghost's body was like being pulled by an invisible thread, and rushed directly into the triangular talisman paper.

After putting the talisman paper away, Ajiu couldn't help coughing again.

With an ugly face, he took out a homemade cigarette, lit it, and smoked it intoxicatedly.

He had been diagnosed with advanced lung cancer a few years ago.

He should have died long ago.

But Ajiu didn't want to die, as a practitioner.

If he couldn't save himself with medical methods, he could only save himself with the way of practitioners.

The way he thought of was to replenish yang with yin.

By borrowing the yin energy of the child's ghost, he could feed back his own yang life and thus survive.

And the homemade cigarette in his hand was of course not an ordinary cigarette, it was rolled with the ashes of children.

For this reason, he often went to various cemeteries to steal children's ashes.

At the same time, he also raised little ghosts with evil methods, so that these child ghosts were driven by him.

However, as time went by, this method began to lose its effectiveness.

At this time, Jiu knew that he had to think of other ways.

He needed more Yin and resentment.

This was also the reason why Jiu later found Chu Renmei.

Now Chu Renmei was gone.

Jiu had no choice but to put the old plan back on the agenda.

Feeling his body getting weaker and weaker.

Jiu did not intend to waste time and started walking home.

Fortunately, he was usually cautious and made preparations.

When he returned to Shiping Village Housing Estate again, it was already dusk.

This housing estate was a U-shaped housing estate.

The building was very tall.

But similarly, the corridors were narrow and the lighting was poor.

Just when he arrived downstairs of the housing estate and had not yet entered it, Jiu's eyes fell on two strange figures in front of him.

The figures were one tall and one short.

The tall one was a man in a black coat, wearing round-frame sunglasses late at night.

Holding a toolbox in one hand and a potted plant in the other, he doesn't look like a normal person.

The short figure, covered in fur, is obviously not a human.

It can be seen from its ears shaking from time to time and its tail swaying slightly.

This is a cat that looks like a human, standing there with its arms folded across its chest.

As soon as he saw the cat's appearance, Ajiu's pupils shrank.

He felt like he was struck by lightning.

He had just returned from Huangshan Village and saw the temple fair parade with his own eyes.

The appearance of the cat ancestor is exactly the same as the cat in front of him.

This made Jiu instantly connect Tang Mu and the Cat Ancestor together.

Seeing the god suddenly, Jiu's mind was of course seriously shaken.

He was even very scared.

His legs were shaking.

But then, Jiu quickly reacted.

What was he thinking.

In this era, how could the gods come to the world?

It was just a cat that happened to look very similar.

He was really timid and scared by the existence of the Cat Ancestor.

Jiu suddenly felt uncomfortable in his chest and couldn't help coughing twice.

He saw the cat turned its head to look at him.

Remembering that he was also scared by Tang Mu, he glared at it angrily.

He showed the food stall downstairs of the housing estate and walked into the building.

Tang Mu felt a little puzzled when Jiu glared at him.

He was a little unhappy.

He didn't provoke him or provoke him, so what did it mean to glare at him for no reason.

Tang Mu also knew Jiu.

It was because I knew him that I brought Li Ang to this housing estate.

I had seen Ah Jiu in Chu Renmei's memory before.

From that time on, Tang Mu and Li Ang planned to investigate Ah Jiu in depth.

Li Ang had not seen the movie and did not know Ah Jiu.

He just knew that a person who extracted the resentment of female ghosts must not be a decent good person.

Tang Mu had seen many horror movies and happened to know this Ah Jiu, so he naturally came to take a good look.

The character of Ah Jiu came from the movie "Zombie: Seven Days of Rebirth".

He is a villain in the movie.

In order to prolong his life, he created many tragedies in this housing estate step by step.

In the original plot of the movie.

The male protagonist Qian Xiaohao, as a down-and-out action actor, could not bear the double blow of career and family, so he decided to come to this housing estate building to end his life.

He first moved into room 2442 and hanged himself directly in the room.

But he never thought that this room was actually a haunted house.

There are two very fierce female ghosts in it.

After discovering that Qian Xiaohao had committed suicide, he immediately took advantage of the situation and tried to seize Qian Xiaohao's body.

At the critical moment, Ayou, the owner of the food stall downstairs, appeared in time, saved Qian Xiaohao who had hanged himself, and cast a spell to drive out the female ghost in his body.

Since he had died once and was rescued.

Qian Xiaohao's idea of ​​suicide was not so firm.

So he began to try to live in this old housing estate.

Through the food stall opened by Ayou, he gradually got to know some neighbors in this housing estate.

He also understood the personalities of these neighbors.

Ayou is actually a Taoist priest passed down from his family.

He learned a lot of magic from his father, mainly to deal with zombies.

But ghosts are not uncommon in this era.

Zombies are almost extinct because of the cremation of corpses.

Or, in other words, there are no zombies in modern society at all.

Without zombies, Ayou, a Taoist priest who specializes in killing zombies, is naturally useless.

With all his skills but no place to display them, he could only lie in this dilapidated housing estate and fry glutinous rice flour, decaying and aging with this housing estate.

After Qian Xiaohao was rescued, he met Aunt Mei, who had the best reputation in the housing estate and was helpful and kind-hearted.

Later, he found a poor mother and son.

Yang Feng, who was stimulated and went crazy.

And her son Xiaobai, who had albinism.

The room where the protagonist Qian Xiaohao lived was exactly the house where Yang Feng and her son lived before.

But because Yang Feng's husband raped and killed a pair of twin sisters a few years ago.

The sisters turned into evil ghosts.

Yang Feng, who was born with yin and yang eyes, couldn't stand the blow and went crazy.

Wandering around the housing estate with her son all day.

She wanted to return to her own home in room 2442, but she was afraid of the ghosts in it, but she couldn't bear to leave.

For several years, she had been wandering in the corridor.

When she was hungry, she took other people's tributes to eat, and her life was very hard.

Fortunately, Uncle Yan, the estate manager, was kind enough to help.

He arranged the mother and son to be taken care of in the power distribution room.

Life should have been so peaceful.

It was not good, but it was not completely bad.

But in order to prolong his life, Ah Jiu secretly arranged many means, which made the estate bloody and lost peace.

He first used the little ghost to assassinate Uncle Dong who went out at night.

Aunt Mei and Uncle Dong had a very good relationship.

So she asked Ah Jiu if there was any way to revive Uncle Dong.

Ah Jiu took advantage of the situation and started to refine the corpse using Uncle Dong's body.

He wanted to use Uncle Dong's body as a container to accommodate the two female ghosts in room 2442.

At first, he only used crows with extremely heavy yin energy as nutrients.

But something went wrong during the corpse refining process.

The suspended coffin fell to the ground, connected to the earth, and the corpse turned into a zombie.

To remedy the situation, Ah Jiu revealed that a better nutrient for refining corpses than crow blood is boy blood.

Aunt Mei, who missed Uncle Dong very much, started to attack Xiaobai, pushed the little boy into the toilet, and fed him to Uncle Dong who had turned into a zombie.

Xiaobai's mother was very sad and angry when she noticed Xiaobai's death.

As a mother, she resolutely sought revenge on Uncle Dong who had completely turned into a zombie.

As a result, she was also killed.

The male protagonist Qian Xiaohao and Taoist priest Ayou discovered all this and began to fight against the zombies regardless of everything.

Qian Xiaohao was just a mortal after all.

He was seriously injured in the process of fighting the zombies and finally died.

The Taoist priest Ayou had his right hand forcibly torn off due to the side effects of using the powerful magic weapon Five Elements Luogeng.

In this way, the zombie that Uncle Dong turned into was completely killed.

Of the main characters who appeared in the movie, only Ayou survived in the end.

He also lost a hand and was seriously injured.

It can be said that the tone of the entire movie is very tragic and desperate.

At the end of the movie.

After Qian Xiaohao died, time went back to when he first came to this housing estate.

We are all just ordinary people.

There are no Taoist priests.

There are no zombies or ghosts either.

Yang Feng is not crazy, and everyone is living well.

He hanged himself on his first day here and was not saved.

Fighting zombies was nothing more than a hallucination before his death.

But after watching the movie, Tom felt that zombies and ghosts were not hallucinations.

The beautiful imagination at the end of the movie was Qian Xiaohao's imagination before he died.

Because according to the timeline.

The happy ending doesn't make sense, there's a huge bug in it.

If the happy ending is true, then why is Ah Jiu the morgue manager responsible for disposing of Qian Xiaohao’s body?

Qian Xiaohao is already dead, so how come Ah Jiu, whom he has never seen before, appears?

Now come to this housing estate.

I saw many of the characters in the original movie with my own eyes.

This further confirmed Tom Mu's thoughts.

The happy ending is indeed imaginary.

The ending where everyone died tragically and only Ayou was left is the real thing.

But now that Tom Mu is here.

Of course, they are here to slay demons and change the tragedy here.

The Ah Jiu who glared at him just now is the source of all the tragedies in this housing estate.

It must be eliminated.

I just don’t know what stage the movie plot has developed to now.

Tom thought about things.

Li Ang has already started talking with Uncle Yan, the administrator of this housing estate.

This very old Uncle Yan is also a warm-hearted and good man.

It's a pity that in the play, in order to find the truth of the matter, she was killed by the blackened Aunt Mei.

"Hey, hey, what are you doing here? Strangers can't just walk in."

Uncle Yan stopped Li Ang and looked at the stranger with some caution.

The housing estate is full of old, weak, sick and disabled people. Although he is an old man himself, as a manager, his sense of responsibility prevents him from leaving things alone.

"Old man."

As soon as Li Ang opened his mouth, he was interrupted by Uncle Yan: "Just call me Uncle Yan, that's what everyone here calls me."

"Hello, Uncle Yan, we are here to catch ghosts."

Li Ang has always been quick to talk to others.

He didn't know the plot of the movie "Zombies: Seven Days to Resurrection".

But I definitely knew there was a ghost here.

According to Li Ang's character, there is no need to be entrusted by others.

As long as he is sure that there is an evil ghost harming people, he will definitely catch the ghost.

This is the case with the movie "Return to the Soul".

Without anyone entrusting him, he ran to Deyu Building.

I heard that Li Ang was here to catch ghosts.

Uncle Yan and Ayou, who was in the food stall next to him, paused and turned to look at Li Ang.

The look in his eyes was even stranger.

Most of them have searching eyes.

"You said you came here to catch ghosts? Who told you there were ghosts here?"

Uncle Yan himself knows some folk customs, which can be seen from the details of the movie "Zombie".

He also knew that there was a ghost in this housing estate.

It's just that after so many years, Li Ang is still the first person to come to catch ghosts by himself.

"Lily told me."

Li Ang raised the potted lily in his hand to show Uncle Yan.

Uncle Yan's expression suddenly became more complicated.

"Go, go, where did you come from? Do you think catching ghosts is a joke? Go back quickly."

Ayou over there didn't know what he was thinking. He sat motionless at the food stall, but waved his hands away in disgust.

"Wait! Don't drive him away!"

Uncle Yan was ready to drive away.

Someone suddenly walked out of the housing estate, interrupting their movements.

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