Tom Cat breaks through the dimensional wall

Chapter 238: Tom has no brains

Uncle Dong's zombie was more or less chewy.

Through the secret method of corpse refining, the body of Uncle Dong's zombie was very hard!

It was not an exaggeration to say that it was invulnerable to swords and guns.

That was the strength that could withstand human pistol and rifle shooting.

Even so, the piranha plant planted by Tang Mu chewed the body of Uncle Dong's zombie into pieces.

Even the piranha plant itself was not feeling well.

The sharp teeth that were originally in good condition were now all broken.

The Uncle Dong zombie was not to be outdone when being chewed by the piranha plant, and also bit it in the mouth of the piranha plant.

In the end, the piranha plant was the first to lose its support and spit out the Uncle Dong zombie.

The piranha plant could not hold on.

After receiving a lot of damage from the Uncle Dong zombie, it quickly withered and dissipated after spitting out the zombie.

Before dying, the very temperamental piranha plant was even staring at the Uncle Dong zombie.

Spit out by the piranha plant.

The zombie, who had lost a lot of meat and could even see the bones of his left leg, stood up again.

As if possessed, it had to move in the direction of Tang Mu and the others.

It was just that half of the nut wall that had blocked its way was not eaten yet.

If it wanted to move forward, it had to get rid of the nut wall first.

The Dongshu zombie itself had no intelligence and did not know how to think.

But at this moment, Ah You clearly saw a look of frustration on the face of the Dongshu zombie.

It was a vicious zombie, and it loved to eat flesh and blood.

But now if it wanted to eat meat, it had to eat the plants in front of it first.

It was so uncomfortable.

It really didn't like to eat these things.

But it had to eat them.

The Dongshu zombie was holding the nut wall and eating it, and it couldn't help vomiting.

It ate and vomited at the same time.

Finally, the nut wall was eaten.

One of the Dongshu zombie's left arms was also broken by the pea bullet and fell directly to the ground.

After all, when it was eating nuts, the peas behind it were still attacking.

At this moment, the nuts that blocked the way were finally dealt with. The Dongshu zombie carried the nut bullets and continued to move forward quickly.

It couldn't wait to eat the flesh and blood behind the lawn.

Especially the cat.

For some reason, Uncle Dong Zombie felt that the cat was very annoying.

Others can be left alone for now.

The cat must be eaten!

The zombie opened his mouth slightly, and saliva began to leak out from the corner of his mouth.

Just two steps forward, he stepped on the potato mine.

A loud "bang"!

The zombie's legs were instantly blown off by the huge explosion!

Uncle Dong's upper body fell on the grass.

The lower body was directly blown into ashes.

Even so, the zombie's ferocity remained unchanged, crawling on the ground with one hand, and moving very fast.

Seeing that Uncle Dong Zombie had already started to bite the frozen peas.

Tang Mu didn't plan to plant new plants anymore.

Plants vs. Zombies, just play a little.

It's more important to get rid of this zombie quickly and then travel through time to do business.

So Tang Mu ignored the "crunching" chewing sound in front of him.

He took out a lawnmower and started the transformation work temporarily.

This thing is also a great weapon to deal with zombies.

In the game "Plants vs. Zombies".

As long as the zombie touches the lawnmower trap, it will be pushed flat instantly.

All the zombies on a road will be instantly cleared and killed instantly.

Now what Tang Mu has to do is to replicate this action.

The lawnmower has just been made here.

The uncle zombie has also crawled in front of Tang Mu.

In this regard, Tang Mu did not panic at all, but crossed his arms very proudly, waiting for the scene where the lawnmower would grind the zombie in front of him into meat paste.

Unexpectedly, the uncle zombie had already crawled in front of him and even slapped the lawnmower away, and the lawnmower was not started.

Tang Mu was knocked to the ground by the uncle zombie in a look of astonishment.


The chain fell at the critical moment!

Tang Mu was a little floating because he had been too smooth during this period.

Once his mentality drifted, his creation began to have problems.

Tom Cat's ability really keeps people awake at all times.

Before Tang Mu thought too much, he felt a chill on his head.

He looked up and saw that Uncle Dong Zombie had opened his head!

This zombie was treated badly by Tang Mu.

Now it just wanted to eat Tang Mu's brain alive.

The result disappointed it.

There was no brain in Tang Mu's head.

Instead, it was an office that was working hard.

In the office, there was also a large group of little Tom cats.

They each had their own duties, carrying documents and wandering around in the big office.

Some cats were writing documents; some cats were typing on the keyboard; some cats were making coffee and waiting for the printer to print documents.

There were also cats giving orders and being bossy.

One of the cats seemed to have worked too hard for too long, with red eyes and bloodshot.

When he saw another thick stack of work documents delivered to his desk, he immediately grabbed his head with both hands and pulled off a lot of cat hair.

The whole cat went crazy in an instant, started yelling, grabbed the keyboard and typed wildly.

The other cats were shocked by this cat's performance.

At the same time, all the little Tom cats felt the change in light and looked up.

They immediately met the eyes of the Dongshu zombie who opened Tom's head.


The zombie looked too scary.

All the little Tom cats in Tom's head were frightened.

Everyone covered their heads and screamed in horror.

There are also many little Tom cats with their hands in the air, running around like headless flies.

Finally, he collided with other Little Tom cats and fell to the ground one after another.

Uncle Dong’s zombie obviously has no intelligence.

As a result, looking at the picture in front of me, it felt a little messy.

Even if I am a zombie, I know that the brain of a living thing should not look like this.

It’s just that I haven’t waited for Uncle Dong’s zombie to come to his senses.

The little Tom Cat in Tom's brain seemed to have regained his composure.

One of the little Tom cats held a trumpet, jumped on the desk, and blew the charge horn directly at Uncle Dong's zombie!

The other Little Tom Cats each took out their weapons to look at various styles of thermal weapons or future weapons.

"oh oh"

Looking at this scene, Uncle Dong Zombie's broken brain felt a bad premonition.


The crackle of gunfire rang out.

There was even a missile rising from Tang Mu's head, flying in circles in mid-air, and finally hitting Uncle Dong's zombie head hard.

The missile exploded instantly!

His face was confused by the sudden attack.

Uncle Dong Zombie leaned back and fell directly to the ground.

I couldn't get up for a while.

Because the Tianling Cap was opened, Tang Mu was still like a fool, standing there stupidly.

Standing on the edge of the head, one of the little Tom cats descended down the rope.

One look at Tom Mu looking so stupid.

He immediately took out a huge glove that was extremely inconsistent with its size.

"Pah!" He slapped Tang Mu twice!

He woke himself up.

Tom suddenly shuddered and woke up completely.

He reached out and touched his brain.

Found in mint condition.

When Little Tom Cat came home, he casually closed the Tianling Cover.

He also spat on Uncle Dong’s zombie.

Tom Mu shook his head violently, looked at Uncle Dong's zombie who had fallen to the ground, and quickly stood up.

Restart the lawn mower next to it.

Tom Mu pushed the lawnmower manually and pushed it directly towards Uncle Dong!

Just listen to the sound of "嗗——".

The zombies that were still relatively intact were instantly shattered and swallowed by the lawnmower.


Tom held the lawnmower in one hand and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

It seemed like it had spent a lot of effort to finally get rid of this zombie.

Look back.

Li Ang was taking notes at this time.

He had been catching ghosts before and didn't understand much about zombies.

After this battle, he seemed to have a lot of new ideas.

At this time, he was turning his head crazily, thinking of effective ways to deal with zombies.

The formula for using cling film to catch ghosts and using chocolate to fight ghosts was also perfected under this situation.

Different from Li Ang's mental illness.

Qian Xiaohao and Ayou behaved more like normal people.

Tang Mu's performance was really too shocking.

A cat does this. If it weren't for his determination, I'm afraid Li Ang would have to take these two people with him when he goes home.

Two beds were also arranged for them in Chongguang Mental Hospital.

"You two..."

Ayou spoke first to break the weird atmosphere.

At first he wanted to call him Taoist friend.

But whether it was Li Ang or Tang Mu, their paths were too wild.

It seems a little inappropriate to call you Taoist.

But before he could finish speaking, Tang Mu immediately lay on Li Ang's shoulders and waved to Ayou.

Then he motioned to Li Ang to leave quickly.

They were going to catch the train.

Li Ang also put away his notebook, and under the guidance of Tang Mu, opened a door at will.

The sound of the time train suddenly sounded inside.

The wheels rolled over the rails, and there was another sound of air and the sound of the train braking.

Tang Mu and Li Ang entered.

A "touch" sound.

The door is closed.

The light source and sound coming out of it were also cut off at the same time.

Qian Xiaohao and Ayou looked at each other, their minds still a little dazed and they had not recovered.

It's all too unreal.

If it weren't for the mess left by the battle in front of him.

Qian Xiaohao and Ayou almost thought they were dreaming.

Step forward.

Tentatively, he opened the door that Li Ang and the others had just entered.

It was just a utility room filled with various miscellaneous items.

Li Ang and Tang Mu were completely missing.

Not to mention the train they just heard.

"You can't really be dreaming, can you?"

Qian Xiaohao was still a little confused.

Just when I turned around, I suddenly noticed that the surrounding environment had changed instantly.

The damage left by the previous battle was completely restored.

It was as if nothing had happened and the zombies had never appeared.

At the same time, a new memory also emerged in the minds of Qian Xiaohao and Ayou.


Feeling the new memories in my mind.

Qian Xiaohao and Ayou both opened their mouths in shock.

"Your Majesty, Maozu! Ayou, thank you for what you have done."

It seems that I saw something in my memory.

Ayou understood everything instantly, and immediately knelt down towards the east and worshiped very devoutly.

"Ayou, there are many guests downstairs, so why don't you come down and help?"

A familiar yet unfamiliar voice sounded.

Ayou stood up tremblingly and turned around.

I saw the familiar yet unfamiliar figure at the corner of the stairs.

It was his father who spent all day hunting down demons when he was still young.

But one day, his father lost his life while going out to slay demons again.

Only a bunch of old magic weapons were left to accompany him as he grew up.

In the new memory, Ayou knew that it was the cat named Tom, no, it should be the Supreme Cat Ancestor.

It was it that traveled through time and saved his father.

In this way, history can be changed.

His father survived, stayed with him, and raised him.

Today's father is also very old.

Gray hair.

But he was in high spirits and looked at himself smiling very kindly.

He is obviously a successful monk.

"Come on, Ayou."

Ayou's father smiled and waved to him.

Seeing that Ayou was still in a daze, Qian Xiaohao stretched out his hand to help him up from the ground.

Because history has been changed quietly.

No zombies were born, and Qian Xiaohao and Ayou did not have any injuries at this time.

Follow Ayou's father downstairs.

The memories of Ayou and Qian Xiaohao are becoming clearer.

I finally fully understood the memory of this new timeline.

Involuntarily, both of them had smiles on their faces.

Sweep away the previous decadence.

In a new memory.

With the help of Tang Mu, Qian Xiaohao no longer ignored his wife and children.

Maintains a good balance between career and family.

Now his career is still at a low ebb, and he has to move to this housing estate with his wife and children.

But also because I have family around me.

Qian Xiaohao no longer had the idea of ​​committing suicide.

Instead, I plan to muster up the courage to set sail again.

The whole person is not that decadent.

Qian Xiaohao, who has both old and new memories, is very clear about it.

How important is the company of family members?

The group went down to the first floor.

Qian Xiaohao saw his wife and children at a glance, and the grown man's eyes instantly turned red.

At this time, Qian Xiaohao's wife and children were with Yang Feng's mother and son.

Also because there are no zombies.

Yang Feng, mother and son are also living well in this timeline.

Qian Xiaohao is unclear because of historical perspective.

Because Ah You has always lived in a housing estate throughout history, he knows very clearly in his memory that something has changed when Tom Mu travels through time.

In addition to saving his father, he also saved twin sisters who were almost raped and killed by Yang Feng's husband.

Later, Yang Feng divorced her husband.

With the help of neighbors in the housing estate, Xiaobai's custody rights were given to Yang Feng.

Yang Feng, who is not crazy, is also very proud.

Xiaobai was brought up alone without saying anything.

I also started some small business and am living a good life now.

As for the source of all evil, Ah Jiu.

Because he wanted to live longer because of lung cancer, he did so many bad things, and almost killed everyone. Naturally, he ended up facing his death.

Tom Mu didn't give Ajiu a chance to raise a kid.

Everyone is subject to birth, aging, illness and death.

This is the law of nature.

It’s understandable that you want to live.

But it’s not okay to do whatever it takes to do this, even if it harms so many people.

No, your life is your life.

Other people's lives don't matter.

So Tang Mu didn't do anything but sealed all Ah Jiu's spells.

Let him live out his last life like an ordinary person.

The history has been modified.

Tang Mu and Li Ang naturally returned to modern times.

But it had one last thing to do, so it returned to this housing estate with Li Ang.

Ayou was the first to see Tang Mu, and he was so excited that he almost knelt down.

At this moment, he fully knew Tang Mu's identity, so he was naturally extremely grateful and respected.

But Tang Mu jumped up and ran to Xiao Bai's side.

He licked his paws with his tongue, and then knocked Xiao Bai and Yang Feng's heads like watermelons.

Some memories can be retained, and some memories need not be retained at all.

For example, the memory of Xiaobai being eaten by zombies.

Keeping it is just painful.

Not to mention, Xiaobai is still just a child.

Tom Mu still has some care.

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