Tom Cat breaks through the dimensional wall

Chapter 241 The Scared Leatherface

Sheriff Rick and Priest Blazer never expected that they came to warn the young people out of kindness.

As soon as they left, the group of people couldn't wait to give themselves up.

Sally and her brother Franklin stayed at home to tidy up the old house.

They thought their friends would be back soon.

They waited at home for a long time, but no one came.

Sally and Franklin discussed it and finally decided to go to the old house over there.

There was only this family nearby.

Maybe they knew something.

Thinking of this, Sally pushed Franklin's wheelchair and walked towards the Hewitt family.

At the same time, another pickup truck slowly drove into the town.

It instantly attracted the attention of many people.

Under the gaze of a pair of eyes hiding behind the window, the car door opened.

Li Ang and Tom jumped out of the car.

He turned around and waved to the driver in the car with a smile: "Thanks, brother."

The driver honked the horn, the tires spun, turned around on the spot, and drove towards the highway outside the town.

This driver is a good person.

It happened to be on the way, so he gave Li Ang and his friends a ride.

When the driver left, the originally quiet town suddenly became lively.

They had already recognized who the man and the cat were.

The man with an oriental face, and the cat that looked exactly like the statue.

This is definitely the incarnation of the cat god and his servant.

Confirming that the person they were waiting for had arrived, many doors of the houses in the town opened.

He walked over under the leadership of Priest Blazer.

"Cat God, your loyal believers pay you the highest respect."

Brazer looked at Tom, his face flushed with excitement, and he couldn't help but raise his voice.

Then he immediately realized that he was a bit offensive, and immediately lowered his voice.

It can be seen that his believer was a little excited.

Tang Mu raised his head proudly and swung his tail, feeling pretty good.

However, the main purpose of their trip was the so-called demon.

In fact, Tang Mu didn't care much about believers and faith.

He did this just for fun and to facilitate the task.

After some manipulation on the timeline.

Tang Mu did feel the effect of the power of faith on himself.

Now it is no different from some gods of faith.

It has obtained the authority of its own gods in the eyes of believers.

For other gods, this may be very important to them.

But Tang Mu really didn't see it.

"Where is the demon you are talking about?"

Li Ang is also a person who doesn't like to chat.

He hasn't seen a demon yet, and he is very curious about this commission and wants to see it with his own eyes.

Priest Blazer was also embarrassed at this time.

Facing the long-admired Lord Cat God, he was too excited and really didn't know what to say.

At this time, Li Ang suddenly spoke, which made him react. He quickly said: "Yes, it's more important to do business. Please follow me."

As he said, Blazer stepped forward to lead the way, taking Li Ang and Tom to the edge of the town, pointing to the Hewitt family one kilometer ahead, and said: "That's the devil's lair."

"A few hours before you came, a group of young people also came. I hope they are obedient and stay at home."

As he said, Blazer still walked towards the Hewitt family with Li Ang and the others.

Like Blazer, other townspeople in the town also planned to follow.

Speaking of joining in the fun.

Not only the Chinese.

In fact, the whole world likes it.

It's rare to see the incarnation of the gods come to exorcise the devil.

They also want to see it.

Not only that.

This group of townspeople also have a cruel intention towards the leather-faced people of the Hewitt family.

If they can see the process of Tom and the others exorcising the devil with their own eyes, they will feel much more comfortable.

However, Tom thought about it and still didn't want them to follow and join in the fun.

Many people were worried about their safety.

It was just that Tom was too bothered to protect people, nor did he want to be watched by others.

Seeing Tom waved his claws at them.

Blazer understood Tom's meaning and would not disobey him. He quickly turned around and stopped the townspeople, saying, "Let's not go over and make trouble. Let's wait in the town. God of Cats, there will be no problem."

The townspeople heard this and whispered to each other for a while, and bowed to Tom to express their respect and gratitude.

Seeing this, Li Ang and Tom did not stay for too long and walked towards the old house over there.

"This is my first time going abroad. I heard that when you go abroad, you always have to bring some small gifts back to give to your friends when you return home. What do you think we should bring?"

Although Li Ang and Tom came to exorcise demons.

But they were not nervous at all. Instead, they chatted while walking.


After hearing this, Tang Mu raised his paw and touched his furry chin. He seemed to have thought of something, and immediately pretended to hold a torch high, and also slung a piece of cloth across his body.

"Yes! The Statue of Liberty! This is definitely a local product of the United States. Can we take this back?"

After hearing what Li Ang said, Tang Mu nodded happily.

I think this is a good idea.

It's just a pity that there are too few local products in the United States.

There is only one Statue of Liberty, which is from France.

The man and the cat chatted and came to the old house of the Hewitt family.

The big house in front of him.

Tom's nose twitched, and he could already smell the blood.

Someone must have been killed not long ago.

Remembering what Priest Brett said just now, he guessed that the group of young people who came in the morning did not listen to his advice.

I'm afraid they are in danger now.

What else can I say.

In many things, it's useless to persuade someone.

After all, there are many people who don't listen to advice.

Before seeing the danger with their own eyes, most people tend not to think in the worst direction.

As for Tom.

Although it hasn't seen what the so-called demon in the old house looks like.

But after Blazer's introduction, it has guessed who its target is this time.

Leatherface, the famous Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

This is one of the four great killers in film history.

In addition to him, the other three killers are also very well-known.

They are Michael Myers in "Halloween".

Jason Voorhees in "Friday the 13th".

And Freddy Krueger in "A Nightmare on Elm Street".

There are many works in which these four killers appear.

And basically they win a great victory in the end.

In many cases, the protagonists in the movie think they are going to win.

As a result, they will be killed by the killers at the last moment.

The ending of the protagonists' group annihilation is not uncommon.

To be honest.

In the movies with the four killers in film history, the real protagonists should be these killers.

Just like the real protagonist monsters in monster movies.

Let's not talk about the other three killers.

At this time, the leatherface that Tom is facing is actually just an ordinary person in the early settings.

He is just a little taller and stronger.

When he is seriously injured, he will die.

But in the latest version of "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2022", his ability is the same as the other three killers, and he has become a completely inhuman existence.

He has a truly immortal body.

In the play, no matter how he is attacked.

At most, he would lie on the ground for a while, and soon he would get up intact and continue to hunt down the protagonists.

Tom knew from the description of Priest Blazer and others.

The background of the Leatherface in this house is closer to the old movies of the 1970s.

But the strength of the character is integrated with the abilities of the latest version.

It is no wonder that they are helpless against such an inhuman monster.

"Hey! Is anyone there?!"

Leon and Tom walked to the door of the old house together, and even knocked politely.

After knocking for a long time, no one answered in the room.

In the end, it was because the door was ajar.

Knock twice more, it opened by itself.


As the door opened.

Leon and Tom stood at the door and looked inside.

What you can see is the upward stairs and the corridor on the left.

There are even fresh bloodstains in the corridor.

It is estimated that nine out of ten are left by those young people.

If you fall into the hands of Leatherface, you are probably dead or living a life worse than death.

"Shall we go in?"

Leon was eager to try.

Tang Mu stretched out his claws to stop Leon and shook his head slightly.

It was obvious that in this environment, Leatherface must be hiding somewhere and secretly watching them.

Just like a hunter watching his prey.

Three of the four killers were like this.

The first step before killing is to stare at the prey, and then wait for the opportunity to appear, kill with one blow, or capture it instantly.

Tang Mu was not stupid, since he guessed that Leatherface was waiting for them to enter this old house somewhere.

He must not be allowed to succeed easily.

It was exactly as Tang Mu thought.

On the way to the old house here, Leatherface had already stared at them.

At this time, he was standing behind a door behind the corridor and waiting quietly.

When he saw Tang Mu lift his foot and slowly step into the door.

Leatherface also slowly raised the hammer in his hand.

Although Leatherface is known as the chainsaw killer.

But it doesn't actually use chainsaws.

Usually, it uses chain saws.

In addition to the chainsaw, it often uses a hammer.

This hammer has smashed countless people's heads.

The hammer head is already brown.

There is a lot of blood residue.

Day after day, year after year.

The blood on it can't even be washed off.

Now Leatherface is planning to use this dear little hammer to smash the heads of all the lives that step into his house.

Even a cat is the same.

Seeing that Tom's foot was about to fall.

But Tom suddenly retracted it.

Leatherface frowned and slowly put down the hammer.

But as soon as the hammer was put down, Tom raised his foot again, as if he was going to step over.

Leatherface quickly raised the hammer.

Just as he was about to rush out.

Tom retracted his foot again.

After a few times, Leatherface was immediately very angry.

He felt that he was being madly provoked.

The cat was madly testing on the edge of danger.

But it just rubbed at the door and didn't come in.

Now Leatherface was too lazy to wait any longer.

With a "bang!", the burly Leatherface suddenly broke through the door and rushed out, intending to catch the weird cat directly!

As soon as he ran out, he saw a cannon facing him.

In the muzzle of the cannon, Tom, wearing a safety helmet, was lying straight inside, grinning at him.

"Human cannon! Fire!"

Leon stood behind the cannon and pulled the rope behind the cannon!

There was a "bang"!

The cannon body shook violently!

Tom was fired directly!

He hit Leatherface's belly at a very fast speed!


The head with a safety helmet collided with Leatherface's belly.

The huge force immediately knocked Leatherface back and flew out!

"Bang, boom, boom!"

The bricks and stones shattered, and the walls collapsed!

Leatherface, who was hit by Tom, broke through three walls in a row!

He crashed directly through the old house and fell straight out!

A long dirt pit was worn out on the lawn.

If an ordinary person was hit like this, he would definitely not survive.

But Leatherface was no longer a human being.

With this kind of injury, there was no way to deal with him.

Leatherface didn't even lie on the ground for two seconds.

He sat up with a sit-up.

Just as Tom was about to run away, Leatherface stretched out his hand and grabbed the cat's neck, pulling it in front of him.

The force was too great and the movement was too fast. Tom stuck out his long tongue and his eyes turned into crosses.

He looked like he was about to be strangled to death.

Leatherface was a ruthless man who didn't talk much.

He stood up from the ground with his left hand holding Tom's neck.

He held the hammer in his right hand and smashed it hard on Tom's head!

There was a "clang" sound!

Leatherface was a little confused.

Whether it was the sound or the feel, Leatherface's mind was a little confused.

Why would a hammer hit the head and make such a noise?

Shouldn't it make a "pop" sound and smash the head directly?

Leatherface's eyes under the human mask stared at Tom, and he loosened his left hand that was pinching Tom in surprise.

Tom stood straight at this time.

His head was flattened by the hammer just now, and his legs were still deeply buried in the soil.

The whole cat was like a nail.

Leatherface subconsciously raised the hammer and hit Tom's head a few more times.

He just smashed the cat nail completely into the soil, leaving only the round "nail cap" exposed on the ground.

The cat's facial features were very flat at this time, but the expression was still very smart, and it was winking at Leatherface.

This completely made Leatherface unable to do it.

He had never encountered such a creature before.

It was even weirder than himself!

Damn it!

Who is immortal after all!

Leatherface, who was two meters and thirty-five meters tall, took two steps back and looked at Tom on the ground, feeling a little scared.

So he bypassed Tom and walked home quickly.


Unlike the other three killers.

Leatherface looks very tough.

He looks like he can scare a child to tears.

But in fact, his inner heart is completely opposite to his appearance.

This is a very sensitive and twisted heart.

Unlike others, Leatherface kills people because of his cowardice and fear.

He is afraid that others will hurt him.

He is afraid that others will hurt his family.

He is also afraid that his family will be dissatisfied with him.

It is precisely because of fear that Leatherface will take the initiative to kill those who scare him.

He also wants to deal with Tom in this way.

But Tom's performance made him even more afraid.

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