Tom Cat breaks through the dimensional wall

Chapter 246: Just the Master's Mission

Tom and Freddy, the dream fairy, are still playing in their dreams.

Li Ang in the real world also encountered some troubles.

It was the morning of the next day.

Leon was awakened by Spike's barking.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw two tall guys wearing masks standing in front of him.

Both men are two meters tall.

One, taller, wore a hockey mask and held a machete.

The shorter one wears a white mask and holds a kitchen knife in his hand.

Li Ang did not know these two people.

But he was sensitive enough to detect Leatherface's aura on them.

There is no doubt that these two men, like Leatherface, also gained demonic powers.

Li Ang also thought of what Satan said yesterday.

He immediately guessed that they were coming to hunt him down.

Quickly roll down towards the bed.

"Puff! Puff!"

Two sharp blades pierced the place where Li Ang had been lying.


With a cry, Li Ang rolled from the bed to the ground, then rolled to the left, trying to roll under the bed.

But only halfway through the roll, he felt his left leg being held by a strong hand.

Before Li Ang could resist, a huge force came.

Then he pulled Li Ang out from under the bed.

"Hey hey hey!"

Li Ang wanted to say something, but he was pulled out from under the bed, and his whole body was lifted upside down in the air.

Jason, who was wearing a hockey mask, said nothing and lifted Li Ang's leg and shook it hard.

A lot of messy things fell out of Li Ang's body.

There are even quite a few thermal weapons among them.

Seeing this, Michael, who was wearing a white mask, bent down and picked up a pistol.

Although these two murderers have their own commonly used weapons.

But in fact, they can all be said to be weapons masters.

As long as it kills people.

Anything can be used as a weapon.

Especially Jason.

As the most dedicated person among killers, he has used many killing tools.

Like Freddy, these two people also received orders from Satan to come and deal with Leon and Tom Mu.

It's just that Satan's clone has personally experienced the situation of fighting with Tom Mu.

So Satan also knew that this man and cat would not be easy to deal with.

I didn’t learn how to save grandpa with the Calabash Baby, and send him off one by one.

Of course, you still have to use all your strength to deal with powerful enemies.

It's just a pity that the fifth anchor point that he recently signed a contract with is not very obedient.

Otherwise, this action would be even more certain in Satan's eyes.

Even so, if Freddy, Jason and Michael take action together, there shouldn't be much of a problem.

The most difficult one to deal with is the cat.

Just let Freddie haunt it in his dreams.

Take the lead in gathering fire to deal with Li Ang, and then deal with Tang Mu together. Satan can be regarded as having his great revenge avenged.

That's what Satan thinks.

Jason and the others also came.

Jason doesn't speak much.

After shaking off most of the props on Li Ang, he slammed Li Ang out of the window and fell heavily out of the hotel room.


This was a heavy fall.

Li Ang, who was lying on the ground, coughed up a large mouthful of blood.

Jason and Michael glanced at Tom on the bed.

At this time, Tom Mu was still sleeping.

The two ignored Tang Mu for the time being, and planned to deal with Li Ang outside the house as planned.

"Woof woof woof!"

Spike barked loudly when he saw these two people coming in and bullying his new master.

He rushed forward and bit Jason's calf, biting furiously.

Jason was indifferent, but was inevitably slowed down.

Michael ignored Jason, walked out first, and came to Li Ang holding Li Ang's pistol.

Aiming the gun at Li Ang, who was coughing up blood on the ground, Michael pulled the trigger without saying a word.


A gunshot!

Nothing happened to Li Ang. Instead, he took out a handkerchief from his trouser pocket, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, looked at Michael, and asked with concern: "Are you okay?"

At this time, Michael's right shoulder holding the gun was penetrated by a bullet with a bloody hole.

A lot of blood is pouring out from it.

Michael wears a white mask, and the expression on his face cannot be seen.

But just from his paused body language, it can be seen that the murderer's heart was fluctuating greatly at this time.

He couldn't figure it out.

A gun is fine, but why do bullets shoot out from the back of the gun?

Li Ang clicked his tongue and shook his head: "Children should not play with adults' toys casually. My gun is very dangerous. It is different from other guns in that the bullets are fired in reverse."

Michael remained silent and changed the gun in his right hand and the kitchen knife in his left hand.

The gun is raised in the left hand.

This time, Michael learned the lesson, turned the gun over, pointed the muzzle at himself, and pointed the hammer at Leon.

When Li Ang saw this, he immediately backed away tactically.


Michael pulled the trigger again!


It's the sound of a bullet entering flesh.

Li Ang is still okay.

Looking at Michael in front of him, he tilted his head: "Brother, are you okay? I see your hands are bleeding. Do you want to see a doctor first?"

Michael's body was shaking a little at this time.

I don’t know if he was angry or injured by a bullet.

The shot just now caught Michael by surprise again.

The bullet from the first shot was fired backwards.

Michael listened to the advice and directly turned the gun.

As a result, the bullet of this shot was fired from the normal muzzle.

As a result, Li Ang just lay on the ground without moving.

Michael shot himself twice.

This made Michael, who had almost no emotions, feel like he was being fooled.

"I told you, children shouldn't play around with guns. My gun has a very weird temper. Sometimes it shoots forward, sometimes it shoots backward, and sometimes it turns. How about you try again?"

Listening to what Li Ang said, Michael no longer wanted to use his broken pistol.

He threw away Li Ang's pistol.

With Michael's physique, it was only two bullets, so it wasn't a big problem at all.

It only took a short time, and now the recovery is complete.

Sure enough, it's better to use your own weapons.

With Spike the bulldog at his feet, Jason had already reached the door.

He casually smashed the glass next to him with a punch.

Take a fire ax from it.

Holding the fire ax in his left hand, Jason didn't look back and slashed hard towards his feet!


With a whimper.

Handfuls of blood were sprinkled on the ground.

Spike, who had been biting Jason's calf, was cut in half with a fire ax.

Shaking away the dead Spike dog head that was still biting him, Jason walked towards Michael with silent steps.

Halfway through, the man had already thrown the fire ax in his hand towards Michael.

As if there were eyes on his back, Michael reached out and took it directly.

"Hey, hey, hey, what's the point of two against one! If we have the ability, let's fight one on one!"

Seeing the two tall murderers surrounding him, Li Ang was even still speaking harshly.

Jason and Michael still didn't say a word, they raised their machetes and fire axes and chopped them at Li Ang!


Li Ang let out a series of screams.

Finally, the blood gathered on the ground and formed a small lake.

Seeing Li Ang's miserable state, Jason and Michael finally stopped.

The ax in Michael's mouth was even stuck on Li Ang's shoulder, and he couldn't pull it out.

The two of them didn't need to lean over to check Li Ang's vital signs.

They all have their own perception abilities.

Very sensitive to the life of its prey. You can feel the heartbeat and vitality of your prey from a long distance away.

Therefore, they can hunt their prey over long distances and never let it escape.

From their point of view, Li Ang, the guy Satan wants to get rid of, is already dead.

A mere human being, suffering from such a fatal injury, realizes the possibility of survival.

Li Ang is dead now.

He also accidentally killed a dog that was getting in the way.

It's time to get rid of the cat.

Just kill the cat again.

Their mission is completed.

Michael and Jason return to their hotel room.

Tom was still sleeping in bed.

Apparently Freddy still trapped it in his dream.

Neither Jason nor Michael planned to wait for Freddy to kill Tom.

To both of them, Freddy's dream about killing people was too boring.

And it's not efficient at all.

Want to kill someone.

Just lift the knife and drop it.

It takes too long to kill someone in a dream.

Jason raised his machete, pointed it at Tom Mu in front of him, and chopped it down with one blow!

I don't really like Freddy though.

But I have to admit that with Freddy controlling Tom, it would be easier for them to deal with it.

I originally thought I could kill Tang Mu with a single blow.

But he never thought that this knife would cut it straight away.

Tom Mu was still lying peacefully on the bed.

The moment the machete fell, Tang Mu moved sideways to avoid the knife.

Jason and Michael were both stunned for a moment.

I thought the cat had woken up.

But looking at it again, Tom Mu was indeed still sleeping.

And they can also feel that Freddy is still in Tom Mu's dream.

This is strange.

Could it be that this is a natural reaction of the cat's body?

Michael stepped forward directly, grabbed Tom Mu with both hands and raised him high.

As long as you control this cat, even if you want to hide, there is nothing you can do.

Michael thought so.

But suddenly I felt some pain in the back of my head.

It turned out that Tang Mu, who was lifted up by him, grabbed the hair on the back of his head.

Before Michael could react.

Tom, who was lifted up by Michael, suddenly turned over behind Michael!

He was still holding Michael's hair in his hand, and Michael fell backwards to the ground along with Tom!

After Tang Mu landed, he naturally rolled a few times and rolled out of the room to the open space outside the room.

Place your right elbow and left foot on the ground and raise yourself up diagonally.

He continued to sleep in the posture of a sleeping arhat, even snoring comfortably and smacking his mouth from time to time.

When Jason and Michael saw this scene, they were a little undecided.

They really couldn't figure out whether Tom Mu was asleep or not.

But whatever.

Get rid of Tom Mu and the others, this is the master's order.

The two murderers had no hesitation.

Grasp your weapon and step forward, aiming at Tom Mu and continuing to attack!

Jason kicked him down hard and forcefully!

Tang Mu was obviously sleeping with his eyes closed, but his movements were extremely quick and swift.

Lying on the ground, he quickly dodged the kick and threw Jason to the ground with a sweeping kick.

Before Jason could get up, Tom kicked him in the face again!

A "touch" sound.

Jason's body stayed close to the ground and slid back a few meters.

Michael was now completely convinced that something was wrong.

Tom was indeed still sleeping.

But sleeping Tom Mu is still in danger.

Its body can even act autonomously against its enemies.

But his consciousness was mentally torturing Freddy in his dream without knowing it.

I love killing people in my dreams!

Cao Cao called him an expert.

Although there are some deviations from the plan.

But neither Jason nor Michael would give up.

Holding the kitchen knife in his hand, Michael rushed towards Tom on the ground again!

Tom Mu had closed his eyes and slept.

But it was an incompetent gallows who stood up quickly!

Not only did he kick Michael twice in the air, but after his feet landed on the ground, he launched a series of attacks on Michael with his fists!

Palms, fists, fingers, and elbows hit Michael repeatedly and retreated.

Finally, Tom gathered his strength and slapped Michael's chest hard again!


A circular air wave spread up and down with the palm and Michael's chest as the center!

The huge force immediately knocked Michael flying dozens of meters away.


It crashed directly outside the motel room behind it.

Pieces of masonry fell, burying the unable to move Michael inside.

Jason stood up again without even looking at Michael. He held the machete and rushed towards Tom Mu again.

But Tang Mu's body shape was like a loach.

He just lay back on the spot, still sleeping soundly, and used actions such as stretching, yawning, and scratching his back to dodge all Jason's attacks.

This made Jason feel very incredible.

In just a blink of an eye, Tom Mu, who was lying in front of him just a moment ago, suddenly disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, Jason felt a pain in his lower back!


With a loud noise, Jason was also knocked away!

Like Michael, lying among the ruins of the building.

Under Jason's half-broken hockey mask, his eyes were fixed on Tom Mu, completely unable to understand what was going on.

They couldn't even beat a sleeping cat.

How terrifying this cat would be if it woke up!


"What a sleeping Arhat fist!"

At this moment, Li Ang's shout suddenly came, which startled Jason.

Turn around and look.

Li Ang, covered in blood and with a fire ax stuck on his shoulder, stood there as if nothing happened.

Seemingly noticing Jason's disbelieving gaze, Li Ang casually pulled the fire ax off his shoulder and said, "I know what you are thinking. You must have thought I was dead, right?"

"Hey! Don't be so narrow-minded. If a person is stabbed with a knife, he will die if he is stabbed with a knife. Those are two different things."

Jason was shocked by the logic of mental illness.

"Woof woof!"

It’s not just that Li Ang is not dead.

Even Spike, who was cut in half by Jason before, didn't die.

At this time, it has turned into a demon form.

The chainsaw overhead stands out.

A pair of dog eyes under the chainsaw looked at Jason very unhappy.

"Ah! What a madman! What an underwater undercover, what a game! I don't want to play games anymore! Madman! There must be something wrong with your cat's mind!"

Another shout came.

I saw that Tom Mu had woken up.

And at its feet, there was a mentally disturbed guy with large areas of burned and twisted skin, wearing a brown and black top hat and a red, green and red striped sweater.

It was Freddy.

From the looks of it, its dream invasion failed and it has been dragged into the real world by Tom Mu.

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