Hanks is the leader of this line of police after all.

Every move is very eye-catching.

After Hanks and Leon came to this corner of the parking lot, several young policemen followed.

They witnessed their leader observing the dog poop with a magnifying glass and wanted to arrest the dog poop.

Fortunately, they were also following Jason and others.

Otherwise, Hanks might be regarded as a mental patient.

But no matter what, the leader is really worthy of being the leader.

He is different from these young policemen.

He is a man.

Soon, a policeman trotted over with a box.

After taking the box, Officer Hanks had a blank expression on his face and reached out to the dog poop on the ground.

"Hey! I warn you! Don't touch me! Don't touch me! Ahhh!"

Fladi's poop is the noisiest.

Hanks was still screaming when he reached out and grabbed it.

The surrounding police looked at each other in surprise.

Hanks moved quickly, picked up the other two piles, and put them all in the box.

He closed the lid and locked it.

Hanks then noticed the expressions of the people around him, and frowned.

"What are you doing? Don't you have anything else to do? Isn't it just catching poop? Don't you have a dog at home?"

Hanks has a dog at home, and every time he takes it out for a walk, he will pick up the poop left by the dog.

But he usually wears gloves.

This is the first time he picked it up directly.

But Hanks didn't care.

He was quite lucky.

These three murderers have become like this, not only can they no longer harm people, but he can continue to interrogate them.

For a policeman, legal procedures must be followed.

However, Li Ang and Tom looked up to Hanks' performance.

Those who dare to play with shit are not ordinary people.

Li Ang is quite brave.

He even uses that as courage training.

"Boss, there is a female body found over there, and the time of death is about 45 minutes."

Hanks had just arrested Santogo.

Another team of police officers who were checking near the motel also came over.

Hearing this, Hanks immediately said, "Take me to see."

The police led the way, and everyone moved forward.

Sure enough, a female body was seen in one of the rooms of the hotel.

It was Jessica, the owner of this hotel.

This unlucky girl should have been implicated by Li Ang and Tom.

She had been attacked before Li Ang and his men were attacked.

Looking at the wound, it should be a knife in the throat.

"Don't worry! Let me do it!"

Seeing the body, Li Ang immediately shouted and took two steps forward.

Li Ang's action immediately attracted everyone's attention, and they didn't understand what he was going to do.

There were also police who stopped Li Ang from approaching and reminded him not to destroy the crime scene.

After all, Hanks knew more.

After thinking about it, he waved his hand and signaled the police to move aside to see what Li Ang wanted to do.

The space in the room was too small for Li Ang to perform.

After getting Hanks's consent, Jessica's body was moved outside first.

Hanks looked at Li Ang and asked, "What do you want to do?"

"She died so unjustly, I want to save her."

As Li Ang spoke, he knelt beside Jessica, leaned down, and put his ear to Jessica's chest.

"Save her?"

As soon as these words came out, there was a lot of commotion among the people around.

People have been dead for so long, can they still be saved?

The police looked incredulous.

The doctors on the train looked like old people on the subway looking at their phones.

Although they knew that this world was not so scientific.

But it was still a little hard to believe.

"Do you want to summon the soul, or something else?"

Hanks looked at Li Ang and asked curiously.

After all, in his opinion, people who can deal with demons like Jason must have some extraordinary abilities.

Perhaps, as he heard, some people can use some wonderful abilities to call back the souls of people after death and return them to their bodies.

"It's not that troublesome."

Leon waved his hand.

Having checked Jessica's current condition, he suddenly stood up.

In the incredible eyes of everyone, he suddenly grabbed Jessica's body and swung it up.

Like swinging a rag doll, he kept swinging it on the ground.

Every time Jessica's body hit the ground, it made a sound.

Everyone around shuddered and howled.

It was as if Leon was hitting them.

The sense of substitution was very strong.

The doctors took a breath.

Looking at Leon who kept hitting Jessica.

Good man, what kind of hatred is this.

People are dead, and they still want to vent their anger like this.

Some people couldn't stand it anymore and wanted to stop Leon's violence.

But they were stopped by Hanks.

His eyesight was pretty good, and he was always observing Jessica's reaction.

Just now, he saw Jessica had opened her eyes.

Although he didn't know what the principle of saving people was.

But Leon did save Jessica.

Not just Hanks.

When Leon stopped hitting Jessica, everyone saw the situation clearly.

Jessica, who had been dead for a long time, actually opened her eyes.

You can see it from her heaving chest.

Jessica was breathing at this time.

"Oh my God!"

Many people exclaimed.

This actually worked!

They had never thought that people could be revived in such a weird way.

"How do you feel now?"

Leon looked at Jessica who was still lying on the ground and asked.

Jessica was still a little confused at this time.

In her last memory, she seemed to be attacked by someone.

That's right!

She should have died.

Jessica reached out to touch her neck.

She touched a large area of ​​dry scabby blood.

These can be confirmed that she is indeed dead.

But why is she alive again now?

Jessica can't quite understand.

"Pa pa!"

Leon slapped Jessica twice, and then said to her: "Hey! How do you feel now?"

After being slapped twice by Leon, Jessica instantly became much more sober.

"I feel quite weak and can't use any strength."

Jessica felt that it might be Li Ang who saved her.

When she spoke, her voice was very hoarse.

"Okay, I know, then you lie down for a while."

Li Ang said, and stood up again.


Jessica felt a little puzzled, but suddenly had a bad premonition.

"Hey, wait!"

Jessica saw Li Ang standing beside her, raised his big feet and kicked her fiercely, and immediately screamed in fear.

But Li Ang ignored her and started his Li Ang treatment again.

Under Li Ang's punches and kicks, Jessica screamed again and again.

But she screamed more and more energetic.

A minute later, Jessica suddenly stood up, radiant, like nothing happened.

"How are you now?"

Li Ang looked at Jessica in front of him and asked again.

"I feel much better now, thank you."

Jessica even had Li Ang's shoe prints on her face, but she thanked him very sincerely.

"You're welcome."

Leon waved his hand indifferently.

He just did what he thought he should do.

Hanks, who watched the whole process, was amazed.

But since Jessica has been resurrected, we can record one more person's statement.

"Mr. Leon, and this lady, can you go to the police station with us? Just to take some notes."

Hanks said, and gestured to the small box in his hand, saying: "There are also these demons. Although they don't look threatening at the moment. But for the sake of safety, it's safer if expert Leon is also here."

"Okay, of course no problem."

Leon would naturally not refuse.

After all, those who had decided to accompany Hanks to the press conference before, just happened to be going there.

As for Tom's desire to go to hell to find trouble with Satan, it doesn't matter if he refuses a little time.

I guess Satan is also happy to do so.

Get on the police car and head to the city where their police station is located.

According to the original plan, they were also going to come here today, find a car rental company, rent a car to find Jason and others.

Now we don't have to bother renting a car.

After a while of driving, everyone finally arrived at the police station in the city.

After entering the police station, Hanks arranged to go through the procedures first.

Fortunately, Hanks helped.

Things like recording a confession didn't bother Li Ang and his friends to scare them away.

Li Ang is a capable person.

Tom is a capable cat.

Hanks thinks highly of them.

So after the legal procedures were completed, he also played the role of a host and invited Li Ang and his friends to dinner.

At the same time, he also found a hotel in the city for Li Ang and Tom to stay.

In two days, there will be a press conference.

Tell everyone that the demon problem has been dealt with.

No longer worry about your life being violated by Jason and his friends.

In the hotel room.

One person, one cat and one dog stayed in the big room, and none of them wanted to move.

"I thought things would be settled soon, but I didn't expect the press conference to have to wait for another two days. Suddenly, I don't want to participate anymore."

Li Ang was lying on the bed, feeling a little bored.

But Tom didn't want to miss this way of making Leon famous.

Anyway, it's just two more days, just like a trip, no problem.

Tom also wanted to use this time to get Leon and Pax used to fighting together.

Spike swallowed the demonic power of the four killers.

Now it is like the chainsaw demon in "Chainsaw Man", and can also give this power to Leon.

Let Leon and Spike fight together.

Produce the effect of one plus one greater than two.

But this new power still needs Leon to adapt.

As for Tom, take advantage of this time to go to hell.

Satan is a bit annoying, so it's better to deal with it directly.

In the hotel room, Leon and Spike merged and became a demon man.

Tom left the room and walked directly to the elevator in the middle of the corridor.

At this time, a waiter pushing a dining cart was also waiting for the elevator here.

Seeing a big cat coming, the waiter couldn't help but be attracted.

"Does a kitten need to take the elevator, too?"

This waiter seemed to like small animals, too.

He even smiled and greeted Tom.

When facing cute animals, even a burly man will involuntarily change his voice into a clip sound.

Just like the tone of a child when talking.

Tang Mu looked up at the waiter and just shook his tail.


The elevator door opened, and Tang Mu and the waiter walked in together.

The waiter pressed the button for the first floor, looked at Tang Mu next to him, and asked jokingly: "Which floor do you want to go to? I'll press the elevator for you."

Tang Mu rolled his eyes.

The waiter didn't want Tang Mu to reply, and he naturally didn't expect a cat to talk.

Asking this question was just for fun.

It can be seen that he really thinks it's fun.

After the elevator reached the first floor, he didn't go out, and he was still teasing Tang Mu in the elevator.

Questions one after another.

This made Tang Mu feel that this person was a bit annoying.

Well, since you don't go out by yourself, don't be scared when you see something later.

Because the time has passed.

The elevator door closed automatically.

Tang Mu took two steps forward, jumped up and tapped the button for the second floor below ground.

"Are you going to the second floor below ground?"

The waiter had not yet realized the seriousness of the matter.

Tang Mu just grinned and smiled silently.

This time, the playful young waiter finally realized that something was wrong.

The display screen in the elevator kept going down.

From the first floor to the first floor below ground, and then to the second floor below ground, everything was normal.

But when the number dropped to the third floor below ground, the waiter finally panicked.

The number in the elevator kept dropping lower and lower.

After that, it was just like falling from a building, and the waiter even felt weightless.

Tang Mu even floated directly in the air.

The number on the electronic screen had reached the sixty-sixth floor below ground.

Now the waiter was panicking.

He quickly ran to the elevator button and tried desperately to press those buttons, but it was useless.

He could not stop the rapidly descending elevator at all.

At this time, the elevator had reached the three hundred and sixty-first floor below ground.

The inner wall of the originally ordinary elevator suddenly turned red.

The temperature around was getting higher and higher.

This made the waiter realize instantly that their elevator was an elevator to hell!

He couldn't help crying.

If he had known, he would have gotten out of the elevator on the first floor. Why did he stay to play with the cat?

Seeing that he was scared, Tang Mu laughed and laughed at him for being timid.

Seeing this, the waiter suddenly disliked cats.

At least he didn't like the cat in front of him.

The cat's laughter was too mean.

The waiter didn't realize that after being diverted by Tang Mu, his fear was reduced a lot.

At this moment, the elevator stopped suddenly.

The waiter and Tang Mu both fell to the ground.

The waiter was fine, just a simple fall.

Tang Mu was directly thrown into a puddle of egg pancakes, and his big eyes were still blinking at the waiter.


The elevator door opened.

A smell of sulfur and a heat wave poured into the elevator.

Tang Mu had recovered, and was sweating all over from the heat.

A large amount of sweat even formed a small puddle under Tang Mu's feet.

Such an exaggerated performance made the waiter beside him dumbfounded.

At this time, the electronic screen in the elevator showed negative six hundred and sixty-sixth floor.

They had arrived in hell.

And Satan, the lord of hell, also instantly felt Tang Mu's breath at this moment.

He knew that an uninvited guest had come to his territory.

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