I couldn't materialize the projection of other people's hearts as usual.

This made Dark Alessa feel a little uneasy.

After thinking for a while, Dark Alessa frowned and could only raise her hand to point to the other two people who were still running away in the playground below, across the street.

As the black fog floated behind Alessa.

The tall, oppressive figure of Triangle Head also appeared behind Alessa in an instant.

At this time, Triangle Head seemed to have returned to normal.

Receiving Alessa's order, Triangle Head said nothing and stepped forward directly.

Holding a giant machete that was as tall as a door panel and taller than a person, Triangle Head walked to the edge of the roof with heavy steps.

One foot stepped into the air, and Triangle Head fell straight down like a cannonball!


The ground shook miserably, and cracks spread all around.

A dense "chi chi chi" sound first sounded in the smoke and dust.

Then, a large number of black beetles rushed out like a wave and rushed towards the amusement park.

Among the black beetles, the triangular head held a machete and moved forward step by step.

He was not affected by the fall from the sky at all.

Li Ang looked back and saw the triangular head and the black beetle he summoned.

He immediately understood that they must have been targeted.


Li Ang turned his head to look at the surging insects behind him and the triangular head who was moving forward in the insects.

"What are you fighting for! Run!"

When Sybil heard what Li Ang said, she quickly pulled him.

She was afraid that this man who seemed to be not very smart would commit suicide.

"Help me hold it."

Li Ang ran with them, threw Lily Lily to Sybil halfway, and then searched for the props in his toolbox while running.

Finally, Li Ang found what he wanted from it.

But he didn't rush to take it out, but shouted to Sibyl and the others: "Come here!"

After saying that, he turned a corner and ran towards the kart field next to him.

After jumping on a kart, Li Ang started the vehicle directly.

Sibyl and David didn't expect that the karts in the other world could still be used.

Although karts are not a serious means of transportation.

But the speed of these cars is faster than running with their legs.

As long as they drive the car and circle the road a few more times, they should be able to hold on until dawn.


The engine began to roar.

Three red, yellow and green karts rushed out of the track.

Li Ang drove at the back and shouted: "David! You are more familiar with the terrain, you lead the way! Sibyl, these are for you! You and I will stop those monsters together!"

While talking, Li Ang had already driven to Sibyl's side and drove parallel to her.

Opening the toolbox, Li Ang took out a bunch of grenades and threw them into Sibyl's car.

Seeing the things that Li Ang threw over, Sibyl was almost scared to death.

Although the United States does not ban guns, it has very strict management of explosives such as grenades.

This is the first time she has seen someone like Li Ang carrying so many explosives.

"Where did you come from?!"

If it weren't for the fact that she was still in the other world, Sibyl would have wanted to arrest Li Ang on the spot.

"It's a gift from my cousin. He always gives me some during the New Year and other festivals."

Li Ang said casually, with a tone of indifference.

As he spoke, he had already taken out a fire bomb.

After starting it, throw it directly backwards!


The flames exploded and spread rapidly!

Behind her were the screams of the black beetles being burned by the flames.

Sibyl didn't have time to pay attention to this matter for the time being.

She could only use the grenade that Li Ang gave her and throw it behind her!


This time it was a huge explosion!

The strong impact and fragments spread all around.

A large number of black beetles were blown into the sky by the explosion!

Li Ang and his friends are playing kart racing here.

Tom in the church also has his own business.

The holy church protected the believers from the monsters in the other world.

It looks like this on the surface.

In fact, the real situation is very ironic.

To those who don't know, the believers in the church are just a group of very simple Christian believers.

But in fact, combined with the content of the movie "Silent Hill" and "Silent Hill 2", this is a group of cultists in the secular sense.

What they really believe in and worship is the fallen angel Semmel.

Semmel was once a high-level angel.

Later, he fell into hell and became the incarnation of the devil.

In "Silent Hill 2", a Metatron seal that can freely enter and exit the real world and the inner and outer worlds appeared.

The symbol on it is the mark of Samael.

Tom has watched two movies, so he is very clear about the cause and effect of Silent Hill.

Thirty-nine years ago, Ms. Crisbella, the cult leader in the town of Silent Hill, held a ceremony.

He made his sister Dalia Gillespie pregnant with Samael's "child".

The child conceived out of thin air through the ritual was considered the Son of God by the cult members.

However, something went wrong during the ritual, causing Dalia's child to be imperfect.

Inheriting only half of Samael's power did not allow Samael to cross hell and come to the world.

This made Chrisbela very sorry, but she could only continue to prepare for the second ceremony.

During this period, Dalia's child, the girl born as a vessel of God, Alessa, gradually grew up.

She went to the town's elementary school.

But because she had no father since childhood, she was bullied by school violence.

One day thirty years ago, Alessa was bullied again.

Unable to bear the bullying, Alessa hid in the toilet.

She wanted to get rid of the classmates who bullied her.

But she never thought that the poor girl was violated by the cleaner Colin in the bathroom.

Alessa's childhood was miserable.

But her misery did not stop.

The cult leader, Chrisbela, instigated Alessa's mother Dalia to hand over Alessa.

She knew about Alessa's violation and claimed that Alessa was filthy and needed her to help purify her soul.

Otherwise, she would be trapped in sin all her life.

Dalia was also in the cult.

But she knew nothing about Samael.

Foolish faith blinded Dalia's eyes and made her hand over her daughter Alessa.

However, Chrisbella's so-called purification was just to continue the ritual she had been reorganizing for many years.

She wanted to awaken the power of Samael in Alessa.

To receive the power of Samael to descend completely.

And the last step of this ritual required burning Alessa, who was only eight or nine years old, alive.

In fact, this was not the first time that this group of believers burned someone alive.

A long time ago, this cult in Silent Hill once found a woman named Jennifer Kroll.

And burned her alive as a witch.

This perverted cult also painted the scene of Jennifer being burned to death.

It was named "The First Burning".

The most horrifying thing.

This Jennifer was also one of the founders of this church.

It can only be said that the cult really hurt people.

There were two paintings of "The First Burning" at that time.

They were hung in the Grant Hotel and the cathedral respectively.

This cult in Silent Hill was preparing to test Alessa at the stake.

When Dalia learned the news, it was too late.

Alessa had been tied to the stake and burned by the fire.

But just like eight years ago, the ceremony had an accident again.

Although Alessa's Samael power was activated.

Before she could use all of Samael's power, the accident had already happened.

The falling chandelier overturned the stove below.

The huge stove was overturned, and a lot of charcoal rolled out.

The carpet was instantly ignited, and finally a fire broke out in the hotel.

The fire directly ignited the coal mine under the town, causing the fire to spread throughout Silent Hill.

During this period, a policeman named Guchi participated in the rescue and saved the stake, whose whole body was burned by the flames.

Policeman Guchi rushed Alessa to the hospital.

Alessa, who awakened the power of Samael, did not die.

But she was also very uncomfortable.

With her whole body burned to carbonization, Alessa could only lie motionless on the hospital bed.

Struggling in endless pain.

It was in the hospital that Alessa developed a lot of resentment and hatred.

Using the power of Samael, she created a parallel world.

This parallel world is divided into the inner world and the outer world.

Alessa dragged everyone in Silent Hill except the Gucci policeman into the parallel world.

She wanted to take revenge on those who hurt her here.

But she was burned all over and couldn't move in bed.

So Alessa split the evil side from her soul, which was the dark Alessa.

Not long after, Alessa on the hospital bed also stripped away the last kindness in her humanity.

With the help of the dark Alessa, the baby was sent out of Silent Hill to the door of the orphanage, and was finally taken in by Rose and her husband and named Saren.

Yes, Alessa can also be regarded as a trinity.

It stands to reason that with Alessa's power, it would be more than enough to deal with those cults.

It's a pity that although the cultists believe in Samael.

But this church in Silent Hill is a church watched by God.

They are obviously a group of cultists, but in the Christian church, they can still attract the protection of holy light.

For thirty years, Alessa's revenge has not been successful.

If this is not irony, what else can it be?

The kind and innocent little Alessa was bullied thirty years ago and was violated by the cleaner when she hid in the toilet.

And a group of cults led by Chrisbeck were able to get the so-called holy light protection when Alessa was seeking revenge.

The object of protection of this holy light is really "difficult to figure out".

It really deserves to be the religion that came up with indulgences.

There is still a set of ways to turn a blind eye.

Tom and his party have already got off the shopping cart at this time.

Looking at the door that was closed by the believers, Tom cast his eyes on one of the women who was proudly holding her head up and looking mean, and curled his lips in dissatisfaction.

Tom also hates this anti-human cult.

Tom does not want to comment on the merits and demerits of Christianity.

Although Tom does not like them, this religion generally guides people to be good.

So Tom would not take the initiative to attack them.

But the cult created by Chrisbela and others is another matter.

This is a completely anti-human religious group.

If they are not eliminated, Tom will definitely not be in the mood to eat for a while in the future.

The cult leader Chrisbela also noticed that a cat has been looking at him.

He looked at Tom.

Tom's eyes made Chrisbela very uncomfortable.

If it was in the surface world, Tom and his friends suddenly broke in, Chrisbela would definitely order them all to be arrested.

But now it is the inner world.

Compared with Tom's group of uninvited guests.

It is more important to pray quickly and summon the Holy Light Shelter Church.

She doesn't want to face those hideous monsters in the outside world.

Chrisbela has a guilty conscience.

Although she has always been calm in front of the believers.

But only she knows the fear in her heart.

She knows that Alessa is not dead, and the other party has been looking for opportunities to avenge herself for thirty years.

But even so, Chrisbela will not feel the slightest guilt.

The more she feared, the angrier she became!

I just hope that little bitch can die soon.

"Let's start praying."

Chrisbella looked at Tom and the others from above, then looked at the hundreds of people in the church and spoke.

Everyone crossed their hands and knelt down devoutly after hearing this.

Officer Hanks frowned and asked everyone to leave the crowd and walk to the edge of the church.

There were too many people on the other side.

It's better to be safe and observe the situation first when you first arrive.

Rose and Christopher also followed to the wall.

But their eyes were still searching among the people around them.

They just saw the figure of their daughter, Saren.

They didn't find her again at this time.

This made them look a little anxious.

But as adults, they still have the most basic restraint.

Know what to do and when.

There are too many believers in this group.

If there is any conflict, they will suffer.

"I saw them..."

"The heaven and earth fled from them..."

"They were thrown into the lake of fire..."

Chrisbella had already started praying with everyone in the church.

A group of people who originally believed in Samael were reciting the contents of the Book of Revelation in the New Testament of the Bible.

What's even more bizarre is that under such conditions, miracles really happened.

Above the dome, golden holy light sprinkled down.

The darkness in the church was quickly dispelled.

From the perspective of the outside world.

The church they were in was also emitting a faint golden light.

Under the illumination of the holy light.

The darkness of the other world could no longer advance.

For thirty years, they have been using this method to protect themselves.

Tang Mu looked up and watched the holy light from the dome of the church fall, and he stopped watching the show.

The cat shuttled among the crowd, took out a big bamboo pole, and poked it upwards directly in the direction where the holy light was descending!

There was only a scream of "Ah!"!

From the holy light, a white-haired old man in a white robe fell down.

The old man in the white robe and white hair fell to the ground, holding his butt.

He looked ordinary.

But his whole body was emitting a faint white light.

Seeing this scene, everyone in the church was immediately shocked.

This was a scene they had never imagined.

For a moment, no one's brain was working.

"Hey, wife, look at God!"

Christopher whispered to Rose.

Rose subconsciously replied: "Is it the one lying on the ground, or the one holding the bamboo pole?"

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