Alessa looked at the three guys at the door who were obviously in a bad mood, and suddenly felt her scalp itchy.

None of the four of them in the store was a normal human being.

Alessa herself was just a malicious clone.

Triangle Head was the spiritual projection she summoned.

Tom was a cat.

Li Ang was a psychopath.

It just so happened that these four were all wearing elementary school clothes, which made the style look very weird.

"Oh no! I didn't do my homework either!"

Alessa recalled the memories in her mind and exclaimed.

Now Alessa has gradually adapted to her new identity.

She quickly finished the rice noodles and ran to the elementary school with her classmates.

When she was about to enter the school gate, Alessa suddenly stopped and looked a little hesitant.

She remembered her real memory.

Thirty years ago, the memory of being bullied in school.

Just as Alessa hesitated, Tom stretched out his claws and grabbed her.

The little girl turned her head to look at the cat next to her.

Suddenly, it seemed that this cat was not so annoying.

Enter the classroom quickly according to memory.

Very skillfully borrow homework from others to copy.

In addition to them, there are many others who do the same.

Today is Monday and the national flag needs to be raised.

So not long after entering the classroom, just after finishing the homework, the "March of Athletes" has sounded from the loudspeaker at the door!

As soon as he heard this song, Tang Mu's blood awakened and he stood up directly.

Alesha and the others were still a little confused.

Although their memory has told them what to do next.

But Alesha is a foreign girl after all.

She must not be familiar with the melody engraved into the DNA of Chinese students.

But it doesn't matter, as long as she stays in this world created by Tang Mu for a while.

Tang Mu believes that it will bring great changes to Alesha.

Accompanied by the "March of Athletes", the primary school students left the classroom and went to the flag-raising platform on the playground.

According to the class, one square after another was formed on the playground.

Next is the flag-raising ceremony.

Alesha's team stood next to Tang Mu.

Looking up at the flag-raising platform, the red shadow entered Alesha's eyes for the first time.

"Raise the national flag! Play the national anthem!"

As the March of the Volunteers sounded, all the teachers and students saluted the slowly rising red flag and sang the national anthem in unison.

Tang Mu glanced at Alessa from the corner of his eye.

He knew that this female girl didn't quite understand the current situation yet.

But it doesn't matter, she will gradually understand it in the future.

After raising the national flag, the next step is to do radio gymnastics.

It is 2006 now, and they are using the second set of national primary and secondary school radio gymnastics.

"Preparatory section: Marking in place! Start!"

"One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight!"

"Two, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight!"

"Three, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight!"

"Four, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight!"

"Diffusion movement..."

Tang Mu was meticulous and methodical in doing the gymnastics of his childhood memory.

Other students performed differently.

Most of them were loose and lazy.

But some students were more serious.

As for outsiders like Alesha and Li Ang, they had never experienced these things when they were young.

Although the memories in their heads would tell them what to do, it was still inevitable that they would feel a little awkward when doing it.

But this was just a matter of time.

After a long time, they would get used to it.

In five minutes, a set of radio gymnastics was completed, and everyone could finally return to the classroom under the guidance of their teachers.

Next, it was time to start learning.

According to the schedule, everyone started classes.

The first class was Chinese.

The teacher was talking about ancient poems on the podium, and Alesha was passing small notes below.

[What do you want to do? ]

Alesha tore a piece of paper, wrote down her own questions, folded it, and handed it to Tang Mu, who was sitting at the same table.

Tang Mu took the small note handed by Alesha, and his face was full of nostalgia.


The taste of childhood.

This world was created by Tang Mu based on his own memory.

It was very strange to Alesha.

For Tang Mu, it was a rare opportunity to recall his childhood.

【Meow meow meow】

Tang Mu opened the note handed over by Alesha and wrote his answer on it.

When Alesha took it back and looked at it, she was speechless.

She knew that this cat could write and talk.

Replying with a meow meow, it was obvious that she didn't want to tell herself.

Somehow, as if by muscle memory, Alesha took a pen and drew a 38th parallel on the desk, looking at Tang Mu and said, "You are not allowed to cross this line."

Tang Mu looked down, and my goodness, his childhood memory hit him again.

Tang Mu put his elbow on the desk and deliberately moved his hand across the 38th parallel.

Alesha was not to be outdone, and she also put her hand on the desk and wrestled with Tang Mu.

"Tang Mu! Alesha! Stand up!"

The teacher on the podium obviously discovered their little action, and immediately slapped the podium and glared at them.

Tang Mu and Alesha were startled and stood up quickly.

"Listen to the class carefully and don't do anything!"

The middle-aged Chinese teacher is their class teacher and is very powerful.

"There are 60 people in the class. If you delay for one minute, you will delay the whole class for 60 minutes!"

"Now go to the back and listen to the class!"

Tang Mu and Alesha were so quiet that they quickly picked up their Chinese textbooks and walked to the back of the classroom.

At the back of the classroom, Li Ang and Triangle Head sat here.

After all, they were much taller than these third-grade elementary school students.

Li Ang made faces at Tang Mu.

His face was full of smiles.

Although he didn't know what Tang Mu was doing.

But for him, playing here was quite fun.

Li Ang was also an unlucky child.

Like Alesha, he didn't have a normal childhood since he was a child.

These two people are actually quite similar in some aspects.

Both have powerful powers.

Both are a little paranoid.

But compared to Alesha, Li Ang is a little luckier.

A class of 45 minutes passed quickly.

As the bell rang, the whole classroom seemed to come alive.

The children took action.

Fortunately, it was only elementary school now.

It was not common to delay classes.

If she went to junior high school or high school, Alesha would probably not be able to experience the beauty of childhood.

"Shasha, let's go out and play!"

A group of little girls came to play with Alesha.

This made Alesha, who had been subjected to school bullying, a little panicked and at a loss.

But the group of students didn't notice it at all, and pulled Alesha away with a smile.

They went to play skipping rope.

Two girls stood at both ends with long skipping ropes tied around their feet, and the other girls jumped in the middle.

Alesha didn't know how to play this, and had never seen it before.

But the other girls would teach her patiently.

Gradually, Alesha followed them to play together.

A crisp female voice sounded on the playground:

"Malan blooms twenty-one, two-five-six, two-five-seven, two-eight-two-nine-thirty-one, three-five-six, three-five-seven, three-eight-three-nine-forty-one."

While shouting, several small figures were jumping happily there.

"Tom! Come and see this!"

At this time, Li Ang called Tom.

Tom also ran towards him quickly.

It turned out that Li Ang was turning over a big stone there.

Under the stone was a large pile of ants.

Not only Li Ang, but other boys also squatted aside to watch the ants.

Tang Mu picked up a branch and placed it in front of the ants. He watched the little ants climb up the branch and smiled.

Suddenly I remembered that the happiness of childhood was always so small and pure.

The world of childhood was always small.

But it felt big.

The slightest insignificant thing could quickly occupy the heart of a child.

After growing up.

The more things I know, the more empty and insignificant I feel.

The heart is also more and more difficult to be filled.

Compared with the full children.

Adults are like huge balloons.

They look tall.

In fact, they are empty inside and can only go with the flow.

The beetle that made people cheer when they were young.

When I grew up, I didn’t even have time to count how many stars were on its back.

The lives of adults are always full of helplessness.

This helplessness, with the development of the times, even began to spread to the next generation of children.

Tang Mu always felt that he was lucky.

It was born after 1995.

His childhood was in the early 2000s.

At that time, technology was just right; academics were just right; playmates were just right; parents were just right.

He had certain material security, normal study and play.

His family was not rich, but money was not as important to children as adults imagined.

Because children are the most capable of finding happiness for themselves.

As long as parents and teachers give them a certain amount of space.


In that era, the space for children was just right.

But since 2023.

The involution of adults has even begun to roll up on children.

The little children were forced to grow up quickly and became as empty as adults, unable to easily obtain happiness.

This is something that makes Tang Mu feel quite regretful.

Children who are caught in involution and chicken baby, when they grow up, aren't they another kind of Alesha and Leon?

"Do you want to play marbles!"

A little fat man suddenly proposed in the crowd squatting and watching ants.

This proposal instantly attracted the attention of other students.

Everyone agreed happily.

Marbles are fun.

It can be said that they are the childhood of several generations.

Generally speaking, the common way to play marbles is to use your own marbles to hit other people's marbles.

As long as you hit them, you can take away other people's marbles.

Some people with good skills can even win a full plastic bottle of marbles.

Looking at the full bottle of marbles, it is quite a sense of accomplishment.

Time in primary school always feels like it passes very quickly.

Most people don't even have any memories of classes.

All they have are memories of playing with their friends during recess.

Not long after, the broadcast of school was heard on the radio.

Today is the duty day for Tang Mu and his row of students.

Everyone turned their chairs upside down on the desks, and then swept the floor and mopped the floor.

Li Ang and Triangle Head, two big guys, were assigned to take out the garbage.

Adults may find such duty activities boring.

But for these primary school students.

They are already at an active age. As long as they are not studying, everything they do seems to be playing.

Ah, of course.

Just play with your friends.

If you still ask them to do housework after returning home, that would be another matter.

"Alessa sees the move!"


Tom Mu held the broom in his hand and imagined himself as a swordsman, gesticulating with Alessa in the void.

Alessa rolled her eyes, thinking that Tom was bored and didn't want to play with him, so she just swept the floor silently.

"Don't bully Alessa."

Alessa's other friends couldn't stand it anymore and stepped forward to stop Tom Mu.

Tom Mu laughed and didn't care.

I put down the broom, took the mop, dipped it in the bucket, and started sliding around the classroom.

Finally, he did a dance imitating Michael Jackson.

A group of children were playing and making noise.

The hygiene of the classroom has been improved in this way.

We put our little schoolbags on our backs and left the classroom together.

The door is closed and locked by the student on duty.

After leaving the school gate, Tang Mu and the four of them were walking home.

Alessa still felt a little like she was in a dream.

He turned to look at the big cat next to him.

Alessa still doesn't understand what Tom is doing.

But she did have a great time that day.

A normal life like this is what she has always wanted.

Although this world was created by Tom Mu.

But Alessa suddenly had an impulse.

Even if she was deceiving herself, she still wanted to stay here.


They were walking well when Tom Mu suddenly let out a ghostly scream!

"What's wrong?"

Alessa was a little confused.

However, Tang Mu and Li Ang ran straight towards a tree in front of them.

One person and one cat bent down at the same time and picked up a straight wooden stick from the ground.

Li Ang and Tang Mu held on to both ends of the stick, refusing to give in to each other.


Tang Mu showed his fangs and threatened Li Ang.

This is what it sees first.

"Everyone who meets you has a share!"

Li Ang also stared at Tang Mu, not wanting to hand over the long and straight stick.


Tang Mu shouted, rushed forward, and fought with Li Ang.


Alessa shook her head helplessly.

Boys are just childish.

What's so valuable about a stick?

With a glance, Alessa walked towards the canteen nearby.

There she saw beautiful animated character stickers.

Prices in this era are just right, especially at the entrance to primary schools.

Even though Alessa only had two dollars in her pocket, it was still enough for her to buy some things she wanted.

Even after buying the stickers, she could also buy a pack of spicy strips for 50 cents.

Ignore Tang Mu and Li Ang who are fighting for sticks over there.

Alessa went home first.

Just opened the door.

Alessa felt a strong wind blowing past her.

The big cat, wearing a long skirt and heavy makeup, was already standing in the living room, serving food to the dining table.

Seeing Alessa come back, Tom turned his head and grinned with bright red lipstick: "Welcome home."

Alessa was stunned for a moment and said speechlessly: "You should hide the stick on your back first and then pretend to be my mother."

Tom pretended not to hear the call, just whistled, quietly dropped the stick to his feet, and then kicked it away.

When Alessa saw Tom turning back to the kitchen, a smile appeared on her face, and she said softly: "I'm back."

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