Tom Cat breaks through the dimensional wall

Chapter 263 Military Research Institute! The door to another world is opened!

The time train did not land in the town below.

The car door opened, and three figures, large and small, fell directly from above.

The figure fell straight into the alley.

When she was about to land, Alessa used her telekinesis to levitate Li Ang and Tang Mu in mid-air together with her.

After the falling trend slowed down and everyone's feet completely landed on the ground, Alessa released the control of her mind.

Looking at Alessa in front of him, Tom Mu directly put up a wooden board.

It shows the Q version of Alessa raising her fists to beat the cleaner and kicking Chris Bella.

Next to it are images of Li Ang and Tang Mu wearing detective clothes and quietly sneaking into the military base.

The meaning is obvious.

Alessa takes revenge herself and changes the future.

Tang Mu and Li Ang were going to investigate the military base on the island in the middle of the lake.

Alessa naturally has no objection to this.

It was her turn to do this.


Tom stood up, gave Alessa a thumbs up, and grinned his white teeth.

I have lived in the world created by Tom for six years.

Tom believed that Alessa could control her situation now.

Watching Alessa leave the alley, Tom Mu and Li Ang went in the opposite direction.

At this time, Alessa had not been violated, and naturally she had not been burned.

Of course, the world inside and outside does not appear.

Judging from future performance.

In the military research institute on the island in the middle of the lake, the door should have been opened shortly before and after Alessa went berserk.

Or it happens to be in another world.

Or it was that not long after it was turned on, it was directly drawn closer to the other world.

Only in this way, the tentacles that appeared under the influence of Gatanje did not invade the real world.

In other words.

Thanks to the inner and outer world opened by Alessa, Gatanje's negative influence was controlled.

It can be inferred from this.

The Military Research Institute should be open within the next few days.

But now that they are back, the tragedy on Alessa's side has been prevented, and there will no longer be an outside and inside world in this world.

There is no inner and outer world to accommodate tentacle monsters, and we cannot allow tentacle monsters to wreak havoc in the real world after the "door" is opened.

Therefore, it is also necessary to solve the problem of the military research institute in this timeline.

What's more, Tang Mu also wanted to go to the other side of the door to see what kind of world it was.

Tom Mu has always relied on the ability of his system brothers to travel across the world.

It also wants to see the difference between other traversal methods and the traversal method arranged by the system.

Or, in other words, is there any difference in the world we traveled through?

It was still broad daylight at this time.

When Tang Mu and Li Ang came to the lake, they could see the island in the middle of the lake opposite at a glance.

The sun is just right, the lake is sparkling, and the visibility is quite good.

Tang Mu pinched his eyes with both hands and pulled them outward, like opening a telescopic telescope, and examined the situation on the island by himself.

At this time, at Tom Mu's feet, the Silent Elf emerged directly from the ground and jumped on Tom Mu's shoulders.

Tom ignored this.

The Silent Elf on Tang Mu's shoulder at this time is the Silent Elf of this time period, but it has memories of thirty years later.

Tom Mu asked the God of the West to release the Silent Elf, of course not just in the timeline thirty years later.

As a god with a high rank, the Western God's gaze cannot be limited to one timeline.

He also knew very well what Tang Mu meant and would definitely not dare to be petty.

The Silent Elf of this timeline appeared immediately after sensing Tom Mu's aura, wanting to see if he could help.

There was nothing for Tom to do for him, he just wanted to follow him around.

Anyway, this little thing is quite cute and can be used as a hanging ornament.

After a brief glance at the situation on the island in the center of the lake on the other side, Tang Mu found that there were indeed soldiers patrolling there.

Li Ang and Tang Mu, one person and one cat, went directly to the hot dog restaurant next to them and bought three hot dogs and three cans of Coke.

After asking the restaurant owner for a straw, I sat down on the bench and started eating.

Even the Silent Elves are no exception.

The hot dog the Silent Elf is holding is even bigger than that.

This guy is not picky about food, and his wooden mask-like mouth can open and close to chew.

After eating the hot dogs and throwing away the trash, Tang Mu and Li Ang took straws and walked directly into the lake step by step.

Hold the straw in your mouth and pop the other end of the straw out of the water.

One person and one cat just hid in the water and sneaked over.

As a natural spirit, the Silent Elf is also very dexterous in the water.

Its little hands and feet have grown fish scales and flippers, and its movements in the water are really more dexterous than swimming fish.

Soon, Tang Mu and Li Ang swam to the island in the middle of the lake.

I found a relatively low location and slowly walked onto the island.

At this time, they were on a tidal flat, and the ground was wet.

My feet felt cold and cold on the mud, which was quite comfortable.

After Tang Mu and Li Ang landed, they kept their bodies low and moved forward.

Not far from them was a pier that looked pretty good.

There is a cargo ship docked at the dock, and people are carrying supplies back and forth.

There is no bridge connecting this island in the middle of the lake to the town of Silent Hill.

There is such a military research institute on the island.

Of course, the various materials consumed daily need to be transported back and forth by cargo ships.

In this way, although it is more troublesome to transport materials.

But for confidential projects, this will obviously keep the confidentiality higher.

But they never expected that two unreasonable guys would swim over directly.

"Who is over there!"

On the dock, a patrolling soldier seemed to see Li Ang and his men, and immediately raised his gun and became alert.

Tang Mu quickly picked up two small branches with leaves in front of him, disguising himself as an innocent tree.

Li Ang was more direct.

He pointed his hands at his temples on both sides, stared at the soldier over there, and muttered quickly: "You can't see me, you can't see me, you can't see me!"

I don't know if Li Ang's hypnosis worked. The soldier just looked over here twice and quickly retracted his gaze: "Okay, it seems that I am dazzled."

Seeing the soldier leave with a gun.

Tang Mu and Li Ang were relieved.

They came here to investigate.

They didn't want to be discovered by the people in the base now.

Tang Mu threw away the branch, looked around for a while, and soon stopped at the wooden box for loading and unloading goods on the dock.

A few minutes later.

At the gate of the Huxin Island Military Research Institute, two soldiers holding rifles were standing guard and chatting.

Suddenly, one of them seemed to have discovered something and looked at the road ahead with some confusion.

A large wooden box appeared on the road leading to the gate of the institute.

Soldier A asked in confusion: "Was that box there before?"

Soldier B also looked over: "It seems so."

While the two soldiers were talking, the wooden box suddenly rose from the ground, and a pair of furry cat claws under the box moved forward nimbly.

This made the box, which was still dozens of meters away, quickly move to more than ten meters in front.

Seeing this, Soldier A suddenly widened his eyes: "Did the box move?"

Soldier B shook his head and said firmly: "It has always been there. It's just an ordinary box."

Hearing the conversation between the two soldiers, the box stopped moving and fell directly, covering the pair of white cat claws.

But within two seconds, the box started moving forward again.

Like a turtle running around with its head down.

The box wanted to enter the gate of the institute directly, but accidentally bumped into Soldier A's leg.

The wooden box realized that it had bumped into something, so it quickly took two steps back and changed direction to move forward, but it bumped into Soldier B's calf again.

Soldier A: "..."

Soldier B: "..."

"Did it move just now? I felt like I was bumped by it." Soldier A asked uncertainly.

Soldier B shook his head: "No, it has been here all the time."

Soldier A: "But it just bumped into you too."

Soldier B still shook his head firmly: "No! No! I accidentally kicked the wooden box."


The wooden box obviously realized that it had bumped into someone else, so it hurriedly stepped back a little, changed its angle, and tried to quickly find the direction to enter the gate.

But when it changed direction, a corner of the big wooden box hit Soldier B's knee again!

The force was quite strong, and Soldier B's expression was distorted with pain.

"Look! I said the box was moving! It hit you again!"

Soldier A jumped up.

"No! No! The box has been here all the time, I accidentally hit it."

Soldier B's expression was ferocious, but he gritted his teeth and continued to refute.

The big wooden box seemed to have heard Soldier B's voice, and one side of the box was gently lifted up. It was pitch black inside, and only a pair of bright eyes stared at Soldier B for a while.

Soldier B looked away very naturally.

"Hey, hey, hey! Did you see it! Those eyes!"

Soldier A jumped up, holding a gun in one hand and pointing at the eyes under the big wooden box with the other.

The owner of the eyes seemed to be startled when he saw Soldier A pointing at him, and the big wooden box fell heavily, covering his eyes.

"No, isn't it good? Did you not sleep well last night and have hallucinations?" Soldier B turned his head and asked Soldier A with a concerned look.


Soldier A was even more confused now.

He looked at his comrades, and then at the big wooden box at his feet, and suddenly he felt a little unconfident.

Could it be that he was hallucinating?

Soldier A thought so.

Then he saw that the wooden box began to move again.

The wooden box was slightly lifted, and the gap below could clearly see a pair of cat paws moving nimbly, and it was moving towards the gate.

But the big wooden box moved a bit like a headless fly, bumping left and right.

Finally, it finally entered the research institute.


Soldier A looked at his comrades again, and suddenly found that his comrades were also looking at him.

Soldier B said nothing, just nodded to Soldier A, then turned around and ran away!

"Hey! What are you doing!"

Soldier A was confused for a moment.

"If you want to live, run quickly!"

Soldier B was quite righteous. He had already run away, but he didn't forget to remind his comrades.




"Alarm! Alarm!"

"Attention all personnel! Level 1 alarm! The laboratory will be sealed off within 60 seconds. Please evacuate immediately!"

Just as Soldier B escaped, an alarm sounded in the institute.

In the institute, a wooden box was opened from the inside.

It revealed a man and a cat holding Tom tightly with their hands and feet.

Li Ang looked at the situation in the institute that suddenly became chaotic, and he was still a little confused.

"What happened? Did they find us?"

Li Ang jumped off Tom.

At this time, many soldiers around him had already begun to flee.

Looking at their decisive appearance, they behaved almost the same as Soldier B at the door.

It is obvious that this institute should have had problems a long time ago.

Many of them even knew about the problems of the institute.

They had already prepared to flee immediately if something went wrong.

In other words, the problems of this institute have reached a point where they can no longer be covered up.

In this case, the people in the institute did not even have time to pay attention to Tom and other uninvited guests.

Tang Mu sniffed, immediately determined the location, took a step, and rushed into the institute.

Li Ang saw this and hurried to follow.

The alarm in the institute was still ringing.

Many soldiers and researchers in white coats were running out.

Only Tang Mu and Li Ang became the reversers.

The deeper they went.

The louder the alarm sounded.

Gradually, Tang Mu and Li Ang even heard gunshots and screams.


"Da Da Da!"

At the corner of the road ahead, the continuous flashing of automatic rifles could be seen.

A soldier covered in blood ran out of the corner with a gun in his arms in panic.

He also saw Tang Mu and Li Ang, and subconsciously reached out for help: "Help...Ah!!"

Before he finished speaking, a large tentacles emerged from behind him and quickly wrapped up the soldier!

Before Tang Mu and the others could even react.

The large tentacles had already dragged the soldier away!

Only the desperate screams of the soldiers were left.

Then, even the screams were gone.

There was only the sound of bones breaking behind the corner of the corridor, and nothing else could be heard.

I think the soldier just now should have died.

Tang Mu and Li Ang looked at each other, and both of them quickened their pace and rushed out of the corner directly!

Just after turning the corner, Tang Mu and Li Ang were shocked.


It was all blood!

The whole corridor here was full of blood!

The floor, walls, and even the ceiling of the corridor were covered with blood.

Some incandescent lamps on the ceiling may have been hit, and they became flickering and dimmed.

Under this flickering light, the entire ten-meter-long corridor was filled with slowly wriggling black tentacles.

Those tentacles had fangs, like huge pythons piled together.

They were entangled and squeezed with each other, filling the corridor.

Among those tentacles, many bodies of soldiers and researchers could be vaguely seen.

Looking past the tentacles and corpses, Tom looked to the end of the corridor.

There was a completely damaged door.

Inside the door was an isolation room.

Behind the isolation room, Tom could vaguely see a scarlet crack.

That was the "door" of this research institute!

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