Tom Cat breaks through the dimensional wall

Chapter 267 Undersea Ruins! Luluye? R'lyeh?


The seawater was broken.

One by one, vines wrapped around the waists of the crew members and pulled them out of the water.

Of course, Professor George was among them.

But he was different from other sailors.

Professor George was unlucky.

After entering the water, he was not only knocked unconscious, but also choked on a lot of water.

If no one rescued him, he would probably die here.


Another vine stretched out from the water and began to squeeze the seawater in Professor George's stomach.

After he regained consciousness, he was sent to the deck with other crew members who fell into the water.

There were still some people on the deck.

Seeing vines sending people up.

First, they were startled, then they reacted and rushed forward to help.

"Cough cough cough!"

Those who were taken to the deck started coughing.

A lot of seawater fell from their bodies and mouths and noses onto the deck.

"Professor! Professor George!"

The captain also saw Professor George being sent to the fishing boat by the vines, and hurried forward to rescue him.


Just when the fishing boat was in chaos, a little elf with a light green body and a wooden mask jumped onto the side of the boat.

The appearance of the Silent Elf instantly attracted the attention of everyone on the deck.

Looking at the green light floating beside the little elf.

And the vines with tender leaves floating gently behind its head, the crew quickly realized that it was this magical creature in front of them that saved their lives.

For a moment, gratitude and reverence could not help but rise in their hearts.

The Silent Elf also noticed their mood.

Immediately felt that his strength was slowly recovering.

This made the Silent Elf feel quite good.

A flower bloomed on the wooden mask.

Looking at these crew members on the boat who had faith but no feedback from any gods.

The Silent Elf knew that his choice to come to this world was indeed right.

It was different from the world it was originally in.

It could clearly perceive that there were indeed many very powerful creatures here.

They might also have many believers.

But those beings were not true believers in gods.

It can't absorb the power of faith of believers like it does.

What does this mean?

It's already quite clear.

As long as the Silent Elf has the ability.

It can develop the people of the whole world into its own believers and absorb the power of faith of the whole world.

This is much easier than snatching faith from the gods of major civilizations in the original world.

In the original world, it was just the faith of some Indians.

The Western God couldn't tolerate it and sealed it directly in Silent Hill.

Now, there is no god of faith in this world.

The sky is high and birds fly freely, and the sea is wide and fish jump freely.

The Silent Elf was very happy, and flowers emerged from its head.


There was another sound of water.

This time it was Tom, who was soaked all over, climbing up from under the boat.

Its hair was all stuck to its body, its ears were drooping, and water kept dripping down.

It really became a drowned cat.

Tom lay weakly on the side of the boat, and with a curl of his mouth, he immediately spit out a stream of sea water.

"Ah! Tom!"

The Silent Elf jumped happily when he saw Tom coming up.

He ran to Tom's side with his legs twitching, and took Tom's cat paw and shook it up and down vigorously to express his gratitude to Tom.

After all, it was Tom who asked the Western God to let him go.

It was also thanks to Tom that he found this good place without competitors.

Tom's hand was pulled by the Silent Elf and shook, and his whole body also shook.

The cat's face was immediately confused.

Fortunately, Tom still remembered what he came here for.

Pulling back his arm, Tom gently patted the Silent Elf's head.

The other party also rubbed Tom's paw intimately.

Tom turned his head and looked at the crew on the ship.

These crews also looked at Tom.

For a while, both sides didn't know what to say.

Tom really didn't know what to say.

Originally, it wanted to ask something about this world.

But then thought about it.

These people probably don't know as much as I do.

So I didn't ask.

After all, if they really knew that there was Gatanjea in the deep sea of ​​this sea area, they would have been affected and turned into tentacle monsters.

As for the people on the fishing boat.

Their ideas are even simpler.

They are just a group of ordinary fishermen.

They are not investigators specializing in supernatural events.

Today is the first time I have encountered a sea monster, and there are also existences such as the Silent Elves and Tom Cat.

The worldview has long been shattered.

It's good enough that people are not crazy.

In this case, Tom doesn't plan to waste time here.

It only needs to check the situation roughly when it comes here.

Just confirm that nothing will cross into its mission world in the future.

If you really want to know more about this world, you can come back when you have time in the future.

Thinking of this, Tom turned his head and looked at the Silent Elves next to him.

Seeing the Silent Elves' happy look, you know that it is quite satisfied with this world.

In this case, let's leave the Silent Elves here.

Thinking so, Tom waved to the Silent Elf.

The Silent Elf saw this and knew that it was time for both parties to part ways.

He came up and hugged Tom's head.

He pulled off a small flower from his head and pinned it on Tom's head.

Tom glanced up.


I can't see.

But you can probably guess what he looks like now.

It's just a little cat.

Tom nodded to the Silent Elf.

He leaned on the side of the boat and looked at the humanoid sea monster not far away.

It had been trying to take out the big wooden stick stuck in its mouth.

But the stick was stuck so hard that it made its mouth bleed but failed.

I don't know what the humanoid sea monster was thinking.

He turned his head and dived directly into the sea, diving into the deep sea.

Seeing this, Tom waved to the Silent Elf again, and then dived into the sea.

There were a few small splashes of water.

The Silent Elf ran two steps on the side of the boat and waved to Tom under the sea.

"Hurry! Don't stand there! We have to leave here!"

The captain of the fishing boat suddenly came to his senses, turned around and shouted to the sailors on the boat!

The sailors reacted and took action.

Just now they were lucky, Tom and the Silent Elf were there to save their lives.

But who knows if the sea monster will come back again.

Or other sea monsters may appear.

These are all uncertain.

After today's shipwreck.

The captain of the fishing boat was a little afraid to go out to sea.

He needs to be responsible for the safety of the crew on the ship.

Although the fishing goal of this trip was not achieved.

But it is safer to go home first.

Anyway, he dare not go out to sea again in the short term.


The whistle sounded.

The sailors shoveled shovels of coal into the boiler, and the steam fishing boat started to run again.

The propeller turned slowly, and finally faster and faster, leaving a series of bubbles at the tail of the fishing boat.

This fishing boat, whose name is still unknown, began to move away from this sea area at the fastest speed under the control of the captain.

They planned to return home as soon as possible.

In the sea, Tom swung his legs and went deep into the seabed.

It and the Silent Elf were forced to rise to the surface, and they were brought up by the humanoid sea monster.

Now when they went deep into the seabed, they became chasing it down.

The humanoid sea monster was very huge.

Blood continued to flow out of its mouth.

A large blood mist directly spread out on the seabed.

Very conspicuous.

Tom couldn't lose it even if he wanted to.

However, with so much blood spreading in the sea, the top predators in a large area of ​​the surrounding sea also smelled the bloody smell.

Not long after, a great white shark swam towards this side.

It was attracted by the blood in the water.

But just as it approached, it found the huge humanoid sea monster.

The animals' intuition is quite sensitive.

They have been living in the sea, and they obviously know how powerful the sea monster is.

Without any hesitation, it instantly changed its target.

Tom, who was hanging behind the humanoid sea monster, looked easy to bully.

The great white shark had obviously never seen a cat.

But it didn't stop it from going forward and taking a bite.


The seawater was pushed away.

The great white shark, swinging its tail, pounced on Tom like a sharp arrow!


The great white shark tentatively opened its mouth and bit Tom's waist.

It had to see if Tom was edible first.

After taking a bite, the great white shark immediately realized that something was wrong.

It didn't taste blood.

Although the great white shark didn't know what rubber was.

But the feeling of biting Tom was really no different from biting a piece of rubber.

Tom also noticed something strange in his lower body.

Turning his head, he immediately found that his legs below the waist were bitten by a great white shark.

Tom shook his legs.

The tail fin and body of the great white shark also shook.

This immediately made Tom's eyes light up.

Good guy!

I have become a catfish!

This is really like a fish in water.

Tom didn't care what the great white shark biting him was feeling, and took over its body directly.

It was the same as in the cartoon.

Tom gathered strength slightly, and then burst out suddenly!

The fish body twisted wildly, and it really went deep into the seabed like an arrow from a string!

Before entering the deep water area, Tom did not forget to raise his claws to pull off a ray of sunlight that shot into the sea.

When Tom followed the human-shaped sea water to a depth of a thousand meters, the surroundings had become quite dark.

At this time, the sunlight that Tom brought down in advance came in handy.

It inserted the beam of sunlight from its left ear.

Tom's pair of cat eyes suddenly shot out bright light.

Even the thousand-meter deep sea became bright.

The dolphin-like pale skin on the human-shaped sea monster below was somewhat reflective under Tom's sunlight rays.

Swinging the body of the great white shark.

Tom continued to go deeper into the deep sea.

As for the great white shark biting Tom, its eyes had turned into a pair of forks.

It seemed that it had completely lost its consciousness.

As Tom continued to chase the humanoid sea monster deeper, Tom saw the scarlet crack in the deep sea again.

He even saw some tentacle monsters transformed from sea fish drilled into the crack.

Fortunately, Li Ang was guarding there.

With him there, there should be no need to worry about the tentacle monsters running away from the island in the middle of the lake.

The humanoid sea monster had no reaction to the scarlet crack and continued to go deeper.

Tom followed naturally.

The deepest place in the Pacific Ocean is the Mariana Trench.

About 11 kilometers deep.

But Tom couldn't even confirm whether this world was a parallel world of the Earth.

He didn't know whether this was the Pacific Ocean.

But Tom knew that he was now almost 2,000 meters deep under the sea.

The seabed could be seen below.

And this seabed was at a certain tilt angle.

Tom guessed that this place might not be too far from the nearest continent.

If Gatanjea wakes up, he should move up along this seabed and finally land on the nearest continent or island.

As for the underwater ruins mentioned by Alessa, Tom had already seen it.

The eyes of the great white shark cat shot out two rays of sunlight, shining straight on the stone buildings below.

As the sun swept over, Tom realized that he had underestimated the underwater ruins that Alesha had mentioned.

In Tom's imagination, it was just a ruin.

It was like a variety of scenic spots.

But now that he came to see it in person, he realized that this ruin was actually a huge underwater city!

Tom swung his tail downward, swam over the underwater city, and then looked up to the front.

He couldn't even see the boundary of the underwater city for a while.

If it were on land, this city could accommodate at least a million people.

The structure of the city is similar to futuristic art, and the structure of the buildings is abnormal, completely contrary to Euclidean geometry.

Its unprecedented spatial structure and dimensional size will make people feel strongly disgusted.

These buildings are built of huge green stones that are too big to come from the earth.

There are also dizzyingly tall stone carvings, magnificent stone statues and gorgeous reliefs; the whole city exudes a strong unclean atmosphere.

Even when Tom swam over the city, he could feel a chilling shudder.

It was as if the entire city was alive, stretching out invisible tentacles to tie Tom up and pull him down!

As a cat, Tom's hair stood up even in the deep sea.

He really didn't like the feeling he got here.

It was too depressing and dark.

But he still wanted to see what Gatanjea looked like.

So he endured the discomfort and continued to explore.

Gatanjea was such a big monster.

As long as it really existed, it shouldn't be difficult to find it.

Gradually, as Tom went deeper, he finally found the center of this giant underwater city.

It was a huge stone pillar in a circle.

The stone pillar was spiral-shaped, with large and small holes on it.

There were also many marine plants attached to the surface of the stone pillar.

In the center of the stone pillar, a huge monster that Tom was very familiar with was squatting in it.

But it was surrounded by a layer of darkness.

The darkness seemed to be breathing.

Faintly, Tom could see the iconic features of the monster through the darkness.

It was the huge spiral shell.

Below the nautilus shell were a large number of tentacles and a pair of huge pincers.

In the middle of the pair of pincers was a terrifying head with the mouth on top and the eyes on the bottom.

Looking at the monster that was two hundred meters tall, Tom was completely sure.

This was Gatanjea.

It was an enhanced version of Gatanjea, a Cthulhu version!

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