At the attic stairs.

Under the shadow, the ghost Saeki Shunxiong was squatting there, staring at Tom without blinking.

Until Tom suddenly put on the white bed sheet, for some reason, a sense of inexplicable fear filled Saeki Shunxiong's body.

In his current state, he should not be afraid.

But for some reason, when he saw Tom, Saeki Shunxiong felt like he had seen a ghost.

Seeing that the bed sheet ghost turned around and looked at him.

Saeki Shunxiong was so scared that he trembled all over and turned and ran!

He originally wanted to run up to the attic to find his mother.

As a result, when he turned his head, he saw that the bed sheet ghost had appeared outside the attic door.

It was in the shadow, and the two lifeless holes on the bed sheet silently stared at him.

Saeki Shunxiong was so scared that his face turned pale.

Now he has exited the state of a little ghost.

He has become an ordinary child.

Seeing that the road to the attic was blocked, he quickly turned around and ran downstairs.

At this time, Saeki Toshio's mind was in a mess, and he had no ability to think at all.

He ran all the way down the first floor.

Saeki Toshio tried hard to pull the door, wanting to leave here.

But for some reason, the door seemed to be welded shut.

He couldn't open it no matter how hard he pulled.

Unable to leave the door, Saeki Toshio began to think of other ways.

He looked around and wanted to leave through the French window again.

But the French window was also completely locked.

At this moment, lightning flashed across the sky outside the French window.

Then there was a loud "boom"!

Under the huge thunder, with the light of the lightning just now, Saeki Toshio saw the pale figure outside.

It was the bed sheet ghost.

Its empty eyes were staring at Saeki Toshio.


Saeki Toshio was scared and screamed.

Turning around, he ran into an embrace.

That was Kayako.

But at this time, although Kayako still looked terrifying, she looked a little more popular.

Because there was also fear on her face.

It was incredible to say.

She was obviously the ghost.

But at this time, she was frightened by a cat wrapped in a bed sheet.

The mother and son looked out of the yard through the French window.

The ghost had disappeared.

"Dong! Dong! Dong!"

Before Kayako and Saeki Toshio could breathe a sigh of relief.

The pendulum clock in the room suddenly rang.

This sudden bell startled Kayako and Saeki Toshio again.

The mother and son turned their heads and looked.

They found that the pendulum clock had pointed to twelve o'clock.

As the bell rang.

A lot of blood flowed down from the wall behind the pendulum clock.

Following the direction of the blood flow, a small cabinet under the pendulum clock suddenly opened with a "creak".


There was another burst of lightning and thunder outside!

The light of lightning illuminated the room.

The mother and son immediately saw a dead head with a tilted head and sticking out tongue.

It was Li Ang!


Kayako was frightened by this scene.

She pulled her son up and ran to the second floor.

She had only run two steps when she suddenly realized!

This is not right!

I am the one who should be frightened!

How come I am the one who is frightened!

Kayako was about to turn around and turn into a ghost to give that human a hard time.

As a result, when she turned around, she saw Tom covered with a bed sheet again.

Uncontrollable fear surged in her heart.

Kayako was frightened again and turned around and ran.

After going up to the second floor, she fell flat on the ground in a very classic way.

Horror movie law.

When running away, someone will definitely fall.

And most of them will not fall only once.

Looking at Kayako and others who were running away in front of him, Tom felt that it was quite fun.

Now he finally experienced the fun of being a ghost.

This night.

Tom imitated the routines in the horror movies he had seen and frightened Kayako and others for a whole night.

In the end, Kayako was so scared that she had some psychological trauma.

Kayako and the others are still useful now, so Tang Mu did not get rid of them directly.

Yesterday, I pretended to be a ghost to scare ghosts.

I just wanted to experience the perspective of ghosts.

So that I can better formulate the rules of the ghost world.

I thought that I would go to Tokyo to travel tomorrow.

It would not be good to make a fuss too late.

Tang Mu still wanted to sleep.

It was said that he scared Kayako for a whole night, but in fact it was only a few hours.

The next morning.

Originally, Tang Mu thought that he would be woken up by Zhu Duan.

After all, Tang Mu also read the travel guide for these three days.

There are still many places to go in a day.

It was planned to go out at nine o'clock before.

In the end, Tang Mu slept until he woke up naturally.

I got up because I felt that the quilt on my body was a little hot.

Looking at the big sun shining on the quilt through the window.

Listening to the sound of cicadas and traffic outside the window.

Tang Mu's head was still a little confused, and he felt much clearer in an instant.

Obviously, it was far more than nine o'clock.

Tang Mu crawled out of the tatami bed.

Looking at the clock on the desk beside him.

It shows 11:30 am.

It's almost noon.

This is a bit strange.

Although Tang Mu and Zhu Duan have not met for a long time.

But he roughly knows Zhu Duan's personality.

With his seriousness in work, it is obviously impossible for him to be so passive.

It is already half past eleven and he has not come yet. Something must have happened.

With the tip of Tang Mu's tail curled up, he thought about Zhu Duan and walked out of his room and walked towards Li Ang's room.

Standing at the door of Li Ang's room, Tang Mu looked inside.

He found that Li Ang was not there.

Kayako was cleaning the room inside.

Kayako was wearing a very traditional maid outfit at this time.

If you don't look at that face, no one would probably associate it with a female ghost.

After a night of training.

The female ghost volunteered to be a good host and took good care of their food, clothing and daily life during the few days that Tang Mu and his friends lived here.

Tang Mu was very moved by this.

This is a small step for Kayako.

But it is a big step towards building a harmonious society between humans and ghosts.


Tang Mu raised his paw and greeted Kayako in a friendly way.

Kayako turned his head and glanced at Tang Mu.

The full of resentment caused a black space distortion beside Kayako.

Tang Mu pretended not to see it.

He thought it was Kayako's enthusiastic response.

At this moment.

Tang Mu heard a familiar engine sound outside the house.

It seemed to be the bus of Zhu Duan's travel agency.

Then, the doorbell rang downstairs.

Li Ang was downstairs.

Not long after the doorbell rang, Li Ang went to open the door.

I think Zhu Duan finally came.

But I didn't expect that he was so late.

Seeing this, Tang Mu ignored Kayako and turned down the stairs.

In the living room downstairs, he saw Zhu Duan with an apologetic face.

He was apologizing to Li Ang there.

Tang Mu had heard a little content as he approached the living room.

To sum up, something happened in their office.

Zhu Duan was supposed to go to work at 8 o'clock during the normal time period.

He had to deal with some things at the travel agency and come here before 9 o'clock to take Li Ang and others to start today's travel itinerary.

As a result, at eight o'clock, Zhu Duan had just arrived at the travel agency and found that the atmosphere in the travel agency was very strange.

There were even several police officers from the police station inside.

From the police, he learned that the senior of the travel agency, the man named Ishimura, had died in his own home.

And his death was very miserable.

Ishimura Zeping's hands and feet were all twisted by the huge force.

Strangely, his mouth was stuffed with women's long hair.

Those long hairs were stuffed very deep.

According to the investigating police, the body has been sent to the forensic doctor for autopsy.

It is estimated that those long hairs have penetrated into the victim's internal organs.

I have no idea how this was done.

This is a very bad criminal case.

The police station has also opened an investigation.

As a member of the travel agency, Zhu Duan naturally has to cooperate with the investigation.

That's why he delayed for so long.

But during the investigation, Zhu Duan also felt that Ishimura Zeping's death was a bit strange.

This senior Ishimura is not a good person.

But he is usually very careful about his behavior and has not provoked any enemies.

Basically, revenge killing can be ruled out.

But there is one thing that Zhu Duan is particularly concerned about.

Although a lot of things have happened in the past two days.

But Zhu Duan still remembers it.

Yesterday, he came to ask Senior Ishimura about the haunted house.

At that time, Ishimura Zeping took out a blank videotape and talked about the death curse.

At that time, Ishimura Zeping said that he received a strange curse call seven days ago.

The call informed him of his death date.

At that time, Ishimura Zeping did not believe in these things at all.

He even used this incident to comfort Zhu Duan.

As an atheist, Zhu Duan naturally does not believe in those gods and ghosts.

It’s just that there are too many strange things encountered in the past two days.

When Zhu Duan was at home last night, he also felt that something was wrong.

But when he woke up this morning and found that he was still fine.

I thought I should have thought too much.

As a result, I learned about Ishimura Zeping’s death as soon as I arrived at the travel agency.

It was exactly the time predicted in the curse call.

Now even Zhu Duan was a little shaken.

He first told several police officers who were investigating in the travel agency about his guess.

But no one believed him.

At this time, Zhu Duan remembered the business card that Li Ang gave him.

Since Li Ang claimed to be an expert in catching ghosts.

Then when encountering such a thing, perhaps he should also find Li Ang, a professional.

With this purpose, Zhu Duan took the videotape and rushed here immediately after being temporarily released by the police.

"Mr. Li, this is the videotape of Senior Ishimura, please help me take a look."

Zhu Duan took out a blank videotape from his backpack and placed it on the table in front of Li Ang.

Li Ang looked down at the videotape in front of him.

Tang Mu, who came down from upstairs, also heard their conversation and immediately ran over with great interest. He jumped onto the table and looked down at the videotape with interest in his eyes.

If Tang Mu guessed correctly.

This thing is most likely Sadako's cursed videotape.

I really didn't expect it.

In less than two days after arriving in Tokyo, I met two of the top horror film stars, Kayako and Sadako.

"Xiao Zhu, I will help you watch this videotape. But you don't have to worry too much. There are no ghosts in this world. Just make sure you go to bed early and get up early."

Li Ang silently accepted the video tape and began to brainwash Zhu Duan, who was full of question marks.

Completely ignoring Kayako who crawled down from upstairs like a spider, clinging to the ceiling.

"That's that!"

Zhu Duan looked at the coconut milk on the ceiling and was frightened to the point of stuttering.

"That's the maid we hired. Don't think too much about it. Something like this happened to your travel agency. I guess you won't be able to work well recently. In that case, you should go back first."

Li Ang said, pushing the confused Zhu Duan out of the house.

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