Tom Cat breaks through the dimensional wall

Chapter 277 Those who commit heinous crimes will be struck by lightning!

Kasadako from all over the world is surrounded by a festive atmosphere, with a look of fear on their faces.

Their bodies were uncontrollably pulled back into the screen, singing and dancing with uncomfortable expressions on their faces.

This is not what the Gasadas want to do.

But completely unable to resist.

In the singing of "Gong Xi Fa Cai", the atmosphere of terror in the world was gradually dispelled.

As if celebrating the New Year ahead of schedule, the world has become joyful.

After singing "Gong Xi Fa Cai", the equally festive "Good Luck Comes" seamlessly connected.

"Make a paper crane and tie it with a red ribbon

May kind people have good luck every day

Your hardworking life is beautiful, and your health and spring are always there

You have been busy all your life just to smile.”


“Good luck to you and good luck to you!

Good luck brings joy and love!

Good luck, good luck to us!

Welcome good luck and prosper to the world! "

Following the joyful and festive singing, Kasadako's whole body revealed an aura of reluctance.

But I still had to sing along.

Kasadako's awkward performance can be seen on screens around the world.

The aura of terror is gone!

From the time when Jiazhenzi was born to singing and dancing, it only took a few minutes.

In just a few minutes, everyone in the world has been thrown into confusion.

After all, the horror from before is still vivid in my mind.

Many people even had corpses that had just been killed by Kasadako beside them.

Looking at Kasadako on the screen in front of her now, she still feels like she is dreaming.

Ka Sadako also felt very uncomfortable at this time.

The Chinese New Year songs are so powerful.

Her body was already showing signs of collapse.

This made Kasadako very frightened, and she struggled to escape.

But she obviously couldn't make it.

Eventually it disappeared into the festive music.

Inside a haunted house in the suburbs of Tokyo.

Watching Kasadako disappear on the TV screen.

Tom Mu silently moved away the two tickets on the TV.

One of them is of Coconut, 1994.

The other one is Yamamura Sadako's ticket, and the time shown on it is 1954.

Needless to say, Kayako was killed by her perverted husband Saeki Gokuma last year.

As long as we go back and deal with the matter of Gokuma Saeki, we can change the tragedy of Kayako and Shunsuke Kobayashi.

As for Yamamura Sadako.

The fate of this character is actually quite complicated.

If we just look at it from the perspective of the series of horror movies "The Ring".

She is a traditional, tragic horror movie ghost.

But if we expand the world view and look at the original novel of "The Ring".

Sadako is not just a female ghost.

Because the original novel "The Ring" is actually a science fiction novel.

The world Sadako lives in is nothing more than a virtual world.

In that kind of world, it would be quite troublesome.

Fortunately, judging from Tang Mu's current contact with Sadako, this Sadako should have nothing to do with the virtual data.

She is a real female ghost.

This will make it much easier to handle.

After all, Tom Mu himself can transform into an electronic ghost.

No one understands what data life is better than it.

In 1954, Sadako Yamamura was still 7 years old.

At this time her mother gave birth to a baby boy.

Sadako likes her brother very much.

It's just that this younger brother is also more miserable.

The little life just came into this world and died of illness when it was only four months old.

After that, Yamamura Sadako's mother's mental state was never said to be very good.

This led to a series of tragedies that followed.

When Sadako was eight years old, Shizuko Yamamura accompanied Sadako's biological father, Heihachiro Ikuma, to once again demonstrate superpower experiments.

However, the experiment failed due to excessive psychological pressure.

As a result, Ikuma Heihachiro was regarded as a liar and was ostracized by the academic community, which eventually led to the divorce of Ikuma Heihachiro and Yamamura Shizuko.

In order to prove himself again, Ikuma Heihachiro went into the mountains to practice practice. As a result, he contracted tuberculosis and was admitted to a sanatorium.

Yamamura Shizuko fell into severe depression, returned to Oshima with Sadako, and committed suicide by jumping off Mount Mihara.

After that, the young Sadako was left in her hometown and was raised by Yamamura Shizuko's cousin.

When she was eighteen years old, Sadako left Oshima for Tokyo and joined the Flying Theater Troupe.

I met a member of the group and fell in love with him.

In the summer when she was nineteen, Sadako left the theater troupe and went to Minamihakone Sanatorium to take care of her dying father.

During this period, Sadako was raped by a doctor who was infected with the smallpox virus.

This doctor was also the last smallpox patient in Japan.

But she was unlucky to meet Sadako.

After the abuse ended, doctors discovered that Sadako suffered from testicular feminization syndrome.

In other words, Sadako looks like an attractive woman.

But biologically he is male.

Sadako felt ashamed that her secret was discovered, and coupled with the tragic life experience of nineteen years, Sadako completely collapsed.

In the end, Sadako used her superpower to control the doctor.

The doctor killed Yamamura Sadako driven by anger and fear.

The smallpox virus in Sadako was also transmitted to her by Jotaro Nagao.

This is why Sadako's curse is as contagious as a virus.

In other words, the ability of Sadako, the female ghost, is the aggregation of the smallpox virus, superpowers and ghostly abilities.

Her strength is inevitable.

But this kind of power is obviously not what Yamamura Sadako wants.

In the original "The Ring" movie.

After Yamamura Sadako was thrown into the well, she actually did not die.

Instead, he survived tenaciously because of his powerful superpowers.

And survived in the well for 30 years.

It was not until 1996 that he died completely.

It's just that this world is only 1995, but Sadako has already appeared.

I don't know if she died prematurely.

But no matter what, Tom Mu still felt that Sadako was quite pitiful.

Regardless of the 19 years of my life.

Still struggling to survive in a dry well for so many years.

It's really torture.

Anyway, Tang Mu was left to be trapped at the bottom of the well for decades, watching his body being soaked bit by bit by the dirty well water.

Even if it can only eat some moss and bugs, it will definitely not be able to survive.

From this point of view, Yamamura Sadako's desire to survive is really strong.

Tom admired him very much.

Tang Mu still prefers Sadako Yamamura to Coconut Coconut.

"Are we leaving?"

Li Ang looked at the two tickets in Tom Mu's paws. Having experienced time travel many times, he immediately guessed what they were going to do next.


Tom nodded.

This time travel should be their last time travel.

Both the main and side quests are almost complete.

This world has the supernatural power of the cat ancestors left behind, as well as the protection of ghost rules. Human beings' ability to survive after encountering ghosts will also be greatly increased.

After that, it has no reason to stay here anymore.


The sound of the time train streaked across the sky again.

Tang Mu and Li Ang boarded the time train and started time travel again.

According to time distance.

They went to Kayako's timeline first.

Things here are relatively easy to solve.

Just take care of that Saeki Gokuma thing.

The pervert Gokuma Saeki is obviously not suitable to continue to be Kayako's husband.

This is evident from the fact that he can have Kayako killed just because of the slightest suspicion.

He then went to the home of Shunsuke Kobayashi, whom he suspected of cuckolding him, and raped and killed Shunsuke Kobayashi's pregnant wife. He also dug out the fetus of the pregnant woman and it could be seen.

This guy is an absolute psychopath.

Even if there is no such thing as Shunsuke Kobayashi.

There will definitely be some other troubles in the future.

This is a flammable and explosive time bomb.

It's just that Tom Mu doesn't want to kill people at will.

Especially when Gokuma Saeki has not done anything at this time.

So Tomu was just brainwashed by Saeki Gokuma and then physically castrated.

After dealing with the matter of Gokuma Saeki, Tomu set off without stopping and went to Yamamura Sadako's timeline.

Sadako's tragedy must be solved starting from her childhood.

In fact, Sadako had nothing to change.

The unfortunate kid did nothing.

The sins I suffered from childhood were all inflicted by outsiders.

Although Sadako's parents may not have any true love.

But they are also a pair of ordinary parents.

As long as Sadako's brother didn't die and Yamamura Shizuko didn't suffer from depression and commit suicide.

It doesn't matter even if Sadako's father didn't really love Yamamura Shizuko and ended up getting divorced.

This level of blow is still within the tolerance range.

Tom Mu came to help Sadako save the tragedy.

But Tom couldn't always stay with Sadako and protect her.

It can only be said that after Tom Mu solved some big problems.

In the general direction of avoiding the tragedy of Sadako turning into a ghost, Sadako still needs to work hard on her own in future life.

Tom believed it.

According to Sadako's tenacity that persisted for decades at the bottom of the well, a small setback on the road of life cannot knock her down.

Therefore, after returning to 1954, Tang Mu first cured Sadako's brother's illness.

Then he ran to physically castrate the long-tailed Jotaro to prevent the smallpox patient from turning into a beast and harming people.

Tom Mu has always felt that rapists must confiscate their crime tools.

This will make them regret their whole life.

After doing all this, Tang Mu returned to 1995 with Li Ang.

After returning to 1995, we can find that history has indeed changed.

Since there was no murder in the Saeki family, it naturally did not become a haunted house for sale to the outside world.

Although Tang Mu and Li Ang also won travel awards to Tokyo.

This time I stayed in a hotel.

Tom made a special trip to Saeki's house to have a look.

It was discovered that Saeki Gokuma may have been castrated and brainwashed.

Act like you've practiced the Sunflower Manual.

Not so irritable anymore.

They usually get along with Kayako more like best friends than a couple.

This was something Tom Mu had not expected.

But that's not bad either.

As for Yamamura Sadako.

Her life still seems not to be perfect.

The father who was obsessed with researching superpowers finally divorced Yamamura Shizuko.

However, due to his father's responsibility, Sadako and his brother did not miss the living expenses until they reached adulthood.

Later, Sadako also joined the Flying Theater Company.

Fall in love with Hiroshi Toyama and fall in love with each other.

Hiroshi Toyama later also learned that Sadako suffered from testicular feminization syndrome.

But Toyama Hiroshi didn't seem to be prejudiced against Sadako because of this. Instead, he became more excited and became more friendly to Sadako.

Until now, the two have been married.

And established his own theater troupe.

Although the two parties did not conceive children.

But he adopted a pair of children.

Life is considered satisfactory.

After Tang Mu confirmed the current living conditions of Kayako and Yamamura Sadako, he felt relieved.

"Mr. Li! Today is the last day of travel. Today we are going to Sensoji Temple, Sky Tree, and Ueno Park..."

Zhu Duan, full of enthusiasm, led the way.

He was introducing today's travel plan to Li Ang.

This young man is quite lucky as an atheist who is afraid of ghosts.

Although he had passed by evil spirits so many times, he was never actually attacked by one.

I hope I can continue to be this lucky in the future.

The trip to Tokyo went by quickly.

After returning to Chongguang Mental Hospital again, Tang Mu was ready to return to the main world.

I just want to say goodbye to some people I know here before I leave.

For example, Li Ang and Jackie Chan's family.

There should be no more world quests in this world in the future.

If I come here again, I will only come and take a look when I am free.

Fortunately, for Tom, traveling across the world is no different than visiting a neighbor's house.

There is no different sadness.

"Come back..."

He looked back at Li Ang's trick-hunting office.

Tang Mu gave instructions to the system brothers.

The system brothers responded quickly.

After completing the main mission, he immediately responded to Tom Mu's return order.

The light and shadow around him changed, and Tang Mu returned to the old street community in the main world.

It’s still the familiar gap in the rockery.

Only this time, Tom Mu was not in a hurry to go out.

It intends to have a good chat with the system brothers.

Open the system panel.

First, the reward for completing the mission of this world trip pops up.

[Main mission: Assist Li Ang to become a world-renowned trick master (completed)]

[Main mission reward: Evil people in the main world will get sick and lose their lifespan, while kind people will be blessed and live a long and healthy life. Those who commit great crimes will be punished by thunder. 】

As soon as he saw this main line reward, Tom Mu's eyes widened immediately!

Good guy!

What a good guy!

Tom Mu likes this reward.

Once this reward comes out, it will no longer be true that good people will not live long and evil people will live for thousands of years.

The more bad people do in the future, the faster they will die.

Those who have no conscience will be struck by lightning without even waiting for their lifespan to expire.

Now the world will be clear.

At least everyone has feedback on the choices they make.

That's pretty good.

And this main line reward is also very targeted.

It will only strike down those treacherous and evil people.

Generally, those who do evil are only punished by shortening their lives.

This makes perfect sense.

After all, no one is perfect.

No matter how good a person is, sometimes he makes a mistake and cannot be beaten to death with a stick.

This kind of reward and punishment measure that if you do good things, you will be healthy and live longer, and if you do bad things, you will get sick and shorten your life, it is very good.

Tom Mu doesn't like those scum who do all the bad things and still enjoy wealth and longevity.


Tom Mu has just finished checking the main quest rewards.

Immediately, I heard thunder in the distance.

very good!

Unlucky are the people who are already guilty of the most heinous crimes.

200 monthly tickets this month

An additional 2,000 words will be added.

Currently I owe 80,000 yuan.

This month is almost over.

I will be free next month, and I will be able to start adding more explosive content in July!

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