Tom Cat breaks through the dimensional wall

Chapter 284 I, Tom! Mayor of Story Town!

"Ah! That's him! The first character in the story to come to the real world! Fortunately, we came early. Otherwise, there would be a big mess."

The magic book jumped out of Tang Mu's arms and jumped to the branch beside him. He screamed at the naked old man running in the crowd below.

Tang Mu heard this and didn't agree with the magic book's words.

He thought that the old man's state was enough to cause a big mess just by appearing on the pedestrian street.

"My people! Take a closer look! What do you think of my new clothes? Isn't it very beautiful!"

The old man's eyes were flustered, but he still raised his hands and turned around, exposing his body to everyone around him at 360 degrees without dead angles.

The scene was really too eye-catching.

Many passers-by had subconsciously raised their mobile phones and used the camera to take pictures.

At this time, in the past few years, mobile phones already had camera functions.

Although the image quality is not as good as future smart phones, it is enough to take a close-up photo of a person.

Some parents originally wanted to join in the fun.

As a result, when they squeezed in, they saw such a horrifying scene. They quickly covered the child's eyes and pulled him out.

"Hey! 110?! Uncle police! There is an old man running naked on the pedestrian street! Really! I didn't lie to you! Send someone here quickly! It's disgusting!"

In addition to those who were watching the excitement.

Many people have already called the police.

As soon as he saw this situation, Tang Mu knew that he had to take the man away quickly.

Otherwise, if the police really came, things would be even more troublesome.

It didn't want to conflict with the police in this world.

Although it had just arrived in this world.

But Tang Mu also saw it.

The real world of this world is a completely ordinary world.

There is no supernatural power.

Just as the magic book said.

Only the magic book in this world has some unusual powers.

In this case, it is better to let the ordinary real world remain ordinary.

Tang Mu thought and took out a palette.

First, he used a brush to draw a mosaic on the palette.

Taking the mosaic off the palette, Tom aimed at the lower body of the naked old man and threw it over!

There was a "pop".

A ball of mosaic was stuck on the old man.

Although it still looked very eye-catching.

But at least it was to the point where it wouldn't cause stye.


The onlookers around exclaimed at the mosaic.

They were obviously also surprised.

Seeing this, Tom quickly jumped off the landscape tree, rushed into the crowd, and dragged the old man out.

The old man staggered as Tom pulled him.

Magic Book also quickly jumped off the tree, moved his slender legs, and ran all the way behind him.

Because the old man was still naked at this time.

Even in the process of running away, he continued to attract everyone's attention.

So Tom decisively pulled the old man into a street clothing store first.

He didn't bother to care about the matching of clothes.

Tom directly stuffed the old man into the fitting room.

He then took two clothes of the largest size from the hanger outside and rushed into the fitting room.

He saw the old man sitting on the swivel chair in the fitting room with a confused look on his face.

Tang Mu did not explain anything.

He directly put a pink T-shirt with a cartoon head on the old man!

He turned the swivel chair under the old man's buttocks.

Tang Mu also gave the old man a hairstyle.

He turned the old man over again.

He put pants and shoes on the old man.

Tang Mu grabbed the swivel chair and threw him out of the fitting room with the chair!

The six small wheels under the swivel chair rolled and slid the old man out of the clothing store, and stopped directly on the road outside.

Tang Mu quickly paid the money while the store manager was confused.

As soon as he left the store, he heard a burst of urgent vehicle horns outside.

It turned out that the old man on the road was about to be hit by a large truck.

Seeing this, Tang Mu was quick to pull off the belt hanging on the shelf.

He threw the belt out and tied the swivel seat, pulling it and the old man back together!

"Oh my god! This is too scary!"

The old man covered his chest, looking like he was about to stop breathing because of fear.

Tang Mu grinned.

Hearing the sound of sirens in the distance, he did not delay any longer and saw a college student riding a bicycle, who seemed to be planning to park on the side.

Tang Mu rushed over and snatched the bicycle from the college student!

"Hey! Whose cat is it! Why is it snatching someone's bicycle!"

Without saying a word, Tang Mu stuffed a few hundred yuan into the college student's hand, tied the belt behind the seat, and then rode the bicycle and ran away!

"Fuck! Five hundred yuan! Enough for me to buy a new one!"

The college student looked at the money in his hand with amazement.

He hadn't reacted to what happened yet.

"Wait for me!"

The magic book that had been following behind shouted and chased after him.

Jumped onto Tom's back and hugged him tightly.

So this scene appeared on the road.

A cat was riding a bicycle and running wildly on the road with a book on its back.

The back of the bicycle was tightly connected by a belt, pulling a rotating seat!

An old man in a pink T-shirt on the rotating seat was terrified and held the seat under his butt tightly, fearing that he would be thrown out by the fast-moving chair!

Tang Mu led the old man galloping around the city center at lightning speed.

The old man, who was hung behind by a belt, was tossed around as if he was playing some extreme sport, and he let out a series of shouts.

Just by hearing the sound, you could tell that he was frightened.

However, Tom Mu had no time to care about him for the time being. He just concentrated on riding his bike, looking for a remote and uninhabited place.

According to Tom Mu's experience, the farther away from the city, the fewer people there are.

Tom Mu also headed towards the suburbs.

Finally, after a period of high-speed riding, Tom Mu came to an abandoned factory.

After checking for a while to make sure there was no one nearby, Tang Mu drove in.


With the sound of brakes.

Tom Mu successfully stopped the car.

At this time, billowing black smoke came out of both the front and rear wheels of the bicycle.

One can imagine how fast Tom Mu rode his bike before.

Looking back, I saw that although the old man was still sitting firmly on the revolving seat, and the fingertips holding the chair were turning white, his whole body was in a state of wandering soul, and he was even foaming at the mouth.

"Hey! Are you okay?"

The magic book also jumped off Tom Mu's back.

When I saw the old man like this, I was shocked. I was afraid that he would die here, so I jumped up quickly and slapped the old man twice!

After these two slaps, the old man looked much better.

At least there was a reaction when Tom Mu stepped forward and shined a small flashlight into his pupils.

That way you don't have to worry.

At least he shouldn't die.

After confirming that the old man was okay for the time being, Tom Mu turned his attention to the magic book, needing some explanations from it.

Although the magic book has already mentioned some information before.

But Tom also wanted to know some more detailed causes and consequences.

This will make it clearer what it is doing.

The magic book turned his head and met Tom Mu's eyes, knowing what the cat wanted to know.

After a period of time before.

The magic book quite recognized Tang Mu's abilities.

The magic book opened the pages, showed the torn pages to Tang Mu, and said, "After my former little master tore the pages of my book, the world of the story has changed a lot."

"Many of the story characters will come to the real world at different times. They will not only have a big impact on the real world."

"It can also be because they are not adapted to the real world and are rejected by the real world. Over time, these story characters will gradually dissipate."

"At that time, not only will a life be lost, but the story world he belongs to will also fall into chaos!"

"So I need your help to get these story characters out of the real world and back into their world."

As soon as the magic book finished speaking, the old man who was still lying next to him suddenly sat up in a state of dying illness! He shouted violently: "No! I won't go back! I don't want to go back!"


The magic book was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at the old man wearing a pink T-shirt, with a look of disbelief on his face: "Why don't you go back! Didn't I just say that you will die if you continue to stay here!"

"If you die, just die. I said I won't go back, and I will never go back!"

The old man had a stubborn look on his face, jumped down from his chair, and was about to walk out.

Seeing this, the magic book rushed forward to stop the old man and shouted: "Why are you so resistant to going back! You are the king! Is there anything else that dissatisfies you!"

"If you don't go back, without you, the whole world will fall into chaos. The world will also lose the fairy tale "The King's New Clothes". Is this really good?"

"Little children need your fairy tales!"

Looking at the anxious look on the magic book, you can tell how strong its sense of responsibility is.

When Tang Mu saw the old man arguing with the magic book, he had no intention of breaking up the fight. He just sat aside and watched quietly.

In fact, Tang Mu had already figured out the identity of the old man in front of him.

It is the emperor from Andersen's fairy tale "The Emperor's New Clothes".

"The Emperor's New Clothes" was written in 1837 and published together with another fairy tale "The Daughter of the Sea" in the same year.

At this time, Andersen was only 32 years old, and it was his third year since he started writing fairy tales.

It seems like a simple fairy tale.

But it reveals the vanity, stupidity and extravagance of the ruling class.

There is no doubt that a fairy tale that has been circulated for so many years and can be translated into multiple versions and circulated around the world is definitely a good story.

But this good story was obviously not so good for the emperor.

Sure enough!

After listening to the various persuasion in the magic book, the emperor became furious and his whole nose turned red with anger!

Putting his face directly on the cover of the magic book, his big nose became flat.

The angry emperor shouted word by word: "I! No! Want! Naked! Run! Did you hear clearly!"

The emperor roared!

The huge sound waves made Magic Book have a look of fear on his face, and his body leaned back involuntarily.

"If you don't want to, just don't want to. Why are you shouting so loudly!"

The magic book felt aggrieved and took out a handkerchief to wipe away the spittle that the king sprayed on his face.

"Then tell me, what will you do if you don't go back? You can't really wait to die, right?"

The magic book was also a little angry.

Its responsibility is to ensure the orderly progress of the story world and to ensure that those stories will not disappear in the real world.

But it finally found Tom Mu for help.

As a result, the first story character I met was a tough guy like the emperor, and I felt very unhappy about the magic book.

"Just die, I'm already that old anyway."

The emperor grunted, stood up straight again, and said something angrily.

Just when the atmosphere became tense, Tang Mu suddenly took two steps forward, raised his hand, and a door appeared out of thin air next to the magic book and the emperor.

Seeing this door, the emperor and the magic book were both stunned, obviously unable to react.

Tom Mu snapped his fingers and the door opened slightly.

What caught their eyes was an extremely wide space.

Although standing outside the door, you can't see the whole thing inside.

Just from this perspective, you can also know that it is a city that covers an extremely large area.


The magic book was stunned, although it has the ability to connect to the story world.

But it is only responsible for connectivity.

It does not own those worlds.

In other words, it is a manifestation of those worlds themselves.

That's why when it gets hurt, the story world within it changes.

"Is this your subspace?"

After the magic book was surprised, he immediately held his hands together and looked at Tang Mu with bright eyes.

Tom Mu held on to the door frame with one hand, put his other hand on his waist, and raised his chin proudly.

"It's great to choose you as my master! Wow!"

The magic book jumped up and cheered happily!

It is obviously hard for it to jump so high despite its old arms and legs.

After celebrating, the magic book looked at the emperor again.

The emperor also noticed the gaze of the magic book, and immediately retracted his gaze from looking at the space door, pretending not to care about anything.

This emperor is indeed just like in a fairy tale, a very face-saving existence.

"Let's go to my master's subspace. That's okay, right? Anyway, as long as you leave the real world, you won't disappear, and I won't let you go home."

The magic book put its hands on its hips and looked at the emperor with some dissatisfaction. Apparently, it actually wanted the emperor to return to his original world.

But the emperor was obviously determined not to go back.

In this case, we can only settle for the next best thing and calm down the emperor first.

No matter what, as long as he doesn't disappear in the real world.

"Hmph, then I'll go take a look."

The emperor held his head high and walked towards the door of Tang Mu's space.

Seeing the emperor enter the door, Tang Mu and Magic Book followed him in.

As everyone entered the space door.

The space door in the main world also slowly disappeared.

The entire abandoned warehouse returned to normal.

In the subspace, Tang Mu first arranged a residence for the emperor, and then went to his house with the magic book.

Now Tom Mu has almost figured out the rules of this world and what he wants to do in the future.

It can be expected that more and more story characters will appear in the future.

More and more people will move in here.

Considering that most of the stories recorded in magic books are young people's books.

There are many fairy tales in it.

There will obviously be many fairy tale princesses and princes appearing in this space in the future.

This made Tom Mu unconsciously think of Fairy Tale Town.

It was a dreamy town populated by various fairy tale characters.

Now its subspace also has a tendency to develop into a fairy tale town.

It's just that in its town, there are not only fairy tale characters, but also quite a few other story characters.

Then it seems that this subspace should be renamed Story Town.

And it is Tom Mu, the mayor of this story town.

As for the old magic book, it seems good to be a butler like Alfred.

As for this subspace.

In fact, it is the Infinite City that Tom Mu has not used for a long time.

The main reason is that Tom Mu himself is versatile enough, and Infinite City is basically of no use.

I didn't expect it to be useful here.

Using the ability of Infinite City, it is easy to build a small town in this subspace.

If you don't have enough space, or you need other things, you can think of another way.

Next, Tang Mu wanted to see what the so-called completion of the story was like.

There is no doubt about it.

From the perspective of my own world missions, the complementary story is still quite important.

It can be said that this is the key to its attempt to test the identity of the world.

After returning to his mayor's mansion, Tom Mu told the old magic book about this matter.

When the old magic book heard this, he was very surprised.

"What! Master, are you saying that you want to complete the story?!"

The old magic book and Tom sat face to face.

In the middle of them is a small round table.

There are tea sets and fruit plates on the round table.

It's a pity that Infinite City can only produce buildings and furniture.

But we cannot create existences like food, vegetables, and fruits out of thin air.

Not even water.

From this point of view, Tom Mu’s story town still lacks a lot.

"Call me mayor."

Tom raised his chin and put his paws on his waist.

"Okay mayor."

The old magic book first changed the address obediently, and then said: "But it is impossible for you to complete the story."

"You don't have an identity in the story world. This means that you can't interpret the story."

"Let's find a way to get the fat emperor to act. Now that we have your subspace, many things will be much easier."

"We can let him complete the story and return to your town to live. If he is willing to give up his identity as a king."

Tang Mu patted his chest, and took out a crown from somewhere and put it on his head, and said proudly: "I am the king now, and I can obtain the identity of the story world."

The old magic book was also stunned when he heard it.

Although he has not been with Tang Mu for a long time, Tang Mu is indeed an unexpected cat.

In this case, maybe we can really give it a try?

"If the mayor insists, then let's give it a try."

As he said, the old magic book turned over himself.

In the sound of the pages turning "clattering".

The page finally stopped at the page of "The Emperor's New Clothes".

"Mayor, have you read The Emperor's New Clothes? Just follow that fairy tale!"

As he spoke, a space vortex appeared in the pages of the old magic book.

Before Tom could react, he was sucked in!

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