Tom Cat breaks through the dimensional wall

Chapter 288 Sima Guang smashes the jar

A golden full moon hung in the deep blue sky.

Below is the sandy beach.

They are all planted with endless green watermelons.

During this period, there was an eleven or twelve-year-old boy, wearing a silver ring on his neck and holding a steel fork in his hand, walking slowly towards the melon field.

In Brother Xun's original text, the scene at this time only exists in the summer spoken by Runtu.

Follow the development of the story plot.

As long as Runtu completes the assassination, this story will be completed.

Very relaxing.

It was also the first time that Tang Mu saw the characters in his childhood textbooks.

I have to say that this young man Runtu does look like the portrait in the Chinese language book.

Under the moonlight, Runtu's eyes are like torches and his spirit is very good.

No wonder he is called a little hero by Brother Xun.

Just a pity.

Young Runtu's liveliness, cleverness, and bravery can only be retained in his ignorant youth.

When Runtu reaches adulthood, it is no longer what it used to be.

When Brother Xun left his hometown for twenty years and saw Runtu again, whom he hadn't seen for many years, he thought he would see the young man in his mind who was stabbing under the moonlight.

When I heard him call me "Brother Xun".

This grown-up Runtu called "Master" in a well-behaved and respectful manner.

As an adult, Runtu became hardworking and numb.

Facing reality and life, we can only become more and more silent and accept everything as it comes.

Became a puppet.

I no longer have the agility I had when I was a child.

Perhaps that's why the sixth-grade elementary school text just excerpted a passage from "Hometown" and became "Young Runtu".

Runtu entered the melon field.

Holding the steel fork in his hand, he silently scanned the melon field.

He is here to take care of the melon fields.

But it's not about catching a thief.

He is only responsible for badgers, pigs, hedgehogs and harpies.

Because these animals will also come to steal melons to eat.

This is not the first time Runtu has come to the beach to manage the melon fields.

He cocked his ears.

Not even the slightest disturbance escapes his ears.


There was a "rustling" sound coming from somewhere in the melon field!

Runtu immediately cast his gaze over!

Seeing a dark shadow moving in the moonlight, he shouted "Bah!"

Then he rushed forward suddenly, holding the steel fork in his right hand, and stabbed hard at the shiny fur!

A "click" sound!

The steel fork dug into the soil!

It happened to pass by Tang Mu!

Tom was so scared that he almost shed watermelon juice.

Oh my god~

If this was a little off, he would be stabbed through by Runtu.

Fortunately, Runtu's accuracy was pretty good.

Seeing that the fork did not hit the harpoon, Runtu immediately pulled out the steel fork from the soil and brought out some moist soil.

But Na Yun was extremely sharp and cunning.

After realizing the danger, immediately turn around and run away!

It didn't run away from Runtu, but ran straight towards Runtu's feet!

Don't wait for Runtu to make any other moves.

The cockroach had already slipped under Runtu's crotch and ran in the opposite direction.

Now, it was too late for Runtu to catch up.

Standing among the melon fields under the moonlight.

Listen to the sound of waves not far away.

Runtu let out a long sigh, finally raised the corners of his mouth and nodded with satisfaction.

His purpose was not to assassinate the squid.

In Runtu's opinion, as long as he can drive away the demons and protect the melon fields, it will be enough.

At this moment, the world suddenly began to solidify, and there was a sign of time going back.

Tom knew that the story had been completed.

So in Runtu's shocked eyes, a pair of cat claws suddenly stretched out from the inside of a watermelon on the ground, firmly grasping the melon field at his feet!


There is another storm in Storybrooke!

The townspeople found that this small world had changed again.

At the edge of Story Town, a sea and a beach appeared.

There is also a huge melon field on the beach.

A squid with enlightened intelligence was lying sleeping in the melon field.

The young man Runtu and his family were also brought into the story together.

Perhaps, in Story Town, Runtu can still maintain some of his youthful demeanor after growing up.

After all, the impact of the environment on people is really great.

Follow the fragments of the world of "Young Runtu" and blend into Story Town.

Tom Mu also landed next to the old magic book.

Looking at Tom Mu adjusting his condition, the old magic book said happily: "Now it's better. Our Story Town is becoming more and more like a complete world."

"Now that we not only have an inexhaustible field of magic melons, we even have our own ocean. Maybe it's time for us to patrol our town."

Seeing how happy the old magic book was, Tang Mu did not refuse.

It just so happens that it also wants to see what Storybrooke looks like now.

It's just that the worlds of "The Emperor's New Clothes" and "Young Runtu" have just been integrated.

In such a short time, I don’t know if they can adapt.

Storybrooke is said to be a town.

But the area at this time is no longer small.

Tom Mu has removed all the buildings that originally belonged to Infinite City.

Only the mayor's mansion where it wants to live is left.

At this time, there were only two construction areas in Story Town.

One is the royal capital in "The Emperor's New Clothes".

Thousands of residents live in the urban area.

The other is a small village not far from the sea.

There are large houses, ancestral halls and some single-yard wooden houses inside.

Runtu's family and their relatives all lived there.

It's just different from the residents of the royal capital.

Runtu and the others have just arrived.

It's still a time of hesitation.

After leaving the story world, they almost understood their situation.

They also know that coming here is definitely a good thing for them.

But people’s habits and thinking are obviously not that easy to change.

In other words, children’s acceptance ability is faster.

Tang Mu brought the old magic book to the Runtu family first.

Runtu recognized Tang Mu immediately.

He was impressed by the cat crawling out of the watermelon.

Tang Mu also raised his cat's paw and waved towards Runtu.

Let the old magic book serve as your steward.

When Tom was preparing to bring in new people in the future, he asked the old magic book to come over and explain the situation.

Let them live a good life here with peace of mind.

In this regard, older magic books are quite suitable.


Tang Mu called out to Runtu.

One person and one cat ran towards the seaside.

The old magic book stayed at the mansion and explained the current situation to Runtu's family.

Just explain the situation a little more clearly.

Don't worry if they don't adapt to it temporarily. Over time, any habit can be changed.

Human beings have always been very adaptable.

In a few days, they will get used to it.

After they get used to it, it's up to them to decide what kind of life they want to live.

While the old magic book was talking to the people in the mansion, Tom Mu had also arrived at the beach.

Tang Mu discovered that this beach was exactly the same as the one in the world of "Young Runtu".

But in some aspects, it seems to be different.

Tang Mu thought for a while and ignored the melon field for the time being. Instead, he walked directly towards the seaside, lowering his head and carefully observing the beach at his feet.

Runtu also came to Tang Mu's side.

Although he didn't know what Tang Mu was doing, he also lowered his head and looked down.

After watching it for a while, Runtu also noticed the difference. He scratched his head and said, "It's strange, there are no sea goods anymore."

Children who grow up by the sea always have the experience of rushing to the sea.

Although Tom Mu did not cross the sea.

But it has also been to the beach.

No matter what, at least you can find some shells and small crabs on the beach.

But there is nothing here.

Just beach and ocean.

Listen to the sound of the waves and feel the tide lapping at your feet again and again.

Tom Mu took out a pair of professional diving equipment from somewhere.

After Maomao quickly put on his diving equipment, he jumped directly into the water.

As soon as he entered the sea, Tang Mu immediately noticed the difference.

This is the third time it has dived into the sea.

The first time, Tom was still human.

That was the diving he did on the beach when he was traveling in Sanya.

The second time was in the last mission world.

During that dive, he went to a very deep place and saw ruins similar to Raleye and Gatanje.

But in the first two dives, it saw a vibrant underwater world.

But it's different here.

It is really just sea water.

There is nothing but sea water.

There is no variety of underwater life.

There are no corals or algae.

It was completely empty down there.

Looking around, you can only see stones, sand, and sea mud.

Tom was thinking.

Perhaps in the story of "Young Runtu", the ocean is just a backdrop.

That's why this ocean is so lifeless.

There is a plot in "Young Runtu".

Runtu and brother Xun went to catch birds.

Some birds are mentioned in it.

Originally there were no birds in Storybrooke.

But just now, they saw some birds on their way to the beach.

Rice chicken, horned chicken, swan, blue-backed...

From this point of view, it should be exactly what I imagined.

If so.

I want to bring life to the ocean in Storybrooke.

At the very least, it wants to go to a world where the ocean is the main perspective.


Tom emerged from the sea.

The cat had a thoughtful look on his face.

Walk all the way to the melon field.

Tom Mu took off his equipment.

I saw Runtu holding a steel fork in his hand, confronting a jade in the melon field.

Come to this story town where the rules of the world are gradually becoming more like fairy tales.

This cockroach seems to have also been enlightened.

Although it cannot speak yet, it is also consciously communicating with Runtu physically.

Tom Mu stood on the side and took a look.

I also roughly understand what this yun wants to express.

It wants a job.

Protect this melon field like Runtu.

And its salary is just a piece of cake.

Runtu hesitated about this.

In his mind, this melon field belongs to the master.

But now he has no master.

This made Runtu a little embarrassed and didn't know what to do.

Tom looked on with interest.

But he was not prepared to give Runtu any ideas.

Now this field belongs to Runtu.

How he wants to deal with it depends on his own thoughts.

Seeing Runtu turning his gaze towards him.

Tang Mu ignored him again and bent down to pick a watermelon from the ground.

Under Tang Mu's gaze.

The watermelon that Tang Mu had just picked quickly grew into a smaller watermelon.

It was still growing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Well, as the old magic book said, this is already a magical melon field.

Apart from anything else, at least the townspeople of Story Town have enough watermelons.

Holding the watermelon in both hands, Tang Mu hummed a song and left directly.

In the next few days, the story characters did not appear.

Tang Mu had nothing to do for the time being.

He wandered around Story Town all day long and observed the living conditions of his townspeople.

Tang Mu found that Runtu's family had gradually adapted to the life in Story Town in these days.

After adapting to the new life.

The inherent skills engraved in the DNA of the Chinese nation began to be activated.

Although they have come to the new world and there are a lot of food stored in the house.

But they also have to worry about eating in the future.

So, these people spontaneously began to explore the surrounding land and wanted to reclaim farmland for farming.

The residents of New Clothes City also noticed this.

After seeing Runtu and his friends start farming and behave very professionally, they also joined in spontaneously.

Under the leadership of Runtu's family, they began to cultivate the land and drill wells for water.

It's just a pity.

There is no river in Story Town for the time being.

This caused some hardship for them to farm.

But no matter what, it couldn't resist the enthusiasm of the Chinese people to farm.

At the beginning, because of the difference in skin color and race.

Runtu's family and the residents of New Clothes City were a little wary of getting along.

Fortunately, this is Story Town.

The kindness of the people is the majority.

The two groups quickly mixed together.

Also because the old magic book is a Chinese version.

There is no language barrier between the two sides.

Seeing that Story Town is getting better little by little.

Tang Mu was also very pleased.

Just as Tang Mu was patrolling his town as usual, the old magic book suddenly found him.

"Mayor, there are new story characters!"

The old magic book raised his hands and was a little excited.

Tang Mu had long wanted to continue the action.

Hearing the report from the old magic book, he cheered happily.

But this kind of happiness did not last long.

Ten minutes later, in the real world, at the door of a scrapyard, Tang Mu and the old magic book were silent.

In front of them, there was a stone neatly placed.

This stone was ordinary.

It was a stone that could be seen everywhere on the roadside.

It was neither a stone man nor a mythical spiritual stone.

It was just an ordinary stone.

Tang Mu cast a suspicious look at the old magic book.

The old magic book immediately swore to the sky: "I swear! It's it!"


Tang Mu also spread his hands helplessly.

There is no way.

The watermelon last time, it was just a stone.

It can only be said that it was not lucky.

However, this kind of existence, the speed of completing the story is very fast, so it is not a big problem.

Pick up the stone and bring it back to the story town without Tang Mu's instructions.

The two sides have developed a tacit understanding.

The magic book automatically turned the page, and a space vortex appeared out of thin air.

Tang Mu took a look before entering the vortex.


A classic ancient Chinese fairy tale "Sima Guang Smashing the Jar".

It knew why a stone came to the real world.

Apart from anything else, at least the stone played a bigger role than the watermelon.

Being a watermelon and a stone at the same time was a rich experience.

As Tang Mu jumped into the vortex, the surrounding scenery changed rapidly.

Tang Mu found that he was squatting on the edge of a rockery.

Not to mention, this rockery was quite similar to the one in the old street community in the main world.

Tang Mu looked down at his body again.

He found that this time he was not like a watermelon, his whole body was hidden in the watermelon.

Generally speaking, its appearance did not change.

The cat was still the same cat.

It was just that Tang Mu wore a round stone hat on his head.

This showed that Tang Mu was a stone.

At this moment, Tang Mu heard the sound of children making fun coming from not far away.

I saw a group of children dressed in ancient costumes rushing towards me.

The leader, who was wearing red, was Sima Guang.

He and a group of children of the same age rushed into the garden and played among the flowers, plants and trees.

They chased each other and were very happy.

At this moment, one of the naughty little boys rushed to Tang Mu and climbed up the rockery.

He wanted to play on the rockery.

Children are always naughty like this.

Tang Mu was like this when he was a child.

He had no resistance to climbable things like rockery.

He always wanted to climb to the top to play.

At this moment, the little boy accidentally fell from the rockery and landed directly in the big water tank next to him!

With a "splash" sound!

A lot of water came out of the water tank and poured on the ground next to it, scaring the surrounding friends.

"Help! Help! Save me!"

The little boy who accidentally fell into the water was very panicked and struggled desperately in the water tank.

At this time, the friends around them realized that someone had fallen into the jar, and they didn't know what to do for a moment.

Some timid children were even scared and cried.

Sima Guang is worthy of being the protagonist of this story. He was very calm and immediately shouted: "Don't be afraid! Let's find a way to rescue him!"

Everyone looked at each other in panic, but they couldn't think of any solution.

Sima Guang suddenly had an idea!

Thinking of using a stone to break the water jar, he shouted: "I have a way! We can use a stone to break the water jar! Let the water flow out!"

Sima Guang immediately turned his eyes to the direction of the rockery.

But when he saw a big cat wearing a stone hat standing there, his eyes twitched unconsciously!

Common sense told him that guy was a cat!

And it was a cat that was breathing, blinking, and scratching.

But his brain told him that it was a stone!

A perfect stone that could be used to break the jar!

This almost burned Sima Guang's little head.

But he couldn't continue to struggle at this time.

Hearing the sound of struggle coming from the water tank next to him, Sima Guang could only walk forward quickly.

He originally wanted to ignore Tang Mu and pick up an ordinary stone next to Tang Mu.

But an invisible force stopped Sima Guang.

Without the interference of Tang Mu, an outsider.

As native characters in the story world, they could not resist the arrangement of the "plot".

Since the plot arranged that Sima Guang must use Tang Mu's stone, Sima Guang would have no choice.

In desperation, Sima Guang could only grit his teeth and pick up Tang Mu with some effort!

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