Tom Cat breaks through the dimensional wall

Chapter 290 The Daughter of the Sea? Tom's daughter!

Under the lake, water plants swayed.

Small fish and shrimps wandered among the cracks in the rocks, occasionally lifting up handfuls of sand and swaying in the water.

At this moment, a strange creature with the upper body of a human and the lower body of a fish quickly passed by the bottom of the lake!

Where the mermaid swam, it even left very obvious water ripples.

Just as Tang Mu jumped into the lake, he saw at a glance the mermaid under the water shuttling across the bottom of the lake at an extremely fast speed.

It gives the impression that he is swimming rather than swimming.

Perhaps it would be more appropriate to describe him as a torpedo.

Tom Mu just observed him quietly for a while.

It soon became apparent that this mermaid was probably exploring the surrounding environment.

He apparently found out too.

He has left his original location and arrived in a completely new environment.

And here, it's not even an ocean.

As a lake, it is still a bit too small for a mermaid.

If he was allowed to stay in this lake for the rest of his life, it would obviously not satisfy him.

This made this sturdy mermaid a little irritable.


Tom opened his mouth, and a lot of foam came out of his mouth.

We have almost finished observing the general situation of the mermaid.

Tom looked back at his legs and tail.

He put his legs together and shook them hard.

A fish tail was actually synthesized.

He nodded with a satisfied smile.

Tom Mu also accelerated towards the mermaid.

Apparently, mermaids, like other fish, have extremely strong senses in the water.

As soon as Tang Mu got closer, the mermaid noticed Tang Mu's presence and immediately turned around to look at Tang Mu.

When he saw Tang Mu, even the well-traveled and robust mermaid showed surprise and his eyes suddenly widened!

What kind of creature is this? !

It’s covered in fur, has big eyes, and has big ears!

The only good-looking thing on the whole body is the fish tail.

There are almost no creatures in the ocean and water that the strong mermaid doesn't recognize.

But this was really the first time he had seen this strange flower named Tang Mu.


I saw a golden light blooming in the hands of the strong mermaid!

A very powerful trident suddenly appeared in the mermaid's hand.

And a golden crown appeared on the mermaid's head.

Just these two things, although the two sides have not officially communicated, Tang Mu already knows the identity of the other party.

This guy is most likely the king of mermaids.

If he really comes from the world of "The Daughter of the Sea" as he thinks, this man may be the father of the Little Mermaid.

"Who are you?!"

Mermaids seem to have a special way of making sounds.

Even in the water, you can clearly convey your voice.

"Gulu, gulu, gulu..."

As soon as Tang Mu opened his mouth, a bunch of bubbles popped out.

Suddenly the whole cat rolled its eyes and sank towards the bottom of the lake.

Seeing this, the strong mermaid quickly waved his hand and struck the golden trident, and the water flow driven by magic immediately formed a bubble around Tang Mu.

This bubble is like a glass cover, forming an aerobic water-isolating space underwater.

Tom Mu fell to the bottom of the water and his legs became normal.

I felt that my whole body was wet and very uncomfortable, so I shook the hair on my body violently.

Also took out the hair dryer.

Unfortunately, I couldn't find an electrical outlet after searching for a long time at the bottom of the lake.

"You seem to know a lot of things. I have many things to ask you."

At this time, the strong mermaid also came into the bubble.

After meeting Tom Mu's eyes, he raised his neck proudly: "I am the overlord of the seven seas, the king of the underwater world, Arthur!"

Tang Mu nodded when he heard this, thinking that it was indeed the case.

Arthur and Tom communicated for a long time at the bottom of the lake.

During this process, the old magic book has been waiting silently at the beach.

It wasn't until the members of the underwater fishing team arrived that the old magic book realized something was wrong.

Obviously, the fisherman just now hasn't given up on rescuing Arthur.

Or rather.

He just wanted to recover Arthur's body.

After all, he saw Arthur appear in his fishing net with his own eyes, break free from the fishing net, and get into the lake.

But now almost half an hour has passed.

No one was seen floating on the lake.

When they thought about it, the man had probably drowned inside.

In this case, calling the police and calling the salvage team are very normal choices.

But the biological characteristics of the mermaid are too obvious.

Once exposed to the world, it will definitely cause a big commotion.

The old magic book can only hope that Tom Mu has taken care of the matter.


At the same time, Tang Mu broke through the water and quietly emerged from the edge of the lake where no one was paying attention.

It also noticed the salvage team, but luckily it moved quickly enough to convince Arthur first and sent him to the sea in Storybrooke first.

He shook off the water from his body.

Tom walked around the lake and returned to the old magic book.

Seeing Tang Mu coming back, the old magic book also shouted happily: "Mayor, are you done with everything?!"

Tom gave a proud thumbs up.

That mermaid king is quite stubborn.

Fortunately, he is not stupid.

If you don't go to Storybrooke, you'll just disappear without a trace.

Of course he knows what to choose.

But even so, the two sides still spent quite a while communicating below.

Together with the old magic book, they returned to the story town.

Tom naturally had to start his journey to complete the story again.

This time, he didn't need to turn the pages of the magic book, he already knew the story world he was going to.

It was the well-known "The Little Mermaid".

If Arthur didn't lie.

Or the original version of "The Little Mermaid" by Andersen.

Well... maybe some elements of Disney animated films were mixed in it.

After all, in the original fairy tale, many characters didn't even have names.

A familiar space vortex appeared, and Tom jumped directly into it!

After Tom came to his senses, he found that his body had changed a lot.

At this time, Tom, like the mermaid Arthur, had explosive muscles in his upper body.

And his lower body turned into a pair of powerful fish tails.

At this time, he was sitting on the throne.

Next to the throne, there was a golden trident.

Or, you can call it the Trident of the Sea King.

This trident is a genuine artifact.

With it, you can control the seawater and marine life around the world.

It is the symbol of a true king.

Tom held the trident and rushed out of the underwater palace like a sharp arrow.

After swimming to a certain height, Tom turned around and looked in the direction of the palace.

Below is a seabed wonder covered with white sand.

There grow the most bizarre trees and plants.

Their branches and leaves are soft, and as long as the sea water flows gently, they will shake, full of vitality unique to the seabed.

All the big and small fish swim around in these branches, like birds in the sky flying through the woods.

The deepest place is the palace where Tom was just now.

Tom admired it carefully.

I found that its walls were made of corals, and those high windows with pointed tops were made of the brightest amber.

The roof was covered with black clam shells, which opened and closed automatically as the water flowed, revealing the big, shiny pearls inside.

Any of these pearls, if taken to land, would become a treasure that even the queen would fight for.

The wealth in the ocean is undoubtedly endless.

As the king of the seabed, in this era, Tom is actually the master of the world.


Just as Tom was still admiring the wonders of the seabed, a pleasant voice woke Tom up.

Looking back, it was a little mermaid with bright red hair, eyes as blue as the sea, and skin as white and delicate as milk.


Tom spoke, using the special way of mermaids to make sounds.

"Is it really you? Why do you have hair?"

Ariel swung her tail and swam towards Tom, reaching out to touch the hair on Tom's body, her face full of confusion and curiosity.


Tom smacked his lips, not knowing how to answer.

Ariel pinched Tom's cat ears again.

When she found that it would shake naturally, she immediately felt amused and laughed.


The bubbles rolled, and Ariel happily circled around Tom and said happily: "I am almost fifteen years old. Can I be allowed to go to the surface of the sea?"

This is the rule of the mermaids.

Only when they are fifteen years old are they allowed to float to the surface of the sea to see the human world and the scenery on the sea.

Tomb has a total of six daughters.

Among them, Ariel is the youngest.

That is to say, when Ariel can float to the surface of the sea, the eldest princess has seen the outside world six years ago.

But none of Ariel's sisters is as eager as Ariel.

And it is precisely Ariel who has to wait the longest.

And now, she is almost fifteen years old.

Finally, it is her turn to rise to the surface of the water.

"Of course!"

Tomb showed a very Disney smile.

It is thinking whether to change Ariel's ending a little bit.

If it was just a Disney animated film, although Ariel was a little bit in love, it wouldn't be a big problem.

At least it's a happy ending.

And the prince in the animated version is also okay.

But in the original fairy tale, Ariel is really a bit tragic.

In pursuit of soul, she fell in love with a prince whose morality was still in the Middle Ages, and finally turned into foam because of the curse.

Although Ariel did not die completely because of this.

Instead, she was upgraded to an elf. As long as she collected 300 children's smiles or did good deeds for 300 years, she could pass God's test, get her own soul, and ascend to heaven.

This ending looks good, but it reveals a religious coldness and sacrifice.

Ariel herself said it.

She felt sad and heartbroken about being away from her family.

Tom thought about it and there was only one solution.

Since Ariel wanted an eternal soul and felt complete emotions, she should be given an eternal soul.

Not just Ariel.

All mermaids too.

Tom was very strange.

Mermaids are creatures with emotions and high intelligence, just like humans.

Why in the world view of "The Daughter of the Sea", mermaids are just bodies without souls?

To obtain a soul, you don't need to find a lover.

It means upgrading to an elf and then accepting God's three hundred years of testing.

Humans, on the other hand, have these when they are born.

In other worlds, all creatures have souls.

In the Eastern worldview, even snakes, insects, rats and ants have their own souls, and can even be reincarnated or cultivated into demons.

When Tang Mu thought of this, he glanced at the sky with an unhappy look.

It's God again who is making trouble.

It's quite annoying.

"Father, father?"

Ariel looked at Tang Mu in a daze and stretched out her little hand to wave in front of Tang Mu's eyes.

Tang Mu reacted and shook his head to indicate that it was okay.

Ariel always felt that her father was weird today.

But he couldn't tell exactly what was weird.

In the end, he just said, "I'm going to find my grandmother."

As he said that, he lifted a piece of foam and swam towards the palace below.

Soon, Ariel came to the Queen Mother's room.

The Queen Mother liked this youngest princess very much.

As soon as she saw Ariel coming, she immediately knew why she came.

"Now you are 15 years old, you can leave our hands."

The grandmother smiled and said, "Come, let me dress you up like your sisters."

So she put a wreath of lilies on the little girl's hair, but each petal of the flower was half a pearl.

The old lady also attached eight large oysters tightly to the princess's tail to show her noble status.

Ariel looked at herself in the mirror, turned around in a circle, and suddenly looked at her grandmother with a little dejection, saying, "This makes me feel so uncomfortable."

As she said, she pulled up her beautiful fiery red hair: "This is a bit too heavy."

"Of course, in order to be beautiful, a person should suffer a little." The old grandmother said, and also showed Ariel her long hair.

In order to show her nobility, the old grandmother's hair accessories were even more gorgeous and diverse.

Ariel wanted to get rid of these decorations and throw the heavy wreath aside.

But facing the old grandmother's eyes, she didn't dare to do so.

So she could only say goodbye to her grandmother and swim out of the palace as light as a bubble.

With the permission of her father and grandmother.

She couldn't wait to go to the surface of the water.

In the past few years, her sisters have all gone to the surface of the sea and seen many scenery that are not available on the seabed.

Every time they come back from the sea, the sisters will share what they have seen.

This makes Ariel's heart full of expectations.

When she rose to the surface of the sea, Ariel passed by Tom again.

She also raised her hand and said hello: "Hi! Father, I'm going up."

As a result, she only swam up a distance of more than ten meters.

Ariel heard a rapid sound of water.

Before Ariel could react, Tom had swam to her side and swam towards the sea surface with her.


A mermaid and a cat fish emerged from the sea.

"Father, are you here to accompany me?"

Ariel didn't have time to see the outside world for a while, and looked at Tom next to her first.

Tom smiled and nodded, and gave a thumbs up.

"You are so nice!"

Ariel hugged Tom, and then turned her attention to the scenery on the sea.

The sun had already set, but all the clouds were still shining like roses and gold.

At the same time, in this pale red sky, the star Taibai was already blinking beautifully and brightly. The air was mild and fresh, and the sea was calm.

Not far from Tom and Ariel, there was a large ship with three masts.

There was only one sail on the ship because there was no wind. The sailors were sitting around the shrouds and on the masts.

Tom and Ariel heard music and singing on the ship.

"Is that a ship?"

It was the first time that Ariel saw a ship from this angle.

In the past, she could only look up from the bottom of the sea.

All she saw was the bottom of those large ships.

As dusk gradually became dark, lanterns of all colors lit up together.

They looked like flags of countries around the world floating in the air.

Ariel swam towards the window of the boat curiously. When Tom saw his daughter leaving, he swam over with her.

The wind was strong on the sea, and the sea was up and down.

Whenever the waves dragged Ariel up, she could see many men in gorgeous clothes standing in the boat through the mirror-like window glass.

But the most beautiful one among them was the prince with a pair of big black eyes.

Undoubtedly, he was less than sixteen years old. Today was his birthday, and it was for this reason that today was so lively.

Tom, who was standing next to him, saw this scene and felt a little complicated.

He knew that this was the first time Ariel met the human prince.

Later, that stinky boy would also become Ariel's lover.

Maybe it was because Tom was Ariel's old father.

Even if Tom wanted to look at the problem objectively, he still felt very unhappy with the prince!

It doesn't want to give up its own good cabbage to that guy.

Although it is known that human morality changes with the social environment.

It is not good to impose the morality of later generations on the ancients.

But Tang Mu is not a saint after all.

If you don't like it, you don't like it!

Who told that guy to treat Ariel as a substitute, a pet, and a toy.

He even let her sleep on the mat at the door of the bedroom.

He simply didn't treat people as human beings.

"Ah! It's my father!"

At this moment, Ariel seemed to have discovered something, and suddenly pointed at a creature in the cabin and shouted.


Damn girl.

She just saw a man and called him dad.

Tom was even more upset.

But Tom looked in the direction of Ariel's finger and found that he had misunderstood.

It was the cat in the cabin.

In this era, the most hated thing for sailors was the rats that followed them on board the ship at the dock.

These rats not only harmed their food, water and cargo.

Sometimes they would bite the hull.

What's more, rats still brought a lot of diseases.

Therefore, many ships going out to sea would keep some cats, which were specifically used to catch rats.

This was the first time Ariel saw a cat.

He immediately equated it with Tom.

This strange feeling even made Ariel not care so much about the birthday prince.

Alice, who was full of curiosity, just wanted to know what the relationship was between Tom and the cats on the ship.

Just then, a sailor on the side of the ship saw Tom and Ariel and exclaimed: "It's a mermaid! And! And! And her pet cat!"

Tom's face turned black: "You are polite!"

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