Tom Cat breaks through the dimensional wall

Chapter 292 All humans are perverts who like jade feet!

Looking at the wooden sign erected by Tom Mu, Ariel curled her lips in embarrassment, but still obediently retracted her hand.

"Anyway, thank you very much for saving me."

The black-haired prince got up from the ground, saluted Ariel seriously, and introduced himself: "I am Alec, what should I call you?"

"Hello Alec, I'm Ariel."

Ariel smiled brightly.

Because Alec had already stood up at this time, and the angle of his sight was raised, and he finally saw Ariel's lower body and the fish's tail gently lapping the sea surface.

This made Alec's face show a surprised expression.

"Ariel, are you a mermaid?"

Ariel followed Alec's gaze and looked at her tail.

At this time, she was not aware of the aesthetic differences between humans and mermaids.

From Ariel's point of view, she can accept both human "pillars". There is no reason why humans would think a mermaid's tail is ugly.

Therefore, when Alec looked at his tail, instead of feeling inferior, Ariel smiled happily.

Ariel moved her body and showed her fish tail to Prince Alec with a smile on her face.

Mermaids also have fish scales on their tails.

But it is worth mentioning that the mermaid's tail scales are very beautiful and somewhat delicate.

But in terms of touch, it is more similar to snake scales.

And as a magical creature, mermaids don't even secrete mucus.

This leads to the fact that if we can accept the existence of creatures like human beings, Ariel is definitely very beautiful.

Beautiful in every way.

Looking at the tail Ariel showed him, Alec couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

As a prince, he often went to sea by boat.

Naturally, they have known about the existence of the mermaid tribe for a long time.

However, even in the sea, the number of mermaids is extremely rare.

The connection between humans and mermaids is basically nonexistent.

This also means that Alec has seen a living mermaid for the first time.

But, before meeting Ariel.

Alec also asked some sailors in the royal city who had seen mermaids.

In their descriptions, the mermaid is more like a siren that lures the crew to the rocks with its singing.

Although she has a beautiful face that will captivate the whole country.

But their fish tails are extremely ugly.

Alec had believed it before.

But when he looked at Ariel's big, ignorant eyes, Alec felt his heart beating continuously.

"This tail is so beautiful, how ugly it is."

Alec looked at Ariel's tail shining in the sun. He didn't feel ugly at all, he just thought it was like a work of art.

"Alec, nice to meet you, I have to go."

Although Ariel still wanted to chat with Alec for a while.

But Tom Mu had already raised the wooden sign behind Alec and shook it wildly.

Signaling to Ariel that it's time to go home.

"Are you leaving now?!"

Alec was stunned for a moment, his expression a little panicked and reluctant.

Although it was the first time we met.

But he also felt that he had fallen in love with the mermaid lady who saved him.

"Well, I have to go back!"

Ariel had already jumped into the sea water, turned around and waved to Alec.

Alec looked at Ariel blankly, and suddenly asked loudly: "Hey! Can you not go back?"

Ariel chuckled: "If you don't go back, you will support me! You fool!"

With that said, he turned around and swam towards the depths of the ocean.

Alec on the shore stood there blankly and waited for a while, seeming to have mustered up the courage: "I'll support you!"

When Ariel heard this, she just turned around and waved to Alec again: "My father will support me!"


Alec was silent for a while, and then suddenly shouted: "Hey! Ariel! Can we meet again!"

"It will happen again!"

Ariel shouted back.

This time she did not continue to float on the sea.

After shouting, he plunged directly into the sea!


Prince Alec shouted, rushed into the sea water, swam a certain distance towards the ocean, and even plunged into the sea water.

But he is only human after all.

There is no way to catch up with the mermaid in the sea.

Therefore, in the ocean, Alec could not see anything.


In desperation, Alec could only emerge from the water with fascination and reluctance, and walked step by step towards the shore.

Looking up, you can see the mountains in the distance and the holy white snow on the top of the mountains.

Close to the coast is a beautiful green forest.

In front of the woods, there is a building that looks like a church or a monastery.

Outside the building is a garden.

There are some lemon and orange trees growing in the garden.

In front of the church, there is still a very tall sycamore tree.

The sea forms a small bay here.

Ariel dragged him here before.

"Dang——! Dang——! Dang——!"

It happened that a bell rang at the church.

In that majestic white building, there were many young women walking towards this side through the garden.

These women are nuns.

In the original plot of "Daughter of the Sea", it was one of the nuns who picked up the prince by the sea.

He was also mistaken by the unconscious prince for being the one who saved him.

I never thought that the nun was the princess of a neighboring country.

Finally, the princesses and princes of the two countries got married.

And Ariel, who did not get true love, turned into bubbles and disappeared in the rising sun.

It can only be said that this kind of bloody plot arrangement has been in place for hundreds of years.

Especially when both parties are in love, it is easier to give birth to bloody plots.

Fortunately, Tom intervened this time and let Alex wake up early.

In this way, many misunderstandings can be avoided and unnecessary twists and turns can be caused.

"Oh my God! There are so many victims here!"

The nuns came to the beach, and because of the angle, they saw a large number of people rescued by Tom on the other side.

Only then did Alex realize that it was not only him who was saved.

"No! I must make it clear to my father when I go back. I want to propose to Ariel! I want to marry her!"

Alex raised his hand and grabbed the clothes on his left chest: "If it doesn't work, I can marry into the family!"

Not to mention whether Alex will be slapped by his father when he goes back.

On the other side, Ariel, who was in a very happy mood, had returned to the underwater palace with Tom.

Ariel seemed to want to share her happiness with others. After saying goodbye to Tom, she swam directly to the palace where her grandmother was.

The old grandmother was as noble as ever.

After seeing Ariel coming, she listened to her story quietly.

After listening to the story of Ariel's first time floating on the surface, it seemed that she could hear the emotion in Ariel's tone.

She gently held Ariel's hands in her palms and asked, "Do you love the upper world?"

Ariel raised her little head and thought for a while, then smiled and said, "I like the world above very much. I think their world is much bigger than mine."

"They can sail on the sea and climb towering mountains. At the same time, their land, including forests and fields, stretches out, so much that I can't see the end."

Hearing this, the old grandmother shook her head and smiled, "Ariel, our world is very big. The wonders and vastness of the deep sea are also what humans cannot see."

At this point, Ariel asked curiously, "We can't go to land, but we won't die on land."

"If humans don't drown, will they live forever? Will they die like us?"

The old grandmother nodded and said, " They will die, and their lives are even shorter than ours."

"We can live up to three hundred years, but when our lives here end, we will become foam on the water. Not even a grave will be left."

"We don't have an immortal soul, and we never get a life after death."

"We are like green seaweed, once cut, we will never be green again! On the contrary, humans have a soul."

"The soul will live forever, even if the body turns to dust, it will still be alive. It rises to the clear sky, always rising to those shining stars! Just as we rise to the surface of the water and see the world of the human world, they rise to those mysterious, gorgeous places that we will never see."

Listening to the grandmother's story, listening to these things that Ariel had never known.

Ariel became very interested in the immortal soul mentioned by the grandmother.

"Why can't we get an immortal soul?" Ariel asked sadly. "As long as I can become a human, I can enter the heavenly world. Even if I can only live one day there, I am willing to give up the hundreds of years of life I can live here,"

Hearing Ariel say this, the old grandmother immediately shook her head and retorted: "You must not have such an idea! Compared with the humans above, our lives here are much happier and better!"

"But when I die, I will become bubbles floating on the water. Will I no longer hear the music of the waves, see the beautiful flowers and the bright red sun? Is there no way for me to get an eternal soul?"

Ariel can say this, which means that she has begun to think about the meaning of life.

She is still so young and full of curiosity about the world.

The world is so big.

So big that she can't see it all even if she has three hundred years of life.

So when she heard about the human soul.

In Ariel's heart, like humans, getting an eternal soul is the most important thing.

Seeing that her favorite granddaughter has become so depressed, the old grandmother sighed softly and planned to tell Ariel how to fall in love with humans and get a soul.

But at this moment, a very loud roar suddenly sounded in the seabed!

Even the palace they were in was shaking!

"What's going on?"

The old grandmother hugged Ariel and immediately cast her scrutinizing eyes to the sea surface.

There, she felt two extremely powerful auras.

One of them was very strange, but it was so powerful that it chilled her heart.

The other one, the old grandmother felt quite familiar.

That was her son.

Sea King Arthur.

"What's going on? Why did they suddenly fight?"

The old grandmother was confused.

The seabed is basically the world of fishmen.

Unlike the human world that has been at war for many years.

There has been no war in the seabed for thousands of years.




The shaking of the seabed earthquake is even stronger!

This caused a tsunami to rise on the nearby coast.

The grandmother and Ariel were very worried about Tom.

Just as they were about to go up to see Tom.

The sudden war was over.

The aftermath of the war quickly dissipated.

In the worshipful and awe-inspiring eyes of the fish people, Tom returned with the spoils, a white beard of God, his wooden staff and robe.

In the world view of "The Daughter of the Sea", God is the absolute ceiling.

All rules must be followed by him.

It's a pity.

His strength doesn't work here with Tom.

Tom doesn't take the gods of other multiverses seriously.

Not to mention that this is just a god of a world fragment.

If you don't like him, you can kill him without hesitation.


A group of mermaids surrounded him.

Ariel and her grandmother also came out of the palace, looking at the majestic Tom with doubts on their faces.

They could all feel the battle above.

At this time, they also knew that it was their Sea King who won the battle of gods.

But they still don't quite understand the cause and effect of this.

Tom casually handed the spoils to an old turtle beside him.

He asked it to keep the spoils, raised his chin, and said: "I had a fight with God. From now on, all living things will have their own souls, including us."

"Wow! Father is great!"

Ariel was just thinking about the soul.

Unexpectedly, her father had already done it, which made Ariel extremely surprised!


Ariel's tail raised a burst of foam, and the whole person rushed into Tom's arms, hugged Tom tightly and spun in the sea!

"The sea king is mighty!"

"The sea king is mighty!"

Of course, the other mermaids also knew very well what it meant to have their own souls.

Although they didn't show it as obviously as Ariel.

But this doesn't mean that they don't want to get souls.

Now that the wish has been fulfilled so suddenly, they are also very surprised!

"I think we need to have a grand dinner to celebrate!"

Someone in the crowd raised his hands and shouted loudly!

This was immediately responded by everyone.

The resources on the seabed are extremely rich.

What's more, Tom is the king of the ocean at this time.

A dinner was quickly prepared and started directly.

It seems that the mermaids have the racial talent of singing and dancing.

Especially the songs.

Tom found that, whether male or female.

The mermaids' voices are extremely beautiful.

Especially its six daughters, the six princesses of the ocean.

Their singing is also extremely beautiful.

Tom knew that except Ariel.

The other five princesses love to float to the sea hand in hand and sing to the passing ships.

Tom estimated.

That's how the legend of the Siren came from.

Fortunately, Tom is a Tom cat.

It is also good at singing and dancing.

Especially in the control of multiple musical instruments.

As soon as Tom started, he immediately caused a round of applause from the whole audience.

In another corner of the banquet, Ariel was chatting with her grandmother.

During the chat, Ariel also learned from her grandmother.

It turned out that in order to get a soul, one must get the love of a human being.

When he treated Ariel as a person closer than his parents.

When he put all his thoughts and love on Ariel.

When he asked the priest to put his right hand in Ariel's hand and promised to be loyal to Ariel forever now and in the future.

His soul will be transferred to Ariel.

After that, Ariel will get a share of human happiness. He will give Ariel a soul, and at the same time his own soul can remain immortal.

If it were in the past, in order to get a soul, Ariel would definitely focus on Alex.

Because Ariel at that time was more eager for a soul.

Only Alex could give her that soul.

But now the situation is different.

Ariel has got the soul she wanted.

Although she still likes Alex, she is no longer as eager and eager as before.

During the chat, Ariel talked to her grandmother about Alex again.

The old grandmother did not seem to be optimistic about the love between Ariel and Alex. She said: "Your fish tail is very beautiful in our seabed, but on land, people think it is ugly."

"People on land don't know what beauty and ugliness are. There, a person who wants to look beautiful must have two stupid pillars."

"Humans call them legs."

"What's disgusting is that many people on land seem to like legs very much, and some like to step directly on the ground."

Speaking of this, the old grandmother seemed to think of something disgusting, and said with disgust: "A few decades ago, I went to the inland river once."

"There, I saw a human noble pour milk on the feet of a maid and lick it with her tongue."

"I feel they are extremely dirty. I hope the human you like is not so disgusting."

Ariel covered her mouth in surprise when she heard this.

This was the first time she heard about this.

But remembering Alec's expression when he saw his fish tail, he still replied to his grandmother: "He has seen my tail, and he seems to think it is very beautiful."

"Then he has a pretty good eye."

The old grandmother didn't know whether it was okay or not, so she picked a small fruit from the bottom of the sea and stuffed it into her mouth.

At the same time, in the kingdom on the shore.

Prince Alec, who had returned to the castle, half-knelt in front of the kingdom, and told the king straightforwardly that he wanted to marry a mermaid.

"Impossible! This is absolutely impossible!"

When the king heard this, he immediately slapped the armrest angrily!

"I will never allow my son to marry a fish as a princess! She doesn't even have legs!"

Hearing his father's decisive refusal, Alec stood up angrily and looked at the king: "So what! I love her!"

"No! My stupid son! You know nothing!"

The king also stood up from the throne, looked directly at the prince, and said solemnly: "The most perfect part of women is their legs and feet! Especially when milk is poured on their feet!"

Alec: "Huh?"


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