Tom Cat breaks through the dimensional wall

Chapter 300: Seven has fought alone for 45 years (3,000 words more for 10,000 coin rewards)

[Current world: Ultra pollution]

[World mission: Solve the monster disaster in the human world]

[World mission reward: ① Free access to this world; ② Settlement after completion]

[World identity: Radish Superman, in the current world, please maintain your personality]

[World identity reward: 5% humanization progress]

Inside Qiaosen's farm cabin.

Tang Mu was lying on the loft bed by the window, looking at the floating system panel in front of him.

Most of the information displayed by the system was not unexpected by Tang Mu.

But the world identity of Radish Superman really made Tang Mu speechless.

It was said to be random, but I didn't expect it to be so random!

This made Tang Mu a little scared.

Fortunately, it didn't get the poop Superman randomly.

Otherwise, it would really be ashamed to see people.

Finding that the world identity of Radish Superman can be clicked in, Tang Mu opened the details and took a look.

It was found that this so-called Radish Superman was a group of aliens living on Radish Planet.

Because of a very serious riot on the planet, a couple of scientists put their newborn children into the escape pod.

And this child carries the super carrot gene studied by a couple of scientists.

Tom's body will react differently depending on the carrots it touches.

As long as you insert a carrot into your head, you can become a powerful carrot superman.

If you want to make your power more durable, you must eat more carrots in your daily life.

Tom also saw that although the carrot planet is called the carrot planet.

But in fact, the number of carrots on that planet is extremely rare.

This is why there is only one superman like Tom on the carrot planet.


Tom took a breath after reading the introduction.

Good guy!

Isn't this a modified version of DC Superman?

Should I change my name to Clark?

Although the random identity is a bit weird, Tom is Tom Cat after all.

He quickly accepted this setting.

Pushing open the attic window, Tom stuck his head out to look outside.

With his powerful night vision ability, Tom soon discovered that there was a greenhouse for growing carrots in Qiao Sen's farm.

It seems that there is more than one kind of carrot in it.

It was a bit late now, so Tom would not test his ability as Radish Superman for the time being.

Retracting his head, Tom continued to lie comfortably on his big bed.

The round window was not opened.

The wind blowing in at night was quite cool, and Tom liked it.

Taking out his mobile phone, Tom connected to the network of this world.

A series of flowing green numbers 0 and 1 appeared in Tom's eyes.

His consciousness had entered the ocean of the Internet through the mobile phone in his hand.

When he first arrived, the first thing Tom had to do was to understand the history of this world.

He wanted to figure out what happened in this world and where the turning point of history was.

That's why this world has changed so much.


The time now is 2030.

It is indeed a world in the near future.

But since there are Ultraman and the Earth Defense Force here, the technology should be stronger than the so-called near future.

Continue to read the history.

Tom easily found it.

This world has begun to frequently appear monsters about 80 years ago.

That is, eighty years ago, the whole world began to regard the monster disaster as a threat to all mankind.

As for when the monsters began to appear, it is somewhat undesirable.

Current archaeological data have found that there were traces of monsters as early as the period before humans appeared.

I just don’t know why, since eighty years ago, there have been more and more monster disasters in this world.

Even in recent years, the outbreak pattern of monster disasters has further accelerated.

Eighty years ago, the overall technology of mankind was not as advanced as it is today.

The appearance of monsters at that time had a great impact on mankind.

All parts of the world suffered very serious losses.

In just one year, thirteen large cities in the world were destroyed.

It took a great price for humans to kill those monsters.

Among them, the two monsters that appeared in San Francisco were solved by using nuclear weapons.

After this painful lesson, the world realized the horror of monster disasters.

So in just over a year.

On August 24, 1951, the prototype of the Earth Defense Force was officially established.

This is a United Nations force.

The purpose of the initial establishment was to fight against monsters.

It's just a pity that although the defense force has been established.

But there is still distrust between countries.

While there is limited cooperation, there is also pulling each other.

There are even cases of using monster disasters to suppress dissidents.

Until they find that doing so will only drag themselves into the abyss, it is too late.

Some countries were completely destroyed by the ravages of monsters.

Countless people died under the feet of monsters.

More people became homeless refugees.

The unstoppable monsters continued to move forward, and finally caused heavy losses to the countries that stood by and watched.

It was not until then that Westerners understood the truth that the lips and teeth are cold.

So, on January 1, 1955.

Countries further deepened cooperation.

But each still had reservations.

What they didn't know was that human technology was improving.

Monsters were also getting stronger.

When they found out, it was already a little too late.

The appearance of a 60-meter-tall, 60,000-ton dinosaur-shaped monster put the whole world in crisis.

This monster can move at high speed on land and sea.

It has strong mobility and is extremely cunning.

This is the first time that an Ultraman-level monster has appeared in this world.

Seven had not yet landed on Earth at that time.

To defeat it, you can only rely on military weapons from the 1950s.

Unfortunately, the cunning monster will run away if it can't be defeated.

It took the Defense Force nearly ten years to completely defeat this monster! .

The Defense Force used a small island as bait and used a nuclear weapon with a very large yield to kill it!

After finally confirming that the monster was dead, it was thrown into the Pacific Ocean.

The name of the monster is, Silizan.

It comes from the English word for sea lizard.

Seeing this, Tom couldn't help but grin.

Oh my goodness, it turned out to be Silizan.

It seems that it is Silizan before it turns into a zombie monster.

Now Tom can be sure.

It is estimated that it will not be long before this Silizan will be resurrected and become a zombie monster to harm humans.

It has to be said that the early fighting style of the defense forces in this world is fierce.

Nuclear bombs are used at every turn.

It can only be said that it is a helpless move.

On October 16, 1964, the defense forces finally defeated Silizan.

But the price was painful.

The entire Tokyo and the west coast of the United States were destroyed.

Countless countries were affected.

But it was also the painful price of this time.

Let everyone realize that humans must unite completely.

If they don't stick together, they will be completely destroyed by monsters sooner or later.

In this world, the boundaries and concepts between countries are beginning to blur.

In order to better fight monsters.

One plan after another began to be proposed.

Everyone was united in heart, and each of them began to help each other.

Because Tokyo had been destroyed, various countries invested and began to build a fortress city on the ruins of Tokyo.

And this fortress city was the first line against monsters.

This was also the main reason why Tom was able to see so many compatriots and people from other countries here.

But there were many doubts in this fortress city that made Tom a little confused.

Since the establishment of the fortress city, nearly seven-layer monsters in the world really only came to the fortress city.

In this way, the fortress city really became the first battlefield in name.

All countries have deployed their elite combat forces here.

Areas far away from the front line of the war do a good job of logistics to ensure that the fortress city can continue to resist monsters.

It is precisely with this set of tactics.

Humans have survived.

And technology has been advancing by leaps and bounds over the years.

Thanks to the continued existence of monster disasters, people all over the world are getting along more and more harmoniously.

But this made Tom unable to figure it out anyway.

After all, this is the real world.

Monsters in film and television dramas only appear in Japan.

Aliens only appear in the United States.

That's because they are the producers.

But why is it here?

For this, Tom has only one idea.

When the fortress city was first built, why was it so sure that it could become the first battlefield to fight against monsters?

There must be something that can always attract monsters to move to the fortress city.

But Tom doesn't know what that thing is.

There is one more thing.

It always feels that the strength of the buildings in the area where the fortress city is located is very high.

They can even resist the attack of Gomes.

It was not until Gomes used the destructive ray that a building was cut in half.

You know, it's a 40,000-ton big guy!

No matter what tall building, it can be smashed with one claw.

The buildings in the fortress city can withstand it.

Maybe there is some black technology that he doesn't understand.

This time, Tom finally has a certain understanding of this world after checking the information.

But he doesn't know too much.

There are still many secrets that Tom has not figured out.

But Tom is not in a hurry.

As time goes by, it will definitely be able to get in touch with more secrets.

Next, Tom focused on reading Ultra Seven's information.

As the Ultraman of this world, its information is definitely a must-see.

According to the Internet, Ultra Seven came here in 1985, 45 years ago.

When it first arrived, it helped the earthlings solve a difficult monster.

After that, when a monster appeared, Ultra Seven would also appear to fight with the monster.

This kind of battle lasted for 45 years.

Everyone can see that Seven has become weaker and weaker.

They are all worried that Seven will suddenly fall in a battle.

Therefore, many people petitioned that Seven would not come out to fight again.

It has been fighting for mankind for 45 years, and it also needs to consider itself.

However, looking at Seven's appearance today, Qi Ye obviously did not listen.

Looking carefully at Seven's 45-year battle history, Tom also saw many details from it.

This should be a Seventh Master who has not experienced the TV plot.

And its strength is obviously much weaker than Seven in the TV series.

Why is this?

There are still 80,000 words to be added

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