Tom Cat breaks through the dimensional wall

Chapter 305: Rat in the Wall! Light Buried Deep Underground!

"Tom! Tom! Hey! Tom!"

In the ancient castle, an old voice kept calling Tom's name.

After just a nap, he came to this place inexplicably, which made Tom a little confused.

He just lay on the cashmere blanket and looked around.

Not long after, it seemed that he didn't receive a response.

Now the owner of the voice slowly walked up.

No one has arrived yet.

Tomb first heard the sound of leather shoes stepping on the ground.

Tomb looked in the direction of the sound.

You can see the staircase of a spiral staircase on the side of the room.

This castle is very old.

There are some mosses on the large bluestones on the wall beside the stairs.

There are some traces of recent cleaning on it.

But it obviously has no effect.

The mosses have grown again.

"Oh! These damn mosses. I think I should burn them with fire. It's too humid."

No one has been seen yet.

The light of the oil lamp came from the spiral staircase.

The light gradually swayed from below, and a huge black shadow was also reflected on the wall by the light.

With complaints and footsteps.

The figure who spoke before was getting closer and closer.

Not long after, a white-haired man in a coat and holding an oil lamp in his hand slowly walked up the stairs.

The old man's hands were a little withered, but he held the oil lamp in his hand very tightly.

The swaying light of the lamp shone on the old man, pulling his figure back very tall.

In this cramped castle room, it gives people a strong sense of oppression.


A shrill scream sounded beside Tang Mu.

This sudden movement scared Tang Mu!

Turning his head to look at the line, a series of black shadows came out from under the big bed next to him, quickly passed Tang Mu and surrounded the old man's feet.

Now Tang Mu saw clearly that they were eight cats of different colors.

Including himself, there were probably nine cats.

Tom didn't quite understand why the old man in front of him had so many cats.

"Tom, you are here, come down and eat."

Delapool spoke, his voice was very hoarse.

It was like two rusty files rubbing in his throat.

Tom didn't want to act too abnormal as he had just arrived, so he walked down with the old man.

Tom followed the spiral staircase all the way down.

When he passed a small window by the stairs, he looked outside.

He found that he couldn't see anything outside.

It was just pitch black.

It was even deeper and bottomless below, giving Tom a feeling of walking on a tightrope over the abyss.

The castle where he was currently located seemed to be built on the edge of a cliff.

In this castle, Tom always had a rather contradictory feeling.

It was solid and empty.

It was obviously a stone castle that had been built for several centuries, and it should have given people a solid and solid feeling.

But with the external environment.

Tom always felt that in the next second, the castle would collapse along with the cliff and fall into the bottomless abyss.

The footsteps of humans and cats echoed in the spiral staircase.

Tom felt that he had walked for a long time before he reached the hall below.

In the hall, the maid and the housekeeper had prepared food.

It can be seen that the old man is indeed a wealthy family.

However, this wealthy family seems to be a bit of a cat slave.

There are so many people in the family, but it still climbs the stairs to find people at its age.

A row of cat bowls are neatly placed in front of the dining table.

There is feed for cats in it.

At this time, it seems that there is no industrial cat food.

But no matter what kind of cat food it is, Tom will never eat it.

Old man Delapore has also sat down and started to enjoy his dinner.

Holding a knife and fork, Delapore cut a piece of steak and stuffed it into his mouth.

It can be seen that the steak was cooked very deliciously by the chef.

But the thin, haggard old man was eating like chewing wax.

"Have you bought the mousetraps?"

Draper had no appetite. He only ate two bites and didn't want to eat anymore.

"Master, everything has been arranged."

The butler standing by lowered his head and said, "According to your instructions, mousetraps have been placed in all the places where mice may appear on the first floor."

Although the old butler didn't think there were a lot of mice as the master said.

But after all, it was the master's order, and the old butler had to do it honestly no matter what.

As an old butler, he knew what he had to do.

"Very good."

Draper nodded.

But suddenly, Draper, who was originally normal, suddenly held his head and screamed!

His face became extremely terrifying.

Draper, who was so old that only a piece of skin was left on his face, raised his hand and scratched his face with his nails very hard!

Just after scratching it, there were already several blood marks on Draper's face!

"Ah! Rats! There are so many rats in the wall! Rats everywhere!"

"Tom! Catch them! Catch them!"

The man who was fine before.

The next second he went completely crazy.


The old butler next to him was also frightened!

He rushed up with a shout and grabbed Delapore's scratching hand with all his strength.

The servants around were all recruited locally.

They had never seen such a person before.

When they saw their new master going crazy, they were at a loss.

Fortunately, the cats at the table seemed to have gotten used to it.

Draper had just started to go crazy.

The cats who were eating there just fine also went crazy!

The eight cats except Tom scattered, scratching and clawing at the surrounding stone walls, and screaming!

The cats' threatening cries were very sharp.

The eight cats in the restaurant ran around and screamed everywhere, as if they were really catching mice.

But the servants around looked at each other, they didn't hear any sound.

Not to mention seeing the so-called mice with their own eyes.

But both their own master and those cats seemed to indicate that there were indeed mice here.

Such abnormalities reminded these locally recruited servants of some bad rumors.

Suddenly, one by one, they couldn't help trembling all over, and their faces showed expressions of fear.

The working environment here is too weird and too depressing.

They always feel very uncomfortable.

If the master is not a normal person most of the time and the salary is not quite good.

They would never continue to work here.

Tom is still sitting at the dining table, squinting his eyes and pricking up his ears to observe the surroundings.

The old man said that he heard a lot of rat sounds.

This is indeed true.

Because he heard it too.

In the walls around.

Not just the walls.

Even the ceiling under his feet and above his head.

Listening to the dense sounds, it is probably not just a few or a dozen.

At least hundreds or thousands!

If you only listen to the sounds, at this time, they seem to be surrounded by a cage composed of a large group of surging rats.

One by one, the dirty rats with thin tails moved and rubbed in the walls, making irregular "squeaks" from time to time.

Not to mention Delapore.

Even Tom felt his scalp tingling.

I don't know if Tom has said it.

In fact, he hates rats very much.

It was the kind of hard-haired mouse that you can see every day.

Pointed mouth, hairless claws, and a slender tail with circles of circular patterns like an earthworm.

All these made Tom feel uncomfortable and disgusted.

Snakes, insects, rats and ants.

Tom could accept snakes, insects and ants, but hard-haired mice were unacceptable.

Tom was like this when he was still a human.

There was no change after he became a cat.

Tom would get goose bumps just looking at disgusting creatures like mice.

Not to mention getting close to them.

At this time, listening to the dense sounds of mice around him, Tom's scalp exploded, and his eyes turned red.

As a man.

For one or two mice, Tom could suppress his nausea and catch and drive them away.

Just like in the world of "Doraemon" before, it caught mice on behalf of the robot cat once.

But now this scene has begun to really oppress its sensitive nerves.

In other words, those disgusting mice cannot be seen now.

If the floor tiles under your feet, the walls around you, and the ceiling above you were all made of transparent glass, you could see the mice inside clearly.

Tom would probably have to bring out the nuclear bomb and have a one-click love scene!

"Tom! What are you still doing here? Go catch mice too."

With the comfort of the housekeeper, Delapore seemed to be in a better state.

But looking at Tom, who was furious at the dining table, he couldn't help but urge him.

With cats around, the noise of mice would be much less.

This would also relax Delapore's nerves.

That's why he keeps so many cats.

Among them, his favorite is Tom's cat.

Tom, the champion mouse catcher, was bought at a high price by him for catching mice.

After hearing what Delapore said, Tom jumped onto the dining table and took out a knife and stuffed it into Delapore.

He pointed at the surrounding walls with a confused expression.

What he meant was, if you want to catch mice, go catch them yourself.

I won't serve you.

There are so many mice. If you really let yourself catch them, you might as well just flatten the castle with nuclear weapons.

It is efficient and you don't have to get close to the disgusting mice.

Draper was a little dazed when he looked at the knife in his hand.

He looked at Tom on the table as if he was looking at a strange cat.

Fortunately, the other eight cats were all hard workers.

He ran around the wall of the restaurant several times, making threatening cat calls.

The movement of the mice around him gradually slowed down.

This made Draper's nerves relax a lot.

He put the knife aside and didn't pay attention to Tom's changes.

"Let's go and check the mousetrap."

It seemed that Draper had no appetite for dinner again.

Tom sat down directly at Draper's seat.

He threw the plate of beef that Draper had touched aside.

He pulled the other food on the table in front of him and ate it directly.

The servants around him were at a loss when they saw it.

Tom ate the dinner in this weird world while observing the servants around him.

Tom discovered it just now.

It seemed that except for the old man and his cats, no one else seemed to hear the movement of mice.

This meant that those mice were obviously not ordinary mice.

It was also possible that everything was a targeted illusion.

Perhaps there had never been any mice in this castle.

Tom ate everything on the table without any hesitation, and then went to find Draper.

The castle was really full of mousetraps placed by the old housekeeper.

He was very experienced and placed them in the places where mice were most likely to appear.

Looking at the mousetraps all over the floor of the house and the kittens that kept circling around him, Draper's expression was much more relaxed.

Soon, it was night.

Draper fell asleep in his room.

But he had just fallen asleep when his brows furrowed.

In his dream, a hooded pigherd appeared.

Beside the hunched pigherd, bare white four-legged creatures were crawling.

That was really a dark crawl.

Just one look makes people feel mentally uncomfortable.

This made Delapore struggle very hard, trying to get rid of this weird dream.

The next second!

Delapore opened his eyes suddenly!

Then Delapore screamed again!

The moment the old man opened his eyes, he seemed to see thousands of rats gathered in his room.

The floor was full of rats, and there was no place to stand.

Even more, those rats directly crawled all over Delapore's bed.

On Delapore's quilt, chest, and pillow, there were rats everywhere!

Among them, there were even six rat kings whose tails were clumped together because of feces and secretions.

It looked even more disgusting!

The moment Delapore woke up.

The rats in the whole room stared at him with their mung bean-like eyes.

This made Delapore scream again!

"Master! Master! What's wrong with you?"

The old housekeeper heard Delapore's cry and hurried over with an oil lamp.

"Rats! Rats! All rats!"

Drapelle was already a little frightened.

The housekeeper quickly lit the candles in this room and handed Drapelle a glass of water.

But he looked at the clean room with a face full of doubts.

He didn't see a rat at all!

Not to mention rats, not even a rat hair could be seen!

But looking at Drapelle's frightened look, the old housekeeper didn't know what to say, so he could only call the cat in the castle to accompany the master with him.

With cats around, Drapelle relaxed a lot.

Finally, he fell asleep again.

The next day, Drapelle screamed again.

It turned out that all the mousetraps in the castle were triggered.

But not a single rat hair was caught!

One weird thing after another, making the atmosphere of the whole castle even more depressing.

In fact, it's not just this castle.

After arriving in a new place, Tom certainly couldn't stay there stupidly and do nothing.

So he looked around the next day.

It was found that the atmosphere of the whole world was very depressing.

The castle it is in now is actually a monastery.

It has been abandoned for a few years.

Until recent years, old man Delapore may have returned to the castle as his hometown because of his old age.

He spent a lot of money on renovations.

Originally, Delapore was in good condition.

But since he moved into the monastery, his spirit has been getting worse and worse, and he is also nervous.

There is a small town near the monastery, and many locals in it seem to know something.

They are very afraid of this monastery.

In addition, Tom also feels that this world gives him a very familiar feeling.

But he can't remember it for a while.

In the end, Tom can only temporarily stop thinking about the problems of this world.

He plans to try his best to solve the problems of this castle monastery first.

It can come here, and if it wants to go back, it may have to find the answer here.

In the next few days, the atmosphere in the castle monastery became more and more depressing.

The various mouse traps set by the old housekeeper are always triggered.

But nothing can be caught.

Delapore is becoming more and more nervous.

He always said there were rats in the wall, but when the wall was chiseled open, there was nothing inside.

Some servants could not stand the atmosphere here and resigned and left.

But as time went by, Delapore's condition did not improve at all.

On the contrary, his condition became worse.

Not only was there a problem mentally.

Even his body gradually changed.

The more Tom looked at him, the more he felt like a large rat.

Listening to the conversation between Delapore and the old butler.

He has been having a recurring dream recently.

The content of that dream was the same as what he dreamed of in the defense army.

This further strengthened Tom's idea.

It came here, and it was indeed related to Delapore.

"Hehe! We have to go underground to see! There are rats all over the underground!"

One day, Delapore suddenly grabbed the old butler and laughed nervously.


Before the old butler could react, Delapool, who looked more and more like a big rat, had already walked towards the hall of the monastery.

He took a crowbar and walked to the center of the hall with ease, and pried open a floor tile there!

At this moment, a foul smell suddenly came out.

As soon as Tom smelled the smell, he immediately took out a gas mask and put it on his head.

He also took out air freshener and sprayed it around.

Only then did he feel a little better.

The old butler was full of surprise when he saw Tom's behavior.

But Delapool ignored the changes outside and directly pulled the old butler to walk under the floor tiles.

There seemed to be a basement there.

Tom did not hesitate and hurriedly followed him down.

The basement below was very spacious.

There were many strange words and graphics in it.

It felt more like an altar.

In the middle of the altar, there was a vague human-shaped statue, which gave people a very weird feeling.

Tom just took a look and a lot of hallucinations appeared around him.

These hallucinations were really annoying.

Tom frowned and stretched out his claws to scoop around.

He soon caught all the illusions in his hands and squeezed them into a small ball like colorful plasticine.

Tom's action seemed to scare the stone statue.

It shook visibly.

Tom looked at it in confusion.

The stone statue had returned to normal, and there seemed to be no change.

"Down there, the mouse is down there, squeak! squeak!"

Delapool hunched over and fumbled around the altar statue for a while, as if he had turned on a switch.

The altar moved away immediately, revealing a deeper staircase below...

Down there, Tom actually felt a glimmer of light.

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