Tom Cat breaks through the dimensional wall

Chapter 316 Give the passenger a big pocket!

The speed of trains in this era is not very fast, and the running on the rails is not stable.

When passing through certain sections, there is still some slight shaking.

This makes Beidou from 2030 a little worried.

He has never been on such an unstable train, and he is afraid that the iron shell will fall off the rails halfway through.

Tang Mu once watched a documentary about the evolution of trains.

From the emergence of steam engines, to the elimination of the idea of ​​cable-pulling carriages, to the emergence of the first simple locomotive.

It has experienced countless trials and errors and setbacks.

After the prototype of the train appeared, various problems still appeared from time to time.

The rails need to be modified, and the tires that contact the rails also need to be modified.

And the events that often lead to the improvement of trains are the occurrence of train accidents.

It is through the continuous trial and error of the predecessors that the safer trains of later generations have appeared.

Therefore, Beidou’s worry about the accident of the train they are riding is not really a false worry.

Because the current trains have not completely eliminated a large number of hidden dangers.

It just looks barely usable.

But Tang Mu's strength is there after all.

When one's own strength is strong enough, there will be no worries about this and that.

Tang Mu sat by the window, turning his head to look at the scenery outside the window all the way.

Beidou couldn't stay idle, looking around in the carriage.

He was observing the passengers in the same carriage with them.

Among them, a small group of three people behaved a little abnormally, and the atmosphere around them seemed out of tune with other passengers.

It was just because of the angle that Beidou could only see the backs of two of them, and another was looking down at the newspaper.

Therefore, Beidou couldn't see their faces clearly.

He could only roughly judge from their body shapes that they were two men and one woman.

Beidou didn't know why he kept paying attention to them.

But his attention was indeed a little diverted.

Suddenly, the man who was reading the newspaper suddenly raised his head and looked at Beidou!

Beidou was caught off guard and was startled!

What kind of face was that!

His face was stiff and expressionless, and his eyes were round and big, but without any spirit.

Beidou, who was looking at the man, seemed to see a bottomless black hole, and smelled a faint fishy smell at the tip of his nose.

This strange phenomenon alerted Beidou.

Tang Mu also noticed this scene, and thought about putting a pair of sunglasses on Beidou to block his sight.

Unexpectedly, and not knowing what the other party was thinking, he actually put down the newspaper and raised a middle finger to Beidou.

Beidou suddenly stood up and strode to the man: "What do you mean by this!"

Because he ate the translation konjac given by Tang Mu, Beidou had no problem communicating with people in the polluted world.

As for where did Tang Mu's translation konjac come from?


This is a good question.

But Tang Mu didn't want to answer.

Questioned by Beidou, the man didn't change his expression at all, still staring at Beidou, and said: "You are not a human."

"Bah! You are not a human!"

The irritable Beidou slapped the man!


The man was slapped and his head turned away. He reached out to cover his beaten face, and his expression finally changed.

That was an expression of disbelief!

"Okay, okay, there's no need to fight."

Others in the same compartment saw this and hurried up to persuade them, fearing that the two groups would fight in the car.

Fortunately, in the end, the two sides did not escalate the conflict further.

The angry Beidou was persuaded to return to his seat. The man didn't seem to care about being slapped, and picked up the newspaper to continue reading the news.

Seeing Beidou sitting back in his seat, Tang Mu immediately gave him a thumbs up.

He is worthy of being the most irritable human body in Showa, who is merciless even when beating up bad women.

Tang Mu likes this straightforward personality.

No wonder Beidou, who transformed alone, got the title of Light Saw Man without Nan Xizi's suppression in the middle and late stages.

After all, Beidou's personality is here.

People with different personalities have different ways of fighting.

That's natural.

"Really, I'm so angry! He actually gave me the middle finger! Not polite at all!"

Beidou Xingsi sat back in his seat, still unable to help cursing.

Seeing this, Tang Mu immediately took out a T-shirt with middle fingers printed on the front and back and gave it to Beidou, grinning.

The meaning was obvious.

Let Beidou change into this shirt.

You won’t be afraid of people giving you the middle finger in the future.

It turned into a quarrel and a fight.

Beidou glared at Tang Mu, thinking that this little cat had a bad heart.

Tang Mu just laughed there.

At this time, the light in front dimmed, and a well-dressed man came over and sat down in front of them.

"Good morning, gentlemen, can I sit here?"

"You've already sat down."

Beidou pouted.

The man smiled when he heard this, and he was not angry. He crossed his legs elegantly, took out two business cards from the inner pocket of his jacket and handed them to Tang Mu and Beidou, and said with a smile: "Let me introduce myself. I'm Randolph White."

"Hello, Mr. White, I'm Beidou Xingsi."

Although Beidou is irritable, he is still very polite.

After taking Randolph's business card and taking a look at it, he stretched out his hand and shook hands with him.

"Hello, Mr. Beidou."

Randolph also smiled and shook hands with Beidou.

From the way Randolph addressed Hokuto Seiji, we can see that he has a certain understanding of Eastern culture.

In the 21st century, there are still many people who can't figure out the order of names in the East and the West.

In this era, it is rare for people like Randolph to know that Hokuto is a surname.

"I'm Tom."

Tom also stretched out his hand to Randolph.

"Hello, Mr. Cat."

Randolph touched Tom's paws, and an inexplicable emotion flashed in his eyes.

Tom's state is actually quite strange.

Sometimes everyone just treats it as an ordinary cat, and when it does some extraordinary actions, it will scare the people around it.

Sometimes, although everyone knows that Tom is a cat. But they unconsciously rationalize Tom's actions and don't make a fuss.

Just like now.

Tom is a cat in a suit and leather shoes, and he speaks like a human.

No one in the whole carriage thinks there is anything wrong.

Having said that.

Tom's intuition is not bad.

It can see that the person who came to talk to him is obviously more curious about him.

He obviously noticed something different about him.

But Tom didn't care about it.

He knew too little about the polluted world.

It would be better if there were more people like Randolph.

It would allow it to collect more information about the polluted world.

Last time, he really didn't get any useful information from the castle monastery.

After defeating King Morat with Dagu and fusing all the Tiga statues, Tom took Dagu to the cliff to find the town.

As a result, the town was already empty and completely lonely.

After the time of crossing, they could only return to the human world first.

Fortunately, this time is different from the closed space last time.

Whether on the train or in the destination town of Marit, there must be many opportunities to communicate with the local natives.

As long as they communicate, they can get information about this world.

Only with enough information can we figure out the relationship between the two worlds.

And how to solve the monster crisis.

Now Tom only knows a few pieces of information.

First; the polluted world is a Cthulhu-like world.

It is not the Cthulhu world, but it is very similar to the Cthulhu world. It is just that some monsters have replaced the various gods and their followers in the Cruz mythology.

Second; the polluted world uses some means to make the creatures in the human world dream. After dreaming about the monsters here, they will be mentally polluted and finally become monsters in the human world.

Third; as long as the source monster is dealt with, the monster will not appear again. This is not confirmed yet, it is just a guess.

Fourth; there should be multiple Ultraman statues in the polluted world. But where these statues came from and why they appeared here, it is completely unknown.

The fourth point is very important, and it is also the information that Tom and his team need to focus on investigating here.

In addition, the most important fifth point is how to cut off the connection between the polluted world and the human world.

If it were not for the existence of the polluted world.

Ultraman's power would not be suppressed.

There would be no unsolvable monsters like the polluted monsters that are infinitely reborn.

Perhaps the human world will take the route of the orthodox Ultraman worldview.

Ancient monsters and space monsters may continue to appear in the future.

But that is far from being the monster disaster that can be called the eve of the end of the world.

After all, Zhu Xingtuan also said.

The number of monsters is actually limited.

It is absolutely impossible for them to appear in a short period of time like now.

It has even become more and more frequent, so frequent that it is breathtaking.

Therefore, Zhu Xingtuan speculated that there must be some kind of power that has been giving birth to monsters.

And Tang Mu's speculation is that it is most likely the pollution world.

It has been to the pollution world and knows what the pollution world looks like.

At this time, the human world is also tending to transform into the pollution world.

Perhaps, making the human world become the second pollution world is its core purpose.


The word purpose may not be used very accurately.

Tang Mu thinks that it should be like a beast hunting, more inclined to instinct.

But in any case, this is what Tang Mu and his team need to investigate.

Once the information is confirmed, they can get rid of the passive defense situation.

Officially start the counterattack.

Tang Mu is still thinking about the two worlds.

Beidou has already started chatting with Randolph across from him.

Randolph has short blond hair, neatly combed to the left.

His face is long, but his eyes are very bright. He often purses his lower lip, looking very thoughtful.

Perhaps because he often goes out, his clothes are more suitable for activities and not so restrictive.

He is 1.9 meters tall, but there is no sense of oppression on him.

He gives people a very easy-going temperament.

After just a few face-to-face conversations with Beidou, the two have become obviously familiar with each other.

Tom is not a very smart cat.

But he is not stupid either.

It can see that Mr. Randolph has been getting information about Tom and Beidou during the conversation.

He is very smart.

He obviously cares more about Tom.

But because Tom did not join the topic, his exploration of Tom has always been very measured.

It did not seem so abrupt.

After all, two people are talking, but the topic always stays on the third person. It is undoubtedly a very obvious intention to expose.

Although Beidou also deliberately concealed their identities.

But Tom could tell that Randolph already had some rough guesses.

This man is quick-thinking, calm and patient.

The business card introduced him as a writer, but Tom didn't quite believe it.

It can be seen from every move of this person.

He is a very disciplined person.

There is no such person among the authors that Tom Mu knows.

Everyone agreed that they would code words, break out, and make more than 10,000 updates per day.

The result is that they are all quite undisciplined.

The perfect attendance award is almost gone until the last moment, so I will never put pen to paper.

Some people cut off their updates several times, and their leave application slips were gone, or simply discarded.

Anyway, the perfect attendance award is gone, so I just updated it randomly.

If Tom's author friend had the self-control of Randolph, he would have become a great man long ago.

After all, his enemy is lazy.

That is an enemy more terrifying than a monster.

Tom realized that he could not defeat laziness.

Because sleeping in is so comfortable.

For all these reasons, Tom did not believe that Randolph was a simple writer.

He must have a hidden true identity.

That identity may be quite important to it and Beidou.

No matter how you consider it, the native in front of you may be a window for Tom Mu and others to understand the polluted world.

"You are also going to Marit Town, right?"

After a brief exchange, Randolph suddenly changed the topic to the destination of Tom Mu and Beidou.

"Yes, I heard that the fishing industry is very developed there. We are planning to build a cannery and want to go there to inspect the raw materials."

Beidou revealed his identity and purpose in this world.

"The fishing industry there is indeed very developed, otherwise there wouldn't be a train station there."

Randolph smiled and nodded, and added: "But it's not just about fishery. Have you heard about some rumors about Marit?"

"What rumors?"

Because the matter was related to the destination of their trip, Beidou Xingsi was also a little curious.

"More than a hundred years ago, Marit was just a small fishing village. Because the surrounding areas were gradually unable to catch fish, the entire village was even in huge trouble."

Randolph's voice was very magnetic and his words were clear and eloquent. It was as if Tom Mu and Beidou were listening to the scholar telling stories.

"Later, the captain of a fishing boat wanted to find a new fishing ground, so he took his crew and set sail."

"As a result, they encountered a storm at sea and the fishing ground was not found. Instead, their fishing boat ran aground on a small island."

"But what surprised the captain and crew was that there were obviously no fish in the surrounding waters. But the indigenous people on this island were able to catch endless catches every day."

"What's even more surprising to the crew is that they can even often salvage some gold jewelry from the sea."

"And all the natives on the island have to do is sacrifice some young people to the sea."

Hearing this, Tom felt it sounded familiar. Maomao frowned and began to think deeply.

Beidou clenched his fist and said with indignation: "It's so inhumane! Isn't this a waste of human life?"

Randolph glanced at Tom Mu first, then looked at Beidou in surprise, and explained: "This is a religious ceremony."

"Bullshit! This is a cult ritual!"

Beidou cursed.

He cannot accept this act of human sacrifice.

Randolph was stunned when he saw Beidou's appearance, and then he laughed happily: "Haha! That's right! This is a cult ritual."

At the end of the carriage, the three people who had just had a conflict with Beidou looked here again with expressionless faces.

The two of the three who had their backs to them also turned around.

But Tom and the others ignored them.

Randolph seemed to admire Beidou and the others, and continued: "Although the fishing boat captain did not find a new fishing ground this time, they did find this treasure-like island."

"The captain discovered that the natives on the island were only interested in the catch and did not care about the gold jewelry."

"So the captain obtained the gold from the natives at a very small price."

"The fishing boats that received a large amount of gold set sail again. After they returned to the town of Marit, sold the gold, and rebuilt the town, a new trade route was born."

Beidou sounds very immersive.

His eyes widened, his neck stretched forward, and he said cooperatively: "Then what? The town of Marit became prosperous because of this, right?"

A listener like Beidou is definitely every storyteller’s favorite audience.

Because this kind of positive feedback can bring people a strong sense of pleasure.

Even Randolph was no exception.

So does Tom's author friend.

Every time a chapter is updated and comments and chapter reviews appear in the work, he is very happy.

But the story told by Randolph really gave Tom a strong sense of familiarity.

Just listen to Randolph continue: "Things are not that simple. The prosperity brought by gold jewelry does not last long. After all, they are a seaside town."

"When Randolph went to the island again, he found that all the indigenous people on the island had been killed, and only some fragments of the old seal were left on the ground."

"It is a kind of jewelry with magical power that can resist the harm of gods and their servants."

After hearing Randolph's words, Tom suddenly reacted!

Good guy!

He remembered.

Isn't this story the "The Shadow of Innsmouth" in the Cthulhu Mythos?

It's just that in this world, the city called Innsmouth has become the current Marit.

After knowing that Marit is a replica of Innsmouth, Tom can roughly guess what they will face next.

Randolph has been observing the reactions of Beidou and Maomao.

He said nothing, but continued: "Without the gold traded by the islanders, Marit, who had no other means of survival, soon sank again."

"At this time, the captain of the fishery suddenly proposed to the whole town to establish the Lagong Esoteric Cult to worship the gods of the sea."

"After that, they would hold secret meetings and worships every once in a while, and also vacated some houses for guests from the sea to live in."

"Since then, a group of newborns have appeared in the town of Marit, and a group of people who did not belong to the Lagong Esoteric Cult have died."

"But they no longer lack fish, and the whole town has become prosperous."

"However, over the past hundred years, the physical characteristics of the people in the town of Marit have become more and more obvious."

"They have stiff expressions and big, round eyes. People call them Marit faces."

Hearing Randolph's suggestive words, Beidou also thought of something, and turned his head sharply to look at the three people at the end of the carriage.

But this time, the three of them lowered their heads, and no one looked at Beidou again.

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