After a thousand years, the clans that were entangled in grievances finally met again.

Ubuyashiki Yoya, the one who inherited the family's long-cherished wish, connected the thoughts, and passed it down from generation to generation.

Muzan Kibutsuji, the source of all sins and tragedies, the one who cut off emotions and was alone forever.

The sudden appearance of the demon king may be unexpected and frightening to ordinary people.

But for Ubuyashiki Yoya, who was tortured by the curse and suffered both physical and mental torture all the time, it may be a relief.

For thousands of years, the Ubuyashiki clan has been related to Muzan Kibutsuji by blood. After Muzan became a demon, it seemed as if they were cursed by God.

The children born, especially males, are mostly weak and sick, and many children will die within a few months or even a few days.

In order to get rid of Muzan Kibutsuji, it is also to allow the family's bloodline to continue.

A thousand years ago, the Ubuyashiki clan followed the advice of the god and married a girl from the priest clan.

As a result, the male offspring of the Ubuyashiki have a life span of only 30 years, instead of dying in a few months.

Because of overwork or other reasons.

Many people do not even live to the age of 30, and die early because their bodies cannot bear it.

Just like Ubuyashiki Yoya, who is only 23 years old this year, but because of the curse, he is extremely weak. If nothing unexpected happens, he will probably not live for a few years.

"I originally thought that this was a trap to lure me out. After all, the Demon Slayer Corps headquarters that I have been looking for for so many years was suddenly found when I wanted to do it the most. It's really too coincidental. But now it seems that it should not be a trap."

Muzan Muzan looked at Ubuyashiki Yoya, who was severely disfigured and looked extremely weak, and then said: "There is no swordsman protecting or ambushing around. If it is really a trap, you, the bait, will only be eaten in vain."

Muzan Muzan Muzan is very confident in his judgment.

Before showing up, the cautious Muzan Kibutsuji naturally let Mingnu use his eyeball clone to explore the way and confirm that there was no danger around him.

Judging others by himself, Muzan Kibutsuji would never let himself become bait if there was no guarantee.

Listening to Muzan Kibutsuji's confident speech, Ubuyashiki Yoya's face showed a faint smile.

"That's not necessarily true."

"What do you mean?!"

Muzan Kibutsuji heard the words and instantly realized that something might be wrong.

But Ubuyashiki Yoya himself is already here, how could there be danger?

If there is really danger, wouldn't Ubuyashiki Yoya be affected as well?

In Muzan Kibutsuji's mind, there is no concept of voluntary sacrifice at all.

Before Muzan Kibutsuji could figure out the whole story, there was a "boom!" explosion!

A huge explosion like the creation of the world suddenly exploded with the Ubuyashiki mansion, the headquarters of the Demon Slayer Corps, as the center!

The huge explosion quickly expanded and exploded from under the floor of the mansion!

The terrifying shock wave and scorching heat swept outward!

The Ubuyashiki mansion was completely destroyed!

In just a few seconds, the entire Ubuyashiki mansion had been blown into ruins.

Muzan Kibutsuji, who was also hit hard by the explosion, had lost his human form at this time.

In the raging fire, Muzan Kibutsuji had turned into a skeleton with a few pieces of burnt flesh hanging on it.

He had vowed before that it would definitely not be a trap.

Unexpectedly, he was slapped in the face the next second.

Being fooled again, Muzan raised his head and roared in anger: "Ubuyashiki Yoya!!!"

Muzan Kibutsuji roared in the flames, and his powerful momentum spread outward, and soon all the flames burning on his body were expelled.

The damage on his body was recovering rapidly.

Muzan Muzan, who failed to show off but was blown up, was extremely angry and wanted to find other members of the Demon Slayer Corps to vent his anger.

But at this moment, what Muzan Muzan Muzan did not expect was that on the hillside 300 meters away, small flames suddenly lit up, followed by continuous gunshots that had faded a lot because of the distance!

There were not even one or two people shooting, but dozens of them.

These dozens of people were all sharpshooters and outstanding people who had stood out in the firearms training in the past two and a half years.

They used the Springfield rifle that Tom had brought to them. After the mansion exploded, they pulled the trigger without hesitation.

They accurately shot Muzan Muzan with special bullets.

It was because they were worried that Muzan Muzan Muzan would find out that this was a trap in advance that these snipers could not get too close and could only snipe from a distance.

Fortunately, it seems that the plan is going well.

Muzan Muzan Muzan did not expect that he would be shot again.

While being stunned by the bomb in the mansion, he was also continuously shot at!

Clusters of blood burst out from Muzan Kibutsuji's body.

Being taken back a few steps by the powerful kinetic energy of the bullets, Muzan Kibutsuji suddenly stared in the direction of the group of Demon Slayer Corps snipers with murderous eyes.

"It's a trap! It's really a trap!"

Muzan Kibutsuji was full of anger at being ambushed.

He didn't notice at all that there was anything special about the special bullets that shot into his body.

"Hua La La!"

Muzan Kibutsuji wanted to move, but heard a sound of metal chains colliding.

Before Muzan Kibutsuji could react, the meteor hammer thrown by Gyoumei Himei hit Muzan Kibutsuji's head hard!

The meteor hammer version of the Sun Blade, under the blow of Gyoumei Himei Himei, directly smashed Muzan Kibutsuji's head instantly!

If it were an ordinary ghost, he would have died at this time.

But a ghost of Muzan Kibutsuji's level has already broken through the limit of the body. He is not afraid of having his neck cut off at all.

Just like Muzan Kibutsuji often said.

Now he really only has the weakness of being afraid of sunlight.

In a second, Muzan's head grew out again instantly.

The ghost king turned his head and looked at Gyoumei Himei angrily.

Finally used his blood demon art to start counterattacking.

Muzan Kibutsuji stretched out his hand in the direction of Gyoumei Himei Himei...

The next moment!

Hundreds of black thorns grew like poisonous snakes with spirits! They rushed towards the direction of Beimingyu Xingming!

Wherever they passed, whether it was the floor or the building debris that had collapsed before, they were all quickly cut open!

That relaxed look was no different from a hot knife cutting butter.

Seeing this, Beimingyu Xingming swiped out his meteor hammer again.

Seeing this, Muzan sneered and completely wrapped Beimingyu Xingming's meteor hammer with black thorns.

"Your meteor hammer has no effect on me."

Beimingyu Xingming didn't say anything, but he remembered the modification that the cat had made to his weapon.

He pressed the button in his hand without hesitation, and the meteor hammer wrapped in black thorns suddenly turned red, and then the whole thing exploded violently!


The huge explosion spread throughout the forest.

Before Muzan Muzan could be proud for long, he was blown away again!

"Do it!"

Beimingyu Xingming shouted!

After hearing the first explosion in the mansion, the pillars of the Demon Slayer Corps, Tanjiro and the other two came rushing towards this place and attacked from all directions!

They vowed to kill Muzan Kibutsuji here!

Seeing this, Muzan Kibutsuji, who was blown into the air, suddenly sneered!

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