Tom Cat breaks through the dimensional wall

Chapter 341 Gossip about the Supreme Evolution

Due to various considerations, Tang Mu naturally took over the job of Pai Pai's director.

Seeing that Tom Mu agreed, Pai Pai was also surprised and smiled very happily. He even took Tom Mu to the space port in person and arranged a spaceship with the [Galaxy TV] logo for Tom Mu.

"Ah, that's right. Since this is an undercover shooting, you'd better find a place to cover the logo first, otherwise it will be too obvious."

Paipai said and pointed to the logo on the spaceship.

Tom Mu glanced in the direction of Pai Pai's finger and nodded, indicating that he understood.

In fact, he had no intention of obeying me at all.

What a joke.

A ten-pound cat, a nine-pound bone, but the director actually wants to arrange his own work plan.

If you listen to the station director in everything, you won’t even know how long it will take to complete your task.

If you want the quality of content to be good, how can you shoot secretly and silently?

If you want to play, you have to play big!

"Okay, time is limited, act quickly."

Paipai turned Tom over, gently pushed forward with both hands, and pushed Tom to take two steps towards the direction of the spacecraft.

It just so happened that the pink-skinned front desk lady walked by carrying her lunch.

Director Paipai picked up the little sister's lunch bag and stuffed it directly into Tang Mu: "I'll give you something to eat on the way. Come on, hurry up!"

"Hey! That's mine!"

The young lady at the front desk was very dissatisfied. She put her hands on her hips and looked at Mr. Pai Pai angrily.

Pai Pai completely ignored her and just pushed Tom Mu quickly onto the spacecraft with both hands.

After boarding the spaceship, the door closed automatically. Tom Mu stood at the window and looked at Pai Pai below who was smiling and waving to him, and couldn't help but curl his lips.

This station manager doesn't look like a good person.

Why do you look so anxious to drive yourself away?

However, Tom Mu didn't have time to explore what Director Pai Pai was thinking now. It was more important to find Rocket Raccoon.

If you want to develop a TV station well, it is definitely not enough to work alone.

It must have its own team.

Rocket Raccoon fits the bill.

In other words, the Guardians of the Galaxy in the original work are all suitable.

This group of funny people is very suitable for developing entertainment on TV stations and enriching the spiritual world of the people of the galaxy.

Hmm...let me see how to fly this spaceship.

Tom Mu walked slowly to the driver's seat, looking at the 180-degree control panel in front of him, and suddenly felt like he had no idea where to start.

After thinking about it for a while, Tang Mu decided to keep things simple. As expected, it was more convenient to use the controller directly.

It’s almost like playing a game.

With this in mind, Tom Mu directly took out a handle and installed it on the spacecraft.

Now just push the joystick and you can take off!

While Tom Mu was still studying the spacecraft in the driver's seat.

What it didn't know was that Director Pai Pai below was already so anxious that he lost his electricity.

Because he saw a group of people getting off another luxury spacecraft at the space port.

They came here to collect debts.

I saw that group of strange-looking, but very strong and fierce people walking towards me.

Paipai was extremely anxious.

He was wondering why Tom didn't sail away yet.

"Are you the director of Galaxy TV?"

One of the guys, as powerful and strong as a gorilla, walked up to Pai Pai and looked down at Director Pai Pai.

The opponent's momentum was so strong that Paipai was suppressed until the screen of his helmet was blurred.

When Paipai was racking his brains for an answer, the Galaxy on the side just started to launch, and after gliding for a distance, it suddenly rushed out of the airport!

"Our station director is over there! He has something to do and just left!"

Paipai was overjoyed when he saw this, and immediately pointed at the Galaxy flying away and shouted.

"But, our information shows that you are the director of Galaxy TV."

The strong man looked at his wrist and compared it with the party in front of him to confirm that it was correct.

"I am the former director, and the current director is Tom. So, if you are here to collect a debt, you'd better go find it."

Paipai looked at the group of strong men in front of him and acted very seriously.

Seeing his determined look, the strong men looked at each other, somewhat confused about the situation.

The leading orangutan brother took two steps back, got together with his brothers, and whispered softly: "He said we should go find that Tom, but it seems he is the one who owes the money, right?"

"Brother, the person who owes money is the director of Galaxy TV. He is no longer the director of the TV station."

A boy next to him checked the current situation of Galaxy TV.

"Huh? It seems to make sense."

The orangutan brother scratched his head.

Director Pai Pai was waiting nervously. He didn't know if he could fool him.

Finally, the group of people finished their discussion, and the orangutan brother quickly walked up to Pai Pai, and slapped Pai Pai with a fierce face!


Paipai spoke nervously.

"When will your station director come back?"

As soon as Brother Orangutan opened his mouth, Pipai breathed a sigh of relief.

He knew that he had been confused for the time being.

So he immediately promised: "It went out to discuss business, and it will definitely come back within three universe days!"

In fact, Paipai didn't know when Tom Mu would come back. He just reported a random number.

This is called delaying.

The orangutan brother with a very fierce face stared at Paipai for a long time, making Paipai a little hairy, and then said again: "I don't trust you."

Pipai was trembling, not knowing what to say.

"Hand over your station director's information, otherwise how would I know if you would deliberately cover it up."

The gorilla brother said, and secretly glanced back at his group of younger brothers.

Seeing the expressions of admiration on his younger brothers' faces, the orangutan brother suddenly raised his head proudly.

Oh shit!

I'm so smart!

Hearing that the orangutan brother was just struggling with this issue, Paipai breathed a sigh of relief and handed over Tom Mu's information without saying a word.

Looking at the cat in the projection, which stood only 1.2 meters tall, the orangutan brother nodded seriously: "I remember it! I hope you are not lying. We will come back in three days."

"I promise not to lie to you! Our TV station is right here!"

Paipai assured immediately.

When the gorilla brother heard this, he showed an extremely ferocious look and said: "I hope you won't be stupid. I have information about your station director and can arrest him in the whole universe at any time!"

After warning Paipai and seeing that he had always had a good attitude, the gorilla brother did not stay any longer, turned around and left with his younger brothers.

After watching the group of people leave, Paipai quickly ran towards the elevator.

A delaying tactic is just a delaying tactic.

The top priority was that he had to run away with the bucket now!

Even with his words, he could deceive those stupid people collecting debts.

But once he meets someone with a normal mind, he is doomed!

Tom Mu, who was sailing through the stars at this time, didn't know what happened to Galaxy TV.

Being so big, this is the first time it has truly traveled in the universe.

This feeling made Tom Mu feel very romantic.

The most beautiful rose in the world is the stardust that nourishes the mud and the Milky Way. It will never wither, and will always bloom in the quiet universe.

Every star you see is the light emitted by the extinct planet hundreds of millions of years ago. It passes through the space and time of the universe and casts an inverted light spot on the retina.

Beyond life and death, beyond time and space, beyond love.

That kind of romance is cold and far beyond all literature.

The Galaxy sailed at high speed in the dark universe.

But Tom Mu didn't feel lonely. Instead, he enjoyed his time very much.

Perhaps after waiting for a long time, it can gradually get used to this feeling.

The spacecraft contains the coordinates of the supreme evolution.

It requires 76 space jumps to reach.

But Tom was not so anxious to complete the task.

Although it is not the first time to go into space, it is indeed the first real space travel.

So it also has certain tourism ideas.

I want to take a good look at the stardust scenery.

About a cosmic day later, Tang Mu entered the coordinates and started the space jump.

If 76 space jumps were carried out continuously in a short period of time, ordinary life would definitely not be able to bear it.

There will be an extremely negative reaction.

But Tom was fearless.

As soon as the handle button is pressed, the Galaxy spacecraft immediately starts a crazy space jump!


As the number of jumps increased, Tom Mu's body suddenly began to undergo extremely violent deformations.

Its two eyeballs were filled with bloodshot eyes and popped out!

Fortunately, this time did not last long.

In the originally quiet space, a spaceship appeared instantly, floating quietly above the dark curtain.


In the driver's seat, Tom Mu, who had turned into a puddle of mud, let out a weak sigh.

Stretching out a paw, holding his raised tail, like pressing a lever, Tom made repeated pressing movements.

As Tom Mu pressed, the originally mud-like body was slowly filled with gas, and the whole cat became normal.

"Destination reached!"

There was a mechanical sound inside the spacecraft.

Tom waved his paws to show that he already knew.

Through the porthole in front of him, Tom also saw its destination.

If it weren't for the fact that he knew this was not the solar system, Tom Mu would have almost mistaken the blue planet in front of him for the earth.

Not only does it look similar on the outside, but after Tom Mu piloted the spacecraft into the planet's atmosphere and looked at the details inside, it felt more like it.

However, this planet seems to be still under construction.

There is very little real finished area.

Tom's spaceship landed in an area similar to the United States.

During the landing, it even saw a Statue of Liberty under construction.

However, the goddess statue seemed to have been replaced by a black man.

Tom Mu finally saw it.

This should be the Counter-Earth that appeared in "Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3".

That was another Earth specially created by the Supreme Evolution to look like the Earth in order to create a utopian world.

There is a detail in the plot of "Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3".

When Rocket Raccoon sat on Supreme Evolution's lap and listened to the lecture, the scenery outside the window was the city under construction.

The construction style of that city is obviously the style of the earth.

Plus the lines of supreme evolution.

There is no doubt about it.

Rocket Raccoon was transformed on Counter-Earth.

In other words, Tom Mu really came to the right place.

According to Director Pai Pai, Tang Mu should find a way to sneak into the supremely evolved spaceship and film it undercover.

But Tang Mu was too lazy to do that and planned to just go up with the camera.

What stands out is a free will.

On the way here, Tom also considered the issue of the TV station.

The best way to increase the TV station's ratings in the early stage is to take advantage of the popularity.

The Supreme Evolution is also a well-known existence in the universe.

This can be seen from Gamora's fearful attitude towards him.

Since he is so famous, it would be a waste if he doesn't take advantage of such a big popularity!

Tom believes that there must be many people who are very interested in the legendary Supreme Evolution.

Director Paipai's plan to only shoot experimental projects is simply a waste of resources.

If it were Tom, he would naturally not miss any of the popularity of the Supreme Evolution.

First, take advantage of the Supreme Evolution and boost the TV station's ratings.

Since the world mission of this world is to play entertainment.

Tom is not going to save face, and everything is based on the development of the TV station.

"Wait a minute, what are you here for?"

The Supreme Evolution usually stays in his spaceship.

That spaceship is both a spaceship and his laboratory.

It is called a spaceship, but in fact it is quite large.

The void that appeared in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 1 and Vol. 2, that is, the skull head of the Celestial Clan, is about the same size as it.

It is no problem to say that it is an asteroid.

Looking at the guards blocking the way in front of him, Tom directly carried a row of ladders.

"Okay, you can go in."

The guard waved his hand casually, and Tom whistled and walked into the heavily guarded spaceship easily.

As soon as he entered the spaceship, Tom threw the ladder away, picked up the camera and started shooting.

Sure enough, as long as you carry a ladder, you can go anywhere.

This is applicable to all the heavens and worlds.

In the throne room of the spaceship, a black man sat casually on the ground.

On his knees, sat a little raccoon.

This black man is the Supreme Evolution, and the little raccoon is one of the future members of the Guardians of the Galaxy, Rocket.

It's just that it hasn't given itself a name yet.

Everyone calls it, only a cold code name.


"Yes, of course."

"Its ability has improved by leaps and bounds."

In front of the Supreme Evolution, a bald man wearing a white windbreaker knelt down on his knees, holding a blackboard in his hands.

On the blackboard, there were densely packed questions.

Rocket Raccoon, who looked very small, was able to answer the questions on it at an extremely fast speed without any mistakes.

Such wisdom made the Supreme Evolution and the bald fat man exclaim in admiration.

There was a large chip on the right side of the fat man's head. It was its external brain, which could be used to store data and help it calculate quickly.

Its name was Xier, one of the scientists who assisted the Supreme Evolution in research.

"Swish, swish, swish."

Rocket Raccoon finished answering the questions and turned back to look at the Supreme Evolution with his ignorant eyes.

"Yes, P13, very good."

The Supreme Evolution looked at Rocket Raccoon and praised him repeatedly, acting like a gentle kindergarten teacher.

Rocket seemed very happy to receive the praise, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

At the same time, Tom, who was also in the spaceship, had already walked into the private bedroom of the Supreme Evolution.

He knew very well that no one really cared about what experiments the Supreme Evolution was doing.

But if the news broke that the Supreme Evolution liked to wear women's underwear, it would definitely attract the attention of the entire galaxy!

Tom showed a harmless smile on his face.

He casually took out a pair of pink lace underwear and threw it on the bed of the Supreme Evolution.

He raised his camera and started taking pictures!

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