Tom Cat breaks through the dimensional wall

Chapter 370: Add another pair of chopsticks

[World Mission: Build Galaxy TV, reject fighting and killing, and become a well-known TV station familiar to the people of the Galaxy. (Completed)]

[World Mission Rewards: ① Free access to the Marvel World. ② The audience spontaneously boycotts the insincere money-making bad movies. ]

[World Identity: Director]

[World Identity Compatibility Judgment: Qualified]

[Reward Humanization Progress: 5%]

[Current Humanization Progress: 50%]

The mission of the Marvel World has been completed, and Tom can finally return to his idle daily life.

This time he stayed in the Marvel World for a long time.

Tom really missed the daily life in the main world.

Early in the morning, Guan Ma put on Tom's exclusive cat backpack.

As soon as he put on the bag, Tom knew that he had to go out to buy groceries with Guan Ma.

Sui Sui is still sleeping now.

When Tom returned yesterday, Sui Sui took a temporary work task and worked at home until midnight before going to bed.

Otherwise, with Guan's mother's temper, she would have rushed forward and picked up her slippers to hit her, then suddenly opened the curtains and hit her with a flash bomb.

And it wasn't for nothing that Sui Sui worked overtime yesterday.

At least the boss gave her a lot of overtime pay, plus a New Year's red envelope.

Otherwise, Guan's mother would have scolded her for a long time.

Following Guan's mother downstairs, Tang Mu's four little paws stepped on the stairs, making a crisp "click" sound.

Out of the door of the apartment building, a refreshing and cold air mixed with a hint of soil smell rushed over.

It made Tang Mu's nose itchy and he sneezed.

It rained last night, and the ground outside is still a little wet now.

Guan's mother smiled and greeted the neighbors in the community, carrying a basket of vegetables in her hand and walking out.

The time now is 6:30 in the morning.

The reason why we have to go out so early to buy vegetables is mainly because at this time every morning, farmers from nearby towns will bring their own vegetables and fruits to the market to sell.

After Guan's mother found out, she got up early every day and walked an extra kilometer to go buy vegetables with the grandparents.

According to Guan's mother herself, the vegetables grown in the farmers' own vegetable gardens are fresher and more delicious.

At first, Tang Mu believed what Guan's mother said.

But after eating for a few days, Tang Mu found that except for the corn sold by an old man, the other vegetables seemed to be almost the same as those sold in the vegetable market.

Until one day, Guan's mother began to take Tang Mu and Guan Suisui out, Tang Mu realized that Guan's mother came here to buy vegetables for her own reasons.

Walking out of the old street community, Tang Mu looked down at the puddle in the depression on the sidewalk at his feet.

In the puddle was a cute furry cat face.

On that face, there seemed to be a small black bug crawling.

"Pah, pah!"

Tang Mu frowned, raised his paw and patted the puddle twice.

The little bug was patted out by Tang Mu's hooked paw.

It turned out to be a small ant that fell into a puddle.

The small ant turned around a few times on the floor tiles aimlessly, and finally ran away towards the corner of the wall.

Tang Mu silently watched the small ant leave.

The puddle at his feet swayed gently, reflecting the swaying reflection of the cat.

"Tom, stop playing in the water, don't catch a cold."

Guan Ma in front turned around and called.


Tang Mu responded quickly, then crossed the puddle and followed Guan Ma's feet.

"I'm going to give you a bath when I get home, look at your dirty feet."

Hearing Guan Ma's words, Tang Mu looked down at his feet.

He found that there was indeed a lot of mud on them.

Looking back again, there was a row of plum blossom footprints on the sidewalk left by himself.


Tang Mu shook his head indifferently.

It's just a little cat, and it always gets its feet dirty when it goes out.

Just wash them when you get home.

It's used to it.

With his head raised proudly, Tang Mu admired the scenery after four years.

It was already quite a while since the New Year.

But the occasional red on the streets still gave us the feeling of the warmth of the New Year.

Well, none of these people's Spring Festival couplets look as good as the ones in my house.

Tang Mu made a comparison proudly.

Not long after, one man and one cat came to a small market one kilometer away from the community.

This market is a kind of assistance and welfare provided by the municipal government to the surrounding farmers.

There are four buses every day, which will pick up and drop off the surrounding farmers to sell their goods here for free.

Because of the task reward Tang Mu received before.

There will be no more food safety problems in the world.

Many profiteers who make money from dirty tricks are finished.

When people go out to buy vegetables, they don't have to worry about getting sick from eating.

In this way, these policies that benefit farmers can also reduce the cost of supervision and do better.

The small market is quite lively.

Many people who live nearby come to shop.

But there are not many young people.

There are even fewer people like Guan Ma who go out to buy vegetables with a cat.

As soon as I walked into the small market, I could clearly notice a lot of stares.

Some of the more familiar aunties would come forward and say a few words.

Guan Ma replied politely and started to buy vegetables with Tang Mu.

It's 2023.

China's national strength has made a leap forward compared to before.

The improvement in the quality of life of the people is also obvious to all.

Most of the people who buy vegetables or sell small handicrafts here are elderly.

Those who are allowed to sell goods here obviously have certain difficulties at home.

Perhaps they have no children or grandchildren to take care of them, or they simply have no children or grandchildren.

Tang Mu didn't want to think too much.

Just looking at their wrinkled faces, cracked hands, dirt between their fingers, and those shy smiles, Tang Mu felt sour in his heart.

He looked up at Guan's mother.

The expression on the face of this elementary school class teacher did not change much, but just bought the vegetables they needed from these grandparents in a very normal way.

The things sold by the grandparents are not expensive.

But as long as Guan's mother hesitated for a while, the grandparents opposite would immediately lower the price, fearing that they would not be able to sell if they offered too high a price.

Because their land is very small and scattered.

The things they usually grow are not enough.

They can't find channels to enter the vegetable market and supermarket.

For them, small markets like this are already a very important sales platform.

Guan's mother certainly won't take advantage of these grandparents, and quickly bought them at the original price.

Tang Mu knew that Guan Ma walked a kilometer here every day, and she must have intended to help these grandparents.

But Guan Ma didn't spend money lavishly.

She said she would take care of everything.

Both parties just took what they needed and made a normal transaction.

After buying the vegetables, Guan Ma walked around the market again, as if looking for someone, but she didn't find him in the end.

So Guan Ma took Tang Mu out.

When she was about to leave the market, Guan Ma paused and walked to the other side of the intersection with him.

This is a stall of an old man who looks a little skinny.

There are loofahs on it.

Loofahs are not food.

Although it has certain medicinal value.

But it is mostly used as a cleaning product.

It is especially useful for washing dishes and pots.

It is much better than those sponges.

It was obvious that Guan Ma was looking for this old man before.

"I looked for you all over, and I thought you wouldn't come today."

Mother Guan squatted down in front of the old man with a smile: "Give me a few more, this thing is useful, take it back and give it to others."


The old man didn't say why he was late, but smiled and put a few in a wrinkled red plastic bag for Mother Guan.

After paying, Mother Guan stuffed the plastic bag of loofah into Tang Mu's backpack.

She patted Tang Mu's little head and signaled that he could leave.

Mother Guan walked in front as usual.

Tang Mu followed behind, looking back every few steps to look at the old man, and then he found that his right leg seemed to be a little bit not working well.

He should be sick, or have a leg injury that affects his movement.

Tang Mu tried not to think worse.

But Tang Mu also knew why Mother Guan was more concerned about this grandfather.

The man and the cat walked another kilometer back to the old street community.

After returning to the community, Mother Guan really gave the loofahs to several familiar neighbors.

This naturally includes Uncle Qin and Grandma Lan.

The little gift of loofah seems to be quite popular.

After returning home, Sui Sui has also woken up.

When she saw Tang Mu and Guan Ma coming back, she immediately said happily: "Mom! Prepare an extra pair of chopsticks today!"

Guan Ma had just come back and didn't quite understand the situation.

Seeing Guan Sui Sui so happy, she was also stunned: "What's wrong? Why do you suddenly need an extra pair of chopsticks?"

"Oh! Don't ask, you'll know later, I want to give you a surprise."

Guan Sui Sui was still wearing pajamas. While talking, she scratched her head and held up a large section of her hair, looking silly.

"Still keeping it a secret..."

Guan Ma couldn't help but mutter, carrying a bag of vegetables, while walking to the kitchen, she said: "Add a pair of chopsticks, is there going to be guests at home? Sui Sui is so happy, is Tang Mu coming back?"

Tang Mu, who was following Guan Ma, stopped abruptly when he heard the words!

He turned back to look at Guan Sui Sui in disbelief.

What's going on?

Tang Mu is coming back?

Then who am I?

Tang Mu turned around and wanted to find Silly Sui Sui.

But Guan Ma picked him up: "Where are you going? I told you to take a shower."


Tang Mu struggled and twisted his body to protest.

Guan Ma punched Tang Mu on the head, making the dishonest cat behave instantly.

There was a sound of water in the bathroom.

Then there was the roar of a hair dryer.

After washing, Tang Mu came out of the bathroom with fluffy fur and came directly to Guan Sui Sui.

Seeing that this silly girl was really happy, he felt relieved immediately.

Just like Sui Sui unconditionally trusted Tang Mu.

Tang Mu also unconditionally trusted Sui Sui.

As far as Tang Mu's view of love is concerned, this is the basic principle of their relationship.

Mutual suspicion is destined to not last long.

If something really happens, it will be useless no matter how much you suspect.

When nothing happens, too much suspicion will tear the relationship between the two.

Nothing has become something.

It doesn't matter if you wait until something really happens to solve it, just break up directly.

After all, that is also a bottom line issue.

Of course, every happy couple has their own way of getting along.

But in a relationship, mutual understanding and trust are definitely very important.

Now Tang Mu is very curious.

What is this silly girl planning in her head?

Tomoko hasn't forgotten what this guy was doing when he just traveled back from the world of "Demon Slayer".

She actually put a black plastic bag over her head, laughing and crawling around in the dark alley.

Tom was quite frightened at that time.

With this girl's brain circuit, she can definitely figure out anything.

Soon, it was noon.

It's time to get ready for lunch.

Guan Ma always thought that guests would come to her door today, so she specially cooked some delicious dishes and prepared an extra pair of bowls and chopsticks.

"Hey, what day is it today to make such a sumptuous meal? There is also my favorite chicken feet."

Dad Guan came back. When he saw the delicious food on the table, he suddenly felt a little confused.

Then he also noticed the extra set of bowls and chopsticks on the table, and immediately said clearly: "A guest is coming to the house?"

"Go wash your hands and collect your garbage. Tom may come back."

Guan's mother came out with a bowl of pork ribs. Seeing Guan's father trying to grab the chicken feet, she kicked him over!


Tom Mu, who was passing by, suffered a terrible disaster and was kicked directly into the fishing bucket at the entrance by Guan Ma.

The plastic bucket suddenly shook, and Tom kept flopping inside, splashing water everywhere.


Both Guan's father and Guan's mother were startled and hurried over.

"Ouch! Didn't the kick hurt you?"

Guan Ma picked up the cat in the bucket, her face full of remorse.

Dad Guan also ran over with a concerned look on his face.

Directly avoiding Guan Ma and Tang Mu, he stretched his head to look into the bucket, his facial expression suddenly became anxious: "Oh! Where is my fish!"

“Just know how to care about your fish!”

Guan's mother hugged Tang Mu and kicked Guan's father again.

This kick left little strength.

Dad Guan immediately covered his buttocks and let out a cry of pain.


At this moment, the corner of Tang Mu's mouth squirmed, and a 15cm grass carp was spat out.

"Ah! My fish!"

Dad Guan quickly raised the fishing bucket and caught the grass carp that Tom spat out.

"Hurry and clean up. Tom Mu will be back soon. Do you still look like an elder?"

Guan Ma glared at Guan Dad, hugged Tang Mu and went to take a shower again.

This morning, Tang Mu took two baths.

There is nothing we can do.

The fishy smell from that fishing bucket was really too strong.

Even Tom, a cat who loves fish, couldn't stand it.

After being washed and dried, Tom Mu sat in front of the dining table, fluffy and fluffy, waiting for the meal.

At this time, Guan Suisui also ran over briskly.

When I saw that there was indeed an extra pair of chopsticks on the table, I took them over with great satisfaction.

Seeing that there was a bowl of rice next to the chopsticks, I immediately looked at Guan Ma with some confusion: "Mom, are there any guests in our house today? Why do we have to pack an extra bowl of rice?"

Guan Suisui's question directly shut down Guan's parents and Guan's mother.

"Didn't you ask me to prepare an extra set of dishes and chopsticks?"

Guan Ma was confused.

"I want you to prepare an extra pair of chopsticks."

Guan Suisui was equally puzzled.

"What do you mean? When the guests come, they only use their chopsticks and don't eat?"

Guan Ma felt like her brain was going crazy.

"Ah? Where are the guests? These chopsticks are for myself."

Guan Suisui looked at her mother and then her father, her little head filled with questions.

When Guan Ma heard this, her eyes suddenly became sharp.

Based on her experience of raising Guan Suisui for more than 20 years, she immediately noticed that something was wrong with this matter: "Tell me, what do you want these chopsticks for?"

When Guan Suisui heard this question, she burst out laughing excitedly. She grabbed a pair of chopsticks in one hand and exclaimed, "I have been practicing using chopsticks with both hands for a week! Now I can cook with both hands!"

"Quack, hurry up!"

When Guan Ma heard this answer, her face suddenly darkened!

On the side, Dad Guan silently handed over the slippers.

Guan Ma took the slippers, stood up and chased after Guan Suisui: "I thought it was Tang Mu who was coming back! I told you to do the work! I told you to go faster! I will also beat you faster!"

"Ahhh! Mother, please calm down! I don't dare to do it anymore! I promise I won't use two pairs of chopsticks to fight for your food with you!"



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