Tom Cat breaks through the dimensional wall

Chapter 375: Survival on a deserted island! Cheap seabirds!

Robinson subconsciously wanted to see the whale clearly.

But a sinking plank knocked Robinson in the sea water into a circle.

The sea water pressed on his chest, making Robinson almost gasp, and he could only paddle hard to save himself.

Robinson in the water was in a state of confusion, which was hard to describe.

Although he was good at water on weekdays, it was very difficult for him to even float up and breathe in such a stormy sea.

Fortunately, Robinson seemed to have good luck.

In the end, the waves still washed him ashore.

When the waves slowly receded, Robinson was left on the half-dry shore.

Although the sea water had half-drunk the restless adventurer.

But fortunately, Robinson's mind was still clear.

Realizing that his hands could support the land, he looked up and observed without caring about anything else.

In front of him was a dark land.

Seeing that he was close to the land, Robinson immediately got up and ran towards the land desperately.

In order to avoid the second wave from sweeping him into the sea.

At this time, Robinson had not completely penetrated the land.

It was quite normal to have such concerns when the waves were so big.

However, after running two steps with great effort, Robinson immediately found that he could not escape from this situation.

He saw the waves like mountains behind him surging!

He could not resist at all, and he was powerless to resist.

At this time, he could only hold his breath as much as possible, let himself float to the surface, and try his best to swim to the shore.

He had only one thought in his mind now.

I hope that after the waves rushed him to the shore, they would not sweep him back to the sea!


A huge wave rushed behind him!

It buried Robinson directly into the water seven or eight meters deep.

He felt the waves pushing him to the shore quickly and violently.

At the same time, he held his breath and swam towards the shore desperately.

The land seemed to be close at hand, but it seemed to be thousands of miles away.

Every time he felt that he was about to go ashore, he would be swept back by a wave soon.

The waves kept sweeping over Robinson like a rag, with no resistance at all.

Robinson had been holding his breath, and at this moment he felt that his lungs were about to explode.

Fortunately, gradually, he felt his head and hands emerge from the water again.

Although it was only two seconds, it allowed Robinson to breathe again, greatly enhanced his courage, and greatly reduced the pain.

Then, he was buried in the waves again.

But this time it was not as long as the last time, and he finally survived.

When Robinson felt that the waves were running out of power, he struggled forward desperately in the retreating waves, not wanting to be carried away by the waves again.

His physical strength was almost exhausted.

If he could not get ashore again this time, he saw that he would never have a chance to get ashore again.

Finally! The efforts to survive were useful, and his feet touched the beach again.

He stood for a while, took a breath, and tried to stand firm in the sea water that was over his chest.

As soon as the sea water receded, Robinson immediately ran to the shore desperately.

But the ocean seemed to be playing with him.

Robinson still couldn't escape the attack of the huge waves.

The huge waves surged from behind him again!

Twice in a row, they rolled him up and pushed him to the flat coast like before.

The impact of these two big waves almost killed Robinson.

Because when the waves pushed him forward, they directly hit him on a rock!

There was a loud "bang"!

This made him lose consciousness immediately and unable to move.

It turned out that this collision hit his chest, making him almost unable to breathe.

If there was another wave at this time, Robinson would definitely drown in the water.

At this moment, between the surging waves, a cat stepping on a washboard like a surfboard slid over lightly.

Seeing the young white man hanging on the reef on the shore, Tom didn't say a word and slapped him twice!

These two slaps instantly woke up the unconscious Robinson.

Robinson was startled when he saw the cat beside him.

But the waves behind him were about to rush over again.

Robinson had no time to pay attention to Tom's situation.

The situation was critical at this time. If Robinson did not do something, he would be swallowed by the sea.

So he decided to hold on to the big rock tightly and wait for the sea to recede before running to the shore.

Fortunately, the wave was not big and it was very close to the real land.

Robinson's plan was successful.

After running close to the coast, another wave came from behind and covered his head directly.

This kind of wave no longer had the power to swallow or sweep Robinson away.

For his own life, he continued to run forward.

Finally ran to the shore and quickly climbed up the rocks on the shore.

After confirming safety, Robinson, who was relieved, instantly lost his strength and sat down directly on the grass.

At this time, he was finally out of danger.

At this distance and height, the waves could no longer attack him.

This made Robinson feel infinitely relieved.

Humans are no better than ants in the fight against nature.

Just a few storms and some waves put Robinson in danger at sea.

If he hadn't been lucky enough.

I'm afraid he would have died in the sea like other sailors.


Tom Mu, who was also soaked and looking like a drowned cat, squatted beside Robinson and barked softly to indicate his presence.

Robinson finally had time to focus on other things at this time.

Turning to look at Tom Mu, he showed an expression that he didn't know if he was smiling or not. He reached out and patted Tom Mu on the back, pressing Tom Mu's already soaked cat fur closer to his skin.

"Tom, it's a blessing from God that you're still alive."

At this time, Robinson believed in God, but it was just the kind of faith he talked about.

Believe it when you need it, but don't believe it when you don't need it.

This is very similar to many Chinese people.

But the future Robinson is living alone on a desert island.

He desperately needed a faith to keep him alive, so he picked up the Bible and gradually strengthened his faith in God.

Religion is a difficult thing to deal with.

Generally speaking, it leads people to do good.

Unfortunately, those who control religion have selfish motives.

But here, at least Robinson, a man living on a desert island, has the faith to persevere.

It can be considered that it has finally played some positive role.

Now Tom Mu hasn't opened the system yet, and he doesn't know which world he has traveled to.

But judging from the current situation, Tang Mu could still roughly guess where it was.

Shipwrecked, stranded on a deserted island.

Plus the clothes on the young blond white man in front of me.

The name of a book already popped into Tang Mu's mind.

"Robinson Crusoe".

Open the system panel and take a look.

Sure enough, I guessed it right, it was Robinson Crusoe.

Current World: Robinson Crusoe.

World Quest: Conquer the Desert Island!

World mission rewards: settled after completion.

World Identity: The cat catching mice on Robinson Crusoe's ship.

Identity reward: 5% progress in transformation.

The mission was unremarkable.

This time’s identity in the world is also unremarkable.

But it is quite consistent with the real Tom in "Tom and Jerry".

If "Tom and Jerry" also shoots a theatrical version similar to "Robinson Crusoe", it is estimated that the identity will be the same as mine.

Putting away the system panel, Tom Mu turned to look at Robinson again.

Just now he was still talking to Tom Mu.

Now I have been immersed in my own world again, looking completely selfless.

Tom can understand this.

After all, he had just escaped from death, so it was normal for him to have some mental problems.

At this time, Robinson has landed safely on land, and he has no missing arms or legs. He has landed safely!

Even a non-devout believer like Robinson Crusoe could not help but look up to the sky and thank God for saving his life from the desperate situation.

Because a few minutes ago, he had almost no hope of survival.

Now he believes it.

When a person can escape death like him, his joyful and joyful mood must be indescribable.

At this time, Robinson could fully understand their British custom.

That is, when the evildoer is put on a noose, the knot is tightened, and he is about to be hanged, the pardon letter happens to arrive at this time.

In this case, the surgeon and the pardon usually arrive at the same time, so that the prisoner can be bled, lest he faint from overjoyed blood.

The ecstasy and the sadness are both soothing and out-of-body.

Under Tom's stupid gaze, Robinson suddenly stood up and ran wildly on the shore!

He raised his hands in the air and made a thousand weird gestures.

At this time, all his body and mind were recalling his escape from death.

He also sighed: "All my companions were buried in the sea, and I was the only one alive. It's really incredible."

If the crew members on the bottom of the sea heard Robinson's words, I wonder if they would be so angry that they would come to life.

Gradually, it seemed that I was tired from running.

Robinson finally stopped slowly.

Looking towards the sea, Robinson saw several hats, a skullcap, and two unpaired shoes drifting with the current.

This is why Robinson suddenly thought of those crew members.

He looked at the stranded ship in the distance. At this time, the sea was covered in smoke and waves. The ship was far away from the shore and could only be vaguely seen.

He couldn't help but sigh again: "Oh God, I can actually get to the shore!"

He comforted himself and was glad that he was back from the dead.

Then, Robinson's thoughts finally calmed down.

He began to look around to see where he had ended up and to think about what to do next.

Tom Mu was also looking around, observing the environment of the island.

And think about how to complete world tasks.

But don’t look at it.

This sight made Robinson's mood immediately drop.

Although he was rescued, he fell into another desperate situation.

He was soaked and had no clothes to change.

He was hungry and thirsty, but had nothing to satisfy his hunger and thirst.

He saw no way out except starvation or being eaten by wild beasts.

Robinson checked his body depressedly and found that there was nothing else on him except a knife, a pipe and a small box of tobacco leaves.

This made him worried.

Under Tom's helpless gaze, Robinson, whose mental state seemed to have real problems, started running again.

For a long time, Robinson ran around wildly on the shore, venting his negative emotions like a madman.

Until night falls.

Robinson calmed down a little.

He suddenly thought that most wild animals came out to look for food at night, which made him even more worried.

He was thinking, if there were really wild beasts here, what would be his fate?

At this time, Tom Mu had found a clean stone to lie down on, yawning while looking at Psycho Robinson's performance art.

As a cat, Tom finally began to observe humans like a normal cat.

When I was a child, I didn't feel it when I read the novel "Robinson Crusoe".

At this time, I put myself in the shoes of a real desert island and watched Robinson struggling to survive.

I finally got a rough idea of ​​how much mental pressure he was under.

How strong will he be in the future?

For Robinson, the entire desert island is undoubtedly unknown.

I don't know how much danger there is.

And mankind's greatest fear comes from the unknown.

Plus it was night time.

With limited vision, fear is greatly increased.

This allowed Robinson to only temporarily operate in the small area where he landed.

Near him, there was a large tree with dense leaves.

It looks a bit like a vertical tree, but with thorns.

The only way Robinson could think of now was to climb up and sit there all night, and wait until the next day to think about death.

Because at this time Robinson could not see any way out.

At this time, Robinson looked at Tom Mu on the stone again.

I felt a little relieved.

Anyway, there was at least one familiar creature on this island.

Although this cat is extremely lazy and doesn't catch mice at all when on the boat, it still eats a lot.

The first mate on the ship felt a little regretful.

I thought that such a big cat would be pretty good at catching mice.

In the end, they just picked up a rice bucket and even fed the mice.

"I'm going to find some fresh water to drink, will you go?"

Robinson shouted to Tom.

Tom turned over, lying leisurely on the stone, crossing his legs to look at the stars, and casually waved his paws towards Robinson.

Robinson was shocked when he saw Tom Mu's humane actions.

Because of the age issue.

Robinson, who had limited thinking, thought of many things.

It's just that Tom's lazy look is no different from the cat in his memory.

So Robinson turned around and left.

He walked dozens of meters inward from the coast. Now he was very thirsty and needed to find some fresh water to drink.

Fortunately, he found it in a short time!

This made Robinson overjoyed, and he quickly leaned down and drank water from a small puddle.

After drinking the water, he took some tobacco leaves and put them in his mouth to satisfy his hunger.

Then we walked back to the beach where we landed forward.

After watching Tom for a while and confirming that everything was normal, Robinson climbed up the tree and tried to lie down as stable as possible to avoid falling from the tree after falling asleep.

He also cut a branch from the tree beforehand and made a short stick for self-defense.

Due to extreme fatigue, Robinson fell asleep immediately, and he slept soundly and soundly.

Before falling asleep, Robinson was still thinking that no one in his current environment would ever sleep as soundly as he did.

Robinson slept soundly, as Tom could attest.

Because not even a minute after he climbed up the tree, there was already a loud snoring.

Seeing this, Tom also climbed up the tree, stood directly on Robinson's chest, stretched out his paws and opened his eyelids.

As expected, there were two big characters in deep red that read "Sleep Deeply"!

He stepped on Robinson's chest again.

Tom Mu planned to sleep directly on Robinson.

No matter what, a human mat is more comfortable than the ground or stone.

It's just that the snoring sound is a bit annoying.

Tom Mu directly took out a clamp and clamped it on Robinson's mouth, and the snoring stopped immediately.

Just when Tom Mu was about to fall asleep, he suddenly discovered that the sea in the distance was emitting beautiful blue fluorescence.

A huge whale with fluorescent lights all over its body slowly emerged from the water.

This was the first time for Tom Mu to see such a beautiful creature.

But Tom Mu was also curious.

In the original novel, this magical creature does not seem to appear.

After all, Robinson Crusoe is an adventure novel.

In the 21st century, perhaps we can also add the title of "Enlightenment of Farming Literature".

But it's definitely not a fantasy novel.

There is nothing supernatural in it.

Logically speaking, this scenario should not occur.

But he didn’t wait for Tang Mu to go over there to investigate.

In the blink of an eye, the fluorescent whale had disappeared.

The sea in the distance was pitch black, and what was normal could no longer be normal.

Seeing this, Tang Mu could only click his tongue, put this matter aside for the time being, and lie down to sleep.

Now that I can see it once.

There is no guarantee that we will see it a second or third time in the future.

Don't rush this moment.

Compared to that mysterious whale.

For Tom Mu, world tasks are more important.

Starting from tomorrow, maybe it will have to survive in the wilderness on this desert island.

When I woke up, it was already broad daylight.

By this time, the storm had passed, the weather was clear, and the sea was no longer as rough as before.

However, Robinson felt that he did not rest well.

Not exactly because of sleeping in a tree.

Robinson only felt that it was extremely difficult to breathe while sleeping.

This gave him nightmares all night long.

He kept recalling the scene of him struggling desperately in the waves.

Even the final awakening is not a natural awakening.

But I couldn't catch my breath and suddenly woke up!

After straightening up, Robinson suddenly opened his eyes.

What he saw was a big cat sleeping soundly on his chest.

This made Robinson feel a little bad.

He directly grabbed the sleeping Tom Mu and threw him into the tree.

He touched his mouth subconsciously.

He always felt like there was something clamped in his mouth last night.

Apparently, this must also be a dream.

After sitting on the tree and stretching his muscles, Robinson also jumped down from it.

At this time, Tom Mu was thrown on the beach and he didn't even wake up.

Just a gust of sea breeze blew over, and Tom Mu, who felt a little cold, closed his eyes and stretched out his paws to touch around. Finally, he grabbed a corner of the sand and pulled out a sand quilt to cover himself.

There was no pillow behind his head, so Tom moved his head, and a pillow made of sand was rubbed out by Tom Mu.

Now Tom fell asleep very comfortably.

Just with the cry of seagulls, a piece of bird droppings fell from the sky and landed directly on Tom Mu's head!

"Click" sound!

Tom Mu's eyes widened suddenly!

The cat's eyes were filled with countless bloodshot eyes!


Robinson, who was still observing on the beach, was startled by Tom's cry.

Look back.

The furious Tom Mu took out a slingshot from nowhere and was shooting at a group of seabirds in the sky.

The group of seabirds was also strange.

Each of them wore windproof glasses and kept doing fighter jet stunts in the air that he couldn't understand, and kept laughing "haha".

The sarcasm is very obvious.

From time to time, seabirds would swoop past and drop bird poop bombs towards Tom.

The entire beach seemed to be on a battlefield for a moment.

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