Tom Cat breaks through the dimensional wall

Chapter 382 Robinson's house exploded!

The motorboat has a lot of horsepower.

He struggled very hard in the water.

But Tom's strength was not small either. By pulling, he gradually pulled the motorboat to the shore.

Seeing that there was a chance, Tom quickly pulled the fishing line with one hand and stretched out the other hand, trying to reach back to the shelter to get a wooden stick to knock him out.

His claws groped on the ground of the shelter.

The screaming chicken next to him saw it and immediately leaned over to look curiously, and was grabbed by Tom's neck!

He felt that he had caught something in his hand.

Tom thought he had caught the wooden stick, and he was immediately happy and tried to pull the wooden stick over.

But he didn't succeed at once.

It wasn't until Tom pulled it hard again that he felt that something was torn off, and his outstretched arm was finally retracted.

At this time, Tom also walked into the sea.

Half of his body was in the sea, and the wild motorboat was already in front of Tom.

When he thought about being able to collect this wild motorboat, Tom grinned happily.

He raised the screaming chicken in his hand and kept hitting the head of the motorboat!




He kept hitting up and down, listening to the familiar screaming chicken, Tom reacted immediately.

He shook his head violently, looked down at the screaming chicken in his hand with a confused face.

At the same time, the motorboat caught by Tom seemed angry.

The whole motorboat stood up, the motorboat lowered its head, looked at Tom fiercely, and the muscles all over its body bulged.


Tom hid the screaming chicken behind him and waved at the crazy motorboat.

Before the wild motorboat could react, Tom tore off the white glove on his left hand and gave the motorboat a big slap at lightning speed!


The motorboat was overturned, and Tom quickly turned over and rode on it, intending to conquer it like a cowboy.

The wild motorboat naturally would not be willing to be tamed like this, and immediately jumped and struggled wildly on the shallow tan.

Tom was now like riding on the back of a mad buffalo, and his body was thrown high.

The screaming chicken abandoned aside was already scared.

He hurried to run to the beach.

He just ran out for a circle, and soon ran back immediately, like a chicken that had nothing to do, lowering his head to peck at the plate of salmon sushi.

On the other side.

The wild motorboat was running farther and farther.

Tom rode on its back and was carried far away by the motorboat.

As time passed, it was already dark.

The motorboat under Tom finally ran out of too much strength.

Tom tried to twist the handlebars, and the motorboat just struggled weakly for a while, no longer reacting as much as before, which made Tom breathe a sigh of relief.

The cat's body softened and collapsed backwards on the seat of the motorboat.

The whole cat was as soft as a puddle of mud, only the chest was still rising and falling, indicating that Tom also spent a lot of effort.

At this moment, several beams of light came from behind.

Tom looked back and saw that the sea surface was broken, and other wild motorboats jumped out of the sea like dolphins.

This was a group of wild motorboats.

They obviously also discovered Tom and the motorboat.

But this group of motorboats did not do anything aggressive, just circled around them, and seemed to have no malice.

Tom thought about it, if he was still a human.

The behavior just now should be the legendary precious scene of early humans taming wild motorboats.

Retracting his thoughts, Tom grabbed the handlebars with his claws, turned the throttle, and turned around to drive towards the deserted island.

It can be felt that the motorboat under him is still a little unconvinced.

But at least it can accept its riding.

After such a busy time.

Tom originally wanted to change his appetite, but he didn't get anything to eat.

But fortunately, it's not a loss to get a motorboat.

Back to the coast, Tom temporarily tied the motorboat to the wooden stake.

Then he carried the axe to the woods.

After a while, Tom built a small pier on the beach.

The motorboat will dock here in the future.

With a motorboat, it will be much more convenient for Tom to do some things in the future.

Then Tom took another turn on the beach.

In the end, it still found the screaming chicken that was well fed and sleeping under the coconut tree.

Seeing it so leisurely, Tom was a little envious.

It lives much more comfortably than himself.

Sure enough, I still have to work harder.

There are so many abstract creatures on this island. If we collect them all, we should be able to live a better life than modern life.

Full of ambition, Tom went home with the screaming chicken by the neck.

For the next period of time, Tom hunted and explored the unknown areas around him, and from time to time he would observe the growth of the spicy strips field.

During this time, Tom and Robinson, both victims on the same island, would occasionally meet.

But every time they met, Robinson would run away first.

Tom was not surprised.

It was just that as time went by, it might be because he gradually felt lonely.

Tom found that Robinson would secretly observe him from a distance.

It was just the same as before.

He only dared to observe secretly.

As soon as he saw Tom looking at him, he would run away again.

Tom almost thought Robinson Crusoe was a wild animal on the island.

But speaking of Robinson, during this period, Tom Mu also encountered an interesting thing.

Robinson also tried fishing.

But he was lucky and caught a sea fish.

But without any cooking skills or extra seasonings, Robinson could only choose to bake it.

Just when the fish was cooked and Robinson was about to feast.

The fish suddenly spoke under Robinson's horrified gaze.

"No way, buddy! After a few drinks, you grilled me for such a delicious fish?!"

"Forget about grilling the fish! You still burned me! You didn't remove the internal organs, scales, or oil, and you didn't even add seasonings. You didn't even have cumin or chili powder, so you still had the nerve to grill it. I?"

Looking at the grilled fish that was skewered on a wooden stick and constantly twisting and taunting his cooking skills, Robinson's jaw almost dropped to the floor.

Tom Mu, who was hiding nearby, couldn't stop laughing when he saw this scene.

I just like to see Robinson's appearance as if he has never seen the world.

But today, Robinson drank some wine brought from the ship and seemed to be a lot more courageous.

He might have thought he was still dreaming.

"Stop talking nonsense! You are just a grilled fish!"

"Bah! I'm just a grilled fish! You've ruined such a good fish with your rubbish cooking skills. It tastes better when eaten raw than when you grill it!"

"Come on! Eat me if you can! See if I don't rub the charcoal in your mouth!"

The more he talked, the more excited the grilled fish became.

It shook violently on the wooden stick on which it was inserted!

"Just eat!"

Robinson grabbed the stick on the fire, opened his mouth and bit it!


As a result, the grilled fish twisted its tail and hit Robinson twice.

This really annoyed Robinson. He threw the grilled fish on the ground and jumped up!

He stretched out his hands and planned to strangle the grilled fish alive.

Grilled Fish was not to be outdone and twisted his body crazily to fight back.

Continuously use the fish tail to give Robinson a series of big dicks.

Tom Mu watched Robinson and a grilled fish from a distance, and he was also amazed.

I thought to myself that this island really deserves to be an abstract island.

If a normal person like Robinson stayed on the island for a long time, Tom was a little worried about whether there would be a problem with his mental state.

Never mind what happened to Robinson.

Tom Mu has adapted to life on the island and is starting to live well.

Large quantities of bricks have been fired.

Tom Mu also simply built himself a small villa.

The decoration was done well.

Moreover, Tom Mu’s problem of wanting to eat rice was also solved.

This is also thanks to the screaming chicken Daidai raised at home.


Tom Mu didn't plan to eat the Screaming Chicken, so he simply kept it as a pet.

I see it acting dumbly on weekdays.

Tom just told it to stay still.

Even though he looks stupid.

But after all, it is an aborigine of this abstract island.

It must have a deeper understanding of the island than Tom.

It was also when Tang Mu went out hunting, Daidai followed him out.

Just halfway through, it went in another direction.

Tang Mu was curious and followed behind.

As a result, I found a large circle of wild rice cookers running around on the ground.

Some rice cookers have lids that open automatically after they die.

But the food there is also very old and hard.

But those screaming chickens seem to like eating them.

This should also be one of the Screaming Chicken's foods.

No wonder he came here.

So Tang Mu immediately hunted several wild rice cookers.

Pry the lids off these rice cookers like you would an oyster.

There wasn't much rice in the young rice cooker, it was still uncooked rice and water.

A mature rice cooker contains a large pot full of white rice.

It's a bit embarrassing to say it.

But after not eating white rice for a long time, he suddenly had a mouthful of white rice. Tang Mu was so moved that he could eat a full bowl of rice without any side dishes.

After discovering wild rice cookers, Tang Mu immediately went home to expand his breeding farm and began to breed these rice cookers.

Tom Mu's life is getting better and better.

Every time he discovers something new on the island, Tom's quality of life becomes better.

Having said that, Tom Mu still lacks a lot of things.

There is still a gap between the comfortable life of modern society.

It should take more time to conquer the desert island.

It's just that the area near Tom Mu Sanctuary has been explored almost, so there is no point in continuing to stay here.

So Tom Mu immediately decided to expand the exploration area of ​​the island and go further.

Just walking with your feet is still a bit slow.

Tom Mu’s plan was to use a motorboat to circle half the island and land directly on the opposite side of the island.

Although the overall distance is quite far.

But the speed of a motorboat is so fast that it is still much faster than walking.

Now that he had made a plan, Tom Mu prepared the things he needed for the long journey at home.

Apart from anything else, you still need to bring water and food.

It's just that Tom Mu is thinking about whether to bring Daidai with him.

At this moment, a huge thunder suddenly sounded outside the house!



The thunder is loud!

Tom even felt his home shaking.

After a while, it was raining heavily outside again!

It was raining heavily, and from the sound, it seemed that the wind was also very strong.

Outside the house, the trees were all swaying left and right, and the leaves were rustling.

From time to time, there was a "crackling" sound.

Tang Mu guessed that a branch must have been broken by the wind.

"Bang bang!"

There were several more muffled sounds outside the house, and it was something that was blown and hit the wall.

Seeing such a big storm outside.

It reminded Tang Mu of the night when he and Robinson had just landed on the island.

It seemed to be such a big storm.

Fortunately, it had upgraded the shelter earlier.

Now it can stay at home safely and wait for the wind and rain to pass.

The farm and the farmland have also been well protected, so Tang Mu doesn't have to worry either.

Just as Tang Mu was about to sit down and drink a cup of hot tea, a pair of wise round eyes suddenly came to his mind.


Dai Dai is still outside!

Tang Mu jumped up from the chair, opened the door and ran out.

It was already very windy and rainy in the house.

It was even more obvious after going out.

The strong wind blew into Tang Mu's ears.

The big raindrops hit Tang Mu's body with a "crackling" sound, which was a bit painful.

In the wind and rain, Tang Mu saw a yellow shadow floating in the air.

It was Dai Dai who was forgotten by Tang Mu outside.

At this time, its neck was tightly tied by a rope, and its body was flying in the air in the wind.

The rope made it roll its eyes and stick out its tongue.

Seeing this, Tang Mu quickly grabbed the rope tied to Dai Dai by the door and pulled it back from the sky.

Because of the existence of this rope, Dai Dai was not blown away by the strong wind.

But because of the existence of this rope, Dai Dai was almost strangled to death.

Tang Mu untied the rope around Dai Dai's neck with some sighs.

Fortunately, the wind and rain were a little smaller at this time.

Dai Dai could no longer be blown away.

But the lightning had not stopped.

Some of the lightning even struck the island.

Some natural wildfires were born here.

Just when Tang Mu was about to take Dai Dai into the house to take shelter from the rain, a lightning suddenly fell from the south.

Then came the loud thunder of "boom"!

The thunder was not over yet, and another huge explosion came!

Tang Mu could hear it clearly.

The second explosion was not thunder.

Tang Mu clearly saw the explosion and fire that sprang up over there!

And the south was Robinson's shelter.

Tang Mu guessed that it was the lightning that hit Robinson's gunpowder barrel, which caused the explosion.

After thinking about it, Tang Mu put Dai Dai on the ground and ran towards Robinson.

Although that guy was always afraid of him.

But after all, the two sides had no grudges, and it was better to help the other party as much as possible when he was in trouble.

Dai Dai landed on his feet.

Dai Dai watched Tang Mu run away, then seemed to react, lowered his head and spun around on the ground for several times, and finally saw the rope thrown aside.

It was this rope that almost strangled it to death just now!

The angry Dai Dai immediately lowered his head and pecked at the rope on the ground, wanting to take revenge.

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