Tom Cat breaks through the dimensional wall

Chapter 387: Plan to Wander on a Deserted Island!

After this period of life on a desert island.

Robinson has almost made the decision to settle down on the island.

Just like when he decided to settle in Brazil after experiencing some adventures a few years ago.

After Robinson experienced the various modern high technologies on the desert island, he never wanted to lose them again.

Plus he now has a pregnant wife.

This further strengthened Robinson's determination to settle on the desert island.

Now that I have decided to settle on a desert island.

Robinson's way of thinking naturally has some differences.

Survival on the island is no longer a problem now.

When survival was not a problem, Robinson's genes as a businessman began to become a little unbearable.

There are so many specialties on this island that are not available outside.

If they can establish waterways and connect with the outside world, how much benefit can they gain from it?

Robinson told Tom Mu about his idea.

I hope Tom can find a way to get a big ship, or they can build a big ship together.

With a large ship that can withstand wind and waves, Robinson can determine the route that can take them away from the island and find other civilized fleets.

After listening to Robinson finish his thoughts, Tom Mu didn't reply for a while.

Put yourself in Robinson’s shoes.

There is definitely nothing wrong with his idea.

I just discovered an island, and it happened that this island could do business.

But Tom still didn't like this feeling.

But Robinson wanted to sail away from the island, but Tom agreed.

The area of ​​this desert island is not too large.

During this time, Tom Mu had finished running.

To say that the island has been conquered, it should be considered that the island has been conquered.

It’s just that the world task has not responded for a long time.

Tom was thinking.

Since there is no response on the island, maybe it has to leave the island and take a look.

Robinson's purpose coincides with that of Tom Mu.

It’s just that the sea is very large after all.

The situation in the sea is also very complex.

Tom Muke still remembers the storm he encountered on the first day after crossing over.

It doesn't want to run into any trouble when it has no way forward or no store behind.

In order to avoid this situation, Tom Mu must think of a foolproof method.

Ever since, Tom Mu began to dance and tell Robinson his thoughts.

Robinson raised his hand and touched his chin, nodded and said: "You are right, we have to be ready to go to sea, otherwise it will be a meaningless adventure."

That shipwreck almost killed Robinson.

Compared to Tom Mu, he was obviously more worried.

"But we can try to build a small one first to gain some experience."

Robinson kept talking about his thoughts.

Tom didn't stop him either.

But Tom is obviously a cat with his own ideas.

Robinson said his, and Tom thought of his own.

After Robinson finished speaking, Tom Mu almost had an idea.

So Tom ignored Robinson, got on his motorcycle and headed towards the shelter villa along the highway.

When Robinson saw this, he quickly got on a motorcycle to catch up.

Fortunately, motorcycles on desert islands are essentially no different from horses.

Robinson doesn't even need to understand the accelerator, brake and clutch, he can just ride on it and run.

It's just crooked and very difficult to control.

After running away for a while, Robinson even felt that his butt was about to be broken into four pieces by the car.

Fortunately, the suffering time was not too long.

Finally reaching the destination, Robinson was thrown off the motorcycle directly. After falling and eating shit, the torturous journey was finally over.


Robinson, lying on the ground, let out a roar of pain.

It took several minutes to calm down.

Standing up on the ground, Robinson limped towards the seaside.

He wanted to see what Tom the cat was planning to do.

Before he got close, Robinson heard the sound of "duoduo" logging.

Trees fell over at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Robinson thought to himself, is it possible that Tom Mu has such strong mobility.

Are you ready to start building boats now?

After approaching, Robinson soon saw Tom's busy figure.

Judging from Tomna's posture, he is indeed building a ship.

However, Robinson obviously only guessed half of Tom Mu's purpose.

Tom didn't want to build a big ship, nor did he want to build a small ship.

I don’t even want to accumulate any experience in shipbuilding.

It just wants to build a strong raft.

As the raft gradually took shape, Robinson also saw the clues, and suddenly approached Tang Mu with some doubts: "Is this raft built for any purpose?"

Robinson did not dare to think about going to sea.

He thought Tom was just doing it to make fishing easier.

But Tom Mu pointed directly to the sea.

This made Robinson's eyes widen.

He thought that Tom Mu didn't understand navigation, so he quickly explained kindly: "A raft like yours can only be used in the offshore areas around the island. Once it is far away from the land or island, it will be destroyed if it encounters a little wind and waves. There is no room for maneuver.”

Tom Mu waved his hand to reassure Robinson.

It's not stupid, of course it knows this.

Moreover, it made rafts and was not originally intended to stray far from the island.

In Tom's plan, it will use the raft as a pilot, and then use a rope to pull the entire desert island forward.

In this way, it can support their voyage.

If you encounter a shipwreck or need supplies, you can return to the desert island in time.

this plan.

Tom calls it the wandering desert island plan!

Such a great plan is obviously not something that an ordinary person like Robinson can understand.

Tom Mu quickly built the raft and cast a proud look at Robinson, who was confused about the situation.


As Robinson watched, Tom pushed the raft directly into the sea.

Under the push and pull of the waves, the solid wood raft kept rising and falling, as if it would be overturned by a wave at any time.

But Tom knew that the raft could at least withstand this test.

Jumping directly forward onto the raft, Tom took out two electric fans and fixed them on the back of the raft. He also took out a joystick and inserted it in the middle of the raft.

Push the joystick forward, and the two electric fans will rotate at high speed, pushing the raft away from the waves and moving forward.

It's very smooth to operate.

After driving for a while near the island, Tom Mu returned to the seaside with satisfaction.

Although Robinson was a little surprised, Tom could actually make a raft move like this.

But after all, there are a lot of powerful things on the island, so it won't shock Robinson too much yet.

But after Tom came back, Robinson still reminded loudly: "The maneuverability of this raft is quite good, but the tonnage is still too small and cannot withstand the wind and waves."

Tom made an "OK" gesture toward Robinson to show that he heard it.

But I just heard it.

Cats would not listen to his advice.

After returning to the beach, Tom Mu still went his own way and did his own thing.

Taking out a piece of hemp rope, Tom tied one end of the hemp rope to the tail of the raft, and threw the other end directly to the top of the mountain in the northern part of the desert island.

The rope also tied itself into a knot very spiritually.

Tom tentatively tugged on the rope.

Very strong.

So he nodded with satisfaction.

Robinson on the shore has been paying attention to Tom Mu's movements.

Although I don’t know why Tom Mu threw the rope to the top of the mountain.

But the action at least looked like it was about to moor the ship.

Maybe the kitten is just playing...

Robinson thought so.

Until Tom Mu restarted the raft, two electric fans rotated at high speed, pushing the raft forward.

The moving raft pulled on the rope again.

The hemp rope collapsed straight!

In Robinson's incredible eyes, the entire desert island was pulled by the raft and moved!

The rocks that were still a hundred meters away hit the coast directly!

At the moment when the island moved, Robinson even felt that his cerebellum shrank.

He thought that after these few months on the island, he had experienced enough.

I never thought that I still underestimated the cat.

Sure enough, that cat is the incarnation of the gods!

Apart from this answer, Robinson could not think of any other possibility.

The Wandering Island Project was officially launched.

Tom Mu pulled an entire desert island directly towards the deep sea further away.

If it were a science fiction novel.

After Tang Mu and the others go to sea, it won't be long before they encounter a group of aliens.

The aliens destroyed the earth, leaving only this desert island still sailing in the universe, looking for a new home for mankind.

If it were a fantasy novel.

After Tom goes to sea, he will most likely encounter various sea monsters, and then he will have interactions and adventures with other indigenous people on the island, step by step to understand the truth of this fantasy world.

But obviously Tom Mu and the others encountered a completely different situation.

After sailing on the desert island for several months, Robinson suddenly realized that something was wrong.

So much time has passed.

Even his son has been born.

Normally, they should have entered human civilization at this time.

But even after sailing on a familiar route for so long.

The surrounding mainland and islands are still empty.

This scene made Robinson think hard and couldn't figure out why.

It's impossible. In the more than a year since he was shipwrecked, all the people on the earth have become extinct, right? !

The more I think about it, the less realistic it becomes!

It’s not just Robinson.

Tom Mu also began to doubt the composition of this world.

I hadn’t thought much about it before.

Now think about this carefully.

There seem to be a lot of problems on this island.

It seems that ever since they landed on the desert island, everything has become abstract and weird.


Let’s break down the time.

It should be the day after they landed on the island, after they woke up from the tree.

From that time on, the island became strange.

Tom Mu narrowed his eyes and suddenly remembered a detail.

After landing on the island, Tom disliked Robinson's loud snoring.

He clamped his mouth with a clamp.

But when he woke up the next day, the clamp on Robinson's mouth was gone.

If everything on the island is really an abstract and absurd dream.

This all makes sense.

People will not dream about things beyond their own knowledge.

Robinson did not remember that he had clamped his mouth, so the clamp did not appear in the dream.

He has also seen the technological products of the 21st century, so those things were created based on his own memories.

The most important thing is.

In the original work of "Robinson Crusoe", Robinson met his most loyal friend and servant, Friday.

If they were in the real world at this time, there was no reason why they would not meet Friday.

After all, in the description of the original work, Friday was a very handsome and strong savage.

This feature is very obvious.

Considering the time factor, Tom even went to look for children among the savages.

As long as Tom wants, there is basically no one who can't be found.

If you can't find it at all, it can only be said that the person does not exist at all.

The reason why Friday was not found was not understood before.

But if it is a dream formed by Robinson, it is easy to explain.

Because Robinson has not seen Friday yet.

Naturally, there will be no Friday in his dream.


If you observe carefully.

Among the people who have appeared on the island, some are actually people Robinson has seen before.

But he obviously didn't realize it.

Just when Tom and Robinson realized that something was wrong.

A long cry from the bottom of the sea appeared in their ears.

At a speed visible to the naked eye, the sea around the deserted island became fluorescent.

Many beautiful light spots floated on the sea surface.

Even the sea became calm.


The sea water rippled gently.

A huge whale with fluorescent light all over its body slowly surfaced from the side of the small raft.

The size of this whale was extremely huge.

Just the pair of eyes looking at them was bigger than the small raft that Tom and his friends were riding at this time.

Looking at this huge fluorescent whale, Tom and Robinson recalled.

Just over a year ago.

On the night of the stormy shipwreck, they all saw this whale from a distance.

Although neither side communicated.

But the whale's eyes had revealed a lot of emotions.

It also told Tom and Robinson the truth about the deserted island.

Tom's guess was right.

This deserted island was indeed a dream.

But it is not just a dream.

At least everything that happens in this dream world is real.

The friends Robinson met, his wife and his newly born son are also real.

Now Robinson and his friends have two choices.

One is to continue to stay on the island, enjoy life without worries, and live in this real dream.

The other is to leave this dream and return to the real deserted island.

There are no abstract creatures there.

Robinson has to rely on his wisdom, perseverance and luck to survive the difficult 28 years.

And, as Robinson leaves the dream, the dream world will disappear.

This means that Robinson will never see his friends, wife and children again.

This is an extremely challenging choice.

Tom believes that most people should choose to stay.

After all, the island is not small, and there is nothing missing. There are also wives and children, and a lot of good friends.

Back to the cold reality, there is only a lonely and desperate island that wants people's lives.

Tom was not in a hurry. He stood aside and waited for Robinson's answer with the whale.

After thinking for a long time, Robinson finally raised his head, sighed, and told the whale his choice.

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