Tom Cat breaks through the dimensional wall

Chapter 393 Tom begins to persecute

After renting a house next to the Western Laundry, the wandering Tom Mu and Haibara Ai finally settled down.

It is worth mentioning.

When signing the contract, because Xiao Ai was required to sign, Tang Mu specially wrote a note titled "Hai Yuan Ai" and handed it to Xiao Ai.

It was a name given to her shrunken identity.

In "Detective Conan", Xiao Ai's name was given by Dr. A Li.

There is no Dr. Ali in the knight world, so we can only let Tang Mu name Xiao Ai.


Although Tang Mu always called Xiao Ai Hui Yuan Ai in his heart.

But in fact, Haibara Ai always kept her real name of Miyano Shiho, and she had no time to change her name when she ran for her life in a hurry.

But I have to say that Xiao Ai still seems to like this name.

Can accept Tang Mu naming her.

It also shows that one person and one cat now have a good relationship.

The house to stay is already there.

Tom Mu also gave full play to his strong hands-on ability and began to renovate this independent two-story house.

The facade on the first floor is naturally used as an office.

Because unlike other stores, the detective agency does not require much space, as long as a place is reserved for receiving customers.

So Tom Mu divided the first floor into two.

The first half is made into a business style and is used to receive guests.

The second half is separated by a wall.

Inside is a semi-open kitchen and an area where the dining table is placed.

Normally, this is where Tom Mu and the others eat.

There is also a staircase leading to the second level.

On the second floor, it is a completely private space.

Tom Mu and Haihara Ai live on the second floor.

Originally, Tom Mu wanted one person and one cat to occupy a room each.

But the little girl Huihara Ai is really insecure and insists on letting Tang Mu sleep with her.

There was no other way, so Tang Mu had no choice but to comply with her request.

Anyway, the double bed is quite big, so there is no problem sleeping a cat and a little girl.

But this way, there are three free rooms on the second floor.

This makes Tom Mu, who currently has little money, feel a little sick.

I almost want to rent out the spare room and get some blood back for myself.

But after all, it was a private space, and Tom Mu didn't like living with strangers, so he gave up the idea in the end.

Tom is here.

It didn't take a few seconds to decorate the office and house.

Tom Mu's speed frightened Hai Yuan Ai who was wearing gloves and a mask.

Even if you want to help, you can't get involved.

However, Haihara Ai finally helped a little bit.

She gave this brand new agency a name, called [Gray Cat Detective Agency].

Hui is Hui Yuan Ai.

The cat is Tom.

Originally, Haihara Ai wanted to name it directly Tom Detective Agency, or Cat Detective Agency.

But Tom Mu firmly opposed it.

Tom Mu believed that this was a firm owned by the two of them, so the name must have elements of both of them.

Thus, the name Gray Cat Detective Agency was decided.

The office has been opened.

But just opening the door for business is of no use.

There are so many private detectives all over Tokyo.

Before you become famous, no one will ask you to be a little detective and entrust you with tasks.

Therefore, it is still necessary to distribute leaflets and spread the word.

Anyway, there is no need for Tang Mu and Haihara Ai to distribute leaflets.

They also have many cute and reliable helpers.

In front of the Gray Cat Office, Hui Yuan Ai was holding a large stack of flyers in his hand, looking at the large army of cats in front of him, looking a little at a loss.



Stray cats with different expressions gathered in front of the office. They were sitting or standing, surrounding Huihara Ai and Tom.

Tom Mu had already experienced this kind of battle and acted very calmly.

Although Haiyuan Ai had a cold face, her hand holding the flyer was tense.

"Does this really not matter?"

The little girl looked at the kitten at her feet.

While Tom put small backpacks on the stray cats lined up in front of him, he took the time to give Haibara Ai a thumbs up, indicating that there was no problem.

Seeing this, Haiyuan Ai nodded and stuffed the leaflets in his hand into the kittens' backpacks in batches.

After putting on their backpacks, the stray cats left one after another.

After they finish handing out flyers, they can come back to collect their salary for today, which is a can of canned cats.

In addition to using flyers to promote the opening of Gray Cat.

Tom Mu also did not forget to inherit the "legacy" of his uncle's detective.

This inheritance is not the property of the uncle detective.

It was the connections he had accumulated over the years as a detective.

To this end, Tom even got the uncle's phone book, and then used Gray Cat's phone to send advertising information to each one.

As long as there are a few people here who can be roped in to become customers, it will be fine.

It doesn't matter if you can't win him back, as long as people know that there is a new detective agency in Tokyo.

Because private detectives are different from ordinary professions.

It is not as necessary as firewood, rice, oil and salt.

Just like lockpicking, it can only be used when needed.

At this time, it will be clear whether your usual advertising is sufficient.

Who is more famous.

At this time, it is easier to be remembered by customers.

The commission came naturally.

This is why all the detectives want to become famous detectives.

The famous detective itself represents a strong advertisement.

While Tom and his team are working hard to promote the agency, the Zhinao Group also has a lot of things to do.

Recently, there have been two incidents involving Miyano Akemi and the uncle detective.

This has made the Zhinao Group strengthen its control over the media.

As long as there is a little report about the Zhinao Group and Orphino, it will be discovered by the Zhinao Group immediately.

Originally, Gin wanted to continue investigating the matter of Miyano Shiho and Tom, but was stopped by President Hanagata.

Although Gin did not understand why.

But Gin, who was absolutely loyal to the Zhinao Group, still accepted the order and canceled the pursuit of Miyano Shiho.

But what Gin never expected was that.

Although he had stopped the pursuit of Miyano Shiho and his team, Tom was so bold that he ran directly to their headquarters.

After all, there were other cats to do the work of distributing flyers and advertising for the Gray Cat Agency.

Tom, who had nothing to do for the time being, naturally would not let himself be idle.

He had not forgotten that he had promised Huiyuan Ai to help investigate the truth of her sister's disappearance.

Tom was free now, so he came by himself.

In broad daylight.

The area around the Zhinao Group, located in the bustling area of ​​Tokyo, was very lively.

Tom came in a work suit and carried a ladder.

Ignoring the eyes of everyone around him, Tom stepped on the stairs and walked straight into the building.

The staircase method appeared again, and the effect was still very useful.

Although Tom was a kitten, he still easily entered the Zhinao Group, and was not even stopped by anyone.

It was just that when entering the building, Tom happened to pass by Gin who was going out.

Tom ignored Gin and walked inside on his own.

Gin frowned and looked back at Tom with a little confusion.

"You are so short and you still come out to work as a maintenance worker?"

After all, from Gin's perspective, Tom was just a 50-centimeter-tall maintenance worker.

However, this doubtful mentality only flashed by, and soon Gin stopped paying attention to Tom, straightened his windbreaker, and walked out of the building.

He found his beloved Porsche 356A in the parking lot downstairs.

The color of the car was black, which matched Gin very well.

After getting in the Porsche, Gin took out a Beretta M92F pistol from his windbreaker and checked it briefly, then started the car and slowly drove out of the parking lot.

Although there was no need to continue to investigate Miyano Shiho and the others.

But Gin still had his own work.

Deal with all those who were a threat to the Zhinao Group or anything else.

Hearing the sound of the Porsche starting behind him, Tom, who was carrying a ladder, looked back.

Seeing Gin driving and smoking with the window open, he immediately made a face and complained that Gin was a pretentious person in his heart.

Carrying the ladder, Tom took the elevator and went directly to the security area where ordinary people were not allowed to enter.

It was here to check the surveillance.

Of course, it's not all surveillance in the building, but also external surveillance collected by the Zhinao Group.

The uncle detective's investigation only investigated the Zhinao Group.

Before he could find more detailed information, it was solved by the sharp Gin.

At least both the uncle detective and Xiao Ai can be sure that Miyano Akemi's disappearance is related to Gin.

With Gin's personality, he will definitely collect a lot of information to assist him in thinking.

Those things are what Tom wants.

Don't forget that Tom also has the physique of an electronic ghost.

As long as the information is stored in electronic form, it can't escape Tom's eyes.

After a walk in the security area, Tom knew Gin's usual office location.

So he went straight to Gin's room and prepared to get the information he needed.

Gin's room is also located on the upper floors of the building, and it is a password lock.

But this kind of door obviously can't stop Tom.

The cat directly took out a C4 bomb and stuck it on the password door.

This password door was so scared that it opened the door lock by itself.

A man who knows the times is a hero, and the young comrade has performed well.

Tang Mu patted the password door with satisfaction.

But the password door was so scared that it sweated.

Gin's office is very simply decorated, just like him, with a cold style.

Tang Mu is a good cat after all.

He entered someone else's office without permission, and he will look through other people's information later.

Tang Mu felt a little sorry, so he kindly painted Gin's office pink.

The desk was also changed to the shape of a heart.

The table was full of colorful desserts and cakes.

Even the curtains were changed to pink with tassels.

Tang Mu hoped to use this full of girlish heart to cleanse Gin's dark soul.

After doing all this, Tang Mu suddenly found that Zhinao Group treated Gin quite well.

There is even a small room here to sleep.

It is also equipped with a toilet and a dressing room.

In the dressing room, Tang Mu found a lot of Gin's clothes.

It's just that those clothes are a bit too cool.

Wearing it for a long time will make people depressed.

So the kindhearted Tom changed them all into pink Lolita princess dresses, blue Chelsea suits, riveted sexy men's nightclub leather jackets, etc.

Such a variety of clothing styles can definitely improve Gin's mood.

Tom felt that he was really too kind.

He was so considerate and friendly to his enemies.

His eyes shifted to the alarm clock next to him, and Tom suddenly realized that he hadn't done the main thing he came here for.

His care for Gin took up a lot of time.

So Tom took the USB drive and went directly to Gin's computer, using the ability of electronic ghost to search for what he wanted in it.

It didn't take too long for Tom to find what he wanted, so he copied the files to the USB drive, unplugged the USB drive and left directly.

Just like when he came.

Tom also carried the stairs when he left.

What's more coincidental is that Gin also completed the task quickly and came back.

Next to Gin was a taller square-faced man wearing sunglasses.

That was Gin's partner, Vodka.

The two and the cat passed by each other at the gate again.

Gin also casually commented: "Although he is small, his efficiency is pretty good, much better than many termites in the group."

Vodka did not speak, he knew who Gin was talking about.

Gin's personality was pretty good.

This time, the task of dealing with termites was completed easily, but after returning to his office, Gin's good mood disappeared instantly!

A piece of pink, very eye-catching, hit his eyes, Gin almost thought he had walked into the wrong room for a moment!

"Brother... when did you change your style? It's... quite unique. If you had told me that you like this, I would have given you a heart chocolate."

Vodka looked at Gin's office, which was full of girlishness, and raised his hand and scratched his head with a puzzled look on his face.

Gin was so angry that he clenched his fists after hearing what Vodka said, and almost didn't transform directly.

But Gin is Gin after all.

After calming down, he walked to his computer as soon as possible.

After booting up, he opened the program self-check to see if his data had been opened by anyone.

At the same time, Gin seemed to have thought of something again, and suddenly pulled open the pink tassel curtains, looking at the parking lot downstairs through the French window.

The next second, Gin's pupils suddenly erupted with an eight-magnitude earthquake.

Under Gin's gaze, Tom had just finished painting his car with the last stroke.

The originally cool black Porsche 356A had been painted pink by Tom.

Even the headlights were painted with big cute eyes.

This car is definitely more stylish than before.

As if noticing Gin's sight, the cat turned around, raised his head, took off the hat on his head, and waved at Gin with a grin.

"Fuck! It's that cat!"

Gin swore that he was definitely a stable person.

Otherwise, he would not have become a professional killer of the Zhinao Group.

But when he met that cat, and thought about his experience of being played by it one after another, Gin couldn't help his temper.

With veins popping out on his forehead, Gin smashed the floor-to-ceiling glass in front of him with one punch, and wanted to jump down and tear the annoying cat to pieces!

Fortunately, Vodka rushed over and hugged Gin from behind.

"Brother! Brother! Calm down! Calm down! The president will be angry if you jump down like this!"

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