Tom Cat breaks through the dimensional wall

Chapter 395 Policeman! It’s him!

"Ah~ It's really annoying~"

Hearing the noise coming from the alley, the murderer slowly turned around and looked at Huiyuan Ai and Tang Mu with a rather impatient expression.


The murderer let go of his hand, and the middle-aged man who was beaten by the man and didn't know whether he was alive or dead collapsed on the ground with blood all over his head.

The murderer's other hand was still holding a steel pipe covered with blood.

There is no doubt that this is a dangerous person.

And he is an extremely dangerous person.

In him, Huiyuan Ai even felt the dangerous feeling of Gin!

It's just that the danger of this man is not hidden at all, and it erupted directly like an erupting volcano.

"Da Da, Da Da"

The crisp footsteps of leather shoes echoed in the alley.

The murderer obviously has set his sights on them, and walked towards this side step by step without hesitation.

"Let's go!"

Huiyuan Ai realized the danger instantly, sat behind the tricycle, patted Tang Mu's back, and signaled it to drive away.

With the speed of the electric tricycle, it is not a problem to escape from this dangerous area.

Tang Mu also thought so, twisted the steering wheel, and prepared to leave the alley.

But the man's movements were also quite fast.

After taking two quick steps, he started running directly.

It took only about two seconds to get from the dark area of ​​the alley to the entrance of the alley.

The evening sunlight at the entrance of the alley illuminated the man's face.

Tang Mu and Huiyuan Ai also saw the man's appearance clearly.

This is a young man about 25 or 26 years old.

He dyed his hair long yellow, and his face was not ugly but full of bloodthirstiness.

What is eye-catching is that the man is also wearing a python-patterned shirt.

The shirt is half open, revealing the lean muscles inside.

This image immediately reminded Tang Mu of a classic villain in "Kamen Rider Ryuki".

Asakura Takeshi.

The incarnation of Kamen Rider King Snake.

This is a serial killer with mania.

Extremely aggressive, cruel and cold-blooded.

Judging from the current situation, he seems to have not obtained the Knight Card yet, and is just a murderer with a slightly better physical fitness than ordinary people.

Since he was so lucky to meet this familiar face.

Of course, Tang Mu had to give a greeting gift.

So the twisting car, which had already turned halfway, suddenly stopped.

Tang Mu's actions made Huiyuan Ai and Asakura Takeo a little confused.

But Asakura Takeo's movements did not stop at all.

Even facing a little girl and a kitten, his hands that were waving the steel pipe vigorously did not stop at all, and even had a happy smile on his face.

It is undeniable.

As a virtual film and television character, Asakura Takeo's performance in the TV series is extremely charming.

Otherwise, he would not be affectionately called Uncle Snake by fans.

But such a person is put into real life, but he is an out-and-out villain.

He is the kind of existence that will cause cheers from the crowd after being executed.

Seeing Asakura Takeo waving the steel pipe towards him, Tang Mu blew a kiss to the steel pipe at a faster speed.

The visible red lip print flew out and kissed on the steel pipe.

The originally straight and hard steel pipe suddenly softened.

Asakura Wei subconsciously waved it, and the steel pipe in his hand swayed weakly in the air like noodles.

He had never encountered such a situation before, and he didn't react to the steel pipe in his hand that was as soft as noodles.

On the contrary, Huiyuan Ai was relieved to see this scene.

Although he didn't know much about Tang Mu's true strength.

But at present, it seems that with the kitten, they should be safe.

This made Huiyuan Ai not so nervous.

"You guy!"

Asakura Wei didn't swing the stick just now, which made him more irritated, and he planned to tear Tang Mu apart directly.

But what Asakura Wei didn't expect was that Tang Mu directly picked up Huiyuan Ai, put Xiao Ai next to Asakura Wei, and then handed a mobile phone to Huiyuan Ai.

Huiyuan Ai and Tang Mu now have a tacit understanding, and immediately understood what Tang Mu meant, and directly dialed 110 to call the police.

The phone rang for just one second.

The sirens of "beep, beep" rushed over from far to near!

There was a sharp and piercing brake sound, and the red and blue police lights flashed, and the police car drifted and stopped at the entrance of the alley.


The next second, a pair of metal handcuffs were handcuffed on the wrists of Asakura Wei who did not react.

"Uncle police! It's him!"

Little loli Huiyuan Ai stood beside Officer Megure, raising her hand and pointing at the confused Asakura Wei.

From Huiyuan Ai calling the police to him being handcuffed, it was only two or three seconds.

Asakura Wei, who had not yet come into contact with the power of the knight, could not understand where this group of police came from.

In fact, Officer Megure, who led the police, did not know how they came here.

However, according to the procedure, he still waved his hand: "Take him away!"

Two tall policemen wearing sunglasses, one on the left and one on the right, lifted Asakura Wei and pushed him into the police car regardless of his fierce struggle.

This was definitely the fastest police dispatch by the Japanese police.

The violent and dangerous serial killer disappeared so quickly that no one except Tom could react.


It was not until Tom called out that the attention of Inspector Megure and Haibara Ai was attracted.

Seeing the cat raising its paw and pointing at the unconscious middle-aged man on the ground next to him, who was unaware of his life or death, Officer Megure, a police officer, immediately reacted and quickly dialed the ambulance number.

As for Haihara Ai, although she is an expert specializing in medicinal chemistry and pharmacology, she also has a lot of understanding of clinical medicine.

After confirming that the dangerous person Asakura Wei had been arrested, he quickly ran towards that person.

Officer Memu, who was still on the phone, was shocked when he saw this and immediately wanted to stop him.

But after seeing Haiyuan's very professional first aid techniques, he still stopped aside.

"What's going on? Kids these days are so powerful."

As he spoke, Officer Memu couldn't help but raise his hand and scratch the back of his head.


Tom meowed at Officer Memu's feet to show his approval.

Officer Memu listened to the familiar cat meow and couldn't help but look down at Tom Mu. After confirming that the ambulance had set off, he put away his phone and squatted in front of Tom Mu: "You kitten, you look very familiar." ah."

Tom Mu raised his head and pointed at the cat tag around his neck.

Officer Memu took a closer look and his eyes widened: "You are Tom!"

Tom Mu nodded, expressing calmness.

"What's going on! Why have you become so small! Also, do you know what happened when your partner died?"

Officer Megure is good friends with Tom's former partner.

Naturally, he also knew Tang Mu’s secret.

For this reason, before the uncle's detective passed away, Officer Memu laughed at him more than once for relying on a cat to detect the case.

Because of this, Officer Mu Mu knew that Tom Mu was no ordinary cat.

Listening to Officer Megu asked about the uncle's detective, Tom Mu sighed, and then described the experience of this period to Officer Megu.

However, the description content is also limited.

He didn't tell Memu everything, lest he do bad things with good intentions.

But even so, after Officer Memu learned that it was the Zhinao Group that killed the uncle detective, his face was still terrifyingly gloomy.

He said seriously: "There is a problem with Zhinao Group. This matter is actually not a secret within our officialdom. It's just that their power is too great and they are involved in all aspects. We can't touch it yet."

Tom Mu nodded understandingly.

This is quite understandable.

After all, it is a capitalist country.

Giants like Zhinao Group can even be treated as semi-officials.

If you really want to take action against Zhinao Group, you will definitely be pressured from all sides.

This is something that a small police department cannot implement.

"But don't worry! We have never given up collecting criminal evidence of the Zhinao Group. One day they will be punished by law."

Officer Memu seemed to be worried about the kitten being sad, and he clenched his fist towards Tom Mu to cheer him up.

"Now that your partner has passed away, what are your plans in the future? If you need any help, you can always tell me."

Officer Memu changed the subject and began to ask about Tom Mu's current situation.

When Tang Mu heard this, he wanted to say that Brother Fu wanted to give me 50 million for an emergency.

But he still raised his paw and pointed at Hui Yuan Ai aside, and then made another gesture.

Looking at Tom Mu's actions, Officer Memu couldn't help but frown: "Is the murder of their family also related to the Zhinao Group... But even so, you can't choose such a young child as your partner. Maybe she needs it more. A normal life.”

Officer Memu wanted to find a guardian for Haibara Ai.

But after meeting Tang Mu's eyes, he still sighed and said: "Forget it, where do you live now? I will take you home later."

Seeing Officer Mu Mu compromise, Tang Mu showed a satisfied smile.

Not long after, the ambulance drove over and picked up the injured person.

Watching the ambulance leave, Hui Yuan Ai, who was standing by with an expressionless face, shook his head and said, "He is too seriously injured. He probably won't survive."

Officer Memu didn't know what to say when he heard this.

I could only walk to the side of the road with the little girl and kitten, and hail an expensive taxi to go home.

After all, the police car had already sent Asakura Wei back to the police station.

He should have gone back with the police car.

Just considering the problems of Tang Mu and Haibara Ai, Asakura Wei was let go first.

Not long after, the taxi stopped in front of the Gray Cat Detective Agency.

Tom Mu's electric car also drove back automatically and parked silently on the side of the road.

"Gray Cat Detective Agency, you guys are so fast."

Officer Memu looked up at the well-decorated office in front of him with a swollen belly and sighed.

"Okay, I've remembered your new home. There's still something to do in the bureau, so I have to go back first. I'll see you again when I have time."

Officer Mu Mu said, waving to Tang Mu and Hui Yuan Ai, and then sat back in the taxi.

Before the vehicle drove away, Officer Memu made a phone call gesture toward Tom.

That means, call him anytime if you need anything.

Of course, Tang Mu would not be polite and nodded directly in agreement.

It and Xiao Ai really can't tell when they will need Officer Mumu's help in the future.

The days after that gradually fell into daily routine.

I never encountered anything related to the Zhinao Group, nor did I encounter a serial murderer like Asakura Wei.

The cat flyers from the Gray Cat Office are gradually taking effect.

Finally, a few days after the office opened, some small commissions came to the office.

Most of these commissions were really small commissions to find cats, dogs and things, and the money earned was not too much.

But both Tom and Huihara Ai were very satisfied with this.

After all, Huihara Ai still looked like a little girl. Fortunately, Tom was there to give her psychological hints, otherwise she would not be able to take on such small commissions.

With more and more commissions being completed faster and faster, the Gray Cat Detective Agency finally gradually gained some reputation.

At least in the area of ​​finding lost pets and lost children, the reputation of the Gray Cat Detective Agency has become a golden signboard.

As we all know, every famous detective has his own intelligence network.

Just like Sherlock Holmes hired a group of street kids to help collect intelligence.

The intelligence network of the cat detective is the cats and dogs all over Tokyo.

Not only stray animals, but even domestic pets have become part of this intelligence network.

This is much more powerful than Sherlock Holmes' intelligence network.

In this way, it is naturally no problem to find cats, dogs and children in Tokyo.

In addition to excellent professional quality.

There is another point that other private detectives cannot compare with the Gray Cat Detective Agency.

That is a very memorable and highly publicized personality.

The detective of the Gray Cat Agency is an eight-year-old girl, and the girl's partner is a blue and white British shorthair cat.

This personality is released, and no one in the world can beat it.

With enough memorable points, the influence of the Gray Cat Detective Agency naturally began to spread outward.

It's just a pity that as time goes by, the reputation of the Gray Cat is indeed enough.

But the identity of Huiyuan Ai, who is only eight years old, is indeed a flaw.

Most people still don't believe in Huiyuan Ai's detective ability.

The fame is just a lot of people watching the fun.

Now the biggest commission that the Gray Cat can receive is to find lost children.

And because they can find them quickly every time, they have almost become the first in the industry reputation in this regard.

Small commissions in this area can also earn a lot of money, allowing Gray Cat to continue to operate and let the two little ones live a good life.

But Tang Mu still wants to be like a famous detective and receive some bigger commissions.

Huiyuan Ai doesn't care about small or big commissions.

But she can also see Tang Mu's thoughts.

Although she still looks cold, every time she accepts a commission and faces the client, Huiyuan Ai will try to pretend to be more professional.

In her spare time, Huiyuan Ai will also look through and learn some knowledge about detectives.

As a top student, Xiao Ai's progress in this area is quite fast.

This makes Tang Mu, as a partner, very happy.

It was in this state that the Gray Cat Detective Agency finally received an interesting commission.

It was a brand new morning.

Tang Mu came to the door of the agency and hung up the business sign.

At the same time, he planned to take the ordered fresh milk back.

At this time, Tang Mu found that there was an unknown letter in the mailbox next to the milk box.

Opening the envelope, it turned out to be a commission letter.

[Please be sure to arrive at the Takeda family in Tottori Prefecture, Puppet Ridge, before the sun sets next Saturday. Otherwise, another living puppet will fall victim to the spider's poisonous hands.]

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