Tom Cat breaks through the dimensional wall

Chapter 448: Shinji the Clown!


Emiya Shirou was kicked away again and his back hit the bookshelf behind him hard!

Such a fierce kick did not cause Emiya Shirou to damage or knock over the bookshelf. Instead, it bounced off the bookshelf and fell to the ground.

Although Emiya Shirou had a painful expression on his face, he was able to get up and run away quickly.

It can be seen that Sister R’s water has simply released the entire Pacific Ocean.

The two of them were fighting like this, and they just had the word "perfunctory" written on their faces. On the other side, Shinji Matou was still grinning stupidly, enjoying the pleasure of torturing Shirou Emiya.

Tom Mu on the window sill looked at the sea leader with even more disgust.

Maybe Sister R also realized that her flirting behavior was a bit obvious.

While Emiya Shirou was escaping, she finally started to take action on the bookshelves that were still standing.

"Boom" sound.

Emiya Shirou seemed to be on the scene of breaking through.

The tall bookshelf that was originally in good condition suddenly tilted and fell towards him!

With no other choice, Shirou Emiya had no choice but to hold his head with both hands, sprint forward two steps and then jump with all his strength. He flew to a safe distance before the bookshelf hit him.

Shirou Emiya had just gotten up, but before he could make any move, a huge force came and he was kicked out again.

This time it was better than before. Shirou Emiya bumped into the bookshelf again and finally knocked a book off the bookshelf.

"Hahaha! What's wrong? Emiya! It's boring to fall down so easily!"

Next to him, Shinji Matou held the worried Sakura Matou hostage. He looked very happy and excited as he watched Shirou Emiya being chased and beaten by Sister R.

Emiya Shirou looked like he was seriously injured and his physical strength was severely exhausted. He was sitting in front of the bookshelf, his head lowered and breathing heavily.

Sister R still maintained the appearance of a cold goddess, and slowly walked up to Shirou Emiya.

The sound of her high heels echoed in the silent library.

With no expression on her face, the tall sister R grabbed Shirou Emiya by the collar and lifted him up from the ground.

Shirou Emiya was sweating on his forehead, gritting his teeth and looking at the heroic spirit in front of him.

Rider remained unmoved. He just moved his head closer and whispered in Emiya Shirou's ear: "You have great endurance."

Listening to the toneless female voice in his ear, Emiya Shirou's eyes widened.

Before he could react, Rider waved his hand fiercely and threw Emiya Shirou out again, falling heavily into the mess of books on the collapsed bookshelf.

The palace guard Shirou fell hard this time, and Matou Shinji was very satisfied.

He waved the switchblade in his hand, grinning with a ferocious and proud smile: "Very good! You don't have to take action anymore!"

Matou Sakura breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that Matou Shinji planned to end it there.

Unexpectedly, the smile on Matou Shinji's face became more and more crazier: "Kill him like this! Rider!"

Hearing this, Matou Sakura's eyes widened and she immediately shook her head anxiously: "Brother! You promised me!"

Matou Sakura was so emotional that she even shed tears.

Emiya Shirou was different to Matou Sakura.

In Matou Sakura's gloomy life, only Emiya Shirou could bring him light.

It was her contact with Emiya that made Matou Sakura start to think about struggling for her future.

I could have endured the darkness if I had never seen the light.

This sentence is very suitable for Matou Sakura.

Ten years ago, there was a ray of light who tried very hard to rescue Matou Sakura, but unfortunately he failed.

This plunged Matou Sakura into despair and began to passively bear the darkness of the Matou family.

It wasn't until she met Shirou Emiya that Sakura Matou's gloomy life regained color.

Although due to her extreme low self-esteem, Matou Sakura was unable to take the initiative to approach Shirou Emiya.

But Sakura's feelings for Emiya Shirou are absolutely unquestionable.


Right in front, Emiya Shirou had just stood up. Sister R, who had received the order, had already punched out hard, hitting the defenseless Shirou Emiya in the abdomen!

This punch is extremely powerful!

He directly beat Emiya Shirou until he was bent into a shrimp shape, and you could even see the obvious shock wave of the punch spreading out on Emiya Shirou's back.


The power exploded, and Emiya Shirou was directly hit high and flew away!

Looking at Emiya Shirou flying towards him after being knocked into the air, Matou Shinji laughed again.

Matou Sakura couldn't bear to close her eyes.

At this time, Matou Sakura's cowardly character still dominates.

In fact, facing Shinji Matou, who is an ordinary person, as a magician with excellent talent, Sakura Matou is completely impossible to be held hostage by him.

It's a pity that her childhood living environment has caused her to be extremely weak mentally.

Soon, Matou Shinji's eyes suddenly widened, as if he suddenly realized something was wrong.

It turned out that he saw Shirou Emiya in mid-air who did not seem to be hurt. Instead, he began to rotate his body and change his posture.

This made Matou Shinji immediately realize that something was wrong.

It's just that Emiya Shirou fell too fast towards them. Matou Shinji didn't even have time to react, and a powerful fist had already hit him hard in the face!


Smoke and dust are everywhere!

The tables, chairs and benches were overturned, and Shinji Matou was knocked out by Shirou Emiya's Heavenly Justice!


It’s really fun to see Tom Mu on the windowsill!

I threw away the finished bag of potato chips, stood up, and started clapping vigorously!

Emiya Shirou glanced at Tom Mu strangely again, but then quickly turned to look at Matou Sakura next to him.


Matou Sakura seemed to have not yet reacted to the sudden change, until she heard Shirou calling her name, a feeling of sadness suddenly surged into her heart, and she covered her mouth in surprise and worry: "Senior..."

Emiya Shirou didn't look at Matou Sakura again, he just blocked Sakura behind him and looked at Shinji Matou in front of him with firm and angry eyes, who was beaten to the ground by him!

In his hand, he still held the blade of Matou Shinji's switchblade.

At the moment of contact, Emiya Shirou knocked away Shinji and at the same time snatched his sword.

This also caused Emiya Shirou's right hand to be scratched by the knife and a lot of blood flowed out.

"Ding Dong!"

Shirou Emiya casually dropped the switchblade at his feet, not caring about his injuries at all.

"Why, why! Why!"

Opposite Shirou Emiya, Shinji Matou lowered his head and slowly stood up.

Although he couldn't see his expression, Tom guessed that the face must be ugly and distorted.

Shirou is a great man.

When the other person asked a question, he didn't hide it. He directly took out a thick book hidden under his clothes and threw it on the ground.

There are green magic lines flowing on that book.

Apparently Emiya used his own magic to strengthen this book, so he was able to block the fierce punch from Sister R just now without any damage.


Matou Shinji looked at the brilliance of the books on the ground. The expression on his face was stunned at first, and then indescribable unwillingness and anger surged into his heart!

This made Shinji Matou's expression extremely distorted!

He comes from a magic family.

I grew up thinking that I was different.

Until he discovered that he didn't have any magic talent, this was the beginning of Matou Shinji's twist.

Matou Shinji regarded Emiya Shirou as a friend.

But she also looked down upon him very much.

In this case, Emiya Shirou used magic in front of him. For Matou Shinji, the irritation was even much greater than the punch just now!


Shinji roared like a defeated dog and charged towards Shirou Emiya with an angry roar!

Now, he just wants to tear this eyesore, Shirou Emiya, into pieces alive!

It's just a pity, even without magic.

Shinji had no chance of winning in a competition of physical abilities in front of Emiya Shirou.


Shinji, who charged fiercely, was punched out by the equally angry Emiya Shirou again!


Seeing Shenji being beaten again, Maomao happily jumped on the window sill and spread flowers!


Matou Shinji angrily hammered the ground, stood up holding the low cabinet next to him, pointed at Shirou Emiya with the Book of Pseudo Minister, and roared: "Rider! Kill this guy!"

Then he pointed at Tom: "And the cat!"

Tom Mu's jumping and throwing flowers suddenly stopped, and he squinted his eyes to see Shen Er.

Boy, you are very brave.

Not only did he provoke the protagonist, he actually dared to provoke himself.

Purple magic bursts out on the Book of Pretenders.

Sister R, who was forced to take action, suddenly experienced another sudden change at the scene!

The window glass in the library was violently smashed!

I saw a white-haired man wearing a red coat and holding a girl with twin tails in his arms suddenly rushed in!

Among the flying glass shards, the girl with twin ponytails fixed her eyes on Sister R who was in action with cold eyes.

Seeing the profile of the girl with twin tails who broke through the window, Matou Sakura's eyes widened in shock.

The two people who suddenly arrived acted decisively.

The white-haired man landed with two swords in hand, and the girl with twin ponytails moved forward unabated. While her body was still in the air, she had already thrown five green gems towards the moving Rider!

When the gemstone was close to Sister R, it already bloomed with extremely dazzling light.

Sister R wanted to escape, but it was too late!


The gem exploded, and a large amount of green lightning spread in all directions, instantly covering Sister R in action!

It’s just that Sister R is also a heroic spirit after all.

This could only temporarily paralyze her body.

But the actions of the Broken Window duo are obviously more than that.

After Sister R was paralyzed, the white-haired man in a red coat holding two knives came to Sister R in an instant!

No hesitation at all!

The white-haired man waved two swords in his hands, and he passed by Sister R instantly!


The body suffered a heavy blow, and Sister R, who was in the air, fell to the ground like a puppet with broken strings at the same time as the lightning disappeared, motionless.

She was instantly killed by the heroic spirit again.

Not long ago, she had just appeared, following Shinji's order to attack Emiya Shirou and his followers.

The result was that he was killed instantly with one move.


Shen Er held the book of false ministers and stood there blankly, seeming to be a little unresponsive.

The situation on the scene changes too quickly.

In just the blink of an eye, Rider was already on the street.

A large amount of blood flowed out from the abdomen of Sister R who fell to the ground, and soon formed a pool. This was obviously not a joke.



Matou Shinji looked at the twin-tailed girl who slowly stood up in disbelief.

He couldn't understand why this proud girl suddenly appeared here.

Rin Tohsaka's expression was indifferent, and she said casually: "I have formed an alliance with Emiya, and we have been together until today."

After Rin Tohsaka appeared, Matou Sakura's expression began to become complicated, and her hands were tightly entangled together.

Rin Tohsaka didn't look at anyone in the room. Her expression was indifferent. Although her tone was slow, it was even colder: "From the moment you used Sakura, you have completely become my enemy!"

At the end, Rin Tohsaka slowly turned her head and looked at Matou Shinji.

The cold eyes made Shinji take a step back, his throat moved, and sweat oozed from his face.

But soon, a feeling of frustration and anger surged into his heart again.

Matou Shinji lowered his head, clenched his right fist tightly, and veins on his face popped out: "Sakura! Sakura! Sakura! Sakura! Sakura!"

The more he shouted Matou Sakura's name, the louder Matou Shinji roared, and the more angry his expression became!

"This kind of guy! It doesn't matter what! I am the master!!!"

Matou Shinji waved his hand and raised his head angrily!

He shouted with gritted teeth!

His face had turned red!

He hated this sister in the first place.

It was okay before. After discovering the secret of Mushikura three years ago, Matou Shinji knew that the Matou family regarded Matou Sakura as much more important than himself.

This made Shinji, who had no talent as a magician, even more twisted and hostile to Matou Sakura.

Even now, everyone still called him Matou Sakura, as if they didn't take him seriously at all.

Shinji, who was already narrow-minded, became even more unbalanced and was completely angry and didn't care about his image!

"Stand up! Rider! Hey! Did you hear me? I told you to stand up! Rider!"

Matou Shinji held the Book of False Ministers, pointed at Sister R who was lying on the ground not far away, and gave an angry order.

But Sister R was seriously injured at this time and had no strength to respond to Shinji's order.

Therefore, the effect of the Book of False Ministers was activated, and Sister R, as a servant, was immediately punished, and a large amount of purple lightning burst out of her body.

This made the already weak Sister R scream in pain.

"You guy!"

Seeing that Sister R seemed to be really useless, Shinji became even more angry.

Shirou Emiya next to him couldn't stand it anymore, clenched his fists and stepped forward to teach Shinji a lesson.

When passing by the windowsill, Tom quickly took out a mace and handed it to Shirou, asking him to hit it hard! Swing it at the head! Don't be polite!

Taking the mace handed over by Mao Mao, looking at Tom's expression of watching the fun and not minding the trouble, Shirou Emiya was a little confused.

At this time, Matou Sakura finally stopped being a spectator.

In fact, she is the real master of Sister R.

At this time, she can also feel Sister R's weakness and pain.

In this situation, Shinji can no longer act recklessly.

Otherwise, Sister R will really die here.

"No, Rider...if you continue like this!"

Matou Sakura screamed with tears in her voice.

The magic power was activated, and the Book of False Ministers in Matou Shinji's hand suddenly rose up with a huge purple flame!

The original book also disappeared in this purple flame.

Matou Shinji widened his eyes and looked at all this in disbelief.

Without the Book of False Ministers, he is nothing.

And Matou Sakura has also taken back the control of Rider.

The huge magic power entered Sister R's body through Matou Sakura, the real master, allowing Sister R to quickly recover to her prime, and she was several times stronger than before under Shinji!

Shinji could not provide any magic support to Sister R at all.

As a result, Sister R's strength could not be fully exerted. She was embarrassed to be defeated in one move by other Heroic Spirits.


The wind blew!

Sister R on the ground disappeared.

She instantly appeared behind Matou Sakura.

The powerful magic power surrounding her body showed how powerful Sister R was at this time.

I didn't like Shinji in the first place

Because he was banned in the previous chapter, I dislike him even more now!


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