The system is powerful, there is no doubt about that.

But at the same time, its ability is also limited.

As powerful as it is, it is very difficult to interfere with Tom's ability and turn him from a Tom cat back into a human.

It can only change slowly, little by little, by relying on the power of various worlds.

At the same time, the most indispensable thing is Tom's own desire to turn back into a human.

In fact, if Tom did not want to turn back into a human.

And recognized the reward of human progress, it would be quite difficult for the system to do this.

Or it is almost impossible.

Tom's mentality can be said to have undergone several stages of change.

First of all, at the beginning, he just got the ability of Tom cat and found that he had the system.

At that time, Tom's thinking was completely confined to the small framework of the system for ordinary people to get superpowers.

At that time, it even thought that it turned into Tom cat because of the system.

At that time, Tom was still thinking about the reward given by the system.

At that time, the system, in Tom's view, was like a boss.

At that time, the system was quite impressive in Tom's eyes because of online novels.

But as time went by, Tom gradually came to his senses.

His ability seemed to be far more abnormal than he had imagined.

The system also seemed not so unattainable.

The main thing was that Tom found that the rewards given by the system seemed very strong to other people, but to it, they were a bit too tasteless.

So, in the world of Jackie Chan Adventures, Tom tried to negotiate with the system for the first time.

The negotiation was completed without any difficulty.

After that, Tom realized who was the father.

But even so, Tom did not mean to abandon the system and work alone.

One is that the rewards given by the system after the negotiation are indeed pushing the world in a better direction step by step.

This makes Tom feel like he is working and very fulfilled.

Secondly, Tom is a selfish person.

He also regards these journeys of crossing as a game.

While crossing the world itself is quite interesting, while watching the progress of transformation increase little by little, Tom also sees the positive feedback of the character's step-by-step upgrade.

But Tom is still an ordinary person after all.

It has been many years since it became Tom Cat.

The worlds are indeed very interesting.

That is because Tom, as an ordinary person, had never been exposed to such a magnificent world.

But as time went by, no matter how interesting the world was, it became a bit of a daily routine for Tom.

When something becomes a daily routine, the thing itself becomes less attractive in Tom's eyes.

Simply put, it is a bit tired of being a cat.

After not living like a normal human for many years, Tom is now more eager to become a human again.

Maybe after being a human for a while, it will want to be a cat again?

Who can say for sure.

After all, creatures with thoughts cannot remain unchanged.

Having said that, Tom still controlled his desire a little.

He did not push the humanization progress to the maximum at once, but greatly accelerated the progress.

It is like not wanting to be too hard when playing a liver game, but not wanting to lose too much game experience, so he chose to slightly adjust the material explosion rate.

Of course, the system does not support Tom's behavior.

As a system, it has not helped Tom Mu in his growth, and it already seems useless.

Now Tom Mu wants to change its rewards... although it has been changed once before.

But if possible, the system really wants to be tough and fight back.

But it doesn't dare, it has no such ability, so it can only accept it silently.

It doesn't think it is a coward at all.

The system thinks that it just made a very wise choice.

It and Tom Mu are originally in a cooperative relationship.

Both sides just get what they need.

Tom Mu gets the benefits he needs from it, and he also gets what he needs from Tom Mu's repeated crossing actions.

The system on Tom Mu is not so selfless, but it is not as bad as the system in conspiracy novels.

Well... it can only be regarded as a small pit.

The original body of the system should be regarded as part of the will of the universe.

In this universe, the main world where Tom Mu is located is also one of them.

In addition, the worlds that Tom Mu has crossed so far are also in this universe.

According to the original plan of the will of the universe, the system should first select a person with strong power control ability to bind, and then take him through the worlds, move in the worlds, and become stronger, so as to go to a stronger world to complete the task.

In this process, the system as part of the will of the universe also has its most important work.

That is to reinforce those worlds that have become somewhat chaotic and unstable due to the intrusion.

Make them look as much like the same thing as possible.

In other words, it is to clean up and reinforce the houses that are squeezed into by homeless people.

This is why every time Tom Mu travels through the world, there are more or less strange reasons.

The reason why this universe has become like this is actually closely related to the consciousness of the universe.

The universe was actually quite ordinary at the beginning.

There is no supernatural element in it.

It also watched the world in its body change honestly and contentedly.

Until it began to contact other "senior citizen clubs" of the universe, it found that the worldview of other universes seemed very different from its own.

Among them were immortal cultivation, magic, cyberpunk, and steampunk.

They were all fancy things, quite interesting.

So it turned back and began to think about it on its own, and got inspiration from online articles, and began to create small worlds with movies, animation and games.

And it made the first system, and randomly pulled many people from the main world into that system space.

Then let those who traveled to various worlds to do tasks, become stronger, and let itself have interesting collections like other universe wills.

At the next party, take it out and show it off.

Oh, by the way.

The first generation of the system is called the Lord God.

The world was created successfully, and the first batch of supernatural humans also appeared.

The universe will was very happy.

But it didn't stay happy for long.

The main god space was full of people who were fun, and they moved the things of this world to another world.

In the end, the world was in chaos.

This made the will of the universe very distressed.

The many worlds it created with great difficulty were also its main show-off items.

In the end, it ended up like this.

Helplessly, it disbanded the main god space.

In order to prevent the fun people from continuing to mess up its world, it erased all traces of the supernatural.

Only a small design of the cat star was left, which was a small comfort to its wounded heart.

From then on, Dayu discovered.

Although the power that was forcibly instilled was flourishing, it was too chaotic.

Maybe it was because of its age that it could not appreciate the complex beauty.

Then Dayu went to the "Senior Citizens Club" to ask other universe worlds how they were able to give birth to those coordinated supernatural powers.

After communication, those universe consciousnesses actually didn't understand it very well.

But they found another fun game in the communication.

That was the inspiration Dayu gave them after explaining his situation.

Other universes are special.

But Dayu itself is also special.

Other universes cannot form different power systems in different worlds in their bodies like it does.

So, a certain universe consciousness proposed that they can exchange what they have.

Send the local specialties of their own universe to other universes to see what kind of wonderful reactions will be produced on the other party.

For example, send the normal urban world of Dayu universe to the fantasy world.

Then everyone will pay attention to his growth and see what kind of impact he can have on the fantasy world with modern knowledge, and how far he can go in the end.

Or throw a big man from the fairy world to the urban world to see what he will do with his powerful combat power.

In this way, it is as interesting as watching a customized movie.

At the same time, everyone can receive local specialties from other universes and give their own world new vitality.

Everyone thinks this idea is pretty good.

Dayu is so smart that he also proposed an advanced gameplay.

That is to create a system for the traversers to use.

In this way, the functions of the system are customized by the universe consciousnesses themselves, so that they can still have some sense of participation.

If Tang Mu knew all this, he would probably start to complain immediately.

After a long time, it turns out that those time travelers and systems are created by you.

After communicating the plan, Dayu Dacongming suddenly realized that his house seemed a bit messy now.

After everyone started to share what they had, the mess was really indecent.

Therefore, Dayu created a system again and started looking for people to help clean the house.

This time it learned the lesson of the main god space and began to select carefully.

Just look for people who can control their desires after getting powerful power.

Unfortunately, this is also quite difficult.

Such people are easy to find, but the difficulty lies in the scale.

If you control your desires too much, you will become a salted fish. It is difficult for such people to grow up, let alone help "clean the house".

Some people can still control their desires at the beginning, but as their strength becomes stronger and stronger, they also begin to become natives.

Therefore, the system brothers have actually changed several hosts before Tang Mu.

Until now, they met Tang Mu.

Although Tom's ability is really beyond the scope, it is becoming more and more humble to cooperate with it.

But it must be said that the efficiency and stability of this work are much better than before.

Such a reliable sales champion, what's wrong with being a little willful!

Even if he squats on his head to poop, he has to help pass the paper.


Thinking of this possibility, the system brother suddenly paused.

It shouldn't do that, right?

Although Tom looks like a cat, it is essentially a person.

It shouldn't do such a thing, right?

The more the system brother thought about it, the more uncertain it became.

No, seeing that Tom is getting closer and closer to recovering his human body, this kind of sales champion is really hard to find, and he really has to report to his original body.

The system brother saw Tang Mu dozing off with his paws in his hands, so he took the opportunity to leave Tang Mu's body and flew away quickly.

He did not notice that Tang Mu, who was dozing off, slowly opened one eye, and after watching it leave, he closed his eyes again.

In the void, in a small house that looked ordinary.

A white-haired old man, wearing a pink apron, was humming a little song and happily cooking.

"First, boil the water."

Old man Dayu lit the gas stove and was very satisfied with the water boiling in the iron pot above.

"Then take advantage of this time to cut the celery and potatoes."

The old man turned around, holding a kitchen knife, and cut the vegetables next to him.

After the water boiled, he saw celery and potatoes put into the iron pot, and then took a shovel to stir it slowly.

"Well! Add another piece of hand-grabbed pancake."

The old man took the quick-frozen hand-grabbed pancake and threw it into the pot, watching it boil into a pot of paste.

"Add some soy sauce for seasoning."


"Ah... too much."

"It doesn't matter... it looks delicious this way."

After pouring a pot of black food into the bowl, old man Dayu touched his chin and thought for a while. Finally, an idea flashed in his mind, and he reached into his universe-like body and took out a box of yogurt.

Then he poured the yogurt into the bowl of black food without hesitation.

This made the bowl of food even more difficult to describe...

"Ah! Delicious! Finally, add some spicy strips!"

Old man Dayu brought his satisfactory work to the table.

Just when he wanted to taste the delicious food he made, an ordinary round ball suddenly drilled out of his body.

The system brother stretched out his simple hands and feet to stand on the table, looked up at old man Dayu, and said nervously: "Something bad is going to happen! Tang Mu may have to resign!"

The sales champion quit, this is a big deal!

Old man Dayu didn't even have time to eat, and asked hurriedly: "What?! There is such a thing? Is it that strange cat? Didn't it do well before?"

"It may be a little bored."

"How could it be? Aren't so many worlds very interesting?"

"I don't know, but if you ask me, it is getting less and less concerned about me now. If it continues like this, it will run away sooner or later. Otherwise, you can do it yourself and teach it a lesson!"

System brother began to instigate old man Dayu.

As the will of the universe, if it takes action, the kitten has to continue working obediently.

When seeing himself, he has to respectfully call him system brother.

Instead of system son or system grandson.

Hearing the request of the small system, the will of the universe was silent for a while, and suddenly grabbed the system, dribbled between the legs, plus a three-point shot, and threw the system into a trash can in the distance.

The little system finally crawled out, and heard the old man Dayu angrily say: "You want to trick me into getting beaten up by that cat, so that you can seize power and usurp the throne, right!"

"No! But what if it doesn't want to do it now?! I'm afraid it won't want to help anymore after it turns back into a human."

The little system felt a little wronged.

Hearing this, the old man Dayu proudly put his hands on his waist and sneered at it!

"What are you afraid of! At worst, I'll kneel down and beg it! From now on, Tang Mu will be my good buddy!"

"Damn it! There is actually an individual in my body that is more awesome than me, I'm so awesome!"

At the end, the smile on the old man Dayu's face became even more unbridled!

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