Guan Suisui lives in 202, Building B. Most of the houses in the Laojie community are old, and there are relatively few buildings with elevators.

There is no property management in this community. It is all managed by the owners of the community. There is a group of respected uncles and aunts to talk to, and the ecology of the entire community is relatively healthy.

There are not so many bad things.

The corridor is very clean, and the voice-controlled lights are also very bright.

Originally, Tang Mu was a little worried when he saw Guan Suisui going up the stairs as a blind person.

But seeing her holding the handrail of the stairs, walking up to the second floor slowly, and taking out the key to open the door with ease, Tang Mu was relieved.

After all, she is someone he knows.

If he hadn't turned into a cat, maybe she would still be his future wife.

Tang Mu is still a little concerned about her safety.

Since Guan Suisui has returned home safely, Tang Mu is also ready to go home to see her.

It also lives in the Laojie community, and is an old resident of the community.

It's just that it doesn't live in Building B, but Building A 402.

Arriving at the downstairs of Building A, looking at the closed iron gate, Tang Mu squatted in front of the door and looked up, feeling a little puzzled.

Its crossing was very sudden.

After crossing, the whole person turned into a cat.

All the clothes on his body disappeared.

I don’t know if they were destroyed or sent to other places by the system.

But no matter what, it didn’t have the access card for the gate of Building A.

The door can’t be opened without the access card.

Tang Mu didn’t want to cause trouble just after returning home.

Looking at the row of doorbell buttons next to the gate, Tang Mu noticed it in his mind.

He raised it and knocked on the doorbell of a house on the fifth floor.

The electronic sound doorbell of Ode to Joy sounded.

After a while, the speaker of the electronic gate made a "click" sound, followed by a man's voice with an electric sound.

"Who is it?"

Tang Mu looked around and saw that there was no one around, so he spoke in human language: "Takeout, open the door."


The man hung up the access control phone after speaking.

Then the iron door made a "click" sound and a crack popped out.

The door opened, Tang Mu used his claws to pull the door twice, opened the iron door a little, and then twisted his body to squeeze in through the crack.

The cat's body is relatively light, and the pads of its paws touch the floor and make no sound when walking.

Therefore, the voice-controlled lights in the stairwell were not on.

Tang Mu's night vision is very strong, and he doesn't care about the switch of the voice-controlled lights.

But when it quickly came to the fourth floor, it saw that the voice-controlled lights on the fifth floor were on.

It must be the man in 502 who opened the door and waited for takeout.

He was a single young man, who seemed to be a broadcaster or something.

In short, he was a freelancer who didn't need to go out and stayed at home all day to work.

Tang Mu knew that he would rely on ordering takeout for three meals a day, as well as midnight snacks or when he was greedy.

Basically, he could stay at home for several months.

Therefore, Tang Mu thought of ringing his doorbell to trick him into opening the door.

Anyway, whenever there is takeout in Building A, it is basically from that man.

Sorry, brother, I will treat you to barbecue later.

Tang Mu retracted his gaze towards the fifth floor. He was destined not to wait for the non-existent takeout, unless he happened to order one.

Tang Mu's home at No. 402. In order to keep up with the trend, Tang Mu also installed an electronic lock for his home last year.

Thanks to this practice, it will not be homeless without a key.

His hands have become cat paws, and fingerprint unlocking is definitely impossible.

There is no key either, so Tang Mu can only choose to unlock with a password.

I hope that the time in the real world when I traveled through time has not passed too long.

Otherwise, if the rent is stopped, Tang Mu does not know how his landlord will treat his home.

"Ding ding ding ding"

Tang Mu stood up. With a height of 1.2 meters and a raised paw, he can already press the key of the password lock.

With a "click", the door opened.

Fortunately, the password has not been changed.

Tang Mu breathed a sigh of relief.

After being in the world of Demon Slayer for so long, it only needs to return to its home and settle down comfortably for a while.

Having a home is always more reassuring.

Otherwise, it is always wandering outside and has no sense of security.

Especially since Tang Mu is still an orphan, a small home of its own is particularly important to it.

After closing the door, Tang Mu jumped up and slapped the light switch by the door, turning on the light in the living room.

The house is not large, with two bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen and a bathroom.

But it is more than enough for a bachelor like Tang Mu to live in.

It seems that someone has come to the house, and some furniture and objects have been moved.

But Tang Mu looked around and found that his belongings were not missing at all.

It seems that the landlady came during the time he traveled through time.

Maybe she came to ask about the rent, and when she saw that he was not there, she cleaned the room by the way.

Regardless of these, Tang Mu mainly wants to find out how long he has been away from Blue Star.

If the time is particularly long, it will be a big trouble for him.

While thinking, Tang Mu looked at the coffee table in the living room.

Some small items were neatly placed on it.

Mobile phone, keys, wallet, access card.

These were the things it brought with it before crossing.

It seemed that it was teleported here by the system.

Fortunately, it was not destroyed directly.

Tang Mu breathed a sigh of relief.

He jumped onto the coffee table and checked his mobile phone first.

He found that it could not be turned on, and it was out of power.

With a nervous mood, Tang Mu found a charger and plugged it into his mobile phone.

After the mobile phone was charged, he could not wait to press and hold the power button to turn it on.

The eight unfolded fan-shaped petal LOGO lit up, and his new mobile phone, which had been bought for only a few months, finally restarted.

Just after entering the password, Tang Mu saw that his mobile phone text messages and WeChat messages had been squeezed out!

Seeing so many unread messages and missed calls, Tang Mu's cat face collapsed.

At this time, it had a very bad premonition.

Look at the time again, November 3, 2022.

Good guy, it has been four months.

According to the routine of general online novels, shouldn't it just be a few days or hours?

How come it's been four months since I came here,

and disappeared for four months for no reason.

The job is definitely gone, and the rent here has not been paid. I guess the house is not mine anymore.

Tang Mu flipped through the unread messages.

He found that he had been absent from work for four months without reason. The company had indeed fired him.

As for the house, because the rent was not paid, the landlord was going to take it back and rent it out again.

Because I couldn't contact Tang Mu, I planned to pack up his personal belongings and store them in the warehouse in the basement first, so that he could pick them up at any time when he came back.

As for the new tenant, it seems that he will come tomorrow.

In any case, Tang Mu can't live here.

Tang Mu can completely understand the landlord's arrangement.

If it were him, he would probably do the same.

The landlady is really a good person who can leave the house empty here for a few months to wait for him to come back, and help him to put away his personal belongings.

However, now that the house has been taken back, where should he live in the future?

And as a cat, it is absolutely impossible for him to rent a house.

Could it be that he will become a so-called stray cat?

Please give me some comments~

This is my first time trying this type of writing, what do you think?

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